Fairmount Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-30


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FAIRMOUNT PARK ENTRIES Racing storts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p in inFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordMy My Dandy Sept 7 1028 111 3 IOC IOCInd Ind IP Horse XV t llee AWtIlan 47960 CHuesman Mia 110 112 3 103 725 47883 = 17 Broomoney AC 113 113 6 113X720 47800 12 Tricky Colonel Bow 113 314s 3 112 715 47070 1C Plezall JP 104 11415 3 103 710 71047SS4 47SS4 2Betty Brown ¬ ing Aur 109 11315 5 108 705 48035 lKing Ilalma FP 110 11314 5 113X700 48038 5 Cuevas Tij 108 113 5 109XG05 48035 11 Nellie Ballot Ha v 107 113 4 109XC95 479CO 3 Surgeon MFP 104 11515 3 105 C90 47975 4 Uncle Boot Bbg 112 114 5 111XC90 47885 7 Flora Levy FP 103 110 4 10GC90 47937 8 Miss Blink M FP 105 115 3 100 090 090477C8 477C8 OSwoop Tij 111 114 7 10GXC90 38331 10Blaek Elm Mia 103 115 5 10GG90 47710 13 Marguerite MargueriteParkcrM ParkcrM CD 11C l21h 4 IOC COO 47771 14nenry Sommers FP 103 114 C 103 X COO 47710 = 15Mystery Ballot FG 111 110 4 10CC90 47577 18S J Gillfillnn GillfillnnM M FP 113 11715 3 100 COO COOSecond Second Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Fillies and Mares Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordMy My Dandy Sept 7 192S 111 3 IOC 47035 2Cliarming Lady Aur 103113 4113X725 4113X7254S035 4S035 3 Fallen Leaf Bug 110 113 6 110X720 110X720470C9 470C9 5 Violin FP 11011145 3 112 715 47885 CMackOLeenBbg 105 114 5 1090710 10907104S039 4S039 7 histle JeanJP 104 115 3 104 705 47SS4 10 Scotland Girl FP IOC 113 = 3 5 111 700 47212 lVera C Mia 103 1125 4103XG95 40751 12 Heartache Tij 109 114 G 111XC95 111XC954803G 4803G 4 Lady ONeilFP IOC 114 5 111XGSO 111XGSO459G7 459G7 8 Annex Bbg 107 114 3 105XCEO 105XCEO4S039 4S039 9 Ruth Long Tij 111 114 3 109XC90 47070 llBetty Girl FP 103 11515 3 100 COO Third Ease 58 Mile Purse 800 2yearoUls Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordCandy Candy Queen June 21 1020 100 2 101 47802 2 MASTER HAL HALLIGANFP LIGANFP 115 102 109 725 7254793C 4793C 8 Broad A FP 100 102 101 715 47802 3 Ann Clay FP 100 102 103 710 7104703G 4703G 5 Miss ZelphaFP 105 1025 301 705 47071 7 Nervator FP 109 102 107 700 47971 GNight Flash M FP 113 102 104 C95 47071 1 Harvest SunM FP 112 1105 104 COO 4 Moonlight Dance 101 Fourth Rac 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordAnaconda Anaconda Aug 27 3927 142 1 100 470743 3LincoIn Plaut Aur 104 14315 5 1071725 47974 1Finland Bbg 11C 144 8103X720 147720 9Bearcry Haw 109 144 3 97 715 47937 = CCeltiu Prince PrinceM M 3 102 710 47940 7 Frank Fullen FP 113 1 15 5 5 115X705 47940 2 Baritone AP 113 14C 4 115X700 47910 3 J A Weil Mia 113 145 4 110XC95 1793S 4 Braggadocio FP 114 1455 4 115X090 47715 8 Old Bill C 107 X COO COOFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileDecoration Decoration Day Handicap 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record My Dandy Sept 7 1028 111 3 IOC 47939 5 Cog Air FP 110 1115 4 110730 47939 = 1 Nellie CustisBel 109 110 4 112 745 47937 S Skibo M FP 105 114 3 99 740 7404CS12 4CS12 7 Virado Lat 107 111 4102X735 4102X73547SS7 47SS7 9 Beau WrackSar 107 112 4 107 735 477703 2 Uluniu FG 110 112 4 109x730 109x73047C32 47C32 3 Extreme Bbg 1071111 8 10JX730 47939 11 Star o Morn LF 107 112 5 109X730 48101 4 Genuine Bbg 120 111 7115X725 47039 C War Instigator Tij 10S 112 4100X725 47887 10 Bocaratone Bbg 115 112 C 108X725 Mrs K Pollard entry Uluniu CogAir Mrs W J Potter entry Genuine Bocaratone G Graf fagiiiui entry Virado Beau Wrack WrackSixth Sixth Hace 1 Mils and 70 Yards YardsSt St Louis Livestock Exchange Trophy TrophyPurse Purse COO 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Anaconda Aug 27 1927 14214 1 100 47887 = SEauner Bright I FP OG 1435 3 05X725 47938 7Moroceo Bbg 112 143 5113X720 47084 = CFlying Ambassa ¬ dor JP 102 l3215m 3 98 715 474013 2 Arcturus Emp 102 145 5 11CX710 47887 3 Bocaratone FP 113 1454 G 113X705 113X705478S73 478S73 4 Corbcau HdG 304 3445 4114X700 47887 5 RedcKffe JP 100 1445 5114X005 4G9943 1Earl of AAar AAarwick wick AVas 105 113 4309X090 4309X090Seventh Seventh Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordMy My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 100 477C9 G Sterling Silver Bbg 105 11215 5118X725 5118X72547S043 47S043 1 Oui Monsieur Lat 110 112 4 115 720 47974 3The Show Off Lat 10S 112 5 109X715 109X71547CS2 47CS2 ONichelson Haw 108 1115 G 113X710 46033 11 Governor Seth Bbg 114 112 5 115X705 115X70547SSS2 47SSS2 2 Water Lad Haw 10GJ1114 5 118700 7973 7EIoise Bbg 107 112 5 105 605 48038 4 Sambo G Bow 113 113 4 113 GOO 47888 5 Senator Seth Haw 309 11214 5 113XCOO 113XCOO478S8 478S8 SJar Mia 11C 113 3 104 090 47350 = 10Fleeting Fire FireMia Mia 108 111 5 10SXCOO 47938 12 Selection Lat 109 1135 3107XC90 3107XC90Eighth Eighth Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 800 3yearoIds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordHelens Helens Babe June 1C 1928 144 5 111 47975 3 High Life FG 112 1474 113X723 113X7234785G 4785G 4 SweepNet FP 108 140 7 113X720 47974 8 Lemnos Lex 113 150 71150715 47890 9Ed Reese Hav 107 14014 4 113X710 47935 GEnthusiastic AC 112 147 4 110 705 47972 3Alex AVoodliffc Wdb 124 149 8 113700 11370047S01 47S01 1 Arabian Bbg 109 140 0115X693 48040 2 Mcrrick MAur 100 148 5113C90 47972 7Maurice Cronin CroninM M 3 97C90 48011 10Salutation FP 115 149 C 110 COO 47075 11 Mrs SnyderFP 109 34915 5 110 COO

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930053001/drf1930053001_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1930053001_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800