7th Fairmount, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-30

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7th FairmOimt prse SOO Sycarolds and upward Claiming My Dandy Mile Scpt 7 1928 111 3 106 106ZfOTC ZfOTC Ciaimlngr price 52320 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 2000 3yearolds 112 pounds older 118 pounds Tonwinners since 3Iny 0 alloAved 3 pounds Tlie past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs Dis Time Tr Odds Wt St i StrFln Jockey 1P Sts Best Company Class ot Race Sterling Silver 1 1 O B g 5 by St Henry Daytoria by Peep o Day DayLast Last work 141 12 52 = sl JJO Trainer A J Pershall Owner Blue Star Stable Maj21SOFP 3 115 ft 21f 118 3 4 4J 1 DuboisD 11 Jar 110 Eloise 1CS Higliway 113 OctlC29FP G29FP 2 l13ft 11 112 9 Pull up KnightM 9 SenUuben lOSMaximus 1121atsyII 108 C CC Brp 229 RP RPAusSi re 119 ft 61 116 3i CavensJ C SmirgPcslOSGuineaIIcnl09Tunelnl07 n AusSi 129 gTtp gTtpAugH29sBbg ° RP re 1 15 116 G HicUsS HicUsSl29sBbg 8 Smil gPrcsl05TnneInl07KingJack 103 H AugH29sBbg l29sBbg 1 l43hy 6 111 I 4 3 = 1 33 KnightM KnightM029liBbs 3 G Bocaranell4SportIrsl04SisterJoan 95 C AuS1029liBbs 029liBbs 2 l12ft 3110 115 2 4 3 = 3 KnightM C BocaratonelloWitchmtllSWiirmPlll C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 18 3 0 5 2475 This year 1 1 0 0 650 lli Jlonsiciir 1 I F c y r Barton Oui Oui by Sir John Johnson JohnsonLast Last work 149 38 363Z Trainer K Spence Owner Audley Farm Stable JIaj2230sFP 2 l13ft 1710 1C9 2 3 2i 3i KeniW 9 Coots 118 Essie 108 Guide Bight 107 C JIaj1030FP 2 l14ft 185 117 1111 2 KernW5 7 UniateVotel04NicheIsonll7Surgeon 104 C I az 629 = Haw he l16ft 17 110 2 7 6 1 651 PhilpotH 12 Chcersl13GornsCanopyll3MsCboicellO t Jun27293Lat 7293Lat 2 lllft 6 109 1 1229Lat 2 4 = 1 6 PhilpotH G ViraUo 107 Hot Shot 120 The Okah 112 C Jun2229Lat 229Lat 2 lllft II 110 1 12SLat 3 3s i 5 PhilpotH 7 Agitator 113Ceora lOSHyScbneider 113 C Jun202SLat 2SLat 2 l13Vfcft 13 114 1 3 S 8 J PhilpotH 8 HotShot 113 Yucatan 110 Eskimo 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 This year 2 0 1 1 1G9 TllC SllOW Off 1 HQ B 5 by ArchGift Wasps Nest by Jaeger JaegerLast Last work 149 38 38 gd L v t Trainer A G Woodman Owner A G Woodman Maj2730 ° FP 1 l44ft 3710 110 4 C 43 4i BelyskiA 9 LkP5ecel07StdyIndyl05LuckPiece 115 C CMV2130FP MV2130FP 2 115 ft 14 111 1 6 Gi 5 CimcrakG 11 Sterling Silver 118 Jar 110 Eloise 108 C CWajlSSOFP WajlSSOFP 2114 ft 115 107 4 4 1 CimerakG1 12 Highway lOTPatsyll 102LcFJore 112 C CFcb2430liFG Fcb2430liFG 1jj l47ft G 110 1 2 2 4i Ells vtl vtlFi2030 vtliW1 7 CometllOSmoldcringllOKejvenationllO C CFi2030 Fi2030 FG IPS l47ft 56 103 1 2 21 21 Ellswh EllswhFitl4305FG EllswhWi 8 Salona 105JcklIorgan llOSeabright 102 C Fitl4305FG 1 147 ft 26 110 4 2 33i 7 MeyerC 9 Cuddle lOoSalona HORejuvenation HOC HOC3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 1 1 i 1200 This year 10 1 2 0 050 1 1 Q n Omond Miss Malvenia by Seth ± JO Trainer E Flynn Owner V H Perry Va719303FP llSUhyl910 113 3 3 43 5 GoodrichE C WaterLadll4Selcction lOSArrogant 115 C W Wrl330 rl330 FP 2 113 ft 910 111 1113 1 = GoodichE1 7 ltagalaldll3SweepXety9Luekriecel04 C MajlO30FP 2 l14ft 95 117 22 2 3J EdwardsC 7 UmatcVotel04OuiMicurll7Surgeon 104 C Mat2830 StJ 2 115 sy 2 110 3 4 4 1 331 DaintyF C Estin 11C PaganLa idie 11G Guilder 105 C JlaE20SOeStJ 2 115 ft 65 108 1 1 1 1 DaintyF 5 PaganLdielloChleyJSlOSTrchconlll C Matl3303StJ 5J f 108 ft 1310 116 3 3 3 = 1 2i GuerraJ 8 SptHalIahanl20Cleora lldSeaChart 102 C Starts 1st 2nJ 3rd Wo on Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 6 3 1 48 48Governor 4800 This year 12 2 5 3 2003 2003Ch Governor Setll 1 1 f Ch 5 Seth Cutaneous by Farandole Last work 148 08 l09ift L J U Tr Trainer J L Wilson Owner J L Wilson Matll30JP IjV l474 ft 75 112 8 4 3H 45i KnightM KnightMMM 8 ntyKellerl07B iMongerl07RSpidcr 107 C CKiiIghtM MM 530nJP ijg l47 ft 16 111 1 2 Il 2i KiiIghtM KiiIghtMFtbl230 8 Comet lllWh tlieTimell3BKcrnan 114 G GMarcumJ Ftbl230 Mia IJj l43ft 5 107 3 2 4 = 1 5 MarcumJ = 12 SignOff 113 Aviator 117 Tony Joe 111 C CMarcumJ J n 24305Mia 2 l12ft 15 103 S 7 Gi 5 MarcumJ 12 Sixty HCMdensTryst lOlIJeputn 108 C CarcumJ Decl729sKyP 2 l14Vift 41 110 8 G 6 31 MarcumJ MarcumJOc arcumJ 9 TheTartar HOSturdy illColDragc 111 C CarcumJ Oc lig Aur 1 l39V ft 71 110 3 3 23 I MarcumJ arcumJ 9 Omareea lOSBraggadocio 103Salona 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 24 This year 4 Water atcr Lad 1 Q Br h 6 by Meridian Water Lady by Waterboy WaterboyLast Last work 149 38 38igd LLO Trainer S Judge Owner Miss E F Fullerton Wa24305FP 2 l13ft 3 111 3 1 I4 2 PonceC3 PonceC3JIaj2130FP S TirsSethlO Selectionl02BwnThUe 108 C JIaj2130FP 2 115 ft 125 116 9 8 7 i C9 PonceC3 PonceC3Mvl9303FP 11 Sterling Silver 118 Jar 110 Eloise 108 C Mvl9303FP 2 llSVshvl810 114 4 1 I1 1 1J PonceC = G Selection lOSArrogant lluSurgeon 103 C JIij15305FP 2 l13Vift 4710 113 2 3 23 2 = 1 PonceCs PonceCsApe 0 Genuine 110 Jar 103 Sen Ruben 115 C Ape 730 Bow I l2Sihyl920 111 4 3 3 = 1 33 PonceC3 PonceC3Apt 5 Macil 108 Aziz 100 Keydet 111 H HC7i Apt l30 = Bow 2 l12ft 18 110 G G C7i G = PonceC3 7 CogAir llGCrystalDomino 120Algol 11G C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year2G 3 1 7 4450 4450Eloisu This year 9 1 3 2 1274 Eloisu T n ch m 5 by byLast Royal Canopy Traphca by Trap Rock Last work 149 38 3Ggd JWU Trainer I Kindle Owner W M Cain Cainat JIV2730SFP 2 l1273ft S910 102 Left at postPcggC5 7 TheolJterl03GneChotlO ThePadel07 C Ma2130FP 2 115 ft 13 IDS all 1 31 PcggC5 11 SterlingSilver HSJar HOIIighway 113 C 14303FP 2 115 ft 213 107 2 3 2 37 PeggC C Essie HSGneChvelot 113Perjury 109 C C2i FtK14305Hav I50 142 ft 31 105 G 3 2i 2i RoseMFtU RoseM 8 Stampdale 107TilleOak 93Andresito 109 C C3i FtU C205Hav I50 143 gd 31 103 4 3 3J 3i RoseSI 7 Stampdilel05Kingsportl09SnCarlos 113 C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 32 6 8 5 58CG This year 10 1 3 5 1510 Sambo G 1 1 Q Ch ° 4 by andion Viola Vail by Jean Bereaud BereaudLast Last work 147 38 3Gft i Trainer G R Bryson Owner E K Bryson Jla2830FP 2 l13ft 3110 109 8 G 5i 532 SerioJ 8 Arrogant llOKagabaldlOlIIeadCer 113 C Apr2S30 = Jam 2 l12ft 5 112 7 9 930 91 BolnesoTr 9 StogaMajslljValliylOOGrtllopes 113J C Apr2330 Jam 2114 ft C 119 S 3 23 23 HarvcyW 11 SfgaMaJell3I sliMarlncl22GryGl 109 C I 1230 = Bow 2 l13VJft 10 113 G 3 3 3 = 1 SerloJ 14 YcggmanllOCliaGroblOSSSweeney 113 C Apt 4303Bow 2 114 gd G 113 5 5 3 = 1 33 ScrioJ 14 Apostle 113DreanaIx e lOSTDoctor 113 C tarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year M l 125 2 5 1875 1875Senator This year 7 0 1 2 400 40011C Senator Setll 11 11C B g 5 by byLast Ssth Maud Bacon by Tony Bonero Last work 149 12 51 = gd JJU Trainer J D Larkin Owner J Goedecke Jr Ma2430 = FP 21 2113ft ft 14 1H 1 2 4 o C G1 JudyJ 8 ThsScth 10rWtrLad 114Seloction 102 C OcLlC29FP 2 l13ft 11W 119 3 4 5 5 55 PevicJ 9 SenUuben lOSMaximus 1121atsyII 10S C OctlO20FP 2114 hy2110 11G 3 3 35i 3513 3 PevicJ C HarassllISImonKtonllSWchmountlia C Oct 429 FP 2 l14 sl 95 118 7 73 3 lh 1 li PevicJ 3 7 HarassinSimKcntonllSParagrapli 110 C ADs2129 = Haw 2112 ft G 109 3 3 3s 2 21 Mozcr MozcrR M2 Princetonll201dKickafolOIKIffUaff 111 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 543 4538 Jar I A A Br c 3 by Runanteil Patagonia III by Magellan JarLast Last work 1JO 12 ri3hy JU JUr r Trainer E McCuan Owner Weque Stable Mar24305FP G 109 8 7 7 7 CavcnsJ 8 ThsSeth 105WtrLad 114 Selection 102 O Mij21304FP 2 115 ft 11 110 8 3 2 2h GarrityP 11 SterlingSilTerllSEIoiselOSIIighway 113 O MajlSSOFP 23 103 5 4 3 3i GrccnC3 r Genuine 110AVaterI ndll3 SenRulienlla O MajlO30 = FP 7 101 G 8 43i C5 GrecnC3 8 MryWinsorlloUagabaldmUomina 104 O Matll30 = JP KnightM 12 MissUscylOGMyEloiselllUingTrue 113 O lU19303MIa 2 l12ysft 12 111 G 7 Sl 93 KnightM 12 MrtanallCBliCasusll4JIaGordrinalOG O Starls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Start 1st 2nd 3rd Wnn Last year 13 11 0 5 875 This year 9 1 1 1013 Fleeting Fire 1 V Q Ch g 6 by Campfire Fleeting Moments by Pennant I Last work 149 38103gd v O Trainer J A Carlock Ownerr H W Miller Maj15SOFP 2 l1444ft 8 108 1 2 2 21 GoodrichE 12 OssieII109BtyBriingl04Woodgain I1C O Apr2430 Who g l00ft 31e 109 S 8 S i S FatorE3 8 FavitlllOOPatsylllOSJOldKkpoo 100 A Arrl230cWllO 2 l16ft 91 101 9 8 751 G GoodrichE 11 SanCarlos 114MrctCal 101 Sawdust 9G H AIT 930cWho 2 I21hy4110e 108 3 2 551 5 1 GoodichE1 9 Agapthusl075TomniyI dlOSWacketlOU A jrarl630IIav 2 l13ft 4 110 1 2 21 51 GoodichE 7 Algol 114TmyLad 113PncingStcp 108 O MaclO30Hav CJ f lOGft 4 105 2 2 21 21 RileyG3 7 MgaretCal 10GlcingStepl09Propus 108 O Mat 730IIav 5Jfl05 ft 35 111 1 2 21 2 = ColvinA5 7 PatsylIlllColDragcl07MotorChicf 100 O OWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 552 5000 This year 13 141 1470 Selection SelectionLast frj B c 3 by Supremus Selective by Brown Prince II Last work 149 34 l19d Jv I Trainer C Graffagnini Owner C Graffagnini Jfv2G30FP I10 141 ft ft2113ft 1 102 2 5 Si 5 MeyersME1 7 Morocco 115 My Scoop 111 Calome 103 O JIij24305FP 2113ft G 102 5 5 5 3 CallahanC4 8 ThsSethlOoWtrLad llJBnThtle 108 O 2 l18V4hy ij 108 G 4 31 23 KernW1 tt WaterLad 114 Arrogant linSurgeon 103 O JIj16SOFP 2 l14i ft 1 113 G 5 4 ° 4 MartinL3 G UmateVotclllTirsSeth lOSUomina 108 O jrr2S30iPim 1 l4Cy3ft l4Cy3ftfc G 110 B G G 4 McCrosnC3 7 JgcBtltl22BirvcCashll2NapBrksll7 O AprlSS03Lex fc l102ift il 112 433 31 McCrsenC1 9 PatriciaAnnl09BlackCloudlllDorita 100 O Octl229Iat 2 lllft 17 107 2 t 41 43 SrnithV G Galaday 10fiMiehBoy 112CnmpBoss 109 A JuL 229 = Lat 2 l19hy 1 113 1 3 2s I FronkW 12 BDimcan linLtkyDrml07MsEiztthll2b linLtkyDrml07MsEiztthll2bnd Starts 1st nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3r i Won Last year 1 1 10 1100 This year 5 0 1 2 239

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930053001/drf1930053001_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1930053001_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800