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THE GREATEST MONET RIDER OF THEM AIL AILJOCKEY JOCKEY ALBERT JOHNSON 10 DAILY ONE HORSE A DAY OFFICE OPEN TODAY MEMORIAL DAY 10 A M TO 5 P M MIWT IWT 15 TO 1 LIMIT WINNER TODAY i iConnections Connections wired this one horse to me one week in advance and advised a strong play Wire your subscription early All Horses Released from This Office Have My Approval and Arc I I Wagered On by My Commissioners Throughout tho Country I OnlyCity Jockey Albert Johnsons Information for Sale at This Office Only City clients and friends call in person Outoftown subscribers wire 10 by Western Union r Postal Telegraph INFORMATION RELEASED AT 10 A M DAILT DAILTALBERT ALBERT JOHNSON 949 BROAD WAT Flatlron Building Suite 508509 NEW YORK CITY