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CANADIAN TURF NOTES TORONTO Ont May 29 29George George Brenton who developed the cleAer apprentice J Passero left for NCAV York tonight accompanied by his rider It is understood that some New York parties are anxious to purchase the contract that Bren ¬ ton holds Passero Avho Aveighs something like ninety pounds has ridden sixtyeight winners He von his first race last July on Play Flower and came back to land his next mount Sun Meta a winner winnerF F Nancolas was an arrival from Aurora Avith four horses He is stabled at the Wood ¬ bine Jockey J Boucher a cleAer appren ¬ tice Avho rode some thirtyone Avinners at Oriental Park last Avinter is here Avith the stable stableThe The fouryearold Thistle Coot entered in the name of Mrs J Burke in the fourth race Avas ordered scratched by the steAvards on account of the ownership not being es ¬ tablished to the satisfaction of the officials officialsJockey Jockey R Leonard Avas an addition to the riding colony He arrived this morning and Avill ride for J P Kelly The latter has the useful Blue Darter in Ins stable stableThomas Thomas McCreery Avill send a couple of horses up from New York Saturday They are coming in the car Avith the horses that Walter J Salmon is sending up to Jack Pryce Jockey J Maiben Avill return to Toronto to ride them themFrank Frank J Kearns has arranged to ship the horses he is racing at Thorncliffe back to NCAV York They Avill entrain for Belmont Park on Saturday Jockey C Kurtsinger Avill accompany the stable