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6th Churchill Downs 3Iemorial Day Handicap Purse 1500 3year olds and upward Claiming Lady Madcap 1 116 Miles MilesSOTE May 24 1922 141 4 113 SOTE Claiming price CoOOO Ind PI Horse Wt Uec AWtHan 47519 5 Dixie Lad FG 110 147 3 102x7i 47570 G Coral Ueacli 3 102 720 7204S0325 4S0325 3 Ilerrick 3Iia 117 140 4 10SX715 Ind IM Horse WL Kec AWtIlan AWtIlan4700G 4700G 2 Dr Tarrish 4 112710 474 1 3Ir Dick 3 99 705 705470CG 470CG 4 Chip Lat 103 144 4 107X700 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey 1PSts Bnst Company Class of Race Dixie Lad 109 B s 3 by s sLast Sporting Blood Miss Mint by Mint MintTrainer Last work 149 12 494 ft JV1 Trainer A Tl TlMaTl430CD Thomas Owner A B Lstellier MaTl430CD 1ft 152 m 2310 111 5 3 21 1 MeyerC1 G ByChauiplOSSIandPal 105MakeHtellO C C4s 1230JP l l44ft 1G5 112 3 5 4s 33S MeyerC1 5 BNewsBobll20n theAirl02RleBoy 112 A G30JP 17 145 ft 4 109 3 G 32 1 1s = MeyerC 6 Associate 102 Columbus 107Portsur 107 A AIl reht2730FG 1 l47ft 7 110 4 2 1J 13 MeycrC G Monticcllo llOCaramel 105IIeadPin 110 M 1730JFG if l13ft 31 115 12 12 8 1 7 MneyJD 12 MosChoicel05WstnLitllODixieDnll5 c cVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 1 1Coral This year 5 3 0 1 2C50 Coral Beach 1 09 Br c 3 by s sLast Supremus Sandy Land by Rock View Last work 149 58105ft Trainer F Sw SwMilG30CD Swain Owner F Swain MilG30CD I l27Vift 13 110 9 G 1 1 1 XealP1 XealP12630JP 14 BrBrht 105MticelIo llOHmzada 110 C 2630JP I70 146 ft 1C 109 4 3 41 5 MeyerC G EilWeir 101 Chiclero 102 Dabster DO A Aink 2030 JP 2 l19hy 3 112 5 1 I1 1 ink ° MeyerC MeyerC1330JP G EilWeir lOSHauCorteslOSHeadPin 103 A AI 1330JP 2 114 ft 71 109 4 4Mac 3 I Z KnightM KnightMMac 8 J eDixonlOSJColBell 10JHThton 107 A Mac 430FG 1 l39ft 23 110 1 4 4s J 47lMeycrC 4 BtherfinklllRvieBylllKinesn 100 A AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 1 10 10Herrick J 1100 This year 14 5 2 1 4175 4175B Herrick 1 1 C CLast OR B c Cf 1 bj37ft bj Ambassador IV Lady Lovely Dy McGee Last work 14 ° 38 37ft JVO 1 Trainer J Gass Owner C E Hamilton Jty2S303CD GJ f llSft 4110 117 4 1 21 3J TurkC G StkM letlllTlieStlirll2UleMatt 105 C CJL JL jr21305CD CA f l19gd 12 113 5 G 53 4J BryantD S Retort llSTheSuthernerll5Tantivy 118 C CJIaj1230 JIaj1230 CD 1 l3Sft 32 113 3 2 3 3 ° BryantD G RoyalJulianllSDisturb HSWhiskm 113 C CMajlO30CD MajlO30CD 3 l13ft 13 113 5 4 G 4 J EllswthW 12 BdyBasilll3UotShotllSClosDance 118 C 2305Mia J 111 ft 7 117 4 6 6o Gi WkmanR1 S PentL1sl09SupremeSwtl07StandByll9 C Stiirts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 19 294 4793 This year 10 122 3740 Dr Pairish 1 119 1 Q Blk E 4 by Light Brigade Mary Belle by Ballot Last work 143 12 40 ft Trainer W Crum Crump Owner J W Parrish Jbj27305CD GJ f l17ft 23 10S 5 5 5 J 4 JonesL G Tantivy 112 Fiddler 108 Jock 110 A AM M lSOCD 2 113 gd 15 105J 4 4 4 41 FinnertyR 4 Currentll2ClubUousel07Agincourt 104 11 JU20305CD 2 117 hyl910e 111 1 1 1 315 QarnerW 5 KicliWidowlOOKetortlllJeanValjn 111 A MaynCOCD 2 114 sy 23 102 1 5 5 J 5 i Schuttcll 7 Clubnousel07Cayusa llSCampCoss 101 H Oct2129Lat J l14 m 1310 110 3 1 1 1 JonesL 5 Kulaman 110 Bellsmith 102 Retort 113 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 17 502 5200 This year 4 0 0 1 S 144 144Mr Mr Dick QQ ph ff 3 y rinc3 Pal Nenette by Ivan tha Terrible TerribleLast Last work 118 5S iiSl02 l02 ft s Trainer W ClUr C Weant Owner Oakland Farm Stable lUr 1330 CD J 115 m 29 103 4 3 4 471 Schuttell3 Schuttell32130StJ 7 ClubnousellGStarLassielOOHotShot 113 A 2130StJ I70 146 ft 12 103 5 3 31 2i DaintyF DaintyFMicl530StJ C PrrwsDml07G1deItitl05IIr zadal07 H Micl530StJ 5ifl09 m G 102 5 5 4 33 RoseM3 RoseM3Kacl3305StJ 0 PnellBndllSGuideRiglitlOOGuilder DO U Kacl3305StJ 2 114 ft 19 95 4 4 4 = Z DaintyF DaintyFMic 7 FalsePride 112Dorita 97DaronKins 103 ri Mic 430Mia 1 l38 l38ift ft 20 103 997 7 762 2 ChvottaF 11 BattleshiplllPlayfsDreaml05Titus 108 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 2 2 2 2221 This year 7 0 1 2 320 320Chip Chip 1 fl7 Ch g 4 by Supremus Sheila Ryve by Golden Sun SunLast Last work 1 10 78 l3S l3Sm m Lv I Trainer J J Flanigan Owner Mrs E L Swikard SwikardM M T27SO = CD Gi f l17 ft 19 107 G C G G FinnertyR3 0 Tantivy 112 Fiddler 108 Jock 110 A MvlO30CD 2 l13ft 17 118 10 11 101 9o MeyerC MeyerCKotlG29lLat 1 12 IidyBasilll3notShotll8ClosDance 118 C KotlG29lLat 1 152 ra 225 112 4 3 31 2J Smith J JOct3029Lat 7 Retortll5LdBrdlbanell2MickeyD115 A Oct3029Lat I70 l50i m 3i 103 4 2 2l 2 SmithV SmithVOcLCG29 G Ilerrick 103 Fannie J 105 Devon 110 C OcLCG29 Lat 1ft 153 hy3110 109 1 1 is 1 SmithV SmithVOctl9298Lat e C Ilerrick 112 SandyShore 114 Roy 111 C Octl9298Lat 1ft l41 ft 2710 103 1 2 I1 1 SmithV 1 C Uedemoral05PetcrParley 113Devon 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 27 5 5 6 GSOO This year 2