Daily Racing Form Charts: Connaught Park, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-10


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CONNAUGHT PARK OTTAWA ONT MONDAY JUNE 9 1930 Connaught Park 1 Mile Fourth day Connaught Park Jockey Club Summer meeting of 7 days Weather cloudy Steward representing Canadian Racing Associations Francis Nelson Stewards of Meeting D Gillies and J K Paisley Judges E C St Pere AV C Morrison and E Baker Starter Marshall Cassidy Racing Secretary AA X Morrison Racing starts at 245 p in Chicago time 143 p m AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig urcs in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horso and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance 4OC ffj TIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 Purss 600 3 thirdJnnc9SOCF OOO OOOwf wf yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 1GO third Jnnc9SOCF 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vt ft StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 26211004858G JG971 COPPER W4113 6 4 3 31 1 I1 M Mitchell I S Shafer 2621100 4858G KAILO WB 3 101 15 4h 5nk 53 2 F Whitker J A Emmons 23 48520 = ILLUMIXE w 4 10S S3 21 lh 21 3 E Fator A L Taylor 3 347895PROBATE 47895PROBATE WB 6 1091 21 1 21 3 41 W McCabe J AV Armstrong 21u 48520 ELLA RUFUS w 5 111 4 2 51 41 4h 53 E Dubrcuil AV T Trenholmo 2J13100 48471 SIDNEY W WB 3 101 5 7 71 ffi Cl 6 G Seabo C L Whiting 3130100 48104 LOAES ARROW WB 3 98 3 9 Si Si 71 7J1 H Howard Riverside Stable 3610100 47199 BUCKRILL w 4 111 7 G C 7i S1 A Bulcroft G J OConnor 520100 48522 CAPNS DAUTER w 3 100 9 S 9 9 9 9 J OHara F Jeffcrs 2230100 2230100Time Time 23 47 l0715 Track fast ODDSjCOPPER 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDSj 100KAILO COPPER 725 545 515 262J 100 172J 100 157J 100 KAILO 100ILLUMINE 2810 1020 1305 100 410 100 ILLUMINE 100AVinner 340 70 100 AVinner B g by Last Coin Brown Princess by Brown Prince II trained by C Foisy bred by Shandon Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1300 1300WENT WENT TO POST 250 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start drivingCOPPER good and slow AVon easily second and third driving COPPER following close to the pacemakers went into command in the stretch and drew away in the last eighth KAILO shuffled back on the turn secured a clear passage and coming to the outside closed fast to wear down ILLUMINE The latter raced PROBATE into defeat but tired from her early efforts PROBATE was hard hustled and tired at the end ELLA RUFUS had early speed Tha others were outrun outrunScratched Scratched JS5S4sTnssa 113 483SG Frostilla Girl 107 483203Lawless 113 47310 Autumn Bloom 111 47945 Alice Amine 100 48522 Ruthie 103 Beunic IOC IOCOverweights Overweights KaiLo 1 pound Illumine 2 Probate 11 Sidney AV 1 Buckrill 3 4iCOO SECOND RACE 58 Mile Diadema June 15 1921 100 2 106 South Hull Purse OvJJOO Purse 800 2yearolds Net value to winner 605 second 120 third 50 J nc930Cr fourth 25 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 475323FRIAR WB 108 5 4 4w 33 38 h ix E Fator R F Sanford 48519 = COCK ROBIN w 102 4 5 5w 5 5 4h 2h L Graver R AAhitney AAhitneyI3 4821G3 BUBBLING OUT w 1C9 3 1 1w I3 I3 23 33 F Slate Mount Royal Stable 530100 47843 JUSTONE w 103 1 2 2nk nt 2i on 31 4 = N AVall R H New SSO100 SSO100ELLIS ELLIS F w 95 2 3 43 4nt 5 5 R Cooper F A Griffith 2SS5100 2SS5100Time Time 23Vs 473S l00s equals track record Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS FRIAR 265 280 235 321 100 40 100 17J 10 10COCK COCK ROBIN 360 260 80 100 30 100 100BUBBLING BUBBLING OUT 260 30 100 100AVinner AVinner B g by St James La Religicuse by Polymcliis trained by J Edwards bred by Mr 0 H Berryman BerrymanWENT WENT TO POST 333 AT POST 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving drivingFRIAR FRIAR sluggish at the start was hard ridden in the last half mile finished gamely in the final stages and wearing down the pacemakers an eighth out came away under hard riding COCK ROBIN poorly ridden and far back early finished with a belated rush and got up for second BUBBLING OUT showed fine speed for half a mile and tired fast in the stretch JUSTONE ran well and had no rnisi haps ELLIS F was outmatched outmatchedScratched Scratched Lorraine M 103 103Overweight Overweight Bubbling Out 4 pounds 4C2 5OH THIRD RACE 34 Mile Nicholson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Purso 800 3 O LBOTc yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to vinncr 605 second 120 third thirdJUUC930C1 JUUC930C1 50 fourth 25 V Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 21 I1 W Curran Brandywine Stable 48297 SUNaR WB 4 119 34 4l 44 4 21 21 F Slate Mrs K E Hitt 113100 11310048521CIRCULET 48521CIRCULET w 4 103 1 2 1 1 lnk lh 3 ° k P McGinis Seagram Stable 255100 1794GMOSELLE S w 3 109 2 3 33 31 3h 46 E Fator P M Sturm G10100 48587 TASMAN WB 3 9S 5 1 5s 58 510 5 L Graver Mrs W AAlclc 960100 40423 TRUE ORB w 4 93 4 6 6 6 6 6 J OHara A Lajoio 3305100 3305100Time Time 2Z 47 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS PROMPTER 1375 670 345 587J 100 235 100 721 100 100SUNVIR SUNVIR 340 260 70 100 30 100 100DIRCULET DIRCULET 270 35 100 100Winner Winner B g by AVrack Star Lady by Star Shoot trained by H Mulholland bred by Mr A B Hancock AVinner entered to be claimed for 3500 3500VENT VENT TO POST 410 AT POST 4i minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won driving second and third the same samePROMPTER PROMPTER forcing a fast pace came gamely to wear down CIRCULET and under pressure had enough in reserve to withstand SUNVIR The latter reserved back of the pace swung to the outside of the leaders and finished gamely CIRCULET drew clear early saved mucji ground but tireJ whoa straightened out in the stretch MOSELLE S prominent all the way continued gamely under a hard drive TASMAN could not keep in contention after beginning fast TRUE ORB was outclassed outclassedOverweights Overweights Prompter 5 pounds Circulct 1 Tasuian 2 2Corrected Corrected weight Siiuvir 119 4 5QCC FOURTH RACE 1 Mile AVilkesBarre Aug 9 1924 139 4 103 Purse 800 OOCrJ 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 605 second 120 third thirdJ11MC930CF J11MC930CF 50 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt i 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48473SURTEES WB 3 109 1 7 61 G6 41 S3 lnt F Slato J Bosley Jr Jr4847G 4847G = STERN CHASER WB 4 110 6 5 51 3k 2 23 F Stevens E Kelson 48588 CYRANO WB 4 96 5 4 2i lk I1 21 3 J OHara T J OHara Jr Jrw 472G3 AVRENCII w 4 104 4 1 2 3 51 41 L Cravcr M B Pierce Piercews 4 8341 = DISAPPROVED ws 3 101 3 2 4h 53 5h 4k 5i F AVhitker Mrs A L Denny Dennyw 48473 MULATTO w 4 110 2 6 7 7 7 6 6 M Mitchell T Sullivan 18233 TEMPTER v4110 73 31 41 C1 7 7 R Cooper Mrs AAr II Denham iCoupIed as E Nelson T J OHara Jr entry entryTims Tims 24 48J 114 l4iy Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS SURTEES ODDSSURTEES 103STERN 4GO 295 265 130 100 47J 100 32J 103 100CYRANO STERN CHASER 325 365 62 ICO 82 J 100 CYRANO 365 82J 100 WinnersGil 100WinnersGil K by Star Master Bcndita by Ormrndale trained by J Hosier Jr bred by Mrs P A 15 Wiilcncr Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT minuteStart TO POST 454 AT POST J minute Start good and slow Won driving second and tliird the same SUUTKES sameSUUTKES rearing when the start came took a contending position approaching the far turn withstood a hard drive gamely and in a fast finish got up in the last twenty yards STERN CHASER prominent and racing in his best form gained command in the final eighth and held on gamely CYRANO racing forward continued gamely in the final drive AVRENCH showed good speed but tired in the last quarter DISAPPROVED was badly messed about all the way Overweight wayOverweight Surtces 2 pounds 4Q O 5 FIFTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards Mr Gaiety Aug 15 1929 143 5 117 E S OXLPOO Houston Memorial Purse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Net value to Jnnc930Cr winner 605 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPStii strFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 484743AVRACKELL WB 3 100 213 22 I2 I2 121 N Wall R II New Sli100 48171 IMA HAT w 3 101 3 2 2i 3 2J 2s 2 ° G Scabo P M Sturm 505100 484733POMFRET 505100484733POMFRET wn 3 102 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 P Kefovcr J Asta 130300 130300Time Time 23 48 114 141 145 Track fast 2 MTITUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDSi ODDSiWRACKELL WRACKELL 100IMA 365 225 No show prices 82 J 100 121 100 IMA HAT 265 32i 100 100Winner StudWENT Winner 1 c by Wrack Druinollini by Sea Sick trained by J Ilutton bred by Relair Stud WENT TO POST 532 AT POST 1 minuts minutsStart Start easilyAVRACKELL good and slow Won handily second and third easily AVRACKELL badly blocked on the first turn and forced to take up when IMA ITAT came over recovered quickly and reaching the others rapidly emerged into the lead leaving the back stretch and held IMA HAT safe The latter hard urged throughout continued gamely in the closing drive POMFRET showed early speed and raced in hand until challenged but tired tiredScratched Scratched 11003 Bosk 100 4S173Doctor Fred 102 102Overweight Overweight Ima Hat 1 pound 4Or Of7 SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 Purse 600 OH3 3 i 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third Jnnc930Cr thirdJnnc930Cr 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt JA 2 StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48471 HAL GUMBERTS WB 4 10S 1 4 2 1 I1 I1 L Graver C Simpson 10921100 48585 SPANISH JACK WB 3 107 S C Bl 3 2i 21 R Cooper L M Shapoff 360100 36010048520KIXG 48520KIXG CHARLES WB 5 113 10 9 S 5 3 ° t 33 M Mitchell T Sullivan 4GO100 4GO10048471MAE 48471MAE BLCHE II w 5 111 5 10 6i 4 4 4 F Slate H Dattner 420100 47037 REVIEWER w 3 103 97 1 2 = 5l 51 P Kefover J Asta J1440300 10 i o TTTTT T T T T wfl511G 411 11 92 91 CJ RHolland C H Robinson 5293100 WB C 113 11 S 41 71 Cl 7b W McCabe Mrs J D Misick 3105100 31051004858CGUYFRAZIER 4858CGUYFRAZIER IVB 4 112 25 3 G 7t S2 F Kiniry Mrs H Lockwood 275100 2751004G710 4G710 BROER JOHNSONw 3 110 3 3 7 S1 S 93 W Curran Brandywine Stable 1330100 48520 PANKETA w S 101 7 1 32 12 12 10 = C Brown Poplar Farm Stable 40SO100 40SO1004GG82 4GG82 HIGHLD FLING w 4 IOS 32 2 9i 11 = 11 = 11 = E Fator J A Emmons t 48585 LITTLE IMP WB 3 10G C 12 30JIO1 10 ° M2 S Grecnbg V A OConnor t fMntucl field Time 23 48 108 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSHAZEL HAZEL 100SPANISH GUMBERTS 2385 1370 890 1092J 100 585 100 345 100 SPANISH JACK 610 440 205 100 120 100 100KING KING CHARLES 460 130 100 100Winner Winner B t by Johren Champagne by Peter Pan trained by J Hammerschmitt bred by Mr W K Gumberts Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 WENT TO POST 609 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameHAZEL HAZEL GUMBERTS showing improved form secured clear racing room next the inner rail raced REVIEWER into defeat and continuing gamely had enough in reserve to withstand SPANISH JACK The latter worked his way up on the outside and fought it out gamely KING CHARLES away well was taken up sharply slipped through on the inside when making his run and closed with good energy MARIE BLANCHE II away in a tangle closed fast on the outside REVIEWER fractious at the post showed quitScratched good speed for a half mile GUY FRAZIER had a rough journey NEGOTIATOR quit Scratched 48471 Broadinoor IOS 485223Lord Britain 100 48322 Fateful IOC 4C0943 Cliftons Maid 100 100Overweights Overweights High Flier 3 pounds Brother Johnson 5 Highland Fling 2 Little Imp 1 4OxQ OQ SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles Baby Sister June 19 1917 153 6 106 Purse O 3i O 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 605 second 120 JuncO30Cr 120JuncO30Cr third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jocteys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 48581 VOWD VENGCE w 5 110 9 4 Il in 1 I3 1 1 R Cooper C Hazelton 213100 481 07 LITTLE SCOUT WB 4 107 7 G 31 23 2 23 2 1 G Riley II C Hatch 230100 2301004CG752JUGE 4CG752JUGE CAVERLY WB 6 110 2 1 S1 5h 4h 31 33 E Fator G Mitchell 5SO100 48233 GNOME SECOND WB 6 10G S 7 2h 31 3h 51 4h S Grnberg Mrs AV Lounsberry 963100 48477 = WEST POINT w 7 110 1 3 51 41 51 41 5i G Seabo P M Sturm SS3100 48347 ROCK CANDY WB 6 105 5 9 7h Snk 71 C3 6 H Howard P J Miles 2120100 48525 CORNBELT WB 6 103 4 S Gh 71 Cl 7 75 J OHara AV T Magruder 2123100 48525 LANOIL w 9 113 6 5 9 9 9 9 Si W Barr Mrs W J Hayes 3460100 48524 = MERRY MOUNT WB 5 109 3 2 41 6 8 S3 9 F Kiniry C Crook 1363100 1363100Time Time 24 49 114 140 154 5 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSVOWED VOWED VENGEANCE 630 380 320 215 100 90 100 60 100 LITTLE 100LITTLE SCOUT 370 305 85 100 52J 100 JUDGE 100JUDGE 100Winner CAVERLY 425 112J 100 Winner Ch g by Honeywood Rose Marian by General Roberts traiued by W H Denhara bred by Nevada Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 652 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingVOWED good and slow Won handily second and third driving VOWED VENGEANCE outran his rivals to the first turn opened up a winning lead after three quarters saved ground and was never menaced LITTLE SCOUT racing closer up than usual was hard urged through the closing stages and wag held safe JUDGE CAVERLY unable to get into early contention finished with good speed in the last half mile GNOME SECOND offered good contention for threequarters and held on well thereafter WEST POINT saved ground all the way and had no excuses excusesScratched Scratched 183S7 Tall Grass 110 4S3SS Dante 103 48174 Confab 107 48322 Select 105 Overweights 105Overweights Gnome Second 1 pound Lanoil 5 Merry Mount 4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930061001/drf1930061001_12_2
Local Identifier: drf1930061001_12_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800