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RIVERSIDE PARK I KANSAS CITY Mo Monday Juno 9 1930 Riverside Park 12 mile Tenth day Riverside Park Jockey Club Summer meeting of 33 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Steward L J Rose Judges E C Knebclkamp and B Held Starter A McKnight Racing Secretary E C Knebclkamp KnebclkampRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m mflQ flQ 5O a FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3OOOt7 Purse 400 3yearolds and andI I Tulie930llP upward Maidens Claiming I Net value to winner 280 second 80 third 40 40Eq j Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight17991Lookout 17991Lookout Ring 117 1 E Armstrg 210100 82G53Littlewood 103 2 = W Dalzcll 2200100 48430 Lady Edjelo 93 32 H R Riley 110100 48356 Ormopan 108 4 H Louman 2G40100 319GO Silver Man 108 51 J Dyer 2110100 48356 Kilby 10S G D Burncy G30100 33009 Sassy Sally 104 71 L Logan 3700100 48430 Doe C Doe 96 S L Dazer 8320100 38017 Nick Furlong 103 9 E Bernier 11310100 37205 Handy Miss 103 10 E Eugster 5340100 Time 111 Track fast 2 donations paid Lookout Ring 020 straight 340 place 220 show Littlewood 700 place 280 show Lady Edjelo 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Lookout Ring 210 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Little wood 230 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Lady Edjelo 10 to 100 show showWinner Winner Messrs Henderson Taylors ch e 4 by Hilarious Dixie Ring by Verdotte trained by W G Montgomery bred by Mr G A Ieatherman Winner entered to be claimed for GOO GOOWent Went to post 231 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 484793Gleaming Star 102 4S312 Taho ka 107 4S430 My Side 103 48479 Vee Vee San 07 48430 Mainsail 10S 0 My 102 102Overweights Overweights Sassy Sally 1 pound Littlewood 1 Lookout Ring 5 4Q43 A f SECOND RACE Futurity Course OHJ I 170 feet less than 34 mile mileJlinc930IP Jlinc930IP Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 280 second 80 third 40 40Eq OddsInd Eq Odds Straight484312Forbidden Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 484312Forbidden 112 1 L Logan 240100 482383 Critic 111 21 C Stranski 140100 47593 Dancing 109 3 = P Van Pelt 3330100 48355 The Engineer 107 4 S Lfpiec 420100 420100479913Charmg 479913Charmg Shot 111 51 R Black 1410100 141010048394Rock 48394Rock of Ages 10S G1 W Mills 1610100 161010048308Clear 48308Clear Star 107 71 R West 2910100 30854 Miss Rochester 108 8s C Clower 7160100 48180 World Court 112 S J Wood 9300100 48128 Flying Embers 107 10 W Harncd 4240100 4240100Time Time 113 Track fast 2 donations paid Forbidden CSO straight 340 place 220 show Critic 2CO place 220 show Dancing 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Forbidden 240 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Critic 30 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Dancing 130 to 100 show showWinner Winner C R Rileys ch g 7 by Panhandler Forbid by Iloneywood trained by C R Riley bred by Mr C R Riley AVinner entered to be claimed for 400 400Went Went to post 302 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched JS309 Whizzing Cloud 107 48335 Sport 10G 4S3093Ilack Boy 107 48394Classy Lassy 100 4S310 Excellent 300 43482 If Hamilton 102 102Overweights Overweights Miss Rochester 1 pound Rock of Ages 2 THIRD RACE 7 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds and Junc930P upward Claiming Net value to winner 230 second 80 third 40 40Eq OddsInd Eq Odds Straight18433Coloncl Ind Horse Vt Fin Jockey Straight 18433Coloncl CampuslOS 1 G McCormick 620100 48l33Oseda 303 2t W Mills 420100 48528 = BelIarion 10S 33 J Sandoz 040100 48481 Mahatma 108 4 = P Dyer 230100 23010048133Lco 48133Lco Lampe 108 53 R West 2S30100 2S3010048531Md 48531Md o t Stm 103 61 C Stranski 1120100 48530 Dave Hurn 108 7 II R Riley 830100 48481 Sonny Golden 107 S H Louman 4310100 48180 Maunaolu 101 9 L Logan G350100 G35010048357Runall 48357Runall 113 10 J M Jones 1030100 Time 1030100Time 136 Track fast 2 donations paid Colonel Campus 14 JO straight 700 place 400 show Oseda S3CO place 280 show Bellarion 240 show Equivalent showEquivalent booking Colonel Campus G20 to 100 straight 230 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Oscda 80 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Bellarion 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner Shipp Mackens hr g 5 by Air Man Myrtle Lcdi by Campus trained by E 1 Siilpp bred by Dr J A Blackwell Winner uitcrod to be claimed for 700 700Went Went minuteStart to post 329 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily setend and third drivingScratched driving Scratched 4S32S Twinkle Spankle IOS 431S2 Little Blaze IOS 48JS25Solo 111 ISJHJMr Iat 107 47822 Cortigan Star 107 4S309 Al Hotfoot 107 107Overweight Overweight Oseda 2 pounds FOURTH RACE 7 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds and andJiiiic9JlOitV Jiiiic9JlOitV upward Claiming Net value valueto to winner 280 second 80 third 40 40Eq Eq Odds Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 48432 King Jack 113 1 V Moore 481333Blazoner 110 2J E Bernier 48394Tomy Foster 111 3 ° K McCray 1840100 48528Miss Fountain IOS 42 W Mills 490100 49010048481Ben 48481Ben Bolt II 104 ob C Stranski 4300lflo 48431 Beaverwood 104 61 H Louman 30100lOOf 48532 Post Dispatch 107 72 L Dazer 5030 100 48480Two Rings 103 Si P Dyer 1530100 48527 Kinsman 107 9 C Greenwd 1320100 48313 St Helena IOC 10 J OMalley S86010Q Time l375s Track fast 2 donations paid King Jack 400 straight 2SO place 220 show Blazoner 240 place 22Qi show Tommy Foster 2GO show showEquivalent Equivalent looking King Jack 100 to 100 straight 40 to 300 place 10 to 100 show Blazoner 20 to 100 place 10 to ICO show Tommy Foster 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner N Tillers br g 7 by 7 Garfield Buell Lilys Bragg by Bragg trained by E Tiller brp L by Mr G B Swift AVinner entered to bq claimed for 700 700Went Went to post 359 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 4S327Molokai 104 485203San An tonio 111 4S3C7 Redskin 113 4S530 Jiianita Green 103 48329 Facsimile 101 47C002Belamour II 108 108Overweight Overweight Miss Fountain 5 pounds A Q C5 A Q FIFTH RACE Riverside Course nlfco P3tt 210 feet more than 34 mile mileJuncO30Hl JuncO30Hl Purse 500 3yearolds and andupward upward Claiming Net value to winner 325 seci ond 100 third 50 fourth 25 25Eq OddsJInd Eq OddsJ Straight483GOBreakaway Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 483GOBreakaway 9S 11 E Bernier 330KKX 330KKX48483Kalakaua 48483Kalakaua 113 23 J M Jones 450100 48594 3Duffs Timo 117 31 E Armstrg 13GO100 48530Timekceper 109 4 C Stranski 1470100 48479 Goldair 311 52 R OBrien 003001 48312 sCapn Gilbert 303 G J Guerra 1660100 34718 Runbank 111 7 D Burney 1160100 48529 Stuarts DraftlW Ct dnA Yerrat 7SO10Q 7SO10QTime Time 1215 Track fast 2 donations paid Breakaway SGO straight 380 place 3CO show Kalakana 020 place 440 show Duffs Time 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Breakaway 330 to 10Q straight 90 to 100 place SO to 100 show Kalnkniia 210 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Duffs Time 12O to 100 show showAVinner AVinner H T Palmers ch f 3 by Whiskaway Lucky AVave by Cunard trained by II T lalmer bred by Mr T 1iatt AVinner entered to bq claimed for 1000 1000Went Went to post 425 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 48330 Stroller 118 4S32S Porto Dtf Oro 107 4S592 = Nondaga 102 4S130Thelma L 08 48434 Biddy Shipp IOC 47G30 Flossy Hare 104 48594 The Squire 104 48594 Golden Laura 10G 10GOverweights Overweights Goldair 3 pounds Captain Gilbert 1 Duffs Time 3 3Corrected Corrected weight Captain Gilbert 303 fl 2 Ri A SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Hiegin rOHSyir fi Motor Car Co Purse Purso JiillCOSORP PursoJiillCOSORP 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming upwardClaiming Net value to winner 390 second 120 third 60 fourth 30 30Eq0dd3 Eq0dd3Ind Eq0dd3 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight48435Moneys 48435Moneys Worth 104 1 W Dalzell 510100 4859G Fair Catch 101 2U E Bernier 3301QO 48241Chare McCrn 10G 3 P Dyer 210100 48483Esthr AVeidel 97 42 H K Riley 470100 48434Florcnce May 92 5J C Stranski 1490100 483GO AVell Turned 100 61 V Moore 740100 4 8530 3 Hesitation 101 7 J M Jones 144010Q Time 142 5 Track fast 2 donations paid Moneys Worth 1220 straight 400 place 2GO show Fair Catch 2CO place 240 show Charlie McCroan 220 show Equivalent showEquivalent booking Moneys AVorth 510 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Fair Catch 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Charlie McCroan 10 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner L Hectors b g 4 by Guy Fortune Kitty Carpenter by Brunimel trained by L Hec ¬ tor bred by Ilimyar Stud AVinner entered to bo claimed for 1000 1000Went Went to post 455 Off at once Start onceStart good and slow AVon driving second and third the same sameOverweight Overweight Florence May 3 pounds Corrected weight AAell Turned 100 pounds Last chart delayed in transmission