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LONG BRANCH NOTES TORONTO Ont June 9 9J J Jones is shipping the stable of O F Woodward to Hamilton at the conclusion of the Long Branch meeting meetingThe The threeyearold Wave Top has been given a rest and will be freshened up He will most likely be seen in action at the Fort Erie session sessionHarber Harber Stables Handiworker struck him ¬ self while working the other morning and will be on the shelf for a few days daysPrbmandale Prbmandale pulled up lame after being ex ¬ ercised Monday morning morningThe The plater Hero which had been laid up at Woodbine due to illness rejoined the stable that J H Johnson has at Long Branch He is the property of C S Mitchell Syracuse N Y YWillie Willie Cannon contract rider for the H G Bedwell string will leave for Thistle Down to join the division of the stable that is quartered at that course He will rejoin the Canadian string at the Hamilton meeting meetingAt At the conclusion of the Long Branch meet ¬ ing Verily Smith will depart for Montreal to be on hand for the Blue Bonnets meeting meetingFrank Frank McCoy is looking after the engage ¬ ments of Glen Horn and apprentice W Reed The latter is under contract to Owen Pons