4th Fairmount, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-10

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4th FairmOimt pnrse SSOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming My Dandy 34 Mile Sept7 1928 111 3 106 OTJC Clajmiiif price 3300 if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 500 to 2300 3jearolds 112 pounds older US pounds yonwinners since 3Iay 9 allowed 3 pounds in IDIJO 5 pounds PP Horse Wt Rec 7 G BUM A INK INKCIIAUVELOT CIIAUVELOT Bbs 114112 1141124KIoise G 105X725 4KIoise Ubg 107 112 5 102 715 48433 5 Ultimate Vote FP IOC 112 3109X710 484355 0 Virado Lat 107 111 A 112X703 i1 1 4S153 3Tlieo Rochester FP 103 112 3 101XTOO 48133 1 Herade Mia 109 113 1134S3382 C 10SiC05 4S3382 SJudge Dlson FP 109 112 3 101 095 48455 2 Vanquish FP 114 113 4 113XC90 4112C90 The past perrormances or the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTirne Tr Odds WtSt 1 StrFln Jockey PPStB Best Company Class of Race Germaine Clianvclot 1 0 Br m 6p by Huon0enonc Sain Last work 15 412QKt Trainer E JlcCuan Owner Z McCuan Jun 530FP 2 l12ft 5i 100 4 3 I1 2nk CavensJ 7 Thomas Seth 107 irado 111 Herade 108 O Maj2730FP 2 l12ft 2110 106 4 2 23 23 CimerakG1 7 TlicoR terl05ThcPadrel07Stamplclll O Maj22305FP 2 l13ft 5i 97 S 5 4i 510 GrcenC1 9 Coots 118 Essie 10S OuiMonsieur 109 O OMajI4303FP MajI4303FP 21 = 15 ft 1320 113 5 4 3i 2 PrgrassA1 C Essie 113 Eloise 107 Perjury 109 O OMarlO303JP MarlO303JP 2 l14ft 65 113 653 42i KnightM 9 Myllobby lllVicksburg 108 Portsur 110 0 FtU 330 Mia 5JflOG ft G 109 5 3 43 3 KnightM 12 MdcnsTrj stl02ThcOkah 112Spcctrc 108 0 0Starts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 26 13 4 3 10045 This year 7 0 4 1 544 oise 1 f9 Ch m 6t by Eoyal Canopy Trapbea by Trap Rock Last work 149 38 3Gcd Trainer L Kindle Owner W M Cain Jnn G30SFI g l121 ft 50 102 2 4 41 4 PeggC S CogAir 113FalsePride llSPpyfieldlOo A Mv3130 PP 1 l4t ft 7i 102 8 8 8 S = PeggC 8 Jem 112 Selection 102 MaryDale 105 O JIar3030TFP 3 113 ft 9i 103 7 G G 52 PeggC5 S FrngFirelOSOuiMieurll5TlicSwOffl09 O Maj2730sFP 2 l12ft 3910 102 Left at postPeggC 7 TicoRterl03GneCh6tlO 5ThcPadcl07 O aj2130FP 2 115 ft 13 10S 5 1 lh 3i PeggC 11 SterlingSilver HSJar llOIIighway 113 O OG JIarl430FP 2 115 ft 215 107 2 3 2 31 PeggC G Ussie HSGncChvelot 113Perjiiry 109 O FeixUSOMIav I 142 ft 3J 105 G 3 2U 2i RoseM1 8 Stampdale 107TitlcOak 93Andrcsito 109 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 32 685 58CC This year 13 135 1510 Ultimate Vote 1 HQ B c by Raffles Smiling Voter by Suffragist SuffragistLast Last work 15 12 50 ft Lvt Trainer N W Burkhart Owner C Morris 2112ft 115 107 2 2 2h 5 J HanfordB 7 TjiiasShl07GmancChlotlOGViradolll O Maj313Q3FP 2 l12ft 13 10G 3 3 42i 2 SwigertT 8 EssiellSGenuine llSTheoRochester 109 O 30sFP 2 l13ft G 103 3 7 710 G10 SwigertT 9 Coots 118 Essie 10SJ OuiMonsieur 109 0 MajlG30FP 2 l14ft 32 111 1 1 I4 1 SwigcrtT G ThomasSethlOSDominalOSSelcction 113 C JLylO30r FP 2 l14VSft 1G5 lOt 4 3 31 1 SwigertT1 7 OuiMonsieurll7Nichclsonll7Surgeonl04 O Jtat2G30MP 3 l14V3 t 135 10810 8 8si 71 QnbushG 12 SunviewllSRingTrucllSThistleJean 104 0 Starts 1st 2n1 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 343 3050 This year 12 222 1750 YJrado 1 1 O B g 4 by Volta Erase by Atheling II Last work ICO 12 507ift J JL Trainer C Gr GrJun Graffagnini Owner C Graffagnini Jun SSO FP 2 l12iift 3910 111 7 G 42i 31 KernW1 KernW1Jun 7 TmasSethl07GmneCiriotlOGnade 10SO Jun 330FP 2 113 ft 19 107 8 7 GJ 5 KernW3 KernW3JIaj30305FP 8 Coots 112 Bocaratone 110 Essie 108 O JIaj30305FP 2 1111 lllft IS 102 6 G 511 4 JIcysME G Star oMornl09CogAirllONlicCtisll2 II Apr2230HdG 2 lH 215 US 7 8 7 67J WkmanR 9 StPriscall2Equationll3Montferrat 113 O Aprl4COIIdG 2 2113ft 1 = 13 20 US 7 8 C i 3ri MartinL S Gerard 115 Genuine 113 Equation 118 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 29 9C07 This year 17 1 1 4 1413 1413IB Thco Kocliestcr KocliestcrLast IB g 3 by Theo Cook Lady Rochester by Dick Finnell Last work 1GO 12 50 ft J Trainer B B Rice Owner B B Rice Jun 530 EP 2 2112i l12i ft 2i 107 3 1 G5 792 DayW3 7 TinasShl07GmancChlotlOCViradolll O JIa31303FP 2 l12ft 125 109 1 1 li 43i Hanforcl Hanforcl3laj2730 HanfordB1 8 Essie 113UltimateAote lOCGenuinc 113 O 3laj2730 = FP 2 l12ft 5 103 3 1 I3 I3 Hanford Hanfordiaj24303FP HanfordB1 7 GneChlotlOGThePadrel07Stampd lelll 0 iaj24303FP 2 l13 ft 7i 111 2 3 3 ° 5 DuboisEJlajlSSOFP DuboisD5 8 ThsSeth 103AVfrLad lllSelection 102 C JlajlSSOFP 2 114 ft 12 110 4 3 4 i 4i PonceC 7 GdeRht lOGPy field 112SnKenton 114 O Ai n2630Whe 1fg l49ft 13 113 2 5 G3J 3 = J GuerraJ 10 DkEntyllSBalmre HSByProdct 108 S Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 22Herade 8375 This year 13 102 1200 1200Ch Herade Ch m G by Peter Pan Whisk By by Whisk Broom II Jun 530 FP 2112 ft 15 10 1 4 5 = 2 4 J GevingL 7 TmasShl07GmaneCiriotlOCViradolll O Maj23305FP 3 13 ft 4S 109 2 9 8 7 GevingL 9 CogAir 117 Chiclcro 120 Skibo 105 A Mai13305StJ 2 11 ft 15 102 5 6 7si 72 CarrollWJ 7 FalsePride 112 Dorita 97 Mr Dick 95 n ManlO30StJ 5J f 103 ft 20 108 7 7 75J 7 = 5 DePrmaR1 7 JackHowel22Dorita95Parnl Bound 102 H Mat 130Mia 1 l45hy 7 100 3 2 3 = 4 SherryJ5 4 Nearby 99 Baron King 110 Titus 107 H HWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 4 1 2 3700 3700Judge This year 11 0 0 2 245 245B Judge Dixon 1 fl1 B g 3 by H Hilarious or Baigneur Dig Up by Master Robert JLWrr Trainer F Seremba Owner F Seremba Jun 3305FP 2 l13ft 34 109 3 1 lh 2k Morgan S CelticPrince 102Skibo 104Travado 109 A MaySlSOFP 2 l12ft S 109 2 1 li 21 MorganH1 5 GdeRightlOGBubMcFardlOUTravolla A Mvl930fFP 3 l17hy 41o 110 6 G 55 G24 JudyJ 7 TpvToel05FlyIgAmbdorl07Etondpl03 A AMaTl430FP MaTl430FP 2114 ft 20 110 1 2 33 4 ° i JudyJ 8 RVlleBoy HSTyToe 104TtIeAna 113 A Arcl7304HdG 3 l14hy 9 10S 5 6 6 61S MorganH C Mucker HOGuilford 109JSwinfield 110 A Ape lSOBow 5Jfl06ft 19 IDS 5 5 71 7 ° MorganlH 7 Colossal lOGChloBoy 112MrDesmd 10G A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 10 2205 1550 Vanquish 1 J Q B c 4 by Victor S Cimea by Feather Bed Last work ICO 34119ft L Trainer D Shaw Owner K Wolff WolffJun Jun 530FP 2112ft 171 115 G 7 753 GJ GianloniK1 7 TmasShl07GmaneChlotlOGViradolll O Jtaj31303FP 3 l12ft 124 114 G 8 711 S5i GianloniE 8 Essie llSUltimateVote lOGGenuine 113 O Maj2G305FP 2 lH4ift 322 110 5 8 S = 3 S = 3 GianloniE1 8 CogAirllONlieCtis lOCFalsePride 111 A T 3295Bbg 2 l12ft 16 112 5 6 5 6 ° JonesD G Atensl Wrlnstisto lOSPrgph 111 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 This year 3 Sir IfjlOIll 1 O Ch g 4 by Paicines Golden Quince by Peter Quince QuinceLast Last work ICO 38 37ft L J Trainer L L Xycan Owner I X lycan AprlG30Tan 2 l15sl 109 7 5 5U 41 DePesoG1 7 Morsun 112 Simony 107 Shift 111 APrl230Tan ll39ft 110 3 G 66i 4 DePesoG1 7 SayMan 105ArcnFlag lOGltiff Raff 115 O ArrlO304Tan IjV l4Gft 100 2 4 31 2 DePesoG1 u BobiosersllGRiffRfll2HonieJameslOG O Mac20SOTAC 1 l39ft Si 109 9 Fell DePesoG1 J Riff Raffl07Tanist 1111ersonality 102 O Uul230TAC ll39i ft 4i 103 2 4 3 = 21 DePesoG1 9 LadySeth 93Jeu deBar02Paragraph 109 O Mac S303AC 2 l12ft 8 104 10 5 7 = 1 1 ° DePesoG 12 Simony 107 Bnptiste 101 Pat 110 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rl 3rlLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 21 244 This year 13 1 3 0 97

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930061001/drf1930061001_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1930061001_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800