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3rd Woodbine Grosvenor Plate. ,200 Added. 2-Year-Olds. Allow- ] . ances. Summer Day, May 23, 1930 — :53% — 2 — J 4/2 Furlongs 118. Index Post ,-Best at Distance-v Wt. Claim Index Tost -Best at Distance-, Wt. Claim No. Ios. Horse. Trick. Wt. Time. AgeTodav Price No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Mel 58266 4 Suntica 114X 58665 7 Malley iMarcus 59285 2 Howee ...Wdb 120 :56%m 117X M Lex 116 :58%s 109.. Hobnob •■•Pim 116 :55%sy 117X S! i 3 R m , 59285" 5 Marlene M.. ■ Wdb 109 :56%m 109X 6 Chile Gold M 109.. 58159 8 Heighe Bob Geneseo Stable entry— Albert R., Chile Gold. M....HdG 111 :57 112.. Best time shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. ♦ Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Superior mud runner. . Brackets , won last start; figures * or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. I I The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work- 1 out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. ?iStr Fin. Jockey P.P. CI Pee Sts. Best Company Sniliica V 114 B. f, 2, by Sun Briar — Simpatica, by Friar Bock. ja5, work- 142—12 -52%ft -*- « Trainer. J. A. Whyte. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Apr23 313Jam g l:6l" sy " 10 114 3 4 4* 46* GwynneJ3 Stks 6 Parry 114, Straightlacc 111, Ep 109 Marl9 314St.J I :49% ft 4-5 111 3 3 31 3" Dainty tF° Allw 12 BterBeansll5,Mnersl07,Pr,ceFox 1081 Feb.28 314Mia s % % ft 27-10f 119 11 73i 7* KummerE1 Stks 15 Pink 114,Seasaint 114,Flving Home 114 1 Feb20 31;Mia a | :33% hy 7 5e 120 7 41 l1 KummerE12 Allw 12 Evening l.DkThornllPlumRun 122 i , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won s , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— / 1931 record.. 7 2 0 2 $ 1,635 ; Howee X 117 B. c, 2, by Chilhowee — Zeka. by Zeus. Last work- 123 — 3 8 -39ft -*■ ■*- Trainer, E. D. Springer. Owner. Mrs. E. D. Springer. Ma 23 31sWdb W :56%m 7 120 3 1 l4 1* FatorE4 Allw 6 Marlenel09,Hobnobll7.CarsClarus 104 Mavl8 31;Thf I 1:00% ft 27-10 116 4 2 2" 23 FatorE Allw 7 SunTeatimell3,DkVictoryll3, Jaffa 108 , Mayl3-312Thf 1 1:01% ft 21-5 113 1113 lJ FatorE5 1800 11 DkThornl03.AnnieA.106i.C.Durbarl09 May4 3rjam j 1:00 ft 5 117 10 3 98J 814 MalleyT1" 2000 11 GloriaSharpe 102,RunOn 112.Argien 111 , Apr.30 31Mam g 1:02% ft 5 120 8 5 33 31 MallevT5 2000 9 Runanwinll2,Argienll0,GraSharpe 112 1 Apn23 31,Jam j 1:01% sy 4-5 115 5 2 55J 5" SniderA 4000 7 Recompsel07.Auramontll0.RunOn 105 , St;irtg. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 22 4 5 3 ,630 | 1 1I1 II oh X 117 Br. c, 2. by Xai-Sarg— Barbary. by Trap Rock. last work- 126-3-8 -36ft ■!*! Trainer. W. H. Bringloe. Owner. Seagram Stable. Mav23-31cWdb 4f :56% ml9 20 117 15 4* 3s McGinnisP1 Allw 6 Howeel20.Mar!enel09.CarnsClarus 104 May7 31sPim 4 f :55% sy 6 116 1 2 2i ll WattersE3 Allw 9 DkSeekerll4.Ladinoll6,PVkAllevll6 Apn29 31Pim 4 f :55 ft 17 118 6 4 6s! 61 ChfieldC11 Allw llJibBoomll3.Semester 118,Tmboneil5i Apr22 31HdG fa :55% tt 5J 112 5 5 ? 1» RobtsonA" 200012 SoctyTalklll.BrushUpll4.EvnBarrlU4 Feli23 312Mia ag :33% ft 27 10c 112 8 7S1 5*1 KummerE8 Allw 9 Etcetera 110, Siberia llO.Boundary 110 Feb.12 312Mia a 1 :33% ft 6 115 10 11»J 65J KummerE6 Maid 13 R.delNorte 115,Jalpurll5,VaCriendoll5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 6 2 0 1 $ 1,850 Marlelie X 1 OQ B. f, 2 M, by St. Germans— Afternoon, by Prince Palatine. Last work- 115—3 8 -37ft -»"«-/ Trainer. J. A. Healey. Owner. C. V. Whitney. Ma23-31*Wdb 4f :56%m39 10 109 4 2 2* 2 RobtsonA5 Allw 6 Howeel20.Hobnobll7.CarusClurus 104 Ma12 313Jam § :59% gd 7 109 5 7 73i 7:i RobtsonA7 6200 8 RenaissancellO,BnMintl20,Impeach 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. .2 0 1 0 $ 200 Height Bob 11*? B. c, 2 M. by Wrack— Lucy lee, by The Manager. -l-*-1 Irainer. J. W. Garth. Owner. Mrs. R. Heighe. Aprl8 313HdG 4if :54% ft 37-10f 111 12 14 15" 1514 PeggC0 Allw 15 WestyJrlll.LorneS.lGornGate 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 1 Mallej MarOUS 1 1KJ AQ J Ch- f. 8 M- °y Friar Marcus— Ma.ley Chailes, by Charles Last work: 134-12. :54%lo OMalley. Trainer, E James. Owner. Elmtree Stable. May 7 313C.D 4i f :54% hy 320 107 4 9 1028 1033 TinkerH2 Allw 11 Tellico 110.Frederickll5,P.Hotspur 112 . Apr27-312Lex 4i f :55 si 64 116 5 11 lO2" 9,; GarnerW6 Maid 12 Ima Highone 116,Preter 116,LonelI IK j , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won » , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record. . 2 i t 1 I Albert R 1 AQ B. g, 2 M. by Blind Play— Juniper, by Fume. iU Trainer H- v- Bo*le- 0w°er Geneseo Stable Last work: 131-3-8... :42m , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wun. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, ;hj]e Gold -I AQ Cb. g. 2 M. by Chilhowee— Solid Gold, by Theo. Cook. 1U Train" * V" Boyle" 0w"er- Geneseo Stable Last work: 132-3-8. :37%sl , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. * on.-,