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m m V HOTE-Humber at left of honaa name it Lit prerioni workout number of bono. Letters followfn. «hne indicate: k— breezinBj d— drivta*; e-«»»ily, h— handilyj o-*U out; n-ea.ed up. 169 HOMEWOOD, 111., June 18.— Todays training gallops were as follows : WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 162 At Sunrise... :36%h 167 Hoosier Prince :39 b 166Actuarius .... :36%h 148 Indian Runner :39%b 154 Air Pilot -M%b 162 Kitty F :39 b 167Bonfield :36%h 146 Mary Borah.. :36 h 165 Ballyhoo :36%h 165 Negodale .... :38%h 166 Blackstrap ... :39%h 162 Predict :38 b 142 Cherry Heart. :37%h 161 Port Harlem.. :36%h 167 Dis Dat :39 b 166 Pvidence Lass :38 h 159 Flying Crokee :37%h 153 Pinkomelian . :36%h 167 Fair Rosalind. :36 h 147 Tiddle Taddle. :39 h 167 French Honey :36 h 167 Uma :36 h 162 Gala Flight... :35%h Vibrant :36%h 167Glenola :39%h One-Half Mile. 165 Bunch of Lies :51%h 167 Prince Ascot.. :50%h 166Chas. Clarke.. :49%h 166 Princess Italia :50%h 167 Col. Board.... :49%h 166 Pcess Camelia :50%h 166 Darter :49%h 167 Red Russia... :49%h 156 Downpour . . . :50 h Snow King. . . :51%b 167 Desert Sun... :49 h 167 Scapegoat .... :49 h 164 Golden Spray. :52 b 166 Sweet Joe.... :48%h 164Hieover :50%h 164 Stage Maid... :49 d 167 Justinian .... :49 h 166 Tiger Prince.. :48%h 163 Laughing Boy. :54 b 167 Try It :50 h 162 Miss Marr.... :50%h 165 Watergap .... :49%h 167 Mdcap Marvin :50 h 163 Zacaweista . . . :47%h 164 Opiopio :49 h Zembrod . . . . :52 b 165Panchio :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 168 Big Beau 1 :03 h 166 Mangaston ... 1 :04%h 166 Bill Morris... 1:02 h 167 Marriane ....1:02 h 136 Band Time. . .l:03%b 163 Nellie Custis..l:05 b 148 Cee Tee l:03%h 167 Pompon l:05%b 167 Dark Entry. .l:04%b 166 Sweet Scent .1*9 b 166 Dick Morris... 1:03 h 166 Star Lassie. . .1:06 b 166Dyak 1.02%h 152 Son o Sweep. l:08%b 154 Easter Time. .l:03%b 155 Teedup 1:08 h 158 Hot Shot lKW%h 161 Tommy Ticklel.-06%b 166 Harry Hieoverl:03%h 166 Zina l:08%b 155 Miss Htingtonl:06M h Three-Quarters Mile. 166 Arrowlike ....l:15*andh 166 Major Lphierl:15%h 165 Ada Epinard..l:17%h 165 Miss Chilla. . .1:17 h 163 Black Ivory.. 1:16 h 160 Mtha Florencel:16 h 156 Black Comet. 1:17 b 166 Primeval . ...l:16%h 167 Cousin Doll. .l:16%h 168 Ripfield 1:16 h 166Culloden l:16%h 166 River Forest.. 1:22 b 165 De Wet 1:19 b lbl Sage Fire l:16%h 162Drydock 1:17 h 166 Silver Cloud. .l:18%d 168 Faulkner ....l:17%h 165 Tommy Boy.. 1:26 b 164 Kadiak 1:22 b 164 Wirt G. Bmanl:17%h 166 Lady Ebony. .l:17%h One Mile. 165 Cheers 1:44 h 166 Lemnos 1:47 h 166Diodora l:46%h 161 Our Own l:47%b 168 Lady Marsch.l:46%h 164 Thunwin ....1:44 h 165 Ladder l:44%h 164 Who Win. . . .l:42%h 165 Liquidate ....l:46%h One and One-Eighth Miles. 168 Joey Bibb.... 1:55 h Zacaweista showed good speed. Joey Bibb was going handily. CRETE, 111., June 18.— Todays training gallops included the following: LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 130 Alto :39 b 166 Prince Hwkins :37 h 163 Bachelors Toy :36%h 150 Pernoel :37%h 167 Blameless .... :38 h 164 Sister Zoe.... :37%h 164Balthasar .... :36%h 99 Silver Scepter. :45 b 168 Dispatcher ... :39 h 167 Tuckahoe .... :34%h 166 Epithet :35 b 168 Westys Lady.. :37%b 164Nusakan :36%h 149 Yes :40 b One-Half Mile. 167 Blue Cloud... :51%h 142 Journeys End. :48%u 166Escostar :52 h 162 Morsun :52 b 166 Houseboy .... :49%h 165 Vox Pop :51d 164 Ilium :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 163 Camp Prince.. l:03%h 126 Mad Finn l:01%h 156 Glen Burnie . . . 1 :04%b Night Vintage . 1 KM%b 167 Michigan Girl. 1*6 b 167 Shackelford ..l*l%h 167 Mdlesme Missl*2 h Three-Quarters Mile. 163 Bill Phillips... l:16%h 136 Lady Ara l:13%h 162 Dock Light... l:21%b 166 Maximum ....l:16%h 158 Finnic 1:16 h 165 Starborn Id5%h 166 Fortune l:16%h 163 Sazerac l:18%b 163 Green Wave..l:16*£h 166 San Presto.. . .1:16 h 168 Gettin Even... l:14%h 166 Sam Cole l:16%h 119 Harpoon 127%b 161 Stick Around. .1:14 h 167 Lady Batts. . . .l:21%b 167 Treasurer ....1:21 h 168 Laddie l:15%h 139 Tony Joe 1:18 h 140 Low Gear l:20M h 138 Veneita M....l:18%d Seven-Eighths Mile. 166 Hasten l:34%b One Mile. 161 Annapolitan ..l:45»/ih 120 Rocket Glare. .l:45%b 166 Boom l:45%h 156 Serajevo 1:43 d 167Bosafabo l:45%h 168 Totem 1:44 h 161 Curtsey l:45%h 154 The Senator. . .1:46 h 167 Conscience ...l:45%h 163 Turn Over. . . .l:49%h 166Graydale 1:41 h One and One-Qmrter Miles. 167 The Mongol... 2:07%d GEAUGA LAKE, Ohio, June 18— Todays training gallops included the following: BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 139Authora :38 h i56 Misery :37%d 159 Evelyn B :37%h 163 Meclona :37%h 168 Fallen Leaf... :38%h 155 Night Tears... :38M b 167 Genuine :36%b 157 Our Cherrycote :38%h 159 Golden Clou. :38 b 167 The King :38 h 164 Mimosa San... :49 b 166 Wacker Drive. :38 h 166 Marabou :37%b 166 Yargee :39V5b 162 Molly Hogan.. :36%d 164 " ur Hag.... :39 h 166 Miss Onine.... :36%h One-Half Mile. 157 Anadnab :50%b 159 J lano :50%h 166 Betty Browng :49%d 167 Miss Inez :50%d 167 Baboo :49%h 162 Malolo :50%b 158 Chattering . .-. :49%d 31 Matthew :53%d 159 Cash Play.... :51 h 155 Miss Boots.... :48 b 167 First Chance.. :51%b 166 Purple Robe. .. :51 h 151 Fair Briar.... :49%h 167 Prince Bulbo.. :55 b 166 King Lo :50%h 161 Purple Light.. :51%h 161 Let Her Play.. :50 h 146 Wrack Brigade :51%d 141 Little Toots... :47 d 167 Zebra :49%b Five-Eighths Mile. 166 Absurdity . . . .1 *3 d 167 Jack Spratt ... 1 :09%b 164 Bud Elder.... l:05%h 149 Kelleys Pride.l*6%h 165 FWUm Fire.. l*0%d 158 Parties 1*8 b ■ — ■--«■■■ j 162 Rosa W 1*2 b 164 Santerno ?03 d 167 Sunny Bob.... 1*3 d Three-Quarters Mile. 162 Boot Nor .. .l:16%b 167 Mat Hunter. . .1:18 b 165Chiclero 1:14 d 165 Miss Rosedale.l:17 b 164 Distress Signal.l:14%d 164 R. Samuelson.l:16%d 163Etonardo ....l:14%h 166 Vacation 1:17 b 156Hogans Alley.l:15%d One Mile. 166 Lucky Dan... 1:48 b 166 The Major. .. .1:45 h 167 Peasant Maid..l:44%h NEW YORK, N. Y., June 18.— Todays training gallops over the local courses were as follows: AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 91 Anaesthetic . :36%h 166 Gadalong .... :37%h 156 Billycock . . . . :38 h 166 Grandma Lapp :37 h 164 Bonnie Prince. :36%h 164 Glendair :40 b 153 Bud Broom... :36%h 164 Morgil :40 b 162 Economic .... :36%h 164 Uncanny .... :37%h One-Half Mile. 162Athol :50%h 158JoUy Pilot.... :50%b 166 A La Carte.. :49%h 166 Opossum .... :51%h 165 Chiefs Wrior :51 d 160 Pawn :51%h 165Deedie :55 b 167 Red Sky :50%d Exhilarate ... :50%h 154 Soother :55 b 166 Gallop Along. . :51%h Five-Eighths Mile. Fitzpatrick ..l*7%b 155 Sea Going.... 1*5 h 165 Finnisette ...l*5%h 166 Seasaint 1*4 d 89 High Sweep... 1:06 b 161 Slamborg ....l*4%h 165 Our Noah.... 1*3 d 166 Sun Wood. . . .l*7%b 124 Ragtag 1*5 h Up Turn l*7%b 166 Sea Romance. 1*5 h 164 Wood God 1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 164 Brown Queen. 1:19 b 164 Underdun ....l:17%h 158 Jack Campbelll:17%h 166 Winning Heartl:17%h 163 Listning Earsl:20%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 167 Fair Game. . . .l:35%b 166 Merry Dance. 1:31 d 166 Gay Colors. . .1:31 %d 166 Romanesque ..l:31%h One Mile. 167 Captain Dick. 1:51 b 167 Shasta Graftonl:51%b 167Ferrara l:45%h 168 Zaila l:50%b JAMAICA. Weather clear; track muddy — Three-Eighths Mile. 166 Airliner :40 b 164 John Patrick.. :42 b 167Chilonda :40%b One-Half Mile. 167 Bay Bloom.... :51%b 165 John Cavagh. :51 h 163 Boris :49%h 136 Morheart .... :53%b 163Chica Guinea. :52 b 163 Owney M :54%b 165 Elfin Star.... :53 b 167 Panshala :55 b 167Fixit :49K b 160 Patsie McKim. :54 b 167 Hibala :54 b 166 Rapid Transit. :57 b 167 Hacky H :54 b 168 Shawnee :49%h Five-Eighths Mile 163 Banderlog . . .l*4%h 167 Parnell Bound.l*2%h 163 Don Pablo.... l:05%b 164 Polygamous ..1.02%b 163 Gallopette ....1:05 h 167 Sen. Vz Bellol:06%b 164 My Cwall Boyl:13 b Three-Quarters Mile. 167 Beguile 1:22 b 162 Surtees 1:20 b 162 Honey Grove.. 1:17 h 167 Torealong ....l:17Msd 166 Lemonade ....1:28 b 167 Vander Pool. .1 :18%b 166Noine 1:19 b Seven -Eighths Mile. 165 Bird of Prey.l:35%b 166 Moine 1:33 b One Mile. 166Lycurgus ... .l:50%b 166 Nick Carter. . .1:48 h 167 Mont ferrat ..1:48 b One and One-Eighth Miles. 165 Nery Rhymes2*2%b Vander Pool is training well. Moine was well in hand all the way. Honey Grove went handily. Polygamous was not extended. Nursery Rhymes had an easy trial. Parnell Bound went well. Shawnee and Boris went from the barrier. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 166Archeress ... :37 h 121 Hurry Bye.... :37 h 161 Arab :35 h 153 Just Imagine.. :36%h 150Boocap :37 h 156 Johnny :36%h 97Begorra :37 h 149 Minister Bell.. :38 b 161 Defier :35 h 162 Oxlip :37 h 164 Dunlins Son.. :37%h 164 Priory :36 h 167 Friar Bacon... :37%h 148 Polycron :37 h 150Foxiana :37 h Rebuff :36 h 157 Girl Guide :37 h 167 Squeeze Play.. :35 h One-Half Mile. 146 Action :52 b 137 Glidelia :49 h 164 Best Play :51%b 164 Integrity :51%b Bagera :50 h 136 Iron Czar :51%h 164 Black Majesty. l:00%h 166 Last Attempt. . :50 h 164 Brdway Lights :51%b 163 La Compere.. :51 b 168 Clothline :50 b 146 Poitou :52 b Crystallite . . . . :50 b 162 Suffer :52 b 154 Deduce :48%b 165 Subscribe :48%h 166 Dexterity . . . . :50 h 164 Tumbrel :48%h 132 Despoil ....... :48%h 165 Tansy :49 h 166 Emancipate . . . :49 h 131 Waylayer :50 b 164 Flag Pole :49 h Zobo :48%h Five-Eighths Mile. 167 Born Reckless. 1:05 b 164 Potentate ....l:03%h 161Clearaway ....1:02 h 164 Pas Encore. . .l:03%h 162 Dr. Syntax.... 1:04 b 167 Robson Crusoel:04%b 167 Jane Mac 1:05 b 167 Rabbit Skin... 1:02 h 162 Monday l:03%b 167 Stagecraft ...1:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 166 Blond Knight.. 1:21 b Night Patrol. .l:15%h 166Buck Up l:16%h 164 Osmand 1:20 b 157Donnez Moi...l:15%h 164 Protractor 1:21 b 157 Gay Pal 1:19 b One Mile. 164 Avenger 1:42 h 166 Scuttle l:57%h 164 Helianthus ...1:43 h TORONTO, Ont., June 18.— Todays training gallops were as follows: DUFFERIN PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 149AItsheib :40%b 166 Onceagain . . . . :42 h 167 Flying Fabric. :39% Rose Bud Lass :39% 162Fujisan :42%h 155 Sergeant Major :42 h 166Izetta :41%u 164 Zambar :40%b 167 Judge Caverly. :39%h One-Half Mile. 167 Plain Dealer... :53% Five-Eighths Mile. 166 Billy Baughn.. 1*9 b 150 Rosita 1*8 b 166Daisy Fair.. ..1*8 b 164 Taudlane 1:08 b Three-Quarters Mile. 166 Branch l:23%h One Mile. 139Ply Attention. l:49%b MONTREAL, Que., June 18.— Todays training gallops were as follows: BLUE BONNETS. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 164 Count Bruno.. :36%h 164 Kenora :36%h 142 Gev :38 h 167 Master Bobbie. :37%h 163Golader :37 h 168 Sleepy Belle... :36%h 146 Grand Princess :38 h One-Half Mile. 167 High Born.... :51 h 167 Sheaf :50 d 166 Low Girl :51 h 48 Topic A :50 h 157 Montanaro .... :50%h 156 Wacket :49%h 166Snelboc :50 d Five-Eighths Mile. 164 Fire Belle 1:03 h 161 Iraq 1:05 h 154 Goodfellow ...1:05 h 153 Kcky Colonel. 1:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 40Andresito 1:20 h 125 Mirage 1:23 b 166 Margaret Cal..l:22 h 164 Vacant ill h LATONIA, Ky,. June 18.— Todays training gallops included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 168 Abe Furst.... :35 h Melody Queen. :38 b 168 Castle Cliff... :35%h 167 My Sheik :38 b 136Dorita :37 h 168 My Prince.... :35 d 138Gibbys Choice :36%h 168 Mary Gage... :36%h 142 June Bush.... :37 b 167 Sis Esther.... :38 b 140 Lady Witt.... :38%b Silvery :39%b Loud Speaker. :39 b Squall :39 h One-Half Mile. 167 Del Dixi :49%h 61 Prince Zeus. . . :54%b 140 Invidious :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 117 Blast 1:05 b 48 La Reoyu. . . .1:05 h Flashy 1 :05%b 165 Mandy Gay ... 1 :06%b 123 Kentucky Ace. 1:08*4 h 167 Orchestration 1:08 b 165 Lady Kay....l*6%b Three-Quarters Mile. 166 Broad Axe.... l:17%h 166 Ojibway 1:15 h 168 Dr. Doughertyl:16%h 167 Old Jefferson. 1:25 b 167Gcian Beautyl:16 h 167 Ring True. . . .l:18%h 142 Harvest Sun. .l:15%h 168 Sugar Kiss. . .l:16%h 167 High Storm.. 1:22 b 167 Tiodemann ...1:25 b 161 Nim the Nphl:16%h One Mile. 168Airdrie Lass..l:43%h 168 Goodman ....l:43%h 167Bnding Rockl:44 h 166 Honey Hunterl:42%d 134CHpsetta ....l:45%b 166 Naomi 1:44 h Drastic l:45%h 167 Playtime l:41%d 167 Disturb l:4iy5d 168 Untamed ....l:43%h 165DoItaire l:48%b 167 Wild Laurel. .l:44%b Playtime and Disturb were together. Untamed, Airdrie Lass and Goodman went together. Harvest Sun and Grecian Beauty went handily.