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WOR KOUTSj Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; u, eased up. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 " FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1-30 Bay Leaf.... :37 h 1-31 Lena M :41 b 1-30 Bud Charlton :39 h 1-29 My Baroness :37h 1-29 Brs Monkey :36h 1-29 Pulis :36h l-27Bertiohn ... :36h 1-28 Rita Ann.... :37h 1-19 Charlie Bills. :38 h Spanish Way :37 h 1-27 Chene :36 h 1-28 Smear :36 h Eviaccod ... :37h 1-24 Thomas Seth :40b 1-26 Fleets Gold. :37h 1-13 Tonight v.. :37h 1- 30 Judgement .. :36d 1-30 Wild Child. .. :37 h 12-10 Lampoon ... :38h 1-23 Weideleen .. :37 h One-Half Mile. 2- 1 Aviator . . . . :52 h 1-27 Surpass :52 h 1-29 Bill Looney. . :53b 1-24 Skidmore -. . :50 h l-24Dolr Prises :50b 1-30 Sir Melton. .. :51h 1-30 Jack B :49 d 1-30 Sargasso . .. :50h 1-30 Mad Finn... :49 h 11-25 The Aldermn :57b 1- 12 Metallurgist.. :54 b 1-22 Tiger Flowers :57b 2- 1 Prince Rock. :52h 1-24 The Show Off :56b 1-18 Prince Zeus.. :53h 1-30 The Whig... :49 h 1-30 Renaissance.. :49h 1-29 Wingovcr.. :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-20 Bearcry . . . .l:05h 1-28 Jack Murphyl:08 h 1-21 Cptn Jk Jr.l:03h Miss Unruly.l:02 h Chatterrene. 1:07 b 1-30 Prince PIato.l:07 h l-SlUizzy l:12b 1-30 Prce Tommyl:05 h 1- 27 Dick Porter. .1:08 b 1-31 Stidd ...... .1:04 h 9-16 Drooping Eyel:06h 1-23 Sthland Ladl:10 b Three-Quarters Mile. 2- 1 Booby Bird.. l:15d 1-29 My Hobby. ..l:18h 12-16 Bernice VanJL:17h 1-28 Mole Hill l:26b 1-29 Bachelor Hall:17h 1-25 Noahs Pridel:16 h 1-30 Dick Morris.l:16h 1.28 Playtime ...l:18b 1-23 Flying Don. .1:17 d 1-24 Respond ...1-22 b 1-29 Harlem ....l:17h 2-1 Sue Wrack..l:21 h 1- 30 Hy Schneiderl:23 h 1-24 Sistony ....1:19 h 2- 1 Justinian ...l:17h 1-22 Traumel ....l0h 1-30 Judan 1:19 h 1-29 Texas Knightl:21 b 1-30 Jean Desaiblel:21 h 2-1 The Okah . . . l:19d 1-29 Luck Piece.. l:22b. Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-30 Agapanthus l:33h 1-24 Thundertone l:31h l-29Cockrill ,...l:31h 1-28 Who Win... 1:34 h One Mile. Burnt Brownl:47 h 2-1 Sunmeta . . ..1:47 h 1-17 Catalog 1:48 h 1-27 Shackelford 1:45 h l-30Gude Rcadel:48h 1-25 Seths Ballotl:48 h 1-29 Lillian T 1:44 d 1-31 Trudgeon . . .l:46h 1-28 Make Believel:47 u 1-27 Well Behavedl:44 h 1-30 Outer Harborl:47 h 1-29 W, Have Youl:44h One and One-Eighth Miles. l-30Relline .....2:06 h 1-28 Spanish Playl:57h JEFFERSON PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1-30 By Product.. :36d 1-29 May Bagley. . :39 u 1-30 Blue Hawaii. :37h 1-31 Miss Onine.. :37h 1-23 Bill Phillips. :40 b 1-8 Newburger .. :42 b Belle Delight. :37 d Rose McChy :38 b l-30Defier :43b 12-11 Ruth M.. ... . :36h 1-31 Hazel Denson :39 b 1-29 Sunview :45 d 8-8 Iona Ruth.. :36h 1-25 Sammytuck . :37 h 12-15 Judas :41b 1-2 Tre of Dawn :39 b 1-llLilaG., :40 h 1-29 Wise Grctcn :40u 1-29 Mde Bagley. :39 u One-Half Mile. 1-23 Erin Go Brh :53h 1-31 Penn :50h 1-29 My Bidwill. :51h 1-9 Rugarfme .v:55b 1-31 Noble "Wrack. :52 h 1-10 Tat :56 b 1-18 Rave :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. l-25Blato!a l:08b 2-1 Patrick . 1:05 b 1-22 Catch Him. .1:05 b 1-31 Panzola l:01d 12-15 Dusky Boy. .l:08b 11-24 Ucle Charleyld5 b 1-29 Lucky Pal. . .l:03h 1-29 Vandion-. . . .1:03 d 1- 30 Noon Play. . .1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 12-29 Clownish ...l:17d 2-1 Stupendous .l:17h 2- 1 Kelso l:16d 1-28 Stand Bearerl:18 d 1-30 Melody Quecnld8 d 1-23 Walter D.. . .1:17 h l-23Prple Robe.l:18d One Mile. 1-26 Bunyora ....1:44 h 1-29 Quaker Waysl:59b 1-30 Colonel K...l:47 h 2-1 Radnt Rose.l:50b 1-29 Dixie Dan. . .l:44h 1-28 Sweep Past. .1:44 d "2-1 Fortte Mannl:47 h 1-28 Ths Patrickl:44h 1-27 Hard Ormntl:48 h 1-29 Trnsforman l:44h l-17 Mutl Friendl:46h 1-26 Yachtsman ..1:52 b Sammytuck and Belle Delight went together. Maude Bagley and May Bagley were eased up the last eighth. Iona Ruth and By Product went together under a drive. ! Ruth M. showed speed. Penn was well in hand. Panzola did a nice work under a drive. - Noon Play was well in hand. Lucky Pal and Walter D. went together for the first five furlongs. Stupendous was under sl pull in her work, j Thomas Patrick and Dixie Dan went together all the way. Bunyora and Sweep Past went together, and the latter could not have done better. HAVANA. Weather cloudy; track slow One-Quarter Mile. 1-19 Cuban Pete.. :25 1-25 Maximum ... :26 1-15 Cecelia Grob. . :25 1-10 McCulloch . . . :25 1-30 Fannie B rice.. :27 1-26 Stylish Mack.. :25 1-26 Fusion :26 1-26 Torrito :25 Three-Eighths Mile. 1-29 Alice Del :38 1-31 Jaz Bet -.40 1-27 Best Maifou.. :44 1-29 Meal Money.. :39 1-21 Clare Bee.... :40 1-12 McWiggle ... :40 1-29 Dolesia :39 1-31 May Agnes K. :40 1-8 Friendly Way. :42 1-24 Plain Ben... :44 l-29 Galapan :36 1-29 Step Sis :37 l-30ImaHighone.. :37 1-30 Xylophone ... :40 1-30 Infinitive ... :43 One-Half Mile. 1-31 Algol :52 1-31 Poor Rube... :58 1-23 Black Flyer. . . :58 1-19 Regusted .... :50 l-20BilIycoo :54 1-26 Ruth Marie.. :55 1-19 Damocles .... :58 727 Sister Lillie... :59 1-27 Ed. Lehmann. :54 1-31 Singing Kid.. 33 10-10 Ltle Coventry :53 1-23 Sun Dance... :54 l-29Malolo ...... :56 1-20 Sweepingly .. :59 1-31 Moronge :58 1-30 Thistle Ace. .. :54 1-21 One Alone.... :58 Five-Eighths Mile. l-27Bunama 1:12 1-29 Miss1 Pandora.l:09 1-31 Filbert 1:12 1-26 Wotta Life. ...1:11 1-26 John Mill.... 1:09 1-30 Sultry 1:07 1-30 Medicine Bowl:06 Three-Quarters Mile. 1-24 Bugs Leary... 1:30 1-14 Gully Jumperl:30 1-31 Blanc Seing. . 1:28 1-22 Hugh H 1:28 1-30 Bagiel ......1:22 1-29 Isostasy ;....1:20 1-9 Col. Bob..... 1:23 1-30 Lamkin 1:20 1-28 First Mission.. 1:20 1-26 Jeff ONeil. . .1:28 1-30 Flying 1:26 1-31 Martha D 1:27 1-30 Granite Dust.. 1:27 1-31 Truxton 1:23 .- One Mile. 1-30 Camp Parole.. 1:53 1-27 Thistle Dee. . .1:59 " - HIALEAH PARK. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Aidas Pal... :37h Maemere ... :37h 1-26-Anty Wayne :36h 1-30 M. A. Suarez :35h Absolution . :35h 1-30 Old Reb.... :36h 1-26 Bay Angon.. :36h Prince Ali... :36h 1-31 Bluch Dineen :36h 1-21 Prioress .... :34h" 1-29 Big Leaguer. :37h 1-30 Princeton .. :37h 1-18 Big Slam. . . . :36h 1-24 Royal Ruffin. :37h Dotted Line. :36h 2-1 Roan Anope :37h Dry Ridge.. :39 h 1-28 Star Lassie. . :37h Ipral :38 h 1-25 Sansarica ... :34h 1-30 Indian Game :37h Ser Blanche :35h 1-23 Le Condor.. :36h 9-15 Secret Signal :37 h Maltico .... :37h 1-29 Westys Lad. :36h Marceline B. :37h 2-1 Windswept . :36h One-Half Mile. 1-24 Apple Cart.. :48h 1-25 Kt Comder :50h 1-31 Bk -Signal.. :49h J-27 Ly Bdcast. :47h 1-28 Batty ...... :48h 1-26 Noine :53 h 1- 30Espinaca ... :48 Ji 1-26 Raccoon ... :54 h 2- 1 Heroville ... :49 h 12-26 Rebuff :49h 1-27 Jungle Dawn :48h 1-30 W. Advocate :48h 1-29 Kerry Green :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-30 Bragdocio .1.02h 1-30 Lit. Americal:05h 1- 12 Dedicate ...1K34 h 1-26 My Pchase.l:01h 2- 1 Dunes l:01h 10-1 Newgro ...AM h 1-29 Exhilarate .l:01h 1-30 R. del Norte.l:03 h 1-30 Gay. Bird.... 1:01 h 1-30 Siwanoy ....l:03h 1-26 Helianthus .1:03 b 1-27 Teach Me...l:01h 1-31 Jessie Copgel:04h 1-30 Tom Mac. . .l:03h 1-27 Jimmie L. . .lKlh Three-Quarters Mile. 1-30 Athlone Lassl:16h 2-1 Jambalaya .l:14h l-25Algara l:17h 2-1 Knowlton ..l:15h 1-31 Blk Featherl:15h 12-29 Kitty Gravesl:19 h 1-29 Back Log...ld4h 1-23 Move Along.l:23 h l-31Donie ...... l:14h 1-30 Nose Gay... 1:17 h 1-25 Dyak Il6h 1-26 Scotch Gold. 1:20 h 1-26 Evelyn Barr.L-17 h 1-29 Sunny Susanl:23 h 1-30 Fredrick ...1:20 h 1-3 The Spniardl:16h 1-28 Fair Blanchel:19 h 1-29 Uluniu l:16h 1-30 June Moon..ld7h 1-30 Westys Fox.l:16h One Mile. 1t30 Foolish Flowl:46 h: l-25.Song Hit. . . ,l:41h 1-25 Marshal Ney. 1:47 b 1-29 Slambang ..1:47 h 1-27 On Sir l:41h 1-25 Stellanova ..l:41h l-30Playfole ....l:43h 1-28 Tiger Prince.l:45 h 1-25 Playbill ....1:44 h TROPICAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1-30 Bn Supinet. :38h 1-29 Pmte Pngle :37h l-31Fqus Pride. :37h 1-29 Winnie C... :38h . 1-31 Hasty Cat... :36h One-Half Mile. 1-28 High Player. :52h 1-28 Mont Audrey 2 h -1-28 Kavanaugh . :49h 1-29 Mt Lorraine :51h . Five-Eighths Mile. 1-31 S. AlwingtonlK4 h . " Three-Quarters Mile. 1-29 Haytime . . . .1:15 h 1-31 P. in Reviewl:15 1- 31 May Alton ... 1 :16h - - One Mile. 2- 1 Light Nun.. 1:47 h AGUA CALIENTE. Weather rainy; track sloppy "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 1-4 Bea :40 b 1-26 Joe Patsie. . . :42b l-22Campdore .. :40 b 1-29 Mardie :36h - . 1-28 Dark Ayr... :39b 1-30 Mary Ream .. :40 b " 1-29 For Me :38e 12-20 Wilw Brble :40 b One-Half Mile. 1-30 Gallop Along :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-28 Dealer 1:08 e 1-24 Ragtime ....1:09 b 1-21 Gallineta ....l:05h Three-Quarters - Mile, 1-24 Passalong ...1:19 h