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Track Diagrams and Best Times at All Distances Among the many features in the American Racing Manual of 1932 are the diagrams of all the important race tracks in this country, Canada, Cuba and Mexico, presenting in minute detail their peculiarities, chutes, widths at different points, lengths of home stretches, seating capacities of grandstand, as well as other items frequently inquired about. As a matter of convenience, the diagrams of the tracks and their records, together with the best times at the various distances over which the races were run in 1931, are printed on opposite pages, their relation being evident at a glance. These track diagrams and corresponding records are an exclusive feature of the American Racing Manual and are not found in any other publication. They alone are worth the price of the book itself. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW Prices Paper, 2.50; Special, S3.00; De Luxe, .50.