Opportunity of a Lifetime: Lexington Sales Company Schedules Auctions in Late November, Daily Racing Form, 1932-11-10


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- i : : OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME 2 ay Lexington Sales Company Schedules Auctions in Late November. cc fa a a Best-Bred Horses and Mares From Most P Successful Studs Consigned De- pi pression Is Eesponsible. M ai t LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 9. At no time since its organization has the Lexington g Sales Paddocks, under the supervision of a E. J. Tranter, offered as choice a collection gj of brood mares, yearlings, foals and horses f in training as will be sold during the week j from November 14 to 19, both dates, inclu- -y sive. . "I Approximately 250 brood mares will he S1 disposed of, and about the same number of yearlings. These brood mares are being con- rs signed by some of the outstanding studs in this country. They are all choicely bred, j have been carefully selected, are of excel-lent individuality, many of them have pro C duced stake winners, and without excep- tion, every one of them is in possession of a veterinarys certificate testifying she is s in breeding condition. a It is only the financial cataclysm that the country has been staggering under for t-the last three years that makes it possible n to bid on brood mares such as these. Even j the most successful studs in the country, j and those most soundly buttressed finan- j cailly, have found it expedient to curtail p their thoroughbred holdings, and mares, that in under ordinary conditions could not be pur- y chased, are now being offered in the Lex- j. ington Sales Paddocks. j. is The quality of the mares being offered is g immediately manifest when we note that they come from such studs as the Shoshone j Stud, Marshall Field, A. B. Hancock, Ham- j burg Place, Keeneland Stud, Swingalong Stud, Coldstream Stud, Elsmeade Farm, 0 of George D. Widener, Pv. V. Dennison, E. F. Pritchard, Griffin Watkins, Eugene Kucker, J. S. Barbee and A. K. Stone, names to f conjure with in the bloodstock world. 1 The world-famous Hamburg Place Stud, E which, under the genius of the late John r E. Madden, gained a world-wide reputa- r tion as a thoroughbred nursery, is consign- ing twenty-two superbly bred brood mares, 1 the majority of them bred to such outstand- j ing sires as Victorian, Blue Larkspur, Man o War, American Flag, Crusader, Infinite, Kai-Sang and Lee O. Cotner. j Annie Jordan, by Peter Pan Early Rose, by Star Shoot, is in foal to Victorian. Blue t Larkspurs mates are: Blue and Gold, by j Friar Rock Mitten, by King Eric; Blue j and Gold is the dam of winners; Mitten produced the winners of over one hundred j races; Blue Light, by Sir Martin Phantom 1 Blue, by Ultimus; Janet Blair half-sister t to Pairbypair, Crowning Glory and Black t Curl, by Sir Martin imp. Frizeur, by imp. 1 Sweeper; Santa Clara, by Ormondale West- 1 5 ern Lady, by imp. Ogden; Tea, by Sir Mar- ; i tin Hostess, by imp. Star Shoot. The mares I in foal to Man o War are: Ripe Grape, by Friar Rock Vineyard Maid, by imp. Star t ! ! Shoot, and Three Stars, by Star Master Triangle, by imp. Omar Khayyam. Three mares have been bred to American Flag, sire of Gusto: Muriel Von Der, by Hessian 3 Typist, by imp. Star Shootf Wild Vine, 1 f by Sir Martin Vineyard Maid, by Star : Shoot, and Yellow" Jacket, by imp. Hourless 1 I Yellow Sally, by imp. Star Shoot. 1 t Two of these mares have been bred to L that great son of Man o War, Crusader: 1 5 Janis D., by imp. Omar Khayyam Delft, ; 3 by Burgomaster, and Victorine, by Sir Mar- ; tin Princess Mary dam of Flying Ebony, -by Hessian. Happy Hours, by Sir Martin . Hostess, by imp. Star Shoot, is in foal to 3 Infinite. Kai-Sang, sire of Repaid, has been , 3 bred to Brunhilde, by Peter Quince Muriel, : 3 by imp. Watercress; so has Harridan; a 4 daughter of Friar Rock and Tory Maid, by : 1 Yankee; Orana, by Star Shoot Belle of 1 Ormonde, by Orsini; Parting Ways, by imp. ; 2 Prince Palatine Dismiss, by imp. Ogden; 0 Stage Wait, by Sir Martin Soubrette, by 1 King James; Tea Party, by Watervale Tog-r. gery, by imp. Rock Sand; and Tinder, by Sir Martin Frivol, by Trap Rock, have all 5 been bred to that rising young sire, Lee O. B Cotner. 9 Practically all of these mares are by the 0 most successful brood mare sires of this era 1 8 imp. Star Shoot, Sir Martin, Friar Rock 3 and Peter Pan and there is not an old : 0 mare in the lot, and they are safely in foal 6 to outstanding sires. No finer collection 4 of brood mares from one stud has been offered for public sale in years, and it may be years before another offering of equal merit appears. 1 Marshall Field consigns eight mares, six 19 of which are of sufficient excellence to jus-Q tify comment. Astrolable, foaled in 1929, is 0 by the sensationally successful sire imp. Sir 6 Gallahad HI. Etoile Filante, by Fair Play. 2 She has been bred to Brown Bud, winner 14 of the Travers Stakes and other races. 16 Chickasaw, foaled in 1924, is a daughter of 1 imp. Chicle Eden Hall, by imp. Armeath n., 15 bred to the successful sire Stimulus. This mare is by the great sire Chicle, sire of Whichone, Mother Goose, Enchantment, etc., from the dam of the stake winners Anna . 5 M. Humphrey and Mr. Mutt. Imp. En-0 slaved is a daughter of Valens imp. Re-.1 zende, by Tracery, and is in foal to Diavolo. . 17 Enslaved is the dam of the winners Servi- 3 tude and Aella, and the third dam of this ; .2 mare, Doris, was the dam of the Derby and . 2 Two Thousand Guineas winner and superior sire, Sunstar. Etoile Filante, foaled in 1918, by Fair Play Chit Chat, by imp. Rock Sand, is bred to Brown Bud.. This mare is a full sister to Chatterton, leading sire in this country this : year, responsible for Faireno, and she herself is the dam of Fair Star, winner of the Pimlico Futurity and Selima Stakes. Minima, foaled in 1919, is a daughter of the successful sire, Friar Rock, from Miss Minnie, by imp. Meddler, and is in foal to Stimulus". Minima is a half-sister to that great race horse, Grey Lag, while Friar Rock mares have produced High Strung, 2 ay cc fa a a P pi M ai g a gj f j -y "I S1 rs j C s a n j j j p in y j. j. is g j j 0 of f 1 E r r 1 j j t j j j 1 t t 1 ; t 1 : 1 1 1 ; ; . , : : ; 1 1 : . . : Spinach, Sunuca, sunny Lassie, starpauc and a host of other winners. Widows Weeds, the dam of Irish Wake, is imp. War Cloud Merry Marian, by Celt, and is in foal to Stimulus. This mare comes of a wonderful racing and producing family. Her second dam, Merriment H., is full sister to Wilful Maid II., dam of Prince Pal. The next dam, Marian Hood, produced Sunbonnet, and the fourth dam, Maid Marian, produced the great race horse and sire, Polymelus. That successful breeder, Arthur B. 7"n-cock, master of the Claiborne and Ellerslie Studs, finds it necessary to curtail his operations and is offering nine brood mares that should attract the attention of bidders. The following appear particularly attractive: Joan Le Mor, a young daughter of imp. Wrack, and Rod and Gun, by imp. Planudes. This mare was foaled in 1929. She is a full sister to that frequent winner, Gun Royal, and she is in foal to The Scout, a stake winner son of imp. Sir Gallahad IH. that raced with signal success in England. Wrack mares have produced Spanish Play, Khara, Universe and many other winners. Shipwreck is another young daughter of Wrack. She is from Chickadee, by imp. Omar Khayyam, foaled in 1929, and is in foal to that good son of Sun Briar, Sun Edwin. This mares maternal granddam, imp. Bobolink, is the dam of the high-class stake winner and successful sire, St. James, and she is from Chelandry, winner of the One Thousand and a wonderfully successful brood mare. Solstice appears to be one of the most desirable offerings in the consignment. Foaled in 1922, she is by imp. Omar Khayyam imp. Sombra, she by Sunstar Dona Dol, by Ayrshire, from Donetta, by Donovan. She is also in foal to Gallant Foxs half-brother, the successful race horse his own right, Petee-Wrack. Omar Khayyam mares are coming into their own. Gallant Sir, winner of the Maryland Handicap, from Sunstep, a mare bred much like Solstice. This is the female line that produced Diophon, Diadem, imp. Diapason, Dionysos, Diadumenos, Cos, Eos, Costaki Pasha and Rustom Pasha. Rinovata, fourth dam of this mare, was the foundation mare Lord DAbernons stud. The most successful yearling sale of 1932 was that of the Shoshone Stud, and this famous nursery is offering thirteen choicely bred mares, and, with the exception of one, none is over eleven years of age. The represent the best blood of the famous Sled-mere Stud, blended with the most successful lines in this country. Seven of them have a particular appeal. Absorka, foaled in 1926, is, by imp. Over There Passamaria, she by Black Jester, from imp. Pasquita, by Sundridge. Circe, foaled in 1925, is a gray mare by that highly successful .sire, The Finn, from imp. Herodias, by The Te-trarch Honoria, by Gallinule. Herodias has produced two high-class performers in Black Majesty and Pilate. Dudine is a bay mare, foaled in 1929, by imp. Polymelian Mountain Lassie, by Har-monicon. Polymelian mares have a deservedly high reputation as producers. Among them are the dame of several of the best horses bred by the Shoshone Stud of recent years, such as Osculator, Ladysman and Pompeius. There are two daughters of Pompey in the consignment, both three-year-olds. One, Oxlip, is from Polyanthus, while the other, Pompeia, is from Chrysos. Pom-peys daughters cannot help gaining high rank as producers. High Plane is by High Time Sea Plane, by Man o War Bathing Girl, dam of Triton, by Spearmint. She is but four years old. Lunar Bow, foaled in 1926, is by imp. Over There imp. Moonrise, by Sunstar, and represents a blending of the most successful blood strains of England. The Elsmeade Farm, where Gusto was bred, offers six mares, four of which are above the average. Sunny Sal, by imp. Sun Briar Salvolatile, by Disguise, is a half-sister to the double Futurity winner, Sallys Alley. Sun Briar mares are rapidly coming to the fore as producers, practically every one of them that has had a fair chance having produced a winner. Triangle is a daughter of imp. Omar Khayyam and Delft. Omar Khayyam mares are finally gaining their proper niche in the producing sphere, while Delft, dam of this mare, is also the dam of Florence Weber, dam of Scapa Flow. Summit is a daughter of Ultimus, from imp. Torpenhow. Summit is the dam of Scally, whose son, Puchero, won the Great American Stakes this year. Among the mares being offered for sale by George D. Widener is Ballotade, a daughter of Ballot and Basseting, dam of the high-class race horse, Sir Harry; Blame, by Wrack Censure, by Star Ruby, dam of Reprove; imp. Masking, by Oversight, from that great race mare and producer, Maskette, winner of the Futurity and dam of the Cambridgeshire winner, Masked Marvel; Merry Jane, by imp. Ambassador, from Merry Marian, by Celt. Faireno is from an Ambassador mare, Minerva. Mica is by Fair Play Malachite, she by imp. Rock Sand, from Miss Hanover, by Hanover. Fair Play, Rock Sand and Hanover three names to conjure with in racing and breeding history. The Swingalong Stud is offering a representative group of mares by such sires as Theo. Cook, Delhi, Friar Rock, War Cloud, Ormondale and Olambala; bred to such sires as Prince Val, Vito, Nocturnal and Transmute. The mares from the Coldstream Stud are by Cicero, imp. Star Shoot, Golden Maxim, Badajoz, McGee and Ultimus. The estate of W. S. Dudley is offering all of the mares owned by the late Colonel Dudley. The majority of them are bred to that good son of Friar Marcus, Monks Way. Among them are choicely bred daughters of Peter Pan, imp. Light Brigade, North Star IH., imp. Omar Khayyam, Ballot, Jim Gaffney, imp. Ambassador TV., imp. Glen-cairn, Hessian, Uncle, Superman, Delhi, Craig an Eran and imp. Polymelian. Some of these mares have been bred to outside sires, such as Sun Flag, Insco, Roguish Eye, Bagenbaggage and In Memoriam. Buyers are offered an unparalleled opportunity to procure, at a relatively cant cost, some of the most desirable blood lines extant, and the combination of circumstances that brings about these sales is not likely to be experienced again in a lifetime.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932111001/drf1932111001_16_3
Local Identifier: drf1932111001_16_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800