Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1932-11-10

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PIMLICO PIMLICO, MD., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1932. Pimlico 1 mile. Ninth day. Maryland Jockey Club. Fall meeting of 12 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather rainy. Stc,";.ards A G Weston, G. Brown, Jr., and F. J. Bryan. Judges, J. B. Campbell, J. P. Turner and H. F. Conkhng. Starter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary, F. J. Bryan. Racing starts at 1:00 p. m. Chicago time, 12:00 m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds ; 7 pounds ; 10 pounds. 77C2fb FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Con Amore, Nov. 7, 1931 1:10 4 120. Purse ,000. Nov.-9-32-Pim o w Km 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special weights. Net value to winner 5700: second. 50; third, 3100; fourth, 0. Index Dorses Bqt A Wt IPSt 14. Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77597 FINE FIBRE w 117 9 3 2l 1J Vi VI MartinR Audley Farm Stable 460-100 77633 CORRYMEELA wb 117 11 1 21 21 2 RobtsonA R Parr 1015-100 77G33sLOVER TEN w 117 7 2 3k 51 3 3s BejshakJ Brandywine Stable U95-100 7776S LEZEV wb 117 8 7 T T b" Ai MalleyT L Perry 2755-100 77597 PERNICKETY wb 117 12 4 4 35 4i 51 KsingerC Greentrcc Stable 1105-100 77485 ACCENT w 117 6 8 51 4i 5J 64 MeadeD A C Bostwick 305-100 76285 JUST REMEMBER w 117 2 5 8 8i 85 71i ElstonH Justa Farm Stable 1240100 76455 DUNORA. w 117 511 101 lO-lCP 8lLutherT Mrs J M Black 41890100 77597 LIGHT RIPPLE w 117 11 9 61 63 V 9 HanfordB Mrs T H Somcrville X 77633 THE DREAM 1 wb 117 10 6 9l 98 3s 10 WattersE F C Mctzger tl9390-100 70250 CHATELET w 117 3 10 ll1 11 11 11 AmbroseE L G Blume 16950-100 77025 BROWNLOCKS wll7 412 12 12 12 12 SteWrE Chagrin Stable t fMutuel field. JCoupled as Bandywine Stable and Mrs. T. H. Somerville entry. Time, :21, :49 1:16. Track heavy. , S2 MTJTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKIKG ODTJS . FINE FIBRE 1.20 $ 6.10 $ 3.30 460100 205100 65100 CORRYMEELA 3.40 3.80 320100 90100 BRANDYWINE STABLE and MRS. T. H. SOMERVILLE ENTRY.... 2.20 10100 Winner B. f, by St. Henry Pine Mist, by Donnacona trained by K. Spence; bred by Audley Farm and Mr. L. A. Moseley. WENT TO POST 1:001. AT POST-C minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third easily. FINE FIBRE, hustled to reach a contending position in the early stages, slipped through on the inside of CORRYMEELA when leaving the back stretch and, kept under strong urging, outstayed the pacemaker. The latter had good early speed, was steered into "the firmest going and held on willingly. LOWER TEN lost ground entering the stretch, was placed to punishment and Finished gamely. LEZEV worked her way up steadily, but could not reach the leaders. PERNICKETY weakened when the real issue came. ACCENT was on the outside throughout. LIGHT RIPPLE was never a dangerous factor. Scratched 775972Star Fairy, 117; 77854:Ladv Legend, 117; 77667 Lacquer, 117; 77351 Grace Buntincr, 117; 77766 Polly F., 117: 77633 Prom Girl, 117. . F7 TTk O i" SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Con Amore, Nov. 7, 1931 1:1 05 41207 Prusc o6oT ii a wo- 3-year-olds and uoward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, Hov.-9-3Z-Pim 00; fourth, 550. Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 2 lbs. extra for each 50 to ,000. Index "Horses EqtA Wt TP St i2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77859PORTDEN w 3 115 2 8 61 53 21 1" BellizziD Linton Farms Stable 160-100 776745BUTTER BEANS wb 3 108 8 6 4J 2 11 2J ToddW Mrs J M Reed 165-100 77556 HAGERSTOWN w 3 112 9 7 7 41 31 3l WatsonR J D Baker . 1935-100 77815 ROYAL PAST wb 3 112 5 5 2"k 11 43 4" DougrtyF Justa Farm Stable 17615-100 77879 WISE COUNT wb 3 112 1 9 9 8s 50k 5s RobtsonA C E Grogan f580-100 77444 GRAND PRINCE wb 6 116 6 2 3k 3 610 619 LewisM Shandon Farm Stable 1195-100 75514MUSTA MEMORY w 3 104 3 3 5k T 74 7 CruzH J Fisher Jr 19890-100 77401 KNIGHTS CAP w 3 112 4 4 1 6 8 81 HanfordB H McGehee t 77310SOUTHTOUR w 3 107 7 1 81 9 9 9 StudleyW Mrs W W Vaughn 6000-100 fCoupled as C. E. Grogan and H. McGehee ontrv. Time, :24, :49. l":154. Track heavy. . S2 MTJTTJELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PORTDEN $ 5.20 $ 3.00 $ 2.50 160100 50100 25100 CUTTER BEANS 3.00 2.60 50100 30100 HAGERSTOWN 5.10 155100 Winner B. c, by The Porter Margaret Ogden, by Ogden trained by W. H. Brooks; bred by Mr. E. B. McLean. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 1:351. AT POST 3J minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving: second and third easily. PORTDEN, outpaced for the first eighth, was blocked when moving up on the inside leaving the back stretch, secured racing room on the inside thereafter and, closing resolutely, was up in the final, strides. BUTTER BEANS, a strong factor and suited by the footing, gained a slight lead at the final eighth pole and fought it out courageously. HAGERSTOWN finished in resolute fashion. ROYAL PAST, used Up racing with KNIGHTS CAP and GRAND PRINCE, tired at the end. WISE COUNT, slower than usual, finished strong in the last half mile. GRAND PRINCE faltered after five-eighths. KNIGHTS CAP weakened early. Scratched 77401 Lampoon, 112: 77815 Peter Pridd, 112; 77815 Woodcraft, 116. Overweight Southtour, 3 pounds. THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Tred Avon, Nov. 3, 19311:423108. .7 iffnn-- Potomac Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; Nov.-9-32-Pim second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt JA 2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77791 SILENT SHOT w 114 2 2 2 2l 1" l1 1" ElstonH J E Hughes 3720-100 77768WHITE THORN wb 114 8 7 9s 9s 71 21 21 MalleyT Mrs J H Whitney 260-100 77791BURNING FEET wb 114 3 3 4 ? 31 31 3" CallahanH M Lowenstein 275-100 77669INDIAN BOY wb 114 6 8 5l 4" 44 41 4i HanfordB J Marsch - 2635-100 77813 JUNGLE KING wb 111 1 1 3" 51 52 5i 5 KsingerC Greentree Stable 1425-100 77699 CAPITALIST w 111 7 5 61 8J 61 74 61 BerniusL G Preece 3340-100 77811 STANDOUT w 106 411 71 71 9" 6h 7 RenickS Mrs W W Vaughn 77443FAIR IMAGE v.- Ill 9 4 8" 6" 81! 84 8 LewisM Mrs W E Schmidt 1030-100 77217 OLD BALDY wb 114 11 6 1J1 1J1 2rt 910 9s JonesR W R Coe 325-100 77810 HONOR BOUND w 109110 9 11 101 10W 105 SteinmrE P L Maury 77705GALA TIME wb 115 5 10 101 11 11 11 11 BejshakJ C T Grayson 2900-100 Mutuel field. Time, :24, :50. 1:17. 1:44. 1:50. Track heavy. ,52 MTJTTJELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SILENT SHOT 6.40 1.80 0.50 3720100 990100 425100 WHITE THORN 4.50 3.50 125100 75100 BURNING FEET 3.10 55100 Winner Ch. c, by Under Fire Silencia, by King James trained by F. Garrett; bred by Shandon Stud. WENT TO POST 2:06. AT POST 1 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving: second and third the same. SILENT SHOT, following close to OLD BALDY, wore the latter down when midway of the last turn, was placed to punishment and, holding on stubbornly, outstayed WHITE THORN. The latter, forced very wide at the first turn and kept wide thereafter, circled his field and closed with a belated rush, BURNING FEET, rated close to the leaders, saved a lot of ground and fought it out willingly. INDIAN BOY could not improve his position after moving into a forward position. JUNGLE KING showed a good effort the entire trip. CAPITALIST went evenly while losing ground. OLD BALDY flattened out after three-quarters. GALA TIME was never a factor. Scratched 77837 Walter Jr., Ill; 77420:Rome Vennie. Ill; 77836 Lough Port, 114; 77810 Reservist, 106; 77671 Altus Nuba, 109; 77353 Donna Linda, 106; 77791 Keggy. 114. Overweight :Honor Bound, 3g pounds; Gala Time, 4. "ff 7QOO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Tred Avon, Nov. 3, 19311:423108. 4 6 qJO Pimlico Graded Handicap Class A.. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net Nov.-9-32-Pim vaUQ to winner 00; second, 50; third. 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA Wt TP St Y 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77709TRED AVON w 4 126 3 3 4 4i lh l4 l4 JonesR S W Labrot 85-100 77769 GLASTONBURY w 4 110 5 7 T 61 61! 21 21 KsingerC J McPherson - 800-100 77859 MARMION w 3 105 7 5 61! 8 .71 51 3" LewisM Coldstream Stud Stable 1585-100 77856SCUTTLE w 4 104 4 6 5"S 5Bl 4nk 3 41 MeadeD A C Bostwick 2220-100 77881 HELIANTHUS wb 4 122 2 2 21 21 2" 4,k 5 ElstonH Brookmeade Stable 2300-100 77565RISQUE wb 4 122 1 1 l I" 31 61 6 SteffenE Mrs J Hertz 2450-100 77859:MR. SPONGE wb5124 6 8 8 71 8 8 71 BejshakJ J E Widener 665-100 77203CLOTHO wb 3 1081 8 4 31 31 51 7" 8 HanfordB C V Whitney 890-100 Time, :24i, :49, 1:1534. 1:42. 1:48. Track heavy. S2 MTJTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODT18 . TRED AVON $ 3.70 $ 2.80 $ 2.40 85100 40100 20100 GLASTONBURY 5.50 4.00 175100 100100 MARMION 5.80 190100 Winner Br. f, by Sir Greysteel La Muiron, by Durbar II. trained by W. Irvine; bred by S. W. Labrot. WENT TO POST 2:351. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. TRED AVON, sent into a prominent position, moved up on the outside when going to the front, was shaken up mildly when entering the stretch and drew out smartty. GLASTONBURY, saving ground whore-cver possible early, came determinedly when placed to punishment and finished on the outside, MARMION, unable to enter into a contending position in the earlv racins, circled his field and closed with a rush. SCUTTLE, hard ridden the entire trip, came willingly in the final half mile. HELIANTHUS and RISQUE wrere used up setting the pace. MR. SPONGE lacked early speed and could never threaten the leaders. Scratched 77709 Snap Back, 105. Overweight Marmion, 1 pound; Clotho, I5. TQOI FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Tred Avon, Nov. 3, 1931 1:42J 3 108. Pim-. nn lico Graded Handicap Class B.. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value . Nov.-9-32-Pim to winner S7C0 second 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Yi Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 77879LADINO wb 3 121 1 1 lk 1" V 2s 11 RobtsonA R Parr fl30 -100 77664HAGGERSON wb 3 116 5 3 21 21 24 11 2 WattersE J C Clark 630-100 77904 SWATTER w 5 126 2 2 61 51 and 4 3 SteffenE Branncastle Farm Stable 315-100 77736MOVE FASTER wb 3 116 8 6 5h 61 6s 51 41 CallahanH M Lowenstein 1865 100 77602 AVALON wb 4 121 3 5 44 3J 34 3 5s HanfordB II Bruce 77860 RACCOON wb 5 126 7 4 3" 4 4 6s 6s ElstdhH Brookmeade Stable- 1110-100 77566 JOLLY PILOT w 3 120 4 8 71 V T 7s 7l MartinR Audley Farm Stable 77770FLAMING MAMIE wb 3 116 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 CruzH J B Belk 790-100 iCoupIcd as R. Parr, H. Bruce and Audlev Farm Stable entrv. Time, :24, :50, 1:16, 1:43, 1:49. "Track heavy. . HUTTTELS PAIand , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , R. PARR, H. BRUCE AND AUDLEY FARM STABLE ENTRY.... ..... $ 4.60 2.1 $ 2.10 130100 35100 5100 HAGGERSON 4.60 3.20 - 130100 60100 SWATTER 3.10 . 55108 Winner Ch. g, by Ladkin Cuba Belle, by Transvaal trained by E. Trueman; bred by Messrs. Delancy and Young. WENT TO POST 3:06. AT POST 6 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third easily. LADINO, hurried to the front, was steadied along while resisting keen contention from HAGGERSON, came again after being overtaken and regained command in the final sixteenth mile. HAGGERSON, close, up from the start, raced into the lead when straightened into the stretch, but weakened badly thereafter. SWATTER, outrun early, closed with good courage at the end. MOVE FASTER came to the outside and finished in game fashion. AVALON tired in the closing quarter mile. JOLLY PILOT, fractious, broke from the outside and was outrun. RACCOON quit. FLAMING MAMIE was not persevered with at any stage. Scratched 77594 Lullaby II., 124; 77835 Soupcon, 118. rJryQOEr SIXTH RACE 1 3-16tMiles. Gallant Knight, May 7, 19321:535121. Purse ,000. 6 and Zt43 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, Nov.-9-32-Pim 100; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. lnder Horses EqtA WtPPSt 1 str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77882:NEGOPOLI wsb 7 118 3 1 T 4i 2" l1 l3 MalleyT G C Winfrey 265-100 77632 SULTRY , wb 3 111 7 3 l4 I3 l2 2 22 HanfordB A Snyder 5530-100 77793!BRANDON ROSE wb 3 105 9 8 43 3"k 4,k 33 3s BellizziD Brandon Stable 155-100 777S33DESPOIL wsb 3 111 1 6 21 2J 31 43 4i KsingerC J Edwards 505-100 77794GENERAL COURT wb3113 5 5 5" 51 51 53 5" CruzH F J Vollmer 700-100 77654GALAHAD wb 7 118 4 2 9" 10 91 64 6s BergerN Mrs J I Duncan 2905-100 77812 BLACK PRINCESS wb 3 108 10 7 3" 6s 61 71 71 RenickS E A Raymond 9895 100 77794 LIGHT BREEZE wb 3 106 6 4 6"k 73 85 91 8l DabsonH L Sherman 14605-100 77704THOUGHTS w3 103 8 9 10 91 7 8! 9 HallswthS M Briener 21085-100 77638 EAGER PLAY wsb 6 116 2 10 83 81 10 10 10 CallahanH J Goff 3575-100 Time, :25, :51, 1:17, 1:45, 2:06. Track heavy. . 32 MUIUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NEGOPOLI $ 7.30 $ 4.20 $ 2.90 265100 110100 45100 SULTRY 27.70 9.60 1285100 380100 BRANDON ROSE 2.40 20100 Winner Ch. h, by Negofol Little Polly, by Frizzle trained by G. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. L. A. Lyne. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,000. , WENT TO POST 3:39. AT POST 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third the same. NEGOPOLI, well handled and allowed to settle in his best stride entered contention midway of the back stretch, wore SULTRY down and drew out into an easy lead. SULTRY, showing good ability in the going, went into an easy lead, was kept in the firmest footing, but could not stall off the winner. BRANDON ROSE, carried very wide at the first turn, improved her position in the stretch run. DESPOIL, forced to hold a forward position while in the deepest footing, weakened steadily in the final five-sixteenths. GENERAL COURT could not threaten the leaders. The others were outrun. , Scratched 77855 Mainsheet, 110; 77816 You Darling, 103; 77531 Happy Play, 111; 77882 Little Stokes, 113; 76896 Zenka, 108; 77855 Gloria Maris, 103; 77816 Wrackell, 111. Overweight Light Breeze, 3 pounds. Corrected weight Negopoli, 118. SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Tred Avon. Nov. 3, 1931 1:42 3 108. i 4 JiX3 Pimlico Graded Handicap Class C. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net Nov.-9-32-Pim vauc to winner 00; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Efjt A WtPPSt ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77834BLONDISH w 3 121 6 4 53 51 54 22 l4 GilbertJ Sage Stable 730-100 77770GAY PARTY wb 3 120 12 7 43 44 21! 11 2s DougrtyF Mrs B F Christmai 245-100 77877BOKIE B. "wb 3 116 7 5 3k 3k lok 34 33 HanfordB J Arthur II. 420-100 77531 BLACK BOARD w3124 5 3 21 ? 31 43 4s CallahanH M Lowenstein 450-100 77882WARD-IN-CHANCRYwb3123 1 1 91 8" 95 6 51 RobtsonA S Mason 750-100 77740 FIFE wb 3 114 10 10 73 6s 6s 51 610 FlynnJ I E Tawney 3480-100 77812 TRAUFEY . w4117 8 6 61! 7l 81 82 71! RemillardP E W Plitt i2255-10O 76132 TRAFFIC JUDGE wb 3 116 9 2 11 11 41 71 8s DabsonH R P Watts 2030-100 77877 FAIR JUDGE wb 3 116 2 9 10" lOlO1! 93 91! WattersE W I Newmarch 4100-100- 77855 FRENCH ACE wb 3 116 3 11 11 11 11 11 10s KnessiH Mrs C Scruton t 777413VANDAL wb 6 124 4 8 81 9 7k103 11 WisnerV E Carver 8970-100 77877 MERRY MACK wb 5 120 11 Left at post. LeylandJ Mrs M Chavis i tMutucl 1 field. Time, :24, :50, 1:17, 1:43, 1:50. Track heavy. -io 2 MUTTTEIS PAID 1 f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BLONDISH 6.60 .30 .20 730100 265100 110100 GAY PARTY 4.40 3.30 120100 65100 BOKIE B. 3.50 75100 Winner Ch. f, by Blondin Flourish, by Pennant trained by P. M. Walker; bred by Sage Stable. WENT TO POST 4:10. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third easily. BLONDISH, badly outrun for the first three-quarters, moved up stoutly in the last half mile, came to the outside of GAY PARTY and in a hard drive was up in the final strides. GAY PARTY, a strong factor from the start, raced the early leaders into submission and fought it out with good courage. BOKIE B. went along in the thick of contention, gained a brief lead, but could not stay. BLACK BOARD weakened badly when entering the final turn. WARD-IN-CHANCERY could not untrack himself early and was held afe FIFE raced well. TRAFFIC JUDGE quit. MERRY MACK was left when he refused to break. Scratched 77815 Porgie. 117; 75839 Ynobe, 124; 69889 Dark Vision, 115; 75836 Regulation, 106; 77531 Hot Cake, 122; 76183 Carabetty, 117. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT PIMLICO Wednesday-3 Races, 76.20; 5 Races, 20.70; 7 Races, 14.10

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932111001/drf1932111001_17_1
Local Identifier: drf1932111001_17_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800