Daily Racing Form Selections, Daily Racing Form, 1932-11-10

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""MtMSiSdLIBy -Bert of the Day : J 1 " I 1 IfeSSirSMfflr- LATONIA 6th ....WRIGLEY FIELD PIMLIC 5th HYGRO CT?T TaOTlAVTO ""TI P4f I rl m Jl Vaf JN 2 V JS TANFORAN 2nd . LUCILLE K. LATONIA Trackman: L. G. PLAUT. Outstanding selections appear 1b bold type. Selections made for heavy track. RACE TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES SWEEP 1 ANALYST CONSENSUS Lutie Schuster Miss Kid Flying Dere Mudraker Mudraker Miss Kid Miss Kid 24 2 Miss Kid Lutie Schuster Mudraker Durb Miss Kid Red Polly Mudraker 22 Flying Dere Kaposia Red Polly Lutie Schuster Flying Dere Mudraker Lutie Schur 14 Uncle Matt Morsun . Uncle Matt Conswater Uncle Matt Uncle Matt Uncle Matt 32 2 Conswater Grand Champn Morsun Morsun Morsun Butch Morsun 20 Glamorous Brimsey Conswater Grand Champn Grand Champion Flag Flying Conswater 14 Lady of Grace Baptism Dark War Sweeprush Dark War Dark War Dark War 26 3 Peacock Blue Laura Clay Peacock Blue Figuriste Baptism Sweeprush Sweeprush 14 , Hopulikit Sweeprush Hopulikit Dark War Lady of Grace Lady of Grace Lady of Grace 12 Young Bill Sally Irene Sally Irene Sally Irene Young Bill Justina Sally Irene 38 4 Justina " Justiria Justina Young Bill Sally Irene Sally Irene Young Bill 22 Sally Irene Jane Packard . Asphodel Justina Well Shod Young Bill Justina 22 .Chene El Puma Plumage Plumage Plumage Plumage Plumage 42 5 Plumage Plumage Chene Tela Chene El Puma Chene 18 - Impish Tela Impish Chene Impish Impish El Puma 12 Wrigley Field AbeFurst Wrigley Field Wrigley Field Wrigley Field Wrigley Field Wrigley Field 46 Q Blast Domina Blast NuckolsBoy Blast Blast Blast 16 Tommy Wrigley Field Domina DadMeiners Tommy NuckolsBoy AbeFurst 8 Madelon Madelon Billy Champ Seths Ballot LadyCouvin Billy Champ Madelon20 7 Phaeldale LadyCouvin LadyCouvin Madelon Seths Ballot Seths Ballot LadyCouvin 20 Major Lanphier Phaeldale Seths Ballot LadyCouvin Blow Fly LadyCouvin Billy Champ 18 Society Talk Prince Farthing Black Torch SabinaH. Black Torch Clasbys Choice Black Torch 22 g Clasbys Choice Black Torch Clasbys Choice Clasbys Choice Society Talk Princess A. O. Clasbys Chce 20 Prince Reno Glynhurst Princess A. O. Bob Custer Prince Reno Black Torch Society Talk 12 PIMLICO Trackman: T. K. LYNCH. Outstanding selections appear In bold type. Selections made for heavy track. RACE TRACKMAN CHICAGO j DICK WELLES SWEEP ANALYST CONSENSUS Drapeau Point Breeze PointBreeze Point Breeze Point Breeze Judge Fardy Point Breeze 38 2 Fair Bob Judge Fardy Drapeau Drapeau Drapeau PointBreeze Drapeau 24 PointBreeze Drapeau Judge Fardy Degas Kim Drapeau Judge Fardy 14 - Purple Sage Jim Moss Sir Kendal Sir Kendal Sir Kendal Sir Kendal Sir Kendal 32 2 Accotink Brandon Light Chloedair Chloedair McDonald H. Accotink Jim Moss 14 Light Breeze Home Shore Jim Moss Jim Moss Chloedair Jim Moss Chloedair 10 Cruising Codetta Enactment - -Enactment Enactment Enactment Enactment 38 3 Enactment Snaplock Cruising Snaplock Snaplock - Silk Flag Snaplock 14 Silk Flag Enactment Babec Codetta West Main Snaplock Cruising 12 Kate Kate Midshipman Kate Walter H. Midshipman Kate 34 A Sweeperman Walter H. Kate Walter H. Precious Dollar Kate Walter H. 20 True Sweep True Sweep Walter H. True Sweep True Sweep Walter H. Midshipman 16 Hygro Pilate Hygro Hygro Hygro Hygro Hygro 52 5 Pilate Hygro Pilate Pilate Pilate Pilate Pilate 30 Masked Knight Mabla Masked Knight Masked Knight Masked Knight Masked Knight Masked ITght 10 Hope to Do Chrysostom Good Advice Chrysbstom Good Advice Good Advice Good Advice 28 j Chrysostom War Stripes Hope to Do Good Advice War Stripes WTar Stripes Chrysostom 24 Keggy Keggy War Stripes Hope to Do Chrysostom Chrysostom Hope to Do 14 Alcman Flag Trick Quarter Deck Syriac Solace Quarter Deck Quarter Deck 18 Black Patricia Zembla Miss Corinne Mud Black Patricia Miss Corinne Alcman 10 Mud Syriac Flag Trick Alcman Quarter Deck Solace Flag Trick 10 TANFORAN Trackman: J. J. MURPHY. Outstanding selections appear in bold type. Selections made for fast track. " RACE TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES SWEEP ANALYST CONSENSUS Indian Game Yola Bola Yola Bola YolaBola YolaBola Plainclothes YolaBolt38 1 Fair Lay Mortana Indian Game Indian Game Indian Game YolaBola Indian Game 22 YolaBola Indian Game Plainclothes Fair Lay Plainclothes Fair Lay Plain Clothes 12 Lucille K. Lucille K. Lucille K. Lucille K. Dupee Lucille K. Lucille K. 48 2 Honuapo Beau Bon RapidBells SI eives Pride Lucille K. Princess Val Dupee 8 j Southard Honuapo Xingu RapidBells St. Falcon RapidBells Rapid Bells 8 Bamboula Bamboula High Shot Love Apple Good Thoughts Bamboula Bamboula32 3 Good Thoughts Good Thoughts Love Apple High Shot Manitobian Love Apple Gd Thoughts 18 High Shot Manitoliian Bamboula Bamboula Bamboula Good Thoughts Love Apple 16 Ogygia RosieCora Lieut. Kelly Lieut. Kelly Lieut. Kelly Lieut Kelly Lieut. Kelly 34 4 RufeMcClain Ogygia Brown Thistle Argue Ogygia Ogygia Ogygia 24 Lieut. Kelly Desjardines RufeMcClain Ogygia -Asgo RufeMcClain RosieCora 8 ? Eskimo Sarazenll. Sarazen U. SarazenH. Tack Sarazen II. SarazenH. 42- 5 SarazenH. Eskimo Tack Eskimo SarazenH. Tack Tack 22 Zevar Tack Eskimo Tack Zevar Eskimo Eskimo 20 Huddersfield Hogans Dance Huddersfield Black Fool Gallineta Hogans Dance Huddersfield 16 Q Guide Right Nacho Black Fool Gallineta Nacho Honohina Hogans Dance IS Gallineta Honohina Honohina Nacho Honohina Black Fool Black Fool 14 Animator Garnish PingCoates Tap Dance Tap Dance Bunyora Tap Dance 28 Tap Dance PingCoates Tap Dance Animator Malicious Tap Dance Animator 14 Voyage Malicious Garnish Voyage Animator Voyage Ping Coates 12

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932111001/drf1932111001_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1932111001_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800