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JkJeoJIiJ S3hSfJi Jlc J Winners ! Just a Habit ! ! ■ Wk W H *jA V ■ B 111 Saturdays Sportsmans Tarlay: i 1 T IdJjJJ 4 CLOSING EVENT, $ 752! WON %HT ANOTHER PROFITABLE WEEK FOR "FIELD FOLLOWERS" -*© Just as usual, my clients "CLEANED UP AGAIN." MY PARLAYS PAY SUCH TREMENDOUS ODDS, it only TAKES ONE OUT OF SIX TO GIVE YOU A GOOD WEEKS WAGES. W~START THE WEEK "OFF" RIGHT— GET MONDAYS LIMIT WIN PARLAYTW Mr. Player — Whatever you do, dont miss any of my parlays next week. I promise you more long shot winners than you ever cashed in your life. Start Monday and stay with me all week— WINNERS EVERY DAY ! ! DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DAILY! City clients, call In person or phone — FRANKLIN 0596 — for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay ! ! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, III. WILLIAM BROTHERS 2«7 FIFTH AVE. NEAR 29TH ST.. SUITE 601, NEW YORK CITY OUT OF EACH 00 WON PAY US 5 SPECIAL OFFER: WIRE S3 FOR YOUR SHARE OF EXPENSES— TEN DAYS SERVICE There are no strings attached to this offer. For ten days we will wire you a two-horse parlay. A ten-day trial should prove that we handle the best information obtainable at any price. Our connections assure you real information which should prove sensational. Mondays Two Big Limit Winners Should Win and Pay 50 for We know that if you are on the square you will send in your share after we show you the above profit. Those not fulfilling our requirements will immediately be taken off our telegraph list. You play a S3 win parlay for ten days on the two horses we wire you. When the ten days are up, wire us 5 out of each 00 you have won and we will continue. Overhead expenses obtaining this information are enormous. In order to help with same, we require you to teleeraph S3 now via Western Union or Postal Telegraph, which amount may be deducted from our share at the end of ten days. GETAWAY DAY IS LONG SHOT DAY And Saturday, May 20th, is ietaway l»ay at Churchill Downs, m again we expect two from there that should win and PAY PLENTY. Our price for these Churchill Downs Getaway Specials is only , and BOTH HORSES we send you MIST WIN AND WIN ONLY, or we will wire you our regular parlay for Saturday. May 27th, FREE, and also mail you a subscription six weeks to Gallops Weekly and Parlay Page iThe Little Yellow Book, with instructions FUEE. Dont miss these Getaway Specials, and dont forget they go Saturday, May 20th. Just send and say: "For Churchill Downs Getaway Specials." WE RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS BY MATT.. pill flPQ 219 S. DEARBORN ST. KlJtL.LiJr O CHICAGO, DLL.INOIS IVTVTV1 0IRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day — In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR MONDAY: CHURCHILL— X-13-1-28-25. AURORA— G-7-1 -26-15. Saturdays Kelly Code Release at Churchill Downs: ON SIR, .68, WON WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL MASTER CLOCKER FREE CODE: CHURCHILL— Tar-May-Bab-Hod-May. FREE CODE: PIMLICO— Tar-Pep-Ice-Gag-Jog. OCCASIONAL CODE: CHURCHILL— Tab-Bag-Jam-Gum-Gum. GRAND STAND TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 35 CENTS Mondays 00 Free Code: C. D.— Grand-22-29-42-42. MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO— Feb.-30-33. CHURCH.— March-48-55. I PLAYERS NOTICE! SYSTEM ON TRIAL NO WIN-NO PAY Will send our new Kentucky System on approval for 10 days free trial. Must pick 3 or more winners daily at each track during this trial period, otherwise you owe us nothing. 0 capital is all you need. No figuring — no handicapping- no doubling up after losers — flat beta only, Should average 5 to 0 per week net profit on flat bets. Send no money -just your name and address. First come, first served. Send for your copy today! SEC0RPUB.G0. Dept 5 Aurora, III. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: CHURCHILL— Tom-42-29. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: PIMLICO— Ed-31-27. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 13 SATURDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: ON SIR, .68, WON MONDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL: G0RG0NZ0LA— Harp-30-32. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate— One Month, .25; Six Months, ; One Year, 0. 121 Plymouth Court Chicago, 111. I Mail me this ad and you will be BH BB rewarded with a free ropy of 9HH HH-THE SECRET OF BEATING ■ H THE RACES" HM ■M J. K. WILLIS ■■ ■ 5122 N. w. 18th Ave., Miami, Fla. H DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses tliat figure to win. Accurate handicap ping is simple when you know how There is no excuse foi anyone not knowing how to handicap. Kail ptf, ticumr- tree — no strings attached. Swore your free copy of "lMfk Your Own Winners." I .earn to handicap and he « winner. Write tod.iv. E. J. BELL, P. O. Box. 416. Cleveland, Ohio CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY, 35 Cents Sold on All Newsstands NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY Mondays Free Code: CHURCHILL— York-26-48. See pace 2, Carl Brady Turf Weekly. Mondays Parlay: CHURCH.— Gray-18-13. PIMLICO— Pink-25-18-17-13. For win parlays, see page 4, Carl Brady. CARL BRADY 1841 BROADWAY SUITE 1006 NEW YORK CITY RAY PAXON 320 EAST THIRD ST. SUITE 401 1. CINCINNATI. 0. MONDAYS CODE HORSES: CHURCHILL— Dice-1-7-25-25. PIMLICO— Dice-11-8-7-10. FOUND AT LAST! A SURE "GOGETTErT" L. C. WOODS uncovers race secret that Beats the Mutuels Every Day. Get Yours. He tells you Free. How it is done. Its Easy. Write him la URBANA, ILLINOIS— Its a "Master Key" COMPASS— For Sale at All Newsstands— 35 Cents Mondays Code Parlay: PIMLICO— June-58 44-58-60 and CHURCHILL— April 68 42 74 80. Free Code: BLUE — Eddie-48-44-56-14. Clockers Code: CHURCHILL— Reo-25-51-19 35. MAN O WAR Mondays Free Code: PIMLICO— Boot-16-20-16-27. Mondays Code Parlay: PIMLICO— Dick 28 34 47-32 and CHURCHILL— Albert-24-45 56-62. Mondays Jockey Code: DOG— Mills 36-23-34-34. SUPREME" FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 Cents a Copy-Sold at An Newsstands New Issue Out. Mondays 00 * * * Free Code: CHURCH.— Sept.-15 1-18-24. Mondays Pimlito Release: BOOT— 17-14. ~~ CLOCRERS REVIEW1»UB. CO. For Sale op AH Stands 35 Cents Pei Copy Mondays Free Code: PIMLICO— Green 6 15. MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO— Spurs-26-8. CHURCHILL— Belt-12-11. 1 MYSTEff MWC ScS. 1 I ■?■ »~ • ■•■• ■Wr m ACCIAIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER »N THE * II COWTRY FOR MY SUCCESS 1 _ ■ ua laii m »« m !■ m MR. SULLIVAN A now ready acain t bookies rkt likc it * 1 ■ T WATCH MV *SMOK£. " BOOKIES RUINED AGAIN SATURDAYI , AND WE SURE JCLEANED UP$ FRIDAY SATURDAYS PARLAY: j PREMIUM PARLAY WON: SS5,EVENT JlSSrSJ I NIGHT VINTAGE, 2.60, WON Remember PARLAYS pay BIG MONEY and we LADY MENIFEE, $ 7.96, WON average 2 to 3 041 WIN PARLAYS OUT OF 6. Here are 2 WINNERS all SULLIVAN followers Can YOU do better? I CLEANED UP on Friday. SIT WATCH SULLIVAN "SLAUGHTER" BOOKIES MONDAY **■ SULLIVAN has WINNERS of "DAILY DOUBLE" at Sportsmans Monday that should pay 00 . mr AND WIN PARLAY AT PIMLICO "FREE" MONDAY— WORTH 00 -»■ PIMLICO parlay will be given FREE to everyone who subscribes Monday, so DONT MISS IT. TERMS. A DAY. City clients, call at office or phone RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and parlay will be sent to you with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE. OUT-OF-TOWN players, telegraph . Parlay wired to you. "Mysterious" MR. J. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St. Sntte 1325-1327. Chicago, PL ROSS METHOD "TRIO-WIN" SERVICE WINS 42.80 DURING FIRST SIX DAYS CAPITAL REQUIRED: 5 The first week of public newsstand sale of Ross Method "TRIO-WIN" envelopes, 3 horses daily selected by the Law of Averaeel, was a magnificent success — just as we told you it would be. The play, used with the "WIN-FROM-WINNINGS" betting system which we give absolutely free to each player, won 42.80 net profits on a unit. We promised you 40 per cent to 50 per cent winners, and gave over 55 per cent. Our releases included MACK SENNETT, 0.60, WON; WARD IN-CHAN-CERY, .60, WON; and RIFF RAFF, .06, WON. Players, wake up! This Law of Average play is mechanically profitable — a cold-Wooded business proposition. All releases are filed in advance with the Daily Racing Form. "TRIO-WIN" envelopes are now on sale at Chicago loop newsstands. The cost — — includes all extra service: the "WIN-FROM-WINNINGS" betting plan, free substitutes for any scratched horse, and our written assurance of profits. On all loop stands today and at the POST OFFICE NEWS CO., 84 W. Madison St., Chicago. THE ROSS METHOD 75 E. WACKER DRIVE CHICAGO TEL. AND0VER 4257 TO ALL PLAYERS: Send today for free copy of the Ross Method of Selection. No obligation. Address above. The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Centi ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Two Pink Sheet Selectors Pick 5.20 Winner THESE WERE SOME OF THE PROFIT PICKS IN FRIDAYS CHICAGO DADLY TELEGRAPH: CHATTERDOO, by Bassett and McCarty, 5.20, WON AGINCOURT, McCarty Churchill Downs Tip, 20.52, WON SHADY GIRL, Bassett Aurora Tip, 16.38, WON TRAFFIC JUDGE, by Regren and Bassett, 13.00, WON CANTORIA, Bassett Pimlico Tip, 12.40, WON MORSUN, Regren Sportsmans Park Standout, 12.40, WON — and many others at lower odds. The foregoing is further evidence that the "Pink Sheet" has plenty of winners when the longshots run down, as well as when horses are running to form. "Pink Sheet" Selectors are always alert for "coming up" horses that frequently win before the track bettors are aware that they are ready. MONDAYS TWO FREE CODES: AURORA— Nice-25-36-46. CHURCHILL DOWNS— Mare-39-26-26. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail f Chatterdoo, I 5.20, Won S I SHADY GIRL, 6.38, WON J , 9 CANTORIA, 12.40, WON » 1 NIGHT VINTAGE, 12.40, WON I I TRAFFIC JUDGE, 13.00, WON SABRE SLASH, 9.84, WON 4 I T CONCISUS, 9.32, WON I WHERE WERE ALL THESE WINNERS? S WHERE COULD THEY BE BUT IN * I 1 BYSTOLOGY! 1 Rush your order in now while the prices are good. Eight 9 tried and tested systems in one volume — PRICE, 0 ! I RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY V PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., I 443 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, 111.: Enclosed is $ Please send me copyies of Systology. 4 I NAME ADDRESS ! S CITY STATE *|