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■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■-■■■-■■■■■■-■■■■■■- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ II J3AILY RACING FORM ** SPORTSMANS PARK | The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Sportsmans Park Saturday Paid 05.90 for | CICERO, ILL., SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1933.— Sportsmans Park 1-2 mile. Twelfth day. National Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 18 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, S. C. Nuckols. Associate Stewards, J. J. Graddy and F. Digby. Judges, F. P. Dunne, P. C. Galliger and R. S. Shelley. Starter, T. J. Brown. Racing Secretary, R. S. Shelley. k— — — — , Raring starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. in.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds: **7 pounds: ***10 pounds. C"g 22 nRST RACE— 5-8 Mile out of chute. Hot Shot, Oct. 17, 1932— 1:01%— 6— 105. Purse Jp .i™*? 00, 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; May-13-33-Spt tnird 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. i Index Horses BqtAWtPPSt K Yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81058 BRIDGEPORT w 4 109 3 1 64 61 5k l1 McLarenJ L Harris 2040 100 81054 MARABOU w 8 109 5 4 31 34 24 2» CarrollW R F Coppage 382-100 77615?BABY BANE w 4 105 2 7 It 1* lk 3k MalzanJ W A Mikel 704100 81008 BOBBIE R. vra 7 109 1 3 71 7 61 41 CowlevJ Evergreen Stock Farm Sta 3082 100 81187 TINY WRACK wb 4 107 4 6 44 4*1 4i 51 KleinR S J Dunn 1353-100 81145LOKTY HEIGHTS w 4 109 7 2 21 21 3* 63 DupuyM Mrs R L Rogers 81-100 81099 VERDA w 4 106 6 5 51 51 T* V WilsonL B Workman 3593 100 W00STER SAUCE w5108188 888 8 YoungS H Eiker 5715-100 Time, :ZJ%, :57. 1:2%. Track heavy. , S2 MUTTJELS PAID — , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . BRIDGEPORT 2.80 4.26 .74 2040—100 613—100 187—100 MARABOU 4.24 3.08 112—100 54—100 BABY BANE 4.36 118—100 Winner — B. g, by Upset — Ionia, by Martinet trained by J. C. McAuIiffe; bred by Mr. T. Piatt. Winner tntorH ot be calimed ofr ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:18. AT POST— 3$ minutes. I i Start, good out of machine. Won driving ; second and third the same. BRIDGEPORT, crowded back going to the first turn, worked his way up, circled the others at the head of the stretch and won drawing out. MARABOU cut over sharply after the start, saved ground, but was* in close quarters on the second turn and held on well. BABY BANE set the early pace and tired. BOBBIE R., crowded back early, closed well. LOFTY HEIGHTS, forced wide on the turns, could not get up. Overweight — Baby Banc, 1 pound: Verda, 2; Wooster Sauce, 4$. Corrected weight — Baby Bane, 104. O-j OOO SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile out of chute. Hot Shot, Oct. 17, 1932— 1:01%— 6— 105. OJ-A 00 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, May-13-33-Spt 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Index JJorses BqtAWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 810985OH YEAH wb 5 104 8 8 64 54 4 14 CritchfldC R OConnor 405 100 81144ZODE wb4114 2 5 4* 4* 31 2* PeakeH Mrs B Hoagland 752100 80391 TOO MUCH TALK wb 5 109 4 2 34 21 21 31 RenoT W Hodges 1865 100 81099 TERMINUS wb 3 105 7 3 14 11 l" 4" CarrollW Miss E Biller 4132 100 81189 DONATE wb 4 109 5 1 21 31 5* 5* ArcaroE Mrs R L Waters 165100 77499 VERA C. w 7 104 1 4 7* 7 61 6* McLarenJ Mrs R J Farris 1865 100 81057 SERVING LAD wb 3 1081 3 6 54 6s V 1* BurgerN S Keating 311-100 77648 KRANELLA w4104 67 888 8 BoucherJ R Dolloway 11021 100 Time, :26. :55%. 1:12%. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . OH YEAH 0.10 .20 .26 405—100 160—100 113—100 20DE 7.06 4.52 253—100 126—100 TOO MUCH TALK . 6.58 229—100 Winner — Ch. m, by Polymelian — Mrs. Burke, by Berrilldon trained by J. OSullivan; bred by Himyar Studi. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:56|. AT POST— 3$ minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. OH YEAH dwelt at the start, worked her way up to the second turn, where she saved ground and, kept In the fi-.mer footing, won in a drive. ZODE, saved off the early pare, moved up at the head of the stretch, but was in the deep footing and could not get up. TOO MUCH TALK, rated off the early pace, tired when urged. TERMINUS, rushed into a short early lead, tired badly in the final strides. DONATE showed brief early speed and quit. Scratched— 81011Out Bound, 112. Overweight — Zode, 5 pounds; Serving Lad, 3£. O-j 00/| THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile out of chute. Hot Shot, Oct. 17, 1932— 1:01%— 6— 105. OImOI Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, May-13-33-Spt 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses BqtAWtPPSt Yt jj Str Fin .Turkeys Owners Bgniv. Odds Strt 81009 ADSUM wb 4 109 1 2 ll 1* V I* HornG L E Ogle 575 100 80072 ADORLAND wb 3 108 5 6 34 34 2* 2*1 CoxD Mrs A R Smith 1008-100 81054 ESSIE w 7 108 3 1 2* 24 31 3l SmithD Mrs E McCuan 239 100 81190RFIGHBURN wb 7 109 4 7 64 5* 4» 4* McLarenJ W V Potts 629100 81102 SYM JACK w 3 105 6 4 51 6* 6" 5* CritchfldC Leader Stable 652100 81099*ONE LONG HOP wb 6 112 7 5 44 4« 51 6W BurleyF W Hodges 337 100 72686 THISTLE MARTY w 6 105 12 3 777 7 ArcaroE Mrs A McCaffrey 2517 100 Time, :26 4, :55%. 1:11%. Track heavy. , 12 MUTTTELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS — ADSUM 3.50 .40 .92 575—100 220—100 96—100 ADORLAND 10.62 4.98 431—100 149—100 ESSIE 3.38 69—100 Winner — B. g, by Hourless — Capsize, by Upset trained by L. E. Ogle; bred by Mr. R. C. Caldwell. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:28. AT POST— 3 minutes. f Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. ADSUM. showing the most speed and racing kindly in the going, assumed command early and was yiever headed. ADORLAND, restrained off the early pace and moving up on the second turn, went to the outside in the firmer footing and closed fast. ESSIE raced close up and tired badly. REIGHBURN closed a gap. ONE LONG HOP had no mishaps. Scratched— 81056 Flying Flynn, 105. Overweight — Adorland, 5 pounds; Essie, 4; Thistle Marty, 1£. GJVOQK FOURTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Miss Brilliant. May 2. 1932 — :56|4 — 2 — 112. Purse OJ-«l *J 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0; May-13-33-Spt fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000; if for ,200, 4 lbs, extra. ""index Horses BqtAWtPPSt Yt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str7! 80913»CLOSING EVENT wb 113 1 5 24 ll l4 MooreET F E Moore 266100 81012*LITTLE JOYCE w 109 6 4 34 31 21 ArcaroE Mrs H Cooper 195 100 81012 DOROTHY ALICE w 114 3 2 41 410 3* DyeL M Simmons 651-100 81012*CABOUSE wb 116 5 3 14 24 4" FronkW H P Headley 382 100 81093 GRANITE SON w 107 2 6 6 6 54 HarrisonM Mrs G Miller 4043-100 80553W HEELER G. w 109 4 1 5W 51 6 BrackenH Mrs M A Collins 973 100 Time, :27%, :57%. 1:064 . Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , CLOSING EVENT $ 7.32 $ 3.56 $ 2.70 266—100 78—100 35—100 LITTLE JOYCE 3.60 2.80 80—100 40—100 POROTHY ALICE 2.88 44—100 r Continued on thirteenth page J, SPORTSMANS PARK fContinutd from third page. Winner — B. f, by For Fair — Layol, by Whisk Broom II. trained by R. F. Felix; bred by Mr. J. L. Cleveland. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 3:58. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily ; second and third driving. CLOSING EVENT, rated off the early pace, easily went into command when CABOUSE tired and drew away to win easily. LITTLE JOYCE, fractious at the barrier, carried a twitch all the way, which retarded her progress. DOROTHY ALICE, outrun early, closed well. CABOUSE started from the outside, raced into his usual lead and quit badly. Scratched— 810073Polvos Pride, 110; 81142 Slip Knot, 107. Overweight — Dorothy Alice, 5 pounds J Granite Son, 1. Q-t OR FIFTH RACE— 6 1-2~Furlonqs. Pollys Folly, May 19, 1932— 1:20%— 4— 106. La Salle .i™*?* Handicap. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; sec- May-13-33-Spt ondj 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 809582MARTIE FLYNN wb 8 106 5 3 31 4* 31 2* 1" ArcaroE S Peabody 260-100 80958ESPINACA w 4 111 4 4 56 31 11 l1 2" WatrousF Miss E Munroe 180 100 80958 EISENBERG wb 3102 3 1 l1 14 24 3» 3» CritchfldC A G Tarn 475-100 8110DESSENTIAL wb 4 104! 6 2 24 2! 4,c 410 410 CarrollW C W Moore 911-100 80750 CARDINAL JACK wb 3 98 2 6 6 6 6 6 54 DoonisJ J Newman 4367 100 81051JOLLY PILOT wb 4 104 1 5 41 56 510 5° 6 McLarenJ M Simmons 610 100 Time, :26%, :57. :WA, 1:34%. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID-— , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MARTIE FLYNN .20 .34 .72 260—100 67—100 36—100 ESPINACA 3.30 2.60 65—100 30—100 EISENBERG 3.06 53—100 Winner — B. g, by Sweep On — Rosa Lee, by Granite trained by R. McGarvey; bred by Mrs. C. W. Moore. WENT TO POST— 4:30J. AT POST— 7J minutes. Start eood out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. MARTIE FLYNN, away well and taken back of the early pace, moved up on the second turn and, coming to the outside in the firmer footing, got up to win in the final strides. ESPINACA assumed command when EISENBERG tired, labored and faltered in the heavy e;oinc. tired and barely missed. EISENBERG set a fast early pace and held on eamely after being headed. ESSENTIAL had brief early speed. JOLLY PILOT, fractious and placed on the outside, raced wide the entire distance. Overweight — Essential, li pounds: Cardinal Jack, 3; Jolly Pilot. 3. Q-t OOfT SIXTH RACE— 7-8 Mile out of chute. Pigeon Hole, Oct. 21, 1932— 1:26%— 7— 105. OAAfOe Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Illinois-owned. Claiming. Net value to winner May-13-33-Spt 75; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt V* J/a % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. OnNIa Mrt 81103SUN WORSHIP w 7 119 3 4 14 14 l5 l4 14 SmithD Mrs E McCuan 153100 SOeWBELGlJtN LASS w 5 108 7 5 51 41 34" 2* T IffiliilT J D Mikel 760100 80956HOWTIZ w 6 117 2 2 41 51 5 31 34 BurneyD Mrs T M Doyle 552100 811012*VERY WELL w 5 108 4 3 2" 31 2 44 44 VerbusM J J Coughlin 393 100 80959 PORTMANTEAU wb 6 118 6 1 6s 610 41 5 5 I.eBlancN Rosehome Stable 517 100 11095 BADMINTON w 4 113 1 6 7 7 7 Pul.up. HarrisonM Mrs G Miller 8153 100 80157 RECONNOITER w 3 104 5 7 31 21 610 Fell. McLarenJ Mrs F Preece 3162 100 Time, :25%, :56. 1:264*. 1:43%. Track heavy. , 82 MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS-SUN WORSHIP .06 .76 .82 153—100 88—100 41—100 BELGIAN LASS 6.80 4.08 240—100 104—100 HOWTIZ 3.36 68—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Sun Briar — Hathor, by Meddler trained by E. McCuan; bred by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 6:01. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. SUN WORSHIP, showing the most speed and at home in the going, raced under restraint while making the pace and won ridden out. BELGIAN LASS, in the firmer footing while working her way up, was gaining at the end. HOWTIZ, taken back early, closed gamely. VERY WELL, taken back repeatedly, lacked her usual belated rush. PORTMANTEAU had no mishaps. Overweight — Reconnoiter, 1 pound. Q-t OOO SEVENTH RACE— 7-8 Mile out of chute. Pigeon Hole, Oct. 21, 1932— 1:26%— 7— 105. ~~*?* Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, May-13-33-Spt 5 . tnjr j, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Index Uorses * EqtA WtPPSt t IJ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 810142DUELIST w 9 116 4 2 34 l4 V 14 14 WatrousF A Schwartz 143-100 811913PETABIT w 5 111 2 5 41 31 33 33 23 EdwardsH J Rakkkas 592100 715703UPSWEEP w 5 1131 1 3 54 54 4* 410 3s MeyerJ Harned Bros 2575-100 81100YOUNG BILL wb4 116 7 4 l1 24 24 21 410 DupuyM J Carter 350-100 81100*ALICE PETTY w 3 95 3 6 7 7 7 5s 5* GuessM Stack and Cataldo 10410-100 81098MY DESIRE v.b 4 1141 6 1 2? 41 63 6 6 DveL O A Simmons 583-100 81054PRINCE MEXICAN wb6116 5 7 61 64 54 Fell. MooreET C E Lenahan 900100 Time, :25%, :55%. 1:26%, 1:45%. Track heavy. , 82 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . DUELIST .86 .44 .08 143—100 72—100 54—188 PETABIT 4.80 3.66 140—100 83—100 UPSWEEP 8.16 308—100 Winner — B. h, by War Cloud— Little Flower, by Star Ruby trained by A. Schwartz; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:31J. AT POST— 2J minutes. Start good out-of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. DUELIST, much the best and, under clever hand riding, showed the most speed and went on to win under restraint. PETABIT, taken back early and saved off the pace, could not menace the winner. UPSWEEP, taken back early, worked his way up and closed well. YOUNG BILL tried to overhaul the winner, but tired. PRINCE MEXICAN fell and broke his neck. Scratched— 811032Marsala, 111; 77638 Sam Pass, 112; 81053 Bridegroom, 107. Overweight — Upsweep, 1£ pounds; Alice Petty, 3; My Desire, 3. Q-t OOQ EIGHTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Semester, May 18, 1932—1:46—3—105. Purs* «i"f1*?* 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; May-13-33-Spt tnjrd, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt % fa ■% Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 81103 YARROW w 5 110 8 4 34 24 V V 1" WatrousF E Schwartz 734 100 81104 GULLY JUMPER wb 5 110 4 5 7* 7 4 34 V DupuyM Mrs B Miller 804100 81059:BOLD ROBIN w 6 109 5 7 6* 44 31 43 3" HornG S A Salenfriend 221 100 810593BETON wb 6 109 1 1 24 31 21 21 44 ArcaroE C E Davison 446-100 81096 LAZY MARY wb 4 1081 2 6 43 53 5* 54 510 NeelJ Lone Star Stable 1162-100 80914 WINNIE JO w 6 108 6 8 8 6" 7° 64 6 CoxD Mrs A R Smith 846 100 811482MEMPHIS LASS w 4 107 7 3 14 11 63 720 720 McLarenJ J T Johnson 443100 81141 SWEEPMORE w 3 1051 3 2 51 8 8 8 8 YoungS Mrs G Miller 7653 100 Time, :27%. :58. 1:29%. 2:02%, 2:08. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS YARROW 6.68 .56 .84 734—100 378—100 142—108 GULLY JUMPER 9.36 4.92 368—100 148—108 BOLD ROBIN 3.32 66—168 Winner — B. g, by Wrack — Milfoil, by Vulcain trained by A. Schwartz; bred by Mr. E. M. Byers. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 6:05. OFF AT ONCE. Start good out of machine. Won driving ; second and third the same. YARROW, away forwardly and under restraint, moved up when ready and, racing BETON into defeat, withstood GULLY JUMPER and won in a hard drive. GULLY JUMPER, taken back early, worked his way up and challenged gamely. BOLD ROBIN raced close up and tired. BETON tired after racing with the early leaders. MEMPHIS LASS held the lead briefly, then quit. Scratched— 810553Golden Sandals, 104. Overweight — Yarrow, 1 pound ; Gully Jumper, 1 ; Lazy Mary, 4£ ; Winnie Jo, 4 ; Sweepmore, 2. QUINELLA— 8th Race— 32.38