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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXIX. NUMBER 115 TOTTSDED IM 1894 Entered ■■ aecoml-claae matter. April 2, 1896, at the port office at Chicago, IlllaoU, onder Act of March 3. 187B. DAILY KXCEPT SUNDAY A dally reflection of the American turf by telegraph. Published by DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COTJBT CHICAGO, ILL lilt POTJKIH AVEKUE. HEW YORK CITY, H. Y. M RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TOROMTO, OUT. 304-S07 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEAN8. LA 8136 FIRST AYE.. V. W. MIAMI. TLA. TELEPHONE HARRISON 7908 For business and circulation purposes only. ThU telephone baa no connection with the new* or editorial department! and cannot be need to communicate with them. V«r Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7000. * " m SUBSCRIPTION BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL: «LS0 PER MONTH PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RACE NUMBERS BY MAIL. 30 CENT8 BACH Address all commnnicatiana. make ail remittance! aad and all manuscripts to DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Cbicago, HI m To be considered aad answered, all queries to Dairy Having Form mast be sent over the foil name and irlth the address of writer. The names and addressee are subject to a local and foreign directory teat. ,78416 is First Index of 1933