1st Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-15

past performance

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Weights Miss Star Sept 25 1922 57 2 107 Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse TrackWt Time AgeTodav Price 96788 Mock Turtle Jam 114 101 114X 95036 Igraine Jam 115 101 114X 969491 Tophorn 114 96792 Esposa I 114 114Masked Masked Queen 114 96788 Black Rose 114 114Sophisticated Sophisticated 114 Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 96788 Cloud Sweeper 114 114Richilda Richilda 114 96949 Alberta 114 93553 Vanda Cerulea 114 93656 Marigal Jam 110 102 114 114Goron Goron 114 Hi h Hand II 114 Best times snown above are irom Jan i law Fair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner runnerBrackets Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but in all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year Mock Turtle X 1 1 A Ch f 2 M b Mad Ha er Sea Dream by Lemonora LemonoraJune June 14 Bel 12 48ft JL t Trainer G Odom Owner Marshall Field Date Trk Uis Time Con Udds Wt St Str FinJoctcy PI Clicp SI nest Company CompanyJua Jua 734Bel 4Awc 52 ft 185 114 66 5i 54 WrightWD6 Maid 15 GalomrlHRseBlmlWCldSwpr 114 Maj26341Bel 4iwc 53 m 65e 114 1 2 2s 24 WrightWD Maid 11 NrChangell4Igraine 114Plihawk 114 May21345Bel 4iwc 52 ft 165e 114 112 2J WrightWD Maid 13 GoQuick 114Galomar 114LastBoat 114 Mayl6343Bel 4iwc 52 gd 6 114 332 3 MalleyT Maid 15 Pventurell4GoQuickll4NrChge 114 May 934Jam 1 100 ft le 114 8 3 3J 3s GarncrM8 Maid 8 NewFlag 114GoQuick 114Maidwell 114 Apr2734Jam 101 ft 910 115 954 42J MalleyT Maid 9 DiabIessell5Cooneyll5Grcenstone 115 Apt23341Jam i 101 ft 10ell5 322 M GilbertJ1 Maid 11 ScrEggsll5NChangell5GayLady 115 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 7 0 3 2 550 550Igraine Igraine V 1 1 A B f 2 W by Sir Gallahad IH Filomar by Omar Khayyam KhayyamJune June 12 Bel 34 l18ft LJ i Trainer A Schuttinger Owner J M Roebling RoeblingM M 26341Bel 4Avc 53 m 30 114 3 4 3 3 RobtsonA7 Maid 11 NrChangell4MTurtIell4Phhavkll4 Mayl9343Bel 4iwc 52 ft 30 114 9 8 1010 9 MalleyT7 Stks 12 Mottoll9Peradventure 119Angclic 119 Mayl5341Jam i 59 ft 5 115 6 3 3 310 WkmanR9 Maid 10 OurRghll8Jobakhetall8SdGuess 118 1934 record 3 0 0 2 150 Topliorn 1 1 A B f 2 M by Bull Dog Leghorn by Celt CeltJune June 13 Bel 12 50sl Trainer A B Gordon Owner E D Shaffer ShafferJun Jun 934Bel i we 59 ft 30 112 122 3J1 PascumaA Maid 10 Vermthll2CceSunll5BlBanncr 115 1934 record 1 0 0 1 75 Esposa Il A Ch f 2 M by EsPno QuCk Batter by Runantell RunantellJune June 14 Bel 38 35ft L Trainer C Phillips Owner Middleburg Stable StableJun Jun 7345Bel 4 4wc wc 52 ft 15 105 2 6 61 4i RenickJ1 Alhv 7 WldSeriesllSExhibitllSArbitrary 111 Jun 534Bel 44wc 52 ft 60 108 7 6 6 671 RenickJ4 Alhv 10 GoQuickll6BoShadel08Diablesse 111 1934 record 2 0 0 0 25 Tasked Qneen 114 mBr Br f 2 M by Masked Marvel H Misty Queen by Kings Proctor Trainer J S Anderson Owner J S Anderson First start Black Rose 1 1 A Br f 2 M by John P Grier June Rose by Myram MyramJune June 4 Bel 58 l02ft Trainer C Megill Owner W H La Boyteaux BoyteauxJun Jun 734BeI 4iwc 52 ft 8 114 9 11 7J1 6 i CoucciS7 Maid 15 Galomrll4RseBlmll4CldSwPtr 114 May2434Bel 4wc 53 ft 10 111 532 2 McadeD7 AHw 7 Pcrad turell6GDreamll6WSisterll6 Mswl9345Bel 44wc 52 ft 30e 114 8 9 6T 510 MeadeD Stks 12 Mottoll9Perad Mottoll9Peradventure venture 119Angelic 119 1934 record 3 0 1 0 150 Sophisticated 1 1 A Br f 2 M by Sting Supremacy by Ultimus SophisticatedFirst JJ1 Mara Owner S Deutsch First start startCloud Cloud Sweeper SweeperJune 1 1 A B f 2 M by High Cloud Abstention by Sweeper June 12 Bel 58 1Olft ft JLr Trainer R Roberts Owner Branncastle Farm Stable Jun 734BeI 44wc 52 ft 2 20 114 5 4 3l 34 JonesR Maid 15 Galomr 114RoseBloom 114Fake 114 1934 record 1 0 0 Richilda 1 1 A B f 2 M by Diapson Fantastic by Hannibal HannibalJune June 12 Aou 12 50ft LL t Trainer W Mulholland Owner Brandywine Stable StableFirst First atart Alberta 1 1 A Ch f 2 W by Diophon Flo II by Alcantara II June 13 Bel 58 l04sl Trainer H McDaniel Owner W S Kilmer Jun 934Bel we 59 ft 25 112 9 8 88i 77 WallsP9 Maid 10 yermthll2ChnceSunll5Tophorn 112 1934 record 1 Vanda Cemlea 1 1 A B f 2 M by Blue Larkspur Binnacle by Man o War WarJune June 14 Bel 38 37ft Trainer F Hopkins Owner Anall Stable Apr2434IHdG 44 f 54 ft 3110 107 8 4 8J 12 JonesR Maid 13 LSabIel07BarbarianllOMePrince 110 1934 record 1 Marigal 1 1 A B f 2 M by Sir Gallahad III Marguerite by Celt CeltJune June 12 Aau 12 50ft Trainer J Fitzsimmons Owner Belair Stud Stable StableAPI28342Jam API28342Jam il00ft I5e 110 5 5 571 510 MalleyT4 Alhv 5 Angelicll9Nandi 110NeverChange 110 1934 record 1 mCh f 2 M by Gonfalon Rona by Skyrocket Trainer G Kelley Owner W W Vaughan Flrit utart Hitrli Hand IT 11 A Ch f 2 M by Genie High Spade by High Time TimeMav Mav 23 Bel 38 37sl J1 Trainer J P Smith Owner Dorwood Stable Flrat start

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934061501/drf1934061501_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1934061501_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800