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W Date at left of horses name Is lust workout Letters following time Indicate Indicateb b breezing d driving e easily h handily o all out s sullied u eased up upFastest Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Type FRIDAY MAY 10 AURORA 1 1Weather Weather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile 55 Amqui 40 b 58 Imclda 37h 55 Alkali 38h 56 Irenes Bob 41 b 52 Buds Choice 36h 427 Iceberg 36h 36hBobbie Bobbie R 37h 58 Luck Piece 38b 52 Chief Osceola 35d 429 Merry Cline 37h 56 Dream Plane 35d Maud G 40 b 51 Ep 39b 55 Mkey Shine 38 b 313 Eager Belle 40 b 59 Nanny D 39h Evergrn Re 37h 58 Penurious 36h 54 Erebus 36 h Sun Tryst 38 h hGov Gov Fritz 37 h 56 Thistle Dick 37h OneHalf Mile 59 Beton 52h 430 N them Sir 48d 430 Band Wagon 50h 57 Nonpartisan 50 h hCarborrone Carborrone 50 h 56 Spoiled Boy 57 b 56 Camp Prince 51 h The Fawcett 52h 56 David W 52h 56 Unkie Tom 49h 49hLady Lady Frmnt 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileFull Full Fling 105 h 56 Metaurus 105 h 56 Moms Polly 104 h 44 Mtin Barton102h 58 Mavro 104 h 55 Pent House l06h l06hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 58 David Sl23b 56 Muff l18h 55 Friend Cheyl17 h 56 Oaten 120 b bHappy Happy Playl21 h 58 Red Spider l23h 311 Halliard l20h 430 Saladin 116J h Little Turtlcl16h 56 Wild Transitl18 h One Mile 56 Anne L 146 h 52 Rouless l48h 52 Claflag 150 b 52 Simon 145d 145dChief Chief Osceola showed early speed Martin Barton went very handily all the way wayLady Lady Fairmount Carborrone Bobbie R Evergreen Rose and Camp Prince went from the gate Dream Plane was under a mild drive CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 56 Byrdel 37h 56 Peloria 35h 57 Black Hat 36b 57 Prekaisang 37 h 59 Bootless 37b 57 Rebekah 37h 59 Bien Joli 37b 57 Sun Boy 37h 417 Don Creole 36h 51 Sweet Susan 36 d 51 Darkest Hr 40 b 58 Sir Gawaine 35b 58 Doran 35h 57 Stricken 36h 58 Fast Stride 37 h 57 Some Bull 37 h 56 Gyral 41 b 54 Treasure 37h 318 Geo Gable 38h 52 Upholder 36h 426 Honor Her 40b 57 Wckoway 37h 37hJordan Jordan 36h 53 Where Away 38b 57 Manrs Man 36h Wdell Ormt 37h 37h426Mked 426Mked Smile 39b 57 Yantis 36h 59 Peter J Peel 38b 38bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 57 Army Sergt 54 b Roberta 50h 57 Albania 52 b 52 Royal Image 50d 55 Cayuga 50b 428 Speed Queen 50h 57 Floradora 50 b 57 Swift Rose 52 d 59 Fretful 53b 56 Tiger Claw 49 b 54 Jessie Dear 50b 424 Valley Prince 54 b 436 Johnnycake 50 b 58 Which Image 50 d 429Lunsford 48h 428 Wise Dghter 51b 52 Mil 49 d 419 Witch Wings 50 h 58 Relief 48d 48dFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 59 Born Happyl03b 57 Miss Wise 101 b 57 Bulwark 104 b 423 Mr Ricks l04b 57 Coldstrcam 104 b 53 Peggy Lehnl05h 57 China Gal l04b 58 Parade Stepl01h 57 Darkways lKMb 57 Shining HourlKM b 57 Forever Yrsl05 b 58 Sassaby l04b 56 Gracie Al06b 430 Torolee 105 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 57 Brush Downl21h 54 Lady Geniel18h 54 Charleigh l23b 57 L B Wilsonl17h 58 Dr Potter 126 b 57 Prince Johnl17h 54 Hour Zev 118 b 57 Sickle Hourl19b 58 Lady Friend 124 b 58 Sun Captor l20b 54 Lady K5evl19h 57 Visigoth 116b 116bCne Cne Mile 59 Boilermaker l44b 53 Hospitality l45h 55 Beau Dis l43h 56 Ripper l43h 58 Big Gawk l43h 58 Spartan Lad l45h l45hSir Sir Gawaine and Doran were together showing speed speedRettef Rettef was doing his best bestLunsford Lunsford showed a good effort from the barrier barrierColdstream Coldstream had an easy trial trialMiss Miss Wise worked well wellParade Parade Step acts in good form formBeau Beau Dis and Ripper worked in company companyThe The following horses worked from the bar ¬ rier Black Hat Don Creole Some Bull Royal Image Which Image Prince John and L B Wilson WilsonDOUGLAS DOUGLAS PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 425 Amn Prince 44 h 53 Haggerson 35h 35hBobs Bobs Boy 42h 58 Idle Dream 41 h 54 Coralwrack 42 h 56 Judge Leer 39 b 428 Charlie H 39h 47 Larry M 37h 57 Conastanto 37h Min Ormont 39b 326 Dunny Boy 41 h 59 Rich Phil 39h 52 Delano 38 h 53 Smooth 38h 56 Fn Memiam 41h 422 Salut DAmr 43 b 51 Freeman 37 h 430 Umbriere 38h 56 Georgia Miss 37h 54 What a Qtn 38 h 56 Gracis Pearl 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 56 Crimson 50 h 58 Storm Angel 54 b bNernie Nernie 54b 57 Sis Blaze 50 h 58 Open Hearth 51 b Top Spin 51h 424 Paradisical 52 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 58 Mary Terryl03h 57 Pcess Ivory103h 58 Novctte 105 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Billy Bufordl19h Bufordl19hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 54 Flickamaru l34h l34hSis Sis Blaze and Crimson worked from the barrier barrierMary Mary Terry and Novette also worked to ¬ gether from the barrier the former being better betterHaggerson Haggerson showed speed Open Hearth was breezing in his work Princess Ivory went handily BETJLAH PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile MileDudley Dudley G 39 h Office Girl 38h 38hJusta Justa Prcess 40 d 324 Overboard 39h Kilmolash 40 h Panglash 38 h hLaird Laird 33 b 314 Sun Dora 37d 34 Migosh 42h Star Player 38d 38dMystic Mystic Sign 40 d 219 Tappanaugh 40h 54 No Change 37d 57 Who Win 42h OneHalf Mile 324 Busy Master 51h June G 52h 52hBetty Betty Shinn 51h 322 Major Adent 52 h 311 Costlier 54h 313 Seven Colors 54h 54h423Conna 423Conna 52d 313 Spg Maudie 53h 53hCastle Castle Cliff 54 h 324 San Gaff 52h 316 Dogentine 54h Transmit 52 h 36 Eter Nation 51h 29 Urchin 52h 39 Galanora 58b Westys Lad 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileA A Blanton l09h Glove l08h 52 Bobby Sweepl07 h 329 Happy Scot 109 h Bys Pmate1Q2 h Late News 107 d dMhanics 316 Brn Admirll09h Admirll09hCustomer Mhanics Gdl07 d dMcKell Customer 107 h McKell 107 h hPutter 325 Drstic Lassl06d Putter 112 h Dug In 110 h 312 Silverette 106 d dExclusive Exclusive 108 h Water RoselK7d 212 Fulfill 108 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 24 Baritone 1172 b 313 Royal Rockl25b Fair Arrow l20h Tommy Boyl20h Boyl20hKucky Kucky Dolll24h Van Like 123 b bMiss Miss Adelel21h 313 Whymask l22b l22bPidge Pidge l25b 314 Westko 128 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile King Hsterl35 h No Change showed good speed McKell and Customer were in company Baritone was not fully extended Laird was under restraint Tommy Boy and Fair Arrow worked handily JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 58 Gingery 38 b 58 Night Sprite 38 b 56 Great Haste 37h 426 Rhodesia 36h 51 Gold Stdard 40 b 57 Sun Sweep 36d 321 Jack Snipe 35d 57 Still Dark 38b 56 Legionary 37b 58 So High 40 b 57 Nightcap 36hOneHalf 36h OneHalf Mile 55 Air Line 49d 57 Mae Skilling 49d 54 Balmacan 53b 52 Mme Tussd 50 h 58 Conacher 51h Spanish Way 49 d 426 Euclid 50 h 57 Sgt Byrne 49d 57 Mathias 51 b 424 Yap 51 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 54 Manni l02d l02dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 413 Dunfox 115 d 53 Matar 116 b 59 Eldea l16d 58 Nullo l16d l16dSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 56 High Imagel31h Imagel31hOne One Mile 64 Gden Mesge145h 52 Volomite 146 h hBELMONT BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 55 Chance Ray 35h 56 Polycletus 36h 57 Coequcl 38 h 55 Quel Jeu 36 h 54 Douceur 36h 56 Sunport 37h 57 Fair Deal 37h 424 Sond Advice 36h 57 Galsac 35 h 55 Technique 38 b 58 Marcabala 37 h 56 Terry On 37 h 54 Open Range 38h 53 Wha Hae 36h 54 Old Story 36hOneHalf 36h OneHalf Mile 58 Ajaccio 48e 58 Gay Monarch 48 d 57 Alien Z 50h 58 Hoops 53 b 421 Bonanza 48 h 53 Mhing Hme 48 h 57 Berceuse 48 h 57 Peradventure 47h 57 Bng Danger 50 h 54 Roman Pch 49 h 56 Crete 50h 57 Sycorax 49ir 57 Cnt Arthur 49h 54 Sun Arena 48h 55 Conte 49h 57 Sastar 50 h 52 Fluton 49 h 54 Strophe 50h 50hFalormain Falormain 50h 56 Swindler 50h 427 Gold Buckle 48 d 57 Truepenny 49h 428 Gold Sfekcr 49 h 57 Watch Him 49h 58 Grcybroom 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 54 Captain Argo 59 h 58 Over Yoriderl03h 427 Match Playl04h Playl04hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Crked Lanel23 b 54 Ppeys Pillar115 h 58 Corner Boyl16 h 58 Royal Pomp 118 b bMiss Miss Mcrmanl19b 54 Stella Montel17 h One Mile 58 Astra l45h 57 Ladysman 140 h 58 Bay Sister 143 h 58 Pompegrct 145 b 57 Ct Tctrarchl44 h 57 Squeeze l42h 57 Gillie 143 h AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileElylce Elylce 41 b Mina S 38 h 417Eudes h417Eudes 39 h 417 Silence III 39 b bMrys Mrys Choice 37 h 54 Sylvia G 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 53 Dasher 50h 54 Patriotic 54 b 58 Miss Philura 49shFiveEighths 51 h 51 Sir Beverley 49sh FiveEighths Mile 430 Wynn E 103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 65 Brit Chance117h 427 War Tide 122 b SevenEighths Mile 54 Red Jug 134 h hOne One Mile 52 Apprchcnsn 147 b 54 Epical 147 b 57 Below Zero 145 h PIMLICO PIMLICOWeather Weather cloudy track good ThreeEighths Mile 56 Bloodroot 39 b 58 Galon Boy 37 h 57 Brown Torch 37 h 421 Happy Easter 37d 58 Brillfalon 37 h 58 Hereward 39 b 430 Bull Fighter 37h 55 Happy Go 35 h 57 Capt Jinks 38 h 427 Immune 36h 54 Cle 39 h 56 Lonmcg 37 h 426 Deflate 37b Ned Reigh 39 h 54 Darling Pal 39 h PetecWrack 37 b 58 Stand Pat 36h 46 Zay 37h 56 Sun Portland 38h 38hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 58 Boxthorn 50b Mint Bud 54 b bBuddy Buddy Boo 51 h 58 Paradun 50h 430 Genl Lcjeune 50 h Ranchcro 50 h hHelios Helios 58 b 428 Sea Mew 49 d 429 Jim Crawford 49h 53 Sun Apollo 50 h 59 Match 49 d 426 Stegal 54 b 58 My Boss 52 h Vitclla 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 55 Merry Bud 106 h 54 Rustic Rest 101h ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Be Mine l15d 52 Stepce 118 d 58 Head Play 115 b 58 Silent Shot 117 h h423Lodorus 423Lodorus 118 d dBoxthorn Boxthorn was breezing Rustic Rest went handily Happy Go has his speed ready for his best effort effortStand Stand Pat had his speed Head Play was under restraint Immune is in his best form Brillfalon Lonmeg and Galon Boy breezed together There were a few showers in the early morning DALLAS DALLASWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 58 Al Green 37h 58 Gay Follies 36h Able Abo 38h 57 Indnt Way 38h 57 Attraction 39h 56 Lonell 35h 58 Adroit Adare 39h 429 Mdn Dream 37h 55 Bosopi 40 b 46 Mecat 40 b 58 Biff 37b 58 Mottled 37h 55 Cycas 36h 423 Poly Royal 39h 58 Clothtop 37 h 51 Palia 39h 56 Cycpcr 36h 427 Rosamnd R 36h 55 Elegy 38 h 214 Ya Ti 37 h h423Frcnchy 423Frcnchy W 39hOneHalf 39h OneHalf Mile 59 Big Thrill 57 h 53 Getalong 53 b 56 Blind Star 52 h 56 Natalie Mac 55 H H430Blesd 430Blesd Event 49h 57 Olive 0 51h 58 Bedight 49 h 55 Red Kate 52h 58 Coin 49 h 57 Surprising 53h 56 Chu Chu 49h 58 Uluniu 53 b 58 Fair Duchs 53 h 51 Val J 56 h h423Flaghorn h423Flaghorn 423Flaghorn 52 h 58 Virbet 53h 58 Gay Banner 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 51 Full Tiltl04b Miss Title 105 h h429Hammel 429Hammel 109 b 58 Padgett 105 h 57 Jakovia 103h 58 Tug o Warl05b Warl05b430Moroi 430Moroi 109 b 59 Tamerlane 104 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 412 Beau Bonl19b 55 Fmlet l19h 425 Bold Lover115 b 51 Sgle Raganl20b 51 Emps Mthrl19 h Lonell showed good speed Cycas and Cycper went from the barrier Bedight and Coin were together Big Thrill ran out in her work Getalong was breezing Full Tilt worked handily ROCKLVGHAM PARK PARKWeather Weather showery track fast ThreeEighths Mile 419 Barcarolle 37h Protected 37h 328 Clapworth 37h 58 Santa Anita 37b 53 Howard 38h 413 Sepber Child 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 316 Armful 50 h 220 Dark War 50h 418 Crystal Prce 49 h 34 Mild 51h 427 Dream Kiss 54 h 416 Sighting Bar 50h 320 Dcing Lady 52 h 224 Sand Baby 51b 51bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 59 Brt Phtoml08h 38 Moane Keala102 h 59 Close Calll07h 37 Merovech l04h 35 Gay Crest l04h Mcclla Missl08h 59 Headin Hmel08h 59 Pple Knightl07h 35 Idle Along 104 h 58 Teddy Carll04h Carll04hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 416 All Forlorn 114I 324 Grdpas Boyl20h 424 Blade Edge 118 h 215 My Purchasel16h 53 Dark Hope 118 h 59 Teralice l17h 318 Erin Ladl20h Ladl20hOne One Mile Mile417Caerleon 417Caerleon 144h 410 J Chevignyl46 h 59 Gallant Macl47 b 423 Ramus 146 k