Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1935-05-11


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Pimilco BEST BETrSUN PORTLAND PORTLANDClear Clear and fast fastFIBST FIBST RACE 1 M 70 Yds 215 P M 3 and 4Yearolds Maidens MaidensTef Tef Post ludProb ludProbCode Code Horse Pos WtMkOdds 3 SUN PORTLAND 7 110 X 85 85Last Last effort points him fit 12 RUSTIC REST 3 115 61 61Stable Stable sends them fit 6 BE SHY 10 115 41 41Always Always a chance 13 WAYWARD SON 4 110 61 8 BARBIZON 12 115 101 4 GALA DAME 8 105 81 10 MONEDY 1 105 301 11 COURT GOSSIP 2 105 101 101lDARK lDARK ZENI 5 110 301 2 TELL IT 6 115 151 5 QUEENS FLAG 9 105 X 201 7 BILLIE WISE 9 LEALETTE 13 105 201 SECOND RACE 3 Miles 245 P M M4YearOlds 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming 5 OLD BACHELOR 4 148 11 11Rates Rates best 3 SWANSEA 2 132 X 52 52May May get part of it 7 ZERMATT 6 134 X 81 81Outside Outside chance 1 STARBORN 7 134 81 2 CURTAIN CALL 1 136 X 81 4 MADAME WARD 3 132 101 6 WAYWELL 5 132 101 THIRD ORACE 1 116 Miles 315 P M M3Yearbids 3Yearbids and Upward Claiming 2 STANDOUT 12 111 41 Raced yesterday could score here 9 MINTXNA 6 111 41 The one most to fear 13 DUNFERN 10 113 X 41 T Late effort showed improvement 11 GAY PARTY 8 108 X 61 8 STAR CHASE 5 95 121 4 POST BRIGADE 1 108 X 101 5 HUPPY 2 108 X 201 6 MARYS MAY 3 108 X 151 7 DRASTIC DELIGHT 4 108 X 151 10 BRILLFALON 7 100 101 12 DEARZIN 9 113 X 101 1 ROYAL LASSIE 11 108 X 121 3 HELEN BAB 13 108 X 101 FOURTH RACE 1 11G Miles 345 P M 3YearOIds and Upward Claiming 4 RIVER ROSE 13 98 X 41 41r r Rates to score on best 1 LINE OF FIRE 10 111 X 61 61Sleeper Sleeper laying for a spot 8 ORTHOPRISM 4 105 X 41 41Rates Rates close improving 3 TRISTRAP 12 108 X 61 5 STEPBROTHER 1 108 X 151 9 CANIMAR 5 105 81 12 REPEAL 8 116 X 81 6 BROWN TORCH 2 108 X 251 7 ROLLICK 3 108 X 81 10 ENTHUSIAST 6 113 201 11 CHANGEABLE 7 108 151 13 TWIDGETS 9 103 X 151 2 HAPPY EASTER 11 105 121 FIFTH RACE i 12 Furlongs 415 P M 2YearOIds Allowances 4 MY COLIN 9 112 X 52 52Won Won last like a champ 7 DELIBERATE 1 120 X 21 21Logical Logical threat 9 GILT 3 109 41 41Stable Stable in winning stride 6 GRAND GIRL 11 109 X 41 10 SPRINGLOCK 4 109 X 41 8 BAY BUDDY 2 110 151 11 SWASHBUCKLER 5 110 101 1 SAKUNTALA 6 107 151 2 ABBOTSFORD 7 110 151 3 CHATANTELL 8 110 151 5 ATTAUQUECHEE 10 110 101 SIXTH EACE 1 316 Miles 445 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds Preakncss Stakes Scale Weight 2 OMAHA 6 126 85 85Choice Choice of these 9 NELLIE FLAG The one to beat 1 FIRETHORN 5 126 X 61 61Won Won last is ready 6 BLOODROOT 10 121 61 8 COMMONWEALTH i 126 X 61 10 MANTAGNA 3 126 81 11 BOXTHORN 4 126 61 3 FURFIBER 7 126 X 101 4 LEGUME 8 126 X 121 5 PSYCHIC BID 9 126 X 121 7 BRANNON 11 126 SEVENTH RACE 1 M 70 Yds 515 PM 1YcarOUls and Upward Claiming 3 MARMION 116 X 75 Right back 5 MANAGER BILL BILLShades 112 X 21 Shades the otheis 7 MY BOSSv 112 X 81 Outside chance 4 PRINCE ABBOT 111 X 81 2 LONMEG 98 X 81 6 U DEMON 106 X 101 1 FLAMING MAMIE 106 X 101 EIGHTH RACE 1 31 G Miles 545 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 5 TRIOLET 10 107 X 41 41Take Take a chance to repeat 10 BRAINS 5 112 X 31 31Will Will contest it itG G LUCULENT 1 117 X 41 41Inandouter Inandouter rates part 9 STALL MAN 4 115 61 3 FLUFFY LEE 8 107 X 81 7 GLORITONE 2 107 X 81 8 EGEON 3 110 251 1 PETEE BLUE 6 108 X 301 2 CALORIC 7 112 X 101 4 INFERNO LAD 9 120 81

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935051101/drf1935051101_36_4
Local Identifier: drf1935051101_36_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800