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SARATOGA STEEPLECHASE STAKES ENTRIES NEW YORK N Y May 10 A notice ¬ able increase in entries for the steeplechase stakes to be run at Saratoga was reported today The total for 1935 is 202 as com ¬ pared to 149 for 1934 1934F F Ambrose Clark heads the list of nominators with thirtytwo entries followed by Sanford Stud Farm with twentyeight Mrs John Hay Whitney and Brookmeade Stable sixteen each Thomas Hitchcock fifteen Miss Gvladys Whitney thirteen Greentree Stable twelve Mrs F Ambrose Clark eleven A C Bostwick seven En ¬ tries were also made by Howe Stable Fox catcher Farms Louis Stoddard Jr Mrs R C Winmill Mrs C Bryce Wing Whit ¬ ney Stone H E Talbott Jr Mrs Frank M Gould Mrs Arthur White Miss Kath erine Christie Mrs W C Wright Thomas Leiter and G H Bostwick BostwickThe The total entries for both 1934 and 1935 follow followStakes Stakes 1934 1935 1935Saratoga Saratoga Steeplechase Handicap 39 43 43Shillelah Shillelah Steeplechase 39 51 51North North American Steeplechase SteeplechaseHandicap Handicap 35 56 56Beverwyck Beverwyck Steeplechase Handicap 36 52 Totals 149 202