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CHAS A PECK OF CHICAGO BUYS FIVE JUVENILES LOUISVILLE Ky May 10 In one of the biggest deals of the season Anthony Pelle teri acting for Charles A Peck today pur ¬ chased at private terms from E A Carney and Scoggan Jones five twoyearold colts all by For Fair Full brother to Fair Roch ¬ ester Cross Ruff and Kuvera are included among the five young thoroughbreds which have received their preparation under Mil ¬ ton Reiser ReiserThey They are Bussy bay colt from Lady Rochester Ttennob brown colt from Miss Cynthia Yenrac chestnut colt from Maxi maneh Rellim bay colt from Miriam Coop ¬ er BabeFor and Chimrac a bay colt from Miss Babe For the same patron Pelleterj also has Kingsbury Valerie Jean Christine Adee Charles Adee West Main Wedge and two others Koley Bey and Precious Betty in which C R Lansberg also has an interest Peck is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade and his racing silks were introduced last year