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Shut Out Riverland Tops in Toboggan TobogganEach Each Assigned 130 Pounds For Mondays Opening Day Stake at Belmont Park ParkJAMAICA JAMAICA L I N Y May 5 Handi capper John B Campbell has assigned 130 pounds each to Greentree Stables Shut Out and Louisiana Farms Riverland for the 50th running of the historic sixfurlong Toboggan Handicap which will headline the inaugural program at swank Belmont Park Monday MondayBelair Belair Studs Apache is rated next with 126 pounds while Mrs Tilyou Christophers Doublrab follows with 125 War Relic and Fenelon are in with 120 each With Re ¬ gards 118 Devil Diver and Thumbs Up 116 each and the others scale from 115 down to 90 90The The Toboggan endowed with 5000 closed with 53 nominations nominationsThe The weights follow Horse Shut Out Riverland Apache Doublrab War Relic Fenelon With Regards Devil Diver Thumbs Up Fairaris Blue Serge Tola Rose Boysy Cape Cod MarKell Pompion Dit DitKingfisher Kingfisher Omission The Rhymer Bossuet Mettlesome Colchis Parasang Slide Rule Suncap Ocean Blue Horse Wt WtBrownie Brownie 106 Porters Cap 106 106The The Chief 106 106Wait Wait a Bit 106 106Air Air Warden 105 105Halberd Halberd 105 105Rascal Rascal 105 105Sicklewood Sicklewood 105 American Wolf 104 104Blue Blue Pennant 104 Breezing Home 104 104Some Some Chance 104 104Salto Salto 104 104Vain Vain Prince 104 104Baroque Baroque 102 102Mercury Mercury 102 102TipToe TipToe 102 102Alaking Alaking 100 High Command 100 100Last Last Bubble 100 100Sicyon Sicyon 10 10Dove Dove Shoot n Fair Tip Sea Fare Ky Flash Rodney