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Officials for Caliente Meeting Are Announced AnnouncedSchilling Schilling Walter Neary McGill On Roster Season Opens May 16 16AGUA AGUA CALIENTE Mexico May 5 A list of the official family for the racing meeting under the auspices of the Caliente Jockey Club which was made public this week makes the oldtime fans think of homecoming day Officials who will con ¬ duct the racing scheduled to start Sunday May 16 are without exception veterans of the border thoroughbred sport sportTopping Topping the list of course is none other than George Washington Schilling the perennial presiding steward of Caliente The genial judge will be here for the open ¬ ing days of the meeting then will takeva short vacation to direct Canadas prairie circuit Joseph E Walter who is beginning to approach Schilling in the veteran class will serve againas racing secretary During the absence of Schilling Walter whose fine programs have made a hit with both horse ¬ men and fans during the past four years will occupy the post of presiding steward stewardNew New Operator of Gate GateThere There will be a new man at the electric starting gate in Wesley Neary An old timer among Caliente officials this will be the first time he has had charge of the starts here although he has had years of experience getting the fields away having served some ten seasons in this capacity in Canada CanadaJames James O Cunningham a popular figure at Caliente for years will sort of double in brass He will serve regularly as a placing judge and act also as assistant racing sec ¬ retary The latter post will occupy consid ¬ erable of his time during the period Judge Walter is acting as presiding steward stewardAnother Another oldtimer on the border and a veteran of California tracks James McGill will be the paddock steward stewardAndrew Andrew Ferguson famous steeplechase pilot of bygone years noted for his handling of the famous Jolly Roger will be one of the placing judges With him will be another famous border figure R E Lanny Leighninger who perhaps knows more of the history and romance of Caliente racing than anybody owner offi ¬ cial or fan Ferguson who was in charge of the steeplechase programs here the past two years also will act as clerk of the scales scalesLeo Leo Haskell and Lester Lee will be two of the patrol judges while Russell F Brown will be the timer and official clocker R E Lovell will hold the post of track veterina ¬ rian rianWith With the first horses already on the course being readied for the inaugural pro ¬ gram the first Sunday of next month the famous course is humming with activity More horses are arriving daily It is ex ¬ pected that by early in May there will be 400 thoroughbreds quartered here