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Wheeling Downs Meeting To fee StreetCar Session SessionWHEELING WHEELING W Va May 5 The spring meeting at Wheeling Downs will follow the example of the Kentucky Derby Accord ¬ ing to Edward J Brennen managing di ¬ rector of the West Virginia Jockey Club plant the 28day stand at the Island oval which opens May 28 will also be a street ¬ car meeting meetingIn In an effort to cooperate with the Office of Defense Transportation whose aim is to save gas and tires Brennen announced that the Downs parking areas would be closed to motorists holding either B or C ra ¬ tion books Cars with A stickers will be permitted to use the full parking facilities facilitiesWheeling Wheeling Downs is fortunately situated in the heart of Wheeling proper with street car service direct to the gates of the popular halfmile track It is but a six minute walk from the heart of the business section and the 345 post time at Wheeling does not conflict with peak traffic hours when war plant workers require car service Therefore officials of the local transit sys ¬ tem have been able to promise the neces ¬ sary car service without disruption of exist ¬ ing schedules