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i 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Miss Mouse, Oct. 2, 1933—1:04—2—110. . /i.L P Forsythia Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances.!! j m r "Ill tmp Non-winners of a sweepstakes. Weight. 119 lbs. Non-winners of 1 two races since June 5 allowed 3 lbs.; since April 7, 6 lbs.; maidens, M 11 lbs. Best time made at distance of race. Chart Book Todayj Ind?x No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. 42747 Tit for Tat Jun43 Aqu 108% 115 113 42747" Thread Gold Jun43 Aqu 1:07% 115 113 j 40841* Chic Shirley 113 42747* Stepwisely Jun43 Aqu 1:07% 115 113 Chart Book Todays fndex No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. 40329 Kissmenow X113 43241 Raw Recruit M Jun43 Aqu 1:09% 115 108 424962**Everget Jun43 Aqu 107% 113X111 Belair Stud entry— Tit for Tat, Thread o Gold. Tif fnr Tnfr 1 1 1 Dk- 9r- • 2- by Foray H.— Marigal, by Sir Gallahad HI. Ill IUI iui I IJ Breeder, Belair Stud. 1943.4 1 0 1 ,375 Owner. Belair Stud. Trainer, James Fitzsimmons. I J»al9-432Aqu 5£fl:07%ft t 5*4115 4 5 61 562 DurandoC* Allw 78 SwtGirl 115.StepwVyll5.Th. oGd 7 Apr28-43Mam 5-8 l:01%ft 13 115 8 8 86i 4«i StoutJ" Stks 68 Dare Me 115.Miss Biscuit 114. Vietta 9 I Apr24-433Jam 5-8 l:00%ft 12-5ell3 6 4 4 3:tJ StoutJ2 Allw 80 Ravenala 119.ChicSlevll6.MissBist 8, Aprl2-432Jam 5-6 l:00%ft 47-10 115 6 5 4i lh StoutJ5 Mdn 81 DamkRose HS.EvergtllO.Photogic 9 June 25— Aqu— 58 ft.... 101 %d June 22-Aqu— 1 2 ft. . . . :48%h June 15— Aqu-1 2 ft. . . . :51%b I TUronA n CnA 11 Dk- b- f. 2- by Menow— Filon d"0r, by Sir Gallahad III. I nrfcfJU O VJUIU • J Breeder, Belair Stud. 1943.4 1 1 2 ,045 Owner, Belair Stud. Trainer, James Fitzsimmons. Jual9-432Aqu 5£fl:07%ft 6-5efll5 5 3 4« 32i StoutJ* Allw 82 SwstGirl 115Stepwisev 115.BI.Ssh "7 , , MavlO-434Bel4if wc :51%ft 23-10 4116 2 3 4i 34i MallevT" Stks 91 Mrs.Ames lll.Vietta lll.StepWisely 12 M..v 6-433Jam 5-8 :59%ft 11-20 4114 3 1 l1 2% DurandoC* Allw 85 FeSticky 109,Photogicll4.StSheila 5! i Apt27-433Jam 5-81:00%ft 12-5ofll5 2 1 1* l6 StoutJi Mdn 83 EvernetllO.DntlsGal 115,StaStefa 12 .1 une 25— Aqu— 5 8 ft l:01h June 22— Aqu— 5 8 ft. . . .101%h June 16— Aqu— 5 8 ft. . . .l:01%h CWir hirlpv 117 B. f, 2, by Chicstraw— Atonement, by Ballot. V.NU. •",,,,c7 I IJ Breeder, Mrs. Clyde Smith. 1943 .12 3 I 1 ,150 . Owner, Amedee Jeanfreau. Trainer, Amedee Jeanfreau. M.ivl9-434Bel 5-8wc :59% y23-10 117 2 1 2l 37 GaitherA» Allw 74 DonsFst 113.0r theDaml08,C.otTe S M.,10-434Bcl4ifwc :51%ft 9 116 6 8 l** WoolfG3 Stks 85 Mrs.Amslll.Viettalll.Thrd oGold 12 ■ M.,v l-433.Iam 5-8 l:00%ft 11-5 113 1 2 2h 2i GuerinE2 Allw 80 Surrogate 115.Shamokin lll.Spheric 6 I Apr24-433Jam 5-8 l:00%ft 14 116 1 1 2 23 RobtsonA Allw 81 Ravenala 119.Tit f.Tatll3.MissBuit 8 Aprl7-432Jam 5-8 :59%ft 8 112* 4 6 613 59 GoggiC5 Allw 77 Ravenala 122,SmtSheilall3,Autocrt 8 I I Mar27-43SF.G 1-4 :22%ft 7 119 1 3J 1"» AdairR2 Allw EbyWave 119,CnEddiell3.DgDuke 9 1 Marl3-43SF.G 1-4 :23 ft 7 119 1 lh li CraigA7 Allw Saguaro 119.HalfSmartll9,Occlusion 9 I June 28— Aqu— 3 8 ft.... :3t%h June 25— Aqu— 5 -8 ft. . . .l:05%b June 18-Aqu-3 8 sy :38b i Cfpnwjrp|v 117 Br. f, 2, by Wise Counsellor — Stephanie, by Stefan the Great, jicuwisci/ • J Breeder, Elmendorf Farm, Inc. 1943.. 4 1 1 0 ,565; Owner. Joseph E. Widener. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. . Jua]9-43zAqu 5£ f l:07%ft 3 2 115 2 1 IJ 2l YouneS1 Allw 84 SwstGirl 115,Thd oGdll5.BI. Sash 7 M..17-434B.l 4ilwc :52%ft 71 115 3 1 l3 l5 YoungS* Mdn 92 Penomp 116. Yittta 115, Blenette 9 J U10-434Bel4ifwc :51%ft 47 111 4 4 Vj V[ Yi—gf Stks 91 Mrs.Amslll.Viettalll.Thrd o*Gold 12 ;j j Aprl6 434Jam 5-8 :59%ft 6 115 2 1 36 615 YouneS5 Mdn 73 PkvMaud 115.M.Biscuitll5,DrYock 7 June 27— Bel— 5 8 ft l:02h June 24-Bel— 5 8 ft . . . .l:00%h June 22-Bel-l 2 ft. . . . :51%b Kivvmpnnw X. Ill Ch. f. 2, by Menow — Yankee Princess, by Ballot. " c u ■ ,J Breeder, E. G. Drake and H. P. Headley. 1943.. 3 1 0 0 00 | Owner. Mrs. A. White. Trainer, A. White. May 7-43fPim 4J f :54%ft 25 119 3 7 773 662 MoraH2 Stks 82 Galactic 122. Elrav 122. Sfr Drake 8 I Apr.21-43:lPim 4f :58%hy 7 5 4113 2 1 l4 l4 RobertsP5 Allw 69 WdSpirit 118,GlorisSecll3.PatsyT. 5 Aprl6-432Pim 4| f :55%ft U 115 7 2 3| 43i RobertsP12 2500 83 Dover Cliffs 113, Cee Raf 118, Save 12 i June 19— Bel— 3 8 ft :38b June 8-Bel— 3 8 m :41h June 3— Bel-3 8 gd :37%h Raw Recruit M 108 F,urry by 2 by Ch,cpar0TWar M«« wr« x lvw p Breeder, King Ranch. 1943.. 10 « 0 « 0 , , Owner. King Ranch. Trainer. Max Hirsch. Jun.26 43Aqu 5Jil:07%ft 36 115 9 9 910 612 RenickJ7 Mdn 73 Bnefcts 115,MmytW.115,L.Grlin 9 EvETOet X 1 1 Tj Lt . b. f, 2, by Snark — Memorandum, by In Memoriam. M * • Breeder. E. D. Axton. 1943. 11 2 4 4 ,300 Owner, Brandywine Stable. Trainer, V. W. Raines. Jun.l6-43*Aqu 5Jfl:07 ft 14 113 4 6 4| 21 GivensC3 Stks 85 Mrs.Ames 122.F.Stickyll3.M Biscuit 7 Jua 8 434Aqu 5 61:00 m# 5 109* 2 2 22" GivensC2 Allw 90 SeaReieh 108.FireStkyll4,Phogenic 7 | Jua 4-43sBel 5-8wc :58%ft 11 114* 2 2 31 3:i| GivensC3 Allw 82 Coropet 119.GrantRice lll.Abashed 8 M.. 28-434B.l 5-8wcl:00 ft 11-10 110* 1 1 ink 13 GivensC2 Allw 79 SptLevel 110,Photogicll5,SwtGirl 5 b May 21 -434 Bel 5-8wc 1:01 m 17 5 110*1 2 1»1« l6 GivensC5 Mdn 74 Estate 115,Blenettell5,SantaStefana 9 Apr27-433Jam 5-8 1.00%ft 18-5 110*4 3 24 28 GivensC* Mdn 77 Thd oGldll5.DTsGal 115.S.Stefa 12 - Aprl2-432Jam 5-8 l:00%ft 18 5 110*1 1 lh 3b GivensC1 Mdn 81 T.forTat 115,DamkRosell5,Photoic 9 J June 27-Btl— 12 ft... 48%h June 14— Bel-3 8 ft :39h June 1— Bel— 3 8 ft :37%h