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1116 MILES Haramzada May 21 1932148511t Purse 2300 4year olds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of three races in 1948 Weight 120 Ibs Non winners of two races in 1948 allowed 4 Ibs one race 8 Ibs Claiming price 54000 Chart Book Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt WtApr48Kee14Sys 47902 PaulasSlar Apr48Kee14Sys 110 116 116Mar47SA147y5sy105 47635 Glory Song Mar47SA147y5sy105 115 115Jan48FG147 479982 Oswego Dr Dr481714Swift Jan48FG147 113 112 112Mar48 481714Swift Reward Mar48 OP 14654 112 111 111Nov47 47961 Kere Nov47 BM 147i 117 107 107Jly47 47549 Ganado Jly47 FP 145 119 120 Chart Boo BooIndex Todays Index No Horse Date TodaysDate Track Rec Wt WL WLMar470P146 474303Dauberup Mar470P146 116 115 115Sep47 46037 Big Hope Sep47 Haw 149ys 117 116 116Mar470P144 479023Devils Island Mar470P144 112 109 47705 Kinder King 109 109Nov47BM145 481683 Federal Agent Nov47BM145 117 112 Paulas Star IW Brecder Nel s McCarth 1J48 jj 1 fl 4 1480 1480Owner Owner Haberman Blythe Trainer W V Blythe 4000 1947 42 2 4 8 53450 May3488Spt 53450May3488Spt 1ft153ft 10 1134544 6 6 Kushl3 Alw BigBrher118 LtfUady113 Dlslsland 9 Apr22487Kee 1ft145ft 7 11033 3 34 35 MeyerCJl 450084WisePsano115 SnowKissllO CrkTime 6 Apr2048iKee 34113ft 11 120 105J10J11U119J WagnerJH 400070 SomeBid120 Hilltopper107 Happylndn 12 Apr10483Kee 12Apr10483Kee 1ft146ft 5J 117 222223 33 WagnerJ3 400080SnowKiss109 Altuce109 DrumFire 6 Feb28488FG 1ft146gd 8 118 5134742 35 BrooksS Alw 80 Galaprox116 MrcelleB110 MdleMan 7 Feb11487FG 1ft 150sy 7 113 35 6 i 63 5ts PorchG3 500047 Galapx113 SevtnGuns107 M Busybee 7 Jan23484FG 1ft1 5m 5i 11333 5 6 619 PorchGi 5000 23 Pharawell 112 Valalnfant115 Nostgia 7 Jan16484FG 1ft147Mrft 5 116 815 83J 34 1h PorchGS 500Q82GpaMax116 PpaGrge112 SenGuns 9 Jan10487FG 1ft 147gd 18 115 81 513 33 32 BairdRL Alw 79 Kilgobbin 107 RedTag 116 Galaprox 12 April 12April 29 Spt 58 ft 1115b April 10 Kee 1m ft 145h April 3 Kee 1m ft 147b juiiy Sona X xx 11 I 1 2 5 h fj 4 by War Gloi ySlave Song by Royal Minstrel Breeder Mrs Alice Hansbrough 1948 11 2 1 1 2105 Owner Mrs H Hyde Trainer H Belle S4000 1947 14 2 0 0 S3 140 Apr29488Spt 1ft 155ft 7 115 1h 1h 2h 1 BaileyPJ4 3000 PtesK5d115 BusyMden105 OswgoDr 7 Mar28487Psp 6f122ft 6 111 32 2 63353 CassityJ4 Alw RoysFleet116 LittleJan109 DoubleCall 8 Mar19487Psp 6f 121ft 65 113 H 11 2h 22 CassityJ2 Alw Riggi118 KellysRose 108 SpeedyPan 8 Mar12487Psp 78 128ft 7 110 14 U 12 12 CassityJ4 Alw JoeJoe118 RowRiver118 KellysRose 8 Feb28487psp 6f124gd 31 106 2 43 33 33 BraddishJ2 Alw Mitebet 116 SpeedyPan 116 DrumCall 7 May 8 Haw 38 si 38ysb May 6 Haw 38 m 38b April 27 Haw 58 ft 103h Osweao U5Wego ur Dr 1 1 IZ 7 Ch g 4 by Andy K Fanfun by Breeder JohnOres 1948 6 0 2 1 970 Owner 970Owner Mrs J E Oros Trainer J Oros S4000 1947 15111 2 165 May3484Spt 165May3484Spt 1ft 153 gd 4 111 6312 2h 21 JessopDS C3000 Sunstorm111 WrakfairllS RaffleHse 9 Apr29488Spt 1ft 1554sft 23 115 641 42 42 43 JessopD C30CO GIySong115 PtesKid115 BusyMden 7 Feb20483FG 34113 ft 5 112 84 83 751 531 BrooksSio 3500 79 GoldenCrsslU Thankful 110 Latimer 12 Jan15487FG 1ft 146ft 5 113 3255 55 4 GrubbLs 4500 75 DannaLike110 McLish113 SmallStuff 7 Jan 9487FG 1ft 147ft 75 113 44 33 3j 23 GrubbL2 350080TheFox 110 Myfixon 110 Nuclear 7 Jan 6484FG 34 112ft 31 113 81 64 43 31 GrubbL4 3500 82 MryMary105 BuckRake116 SirFanar 9 Dec23474FG 34 113ft 13f 106 8 1QM 851 851 DAugnoJ3 2500 74 Lochlea 111 QuickLick 114 LittleNoble 12 Oct28474Spt 1ft 153 sy 25 116 8 8 8 824 pOSadaJC2 5000 DgCrate116 TheCIvers110 LkdJane 8 May 8 Haw 12 si 54b April 28 Haw 12 ft 53b 53bSwift owirr Swift Reward iewara n 1 1 u 1 B h 6 by Reaping Reward Swift Rose by Lord Swift Breeder w T Wes 1943 8 1 1 1 2020 Owner 2020Owner W H Bishop Trainer W H Bishop 4000 1947 25 4 3 4 8 350 May7488Spt 350May7488Spt 1ft155ttsl 16 11081365 65 44 KushL 5QOO RightHpy107 LhtfootLady110 Olidor 9 May 3488Spt 1ft153ft 31 118 8 88 8 1 7 JessopD7 ATw BigBrher118 LtftLady113 Dlslsland 9 Apr28487Spt 1ft155sft 31 113 73 45 12 13 JessopDt 3500 VistaAlegre113 BigScat 112 Agarita 7 Mar27487QP 1ft145ft 71 112 42 2h 3467 ZehrF7 c4000U4GypsyLea113 SrMarines109 ReddyBoy 7 Mar194870P 1ft 148 gd 5 113 4313222 471 ZehrF7 425071 Shuckins 08 DmFire116 BrthTaker 8 Mar124840P 1ft 1465ft 33 115 1h 11 2 34 ZehrFS Alw 82 SirDate115 Disbet113 GradoPnmero 7 Mar54840P 146 13211068 34 2 433 PrevostRS Alw83SunUber113 LegalEgle115 WarGIn 8 Feb264840P 34 117m 11 110 643 641 4U 23 PrevostR4 400056 MissMryKy110 GrdoPro112 LersLs 6 Nov19477Rkm 1ft 148 ft 8 120 6 6 7 7 HtwickR4 Alw 62 Lord Caprice 113 Hasher 114 Sason 7 Nov15478Rkm 1 18 1575h 9 114 8 12 13 15 KeeneH7 2500 58 FlarePath107 GlenwoodBoy112 Canee 10 April 25 Haw 34 ft 118h April 22 Haw 58 ft 104h April 19 Spt 12 ft 5625b 1 fl7 B 5 by Moanalua lJI Breeder Richard Smart 1948 3 0 0 0 Owner T Davis Trainer B Ray S4000 1947 6 1 1 1 2115 May4484Spt 781307501 15 113 54 55J 5 J 543 JessopD 4000 ArabsFancy113 ChrryBoy113 MyJulie9 Apr28485Spt 78131ft 40 115 64 6 78 78J GreenB2 5000 Royat 115 Petrified 115 Busy Pony 10 Mar154850P 34112Vsft 22 115 12i129i12ioi18j BberRL4 5000 78 LowTsn115 GenTsAide110 SeMomt 12 Dec3473BM 34 112ft 4J 113 2 53 23 23 VolzkeM4 c3600 81 Graviton113 Foregone SingingSir 8 Nov24475BM 1ft 146 ft 95 I117 4 5 45 55J VolzkeM Alw 80 Moaula 117 Graviton114 Maoli 7 Nov20475BM 34 341134ssl 1134ssl 2i I117 1 55J 533 4U VolzkeM Alw 77 BurngGingr115 Gravitn113 AnxsLad 9 Oct23475GG 34111ft 11 118 1 43 33 32J VolzkeMio Alw 84 Bettyano108 Nantookit113 Moaula 10 Oct14475GG 34111ft 7i 115 4 34 3 61J ZufeltG4 cSOOO 86 GoldPomp115 PcessGay115ForestKg 10 Sep2647tGG 34 111ft 7 120 1 4 1J 13J LitzbgWS Mdn 86 PedroPro120 BurgGgeria TchFinis 9 Mar 13 OP 12 ft 51b oanauu Ganado 1 OA B g 8 by Blue Larkspur I ZU Breeder R W Mcllrain 1918 5 2 0 2 2485 Owner 2485Owner Mrs G Fittge Mrs F Scott Trainer J M Nugent S4000 1947 9203 S2300 Apr28482Spt S2300Apr28482Spt 781314sft 53 117 85J 43i 1h 1n MifoldHS 3000 Tarawa115 PignExpressll TigerBts 10 Mar2448 OP 1ft146ft 2i 112 52 53 3i 1h JonesRJ 300086GodCM13i JohnSabo118 GdyGdrop 9 Mar1948 OP 1 18 155Vsgd 75 A115 47J 1h 31 34J JonesRJS 300066BbyGold115 BusyMden103 BrtsChe 7 Mar154880P 1ft145sft 23115 34 32J 2 32 JonesRJS 3500 86 One byAir115 MsOHogan106 PtoGdo 8 Mar84840P 34114y gd 6J 112 5 3 37 54 47J FrklinES 3600 69 BinBin113i SupeMmentlOO Amphibs 7 Aug2647 DP 140144m 3e 113 5 55J 58J 5 JonesRJ7 Alw 67 PrinceVito 108 Motivate 111 Tipook 7 Aug2147 DP 341114ft 22 118 7 65 54 44J SauterJ2 Alw 85 MtnRoar118 Broadhead113 GHoney 7 Aug1647 DP 1 139s1 2eM10 6 53J 43 323 SauterJ HcpO 76 KingPine 115 Motivate 113 Shuckins 8 May 5 Spt 78 m 138i5b May 5 Haw 58 m 107y3b April 24 Spt 12 gd 55b 55bDa Da Hatteruuuucrup U be run x X 11 ft B 1 by DaberChin Up by Mad Hatter uuuucrup I lO Breeder Alfred G Vanderbilt 194811 1 0 1 1300 Owner 1300Owner H G Knott Trainer H G Knott 4000 1947 36 6 3 9 10375 10375Apr2648Spt Apr2648Spt 118201 ft 51 114J 65 43 22 3 CalvinC4 350043 LeandG1 11 QuibsBlly 13 BobsDrm 8 8Mar274870P Mar274870P 1ft145ft 7i 115 78J 65J 5 3 43 SwainC3 4000 88 Gypsy Leal 13 SrMarines109 ReddyBoy 7 7Mar244870P Mar244870P 1ft146ft 27 118 78J 7 i 65J 6 i SwainC2 4000 80 DoverRd104 Tdysun118 MsMaryKay 7 7Mar94870P Mar94870P 1ft146ttft 35 118 6 64J 65J 4J PenaM s Alw 74 MissLeliaH111 DrmFire115 FourTens 7 Mar 14870P 1ft 150ttm 83 115 55 42J 2h 14 PenaMS Alw 67 SunUmber113 Hike 110 SoBlack 7 Feb14488FG 118202V5hy 7 118 7 2 78 6 8 s CalvinCt Alw170utsider115 GrondSignal 114 Vanflag 9 Jan31488FG 1ft 159 hy 4 121 717 eio 5 414 CalvinC8 Alw LightReigh121 Vanflag111 Montree 8 Jan27484FG 118204 hy 6 118 67 44 3 47J Calvind 3500 19 FourTens115 KantarRun116 Outsider 7 Jan24488FG 1ft 156 m 6 121 8138764 5 3 CalvinC Alw 31 KtarRun116 WdvleQn110 GrdSignl 9 May 7 Spt 38 m 42b May 4 Spt 38 ft 42b April 21 Spt 78 ft 125h Bin JockDig Hnnp 1 1 ft B g 5 by Big Pebble Parsley by Jock Dig nope 1 0 Breeder Wiley Bros 1948 E 1 0 0 2375 2375Owner Owner J H Miles Trainer E B Carpenter 4000 1947 26 3 2 3 6575 6575Mar30488TrP Mar30488TrP a1J206ft 43 109 85 8 s 7 4 7 4 DuffJ 375054 Maudex115 RnoUptt110 NewCalda 8 8Mar12487TrP Mar12487TrP 1 181545ft 14 112 8 3 7 63 423 CookWM2 400066 MrDodo 12 LilacLdy107 SntasVixn 9 9Mar Mar 1487Hia 112231ft 10 11064367 64 6t2 PbodyCS 4000 69 GrdDesty112 Stefan121 SnpyPkge 8 8Feb21487Hia Feb21487Hia 112232 ft 7 11275 22 2 1 CookWM7 350060SnpyPkage114 Spanqua112 TurnBk 8 8Feb16488Hia Feb16488Hia 118156 m 7 1131117108384367 PbodyCn 350053Caliper108 GrandDestiny121 WarSpy12 WarSpy12Feb Feb 4488Hia 1 18 153ttft 14 112 9 65 54 57J PbodyC 3500 67 ShrePtl 112 CckTime117 PoOchelli12 PoOchelli12Dec17477GP Dec17477GP 118153 ft 5 1149 74 633 643 GiffordP 3500 70 StLo110 Inedito 112 SnappyPackage 9 9Noy Noy 4478Spt 1ft 154ft 21 120 9 32J 33J 32J PosadaJCi 3500 FourFrs120 MacPlin115 FavoriteTp 9 9Oct22478Spt Oct22478Spt 1ft155fl 10 11510 44 32 1h SanbriaRS 3000 Kalarney120 RosemereSis109 SkyWolf 10 10May May 8 Spt 12 gd 57ysb May 1 Spt 58 ft 110b April 30 Spt 38 ft 42b Devils Island 1 09 I fcr L Owner J Sands Trainer J Sands 54000 1947 27 1 4 1 3915 3915May May 3488Spt 1ft153ft 19 111J 54 333 34 NormanR4 Alw BigBrother118 LtftLady113 Outsider 9 9Mar3048iTrP Mar3048iTrP 1ft148ft 23 11684145 23 32 Duffjs c300065Chow116 Secret 100 Conformable 10 10Mar15488TrP Mar15488TrP 118154ft 5 115542 22 22 DuffJ3 3000 63 WiseTiger120 Curler114 WarEdictIO WarEdictIOFeb Feb 9488Hia 1ft1581sft 4 119103 64 54 4i3tDuffJ4 300071 Mel Indianl 17 Albatross122 Tambo12 Tambo12tDead tDead heat heatJan22487Hia Jan22487Hia 1A tc 203ft 11 115 45 1h 13 12 DuffJ4 2500 WHKelly117GmrBonnie107 IceLady 11 11Jan Jan 8487GP 1 181544sft 7 117 54 44 44 34 DuffJi 250059 WHKelly113 Kankeekee113 StarTime 12 12Dec29478GP Dec29478GP 1 18 1541sft 6 1098 1 14 14 Duff J5 2500 69 SaxnPaul 114 CntyCork118 VdaTyrt 11 11Dec Dec 4471 GP 34112ft 40 10712 12 111 88 DuffJi 2500 75 Mellndn111 MsEvidcellO Maejames 12 12Nov11472CD Nov11472CD 6f 122m 8 M14 12 103 753 413 AdamsJ4 3000 65 VegasJim 112 Paprika 110 Diavolaw 12 12May May 2 Spt 12 ft 53b April 30 Spt 12 ft 53b April 27 Spt 34 ft 123h 123hp p Under TransmuteUnder j 1 flQ Ch g 5 by Lester J Travert by Transmute U9 King Breeder Earl E Watson 1948 5 1 0 1 575 575Owner Owner A Trout Trainer L B Bethel S4000 1947 8101 2250 2250Apr30484Spt Apr30484Spt 78132 ft 17 117 1h 521 74 75 RobertsJ4 Alw SirDate115 Thunder 110 HappyJoan 7 7Apr12485TrP Apr12485TrP 34111V5ft 7 120 75 77 67 71 BureauCi 4500 80 Day 111 CatnipHill 118 Manadroit 8 8Feb26485SP Feb26485SP 5f108V5ft 6 117 63364 34 3nk AppbeeAS Alw 77SwiminHle117 BelleMse115 LocIBd 7 7Feb18485SP Feb18485SP 5f107ft 22f 113 43 32 2nk 14 AppbeeA 250080 PilgrimMaidlOS NLeddie113 NHour 10 10Feb Feb 4484SP 34115ft 16 117 7511QU 98 983 RobrtsJio Alw 60 Anaesthesia108J Mavada113 RedScout 10 10Nov Nov 3474Spt 78 129ft 21 120 8 54 54 5io ThibaultJS 5000 ValaPern120 TheCIvers110 SgarLp 8 8Oct24474Spt Oct24474Spt 78 781294sft 1294sft 15 120 5 58 55 5 8 ThibulLJS Alw SirWhite111 LnersGirl 108 PpsGal 6 6Oct Oct 7471 Haw 6 f 121 ft 4 118 5 13 12 12 PsonNL3 Mdn 75 Frcois dOM13 SunnyJulie107 Upton 12 12Sep23473Haw Sep23473Haw 6f1214sft 20 118 5 22 1h 31 PosadaJCS Mdn 70 SimpleSimon114 Upton114 Rewarder 12 April 26 Spt 12 ft 52y5h F Friprn reaerOI riprn Anpnt 11 9 B g 7 by Special Agent Glacee by I Agent L Breeder Charles S Howard 1948 3001 220 220Owner Owner B H Wise Trainer B H Wise S4000 1947 18 4 3 2 6670 6670May7485Spt May7485Spt 78133 si 32 115 32 42147 351 BoucherJl 4000 MidnitOil 115 ArielPal 110 WiltThou 10 10Apr28487Spt Apr28487Spt 1ft 155Vft 11 113 1 23 555 ThorW c3500 SwiftRewd113 VtaAIgre113 BigScat 7 7Mar254840P Mar254840P 34112ft 45 113 104111412131212 ThntonBi2 4500 73SupeMomt106 HMster112 PFIame12 PFIame12Dec Dec 3478BM 1ft 146 ft 3 117 3 31 43 533 MillerPi cSOOO 82 BargingLady 108 Tudo114 TrustFund 8 8Nov25478BM Nov25478BM 1ft145ft 2 117 2 1413 14 LibergW 2500 89 DrumCall 113 TimeOut 117 SirValley 11 11Nov19478BM Nov19478BM 1ft 151 hy 4 117 3 77 6 7 NicholsJi 3000 49 BelorBoy111 BrggLady108 UntilNw 12 12Nov14473BM Nov14473BM 34112 ft 9 117 2 44 32 22 NicholsJio 3000 85 QuienEs120 BGrenade106 brggLady 12 12Oct22474GG Oct22474GG 34111ft 22 114 4 32 42 43 NicholsJ4 3500 84 ForestKg115 SuperBomr114 Browbt 9 9Oct15473GG Oct15473GG 34111ft 62 11412108394 74 VolzkeM 3500 82 AnpolisAyr115 OcnPark115 MissJoJo 12 12Oct Oct 7473GG 34112 go 7 119 6 51 ° 64 681 RussoGi c2500 73 FgSevh116 HighAgnt117 Barbelrvdo 7 7April April 25 Spt 34 ft121h April 20 Spt 1m ft 155ysh April 16 Spt 78 ft 13 h