Latest Workouts From Major Tracks, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-10

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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks TracksFigrures Figrures preceding horses names show date of last previous work Track record after distance Key b Breezing d Driving1 e Easily g Worked from gate h Handily o All out u Eased up Names of horses making fastest time at each distance appear in black face type FRIDAY MAY 7 1948 1948THISTLE THISTLE DOWN Track Muddy 38 MILE Gee Eye 53h 58 MILE 58 De Sota 40 b MissRobby 54h Jeweltone 108 h 43 Nedford 39 bg Riskton 54 b Takitfrome TakitfromeWhite l07h 429 White Ford 39 bg Reprint 54h 54hSabrand Sabrand 55 b 34 MILE 110 12 MILE 49 Snow Flower 53h 15 Breakabeam BreakabeamBe 121 b Be Gone 54 hg 218 Siss Advice 54h Distract DistractBoss 119 h Boss Marcus 55 b Win Fin 53h MarcellaB 119 h SATURDAY MAY 8 1948 1948SPORTSMANS SPORTSMANS PARK Track Good Cherry Trifle 40 b 52 Heine 58 b 215 Prankish Kingl08hg Kingl08hg42b Martharine 42b 427 Inverette 54y5b 56 Hartley R 109 hg 54 Miss Show Me 42 b 52 Mightiest 57 b 54 Impatience 112 b 51 Persiflage 40 hg 428Richwall 56b 51 JanRod 110 hg hg39h Valdina Trial 39h 430 Sun Tannery 56b 54 Keen Olo 110 b b42h 54 XenJr 42h 426 Susie C 56 b 55 Paper Clip l07hg 43 Whose 42 b Son of Peace 54b 55 Rossie Gibson 111 hg 12 MILE 428 Tasajillo 56 hg 34 MILE MILE56b 423 Atrebla 56b 424 Woodland Sun 56 b 428 Donna Brand 125 b b54ysb 430 Big Brother 54ysb 58 MILE 59 54 Equate 125 b b5735b 51 Big Hope 5735b 51 Bank Balance 108 hg 54 FlorizanAce 128 b b5635b 56 Dry Belt 5635b 55 Dixie Pebble 112 b 54 Royat 127 b bHAWTHORNE HAWTHORNE Track Slow Dogs Up 38 MILE MILEBusy 53 Bill Twig 58 MILE 59 Busy Liz 55 Dulka 53 Billcella l06b 55 Bernzie 430Equirose 32 BoldKingr l05h 52 Full Treatment 55 Faff 57 Verona Sands l06b 56 Glory Song 55 Gentle Kay 34 MILE 110 430 Night Miss 43 Kalarney 429 Handy Lad 1 20h 418 Stork of Peace 54 Lextown 57 One By Air l24b 53 Vinita Sickle 327 Monitor 78 MILE 125 55 Nictor 57 MaTanney 135 b 12 MILE 48 55 Oswego Dr 55 AlLaBud 52 Richard Boy 1 MILE 137 J5 54 Asterbill Topic 430 ToyQuay 1 4925b CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Fast 38 MILE MILEAlaluna 12 MILE 46 331 Lairds Cat l04h Alaluna 38 h 427 Bobs Pal 49h 55 Luxembourger l04b 429 Back Talk 374 h 57 Brass Baby Baby38h 50 h 429 Mr Smug l05ta 418 Babeff 38h 13 Coquinet 50 h 57 Marltown l03h 428 Brownstown 38 h 57 CidPlay 50 h 53 Magnolia l0345h 55 Bonnie Lou 37h 56 CRudy 50 h 54 Miss Militant 104 h 56 Blue Night 38 h 54 Choice One 50hg 55 Mr Del l0145h 421 Bright Promise 37 hg 52 Cockcrow 50h 5 5 Mighty Story l04b 416 Catnip Hill 3625h Chance OPlay 50h 54 Merrymarch 105 b 54 Contralto 40 b C Bomb 504sh 55 Micky Q 105 b 54 Curtain Bow 38h 56 Eternal Rewd 46 hg 430 Noble One l033sh 430 Charm Prince 38h 55 Benissima Benissima3715b 47hg 54 Prom Trotter 102 h 51 Coaltown 3715b 417 Dats Mine 4845hg 423 Quilt 108 b 430 Don Ward 37 h 54 Dizzy Gal 5iysh 54 Quibu l04b 53 Dusting 36 y5h 427 Frankie D D36h 51 h 55 Senecas Miss 107 b 54 Dielle 36h 54 FannaG FannaG36h 50h 54 Sniff Sniff l01h 54 Dear Lea 36h 422 First Whirl 54b 51 Scholar Time 110 b 420 Dusk and Dark 37 hg 410 Fighting Irish 49hg 427 Sun Symbol 102 h 420 Enforcer 40 b 44 Galloway 54b 56 StmyMcCatfe l03h l03h50ysh 427 Ever Lucky 39 b 54 Hang Up Up3935b 50ysh 53 Turf 106 b 425 Foxy Pate 3935b 423 Hypostyle Hypostyle37h 49 h 54 Time Sir l02h l02h50h 53 Ferns Gal 37h 429 Jal Jal37h 50h 54 TiaJuanita l0rh l0rh4825h 430 Good Copy 37h 55 Johns Pride Pride37h 4825h 56 ThkYouSir 103 1033sh 3sh 3sh5025hg 428 Hand Torch 37h 428 Jim Jack 5025hg 46 Temporary 107 b b50y5l 53 Jacks Creek 37 h 46 K Cookie 50y5l 429Wellsab l05b 56 Ky Colonel ColonelLucky 36h Lucky Hostess 51 h 52 Walkie Talkie l03h Lucky Point 37hg 429 Lucky Champ 50ysh 55 Wickers Wish 103 h 57 Maedina 36h 54 Miss Mommy 5135h 34 MIL MILE 110 11047h 42 Merry Lad 40 b 54 MarvinsTip 47h 56 Bolo BoloGerl Gert 120 b 53 Mill Cat 38 h 56 On The Eye 49h 418 Elktonia King 121 h 427 Montes Pride 38h 53 Provoker 55 b 54 Fighting Fighting35hg Pete 115 h 54 Marse Robert 35hg 52 Peak Load 50 h 55 Ernie C 120 b b54b 55 MissLoretta 36 h 53 Santa Fe 54b Happy C C38h Colleen 117 h h49h 424 Provocative 38h 56 Silver Sis 49h 53 Jamerica Jamerica3735hg l19b l19b5023hg 428 Pine Grove GrovePlover 3735hg 428 Sports Editor 50hg 56 Jackie B l1935b l1935b47hg Plover Brand 39 b 54 Scene Scene37h 47hg 430 June Ayr l18ysh l18ysh49ysh l18ysh49ysh 53 Perfect Miss 37h 418 Townlette Townlette36h 49ysh 56 K Doe Doe l18h 55 Pnut Vendor VendorQuivive 36h 410 Tribal II 54 b 52 Leo Red 119 b b47hg b47hg Quivive 40 b 55 Torello 47hg 421Markight I17y5h 53 Royal Chap 37 h 52 Tawny Tiger Tiger38h 50h 54 Righs Comet l1335h 53 Ramona 38h 425 Volcanic 49 h 54 Rippling Sand 120 b 428 Rose of Erin 37 hg 54 Yoncella 47hg 430Swesteel l18h l18h49ysh 58 Senecas Coin 37 h 55 Ol Skipper Skipper36hg 49ysh 55 San Yet l1835b l1835b50h 430 Survey 36hg 424 Prince Joy 50h 54 So Help Me 117 h 415 Salignac 39 b 53 Provident 54b 53 Tweets Girl l1835h 53 Skydue 36 h 58 MILE 59 78 MLE 123 SkydueSgt Sgt Brown 38 h 54 Arilou 106 b 426 Coo Case l32h l32h3725h 53 Shillah 3725h 430 Amern Flyer l02h 55 First Degree l30h l30h3725h 53 Safety First 3725h 425 Ariel Ace l01h 55 Faithful More l30h l30h37h 54 Sun Jay 37h 55 Angling 103 h 56 Idle Prattle l32h 417 Sky Train 39 b 55 Byja Copo 100 hg 428 Obelisk l3iysh 52 Syls Bobby 36 h 52 Best Prospect l01h 54 Pappys Pride l33b 52 Shermies Pet 38 hg 54 Bengal Boy 104 b 430 Pert 132 h 411 Top Tiger 38 h 54 Bold Verse l0025h 54 Play Sure 132 h 42 The Best 40 b 55 Baby Blue I04y5b 56 Shot Dollar l33h 53 Toga 36y5h 54 BlueDazzler 105 hg 1 MILE 135 428 Trimdem 38 h 427 Cock Feather 106 b 53 Fireworks l43h 325 Tobo 38 h 53 Chesty 102 h 56 Gourmet 148 b 54 Uncle Drew 36hg 427 Emerald Isle 103 hg 55 In the Bag 147 b 45 Uncle Rota 37h 430 Fightg Frank l04b Speed Play 153 b 423 Village 37 h 51 Fifteenth 105 b 55 TruMiss l463sh 426 Whirl Top S Sshg shg 54 High Ego 100 hg 1 18 MILES 428 Wish Egan 37hg 54 Impersonator 108 b 54 Elcan 430 You And You 37 h 430 Iron City 105 b 414 Old Iron PIMLICO Track Slow 38 MILE Galoch Galoch330Bekkers 53ysh 34 1VIILE 110 330Bekkers 43 b 55 Handy Man J55 h 56 Bonnie Flag 122 h 51 Birthday Party 39 b 51 Honey Bun 55 hg 55 Dorns Dream l23hg 56 Balled Up 39 hg 55 Little Tony TonyBy 54 b 55 Frapia 127 b b56b By Me 38h 46 MissCovery 56b 51 Golden Reign l19h 319 Bright Beans 43 b Trier Trier39b 54 hg 57 Lock and Key 120 h h51hg 56 Clarence 39b 55 Torchator 51hg 53 No Warning l22b 51 Curiosity 40 b 54 Wicked Miss Miss38b 52 h 78 MILE 126 52 Even Break 38b 53 Weather OK 53 h 55 Cash 136 h 424 Flower Box 38b 58 MILE 11 1140ysb 0 421 Hot 136 h 430 Idio 40ysb 55 Blenlin 107 b 1 MILE 137 In Front 39 b 55 Acondale 109 b 51 Enigma 156 b bl07h 54 Nautyvier 43 b 55 Cedar Brand l07h 427Pieldfare 155 b bl07h 53 Sunbud 40 bg 54 Frigate l07h 55 Gallant Doc l57b 430 Tartan 39 b 428 Gay Wildy Wildys 107 h 56 LadyPam l49h 12 MILE 47 s 426 Iron Pigeon 107 h 56 Our Sensation 150 h hl06h 55 Alexis 54 b 55 Mityme Mityme54hg l06h 51 Ocean Front l46h l46hl07h 55 Ace Trophy 54hg 430 Premier l07h 429 QuickNews 147 h hl07b 11 Attention Miss 54 hg 57 Reflex Arc l07b 427 Rank 155 b Bold Hal 55 h 54 Tonys Find 106 b 57 The Heir 150 h S6 CubanBUl 56b 55 Top Raider 109 b 118 MILES 151 Cedar Magic 53y5h 428Tipit 107 b 55 Curious Arab 204 h hIrtT 420 Duck Marsh 55 b 430 Useless IrtT h SONavigate 204 h JAMAICA Track Sloppy Sloppy39b 51 Julius 39b 51 My Discovery 53 b 55 Go Chicago l05b 55 TedM 39 b 56 Pocono 55 b 54 HiyaPop HiyaPop429Waymark 105 b 12 MILE 429Waymark 57 b 55 Roberto 102 h 51 Bold Salute 53 b 52 Illuminable 53b 58 MILE 58 34 MILE 110 54 Kharery 53b 51 Bay Magic l04b 55 Bob Mann l22b 52 La Kitty 50h 55 Bright Kid 1 05b 420 Lucky Hit 51 Mr Dodo 54b 55 Cabot l0535b 55 Windfields GARDEN STATE PARK Track Muddy 38 MILE 53 Hornpipe 52b 56 Hi Johnnie 106 b 52 Adonis 42b 52 Harford 50 b 57 Harbourton lQlh 53 Atomic Secret 38b 56 Impact 49b 56 John Chledon 104 b 55 Bases Loaded 39 b 420Jobie 53b 421KentmereMissl04 b 430 Beggars Drem 39 b 427 Lost Control 50b 54 Opening Day l0335h 55 Champlain 38 b 421 Miracle Rod 48 4845hg 46 Prodigal Girl l0545b 53 Copper Hill HillCalthea 38 b 56 Nipmenow 50 5037y5b 50b 42 Rustle Broom 104 b Calthea 37y5b 53 NancyPansy 48 483525h hg 54 Sweet Taters 103 b 429 Cacique 3525h 53 Percivale 49 4940b 49b 51 Silver Clad l03h CaciqueFight Fight Along 40b 419 Petite Vixen 52 523725b 52b 317Welaunle 104 b 52 Hypertension 3725b 56 Pro 52 5237b 52ysb 34 MILE 109 421 Jungle Call 37b 53 Pompeys Song 52 523725b b 430 Azimuth 120 b b49y5b 425 Kid Caution 3725b 421 Puritan 49 4936b 49y5b 430 Acapulco H l24b 423 TJnwood Blue 36b 54 Razzmatazz 50 5038y5b b 425 Beaus Nurse l19b l19b50b 51 Lapis Lazuli 38y5b 429 Reborn 50 503525h 50b 52 Best Giant 119 ysb 55 Macbeth 3525h 55 Sub 54 543845b b 56 Hamanasa l15J6b 416 Nobody 3845b 55 Stage Mother 51 b 56 Hat Chck Girl 117 b b492sh 51 Over Exposed ExposedPontys 39 b 56 Shoe Buckle 49 493725hg 492sh 429 Helens Dream l19ysb Pontys Boy 3725hg 55 Suzannette 51 b 56 InFraganti l17b l17b5225b 426 Pontys Choice 3725b Shevy Bones 52b 54 Ill Be Back l17b l17b48hg 52 Roman Runner 38b 56 Sir Ralph 48hg 428 Jackamine l18b l18b49bg 53 Reade Castle 38 b 53 Smajor 49bg 56 Our OurSensati OurSensatiSand Sensation 120 b b5325b Sand Glass 36h 427Skelton 5325b 54 Plymouth l2025b l2025b5035b 57 Thousd Ships 36h 53 Touch Control 5035b 430 Sir Rusty 119 b b53b 57 WiannaLad 38b 428 Turkey Trot 53b 420 Swing High 118 b 51 Whatacard 39 b 47 Tilt 54 b 413 Sugar Dgh Dgh426Tintia Dghnut 118 ysb ysb5225b 12 MILE 426Tintia 52b 51 Talmadge Talmadge53b l17ysb l17ysb52y5b 418 Award 53b 430 Wrightstown 52y5b 55 You Must Must52y5b 117 b b52y5b 429 Alvins Mom 52y5b 427Wonabet 52y5b 53 Trump Hez Heavy l1725b 54 Blue Lustre 51 b 428 Winnie P 51 b 78 Ml Ml50y3b MILE MILEWs 57 Briarcliff 50y3b 58 MILE 59 Ws 221 Lantern 131 b 21 Circus Clown 50 b 415Alapay 106 b 54 Picture Cai Card 131 b bl0625b 55 Cherry Cake 51 b 329 Activity l0625b 1 MILE 137 137l01h 428 Donnas Ace 49b 57 Blue Peter l01h 54 Archer Archer52ysb 144 h 51 Demavend 52ysb 53 Blue Wings 104 b 419Cyper l46b l46bl0535b 429 Escrow 51 b 411 Bunny Zane l0535b 418 Languid Ls Ls49hg Lady l53b 55 Eternal Day 49hg 56 BoldByrd 106 b 426 Little Willi49b Willie l49b 54 Esterita 49b 421 Connie Sam 105 b 428 Oberod l46b l46bl02h 55 Forker 50 b 56 Count Edburn l02h 51 RomShock RomShock53b I46y5b 430 Grand Entry 53b 430 Comic Ann 104 b 52 Sir Imp rA5li DOUGLAS PARK Track Muddy 38 MILE Sagtown 41b 55 MacPlin 54 b 54 Arristed 38 bg 424 Steel Bull 3825bg 58 MILE 54 Bernices Girl 39bg 53 Strathmond 38b 425 Als Princess 110 b 427 Caumsett 39b Tough Target Target37h 41b 419 John the God 105 b 52 Connaught 37h 221 Midget Store l04h 37h38b 427 Deanna 38b 12 MILE 54 Red Flag l0635b 426 Eva T 38 b 53 Battle Axe 428 Romance Hill 1 03hg 54 Kittys Clown ClownMurryMaid 39bg 54 Brown Vicar 53 Tolteca l03hg MurryMaid 38bg 430 Easter Laddie 32 Peace Ship 43b Emilys Pet Pet39b 1 MILE 56 PrinceFlare 39b 129 Gay Allset 55 Balheim l54b 412 Saucy Lea 39b 56 Lady Shirley Laen 155 b SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Muddy 38 MILE 429 Dust Screen 53 J h 430 John Q Pblic 1 07h 55 Another Jac 41 b 425 Fall Gal 52h 55 Maximont l06h 55 Abim 39 h 53 Glorys Chance l lsh sh 54 Mr Chairman l06h 52 Bunyip 40 h 54 Gay Lance 52y5h 57 Nariah 107 h h429Ridgeley 422 Charuig Rock 40 h 54 Gay Courier 53 h hIn 429Ridgeley 105 h 427 Cres Sue 41 b In the Know 53h 53 US Bound l06h 413 Calydon 4iy5b 4iy5bCollaborate 55 Junior Easton 50h 34 MILE 109 Collaborate 41b 51 Lady Fan 54y3h 54 Apropiado l18h 411 Dolly Dumplgs 37 h hEdna 55 Listing 51 h 55 Bootalong 11811 Edna Lawless 40 h 411 Ma Rules 54 h 430 Burts Reward 118 ysh 425 First Breeze 42 ti 430 Sadie Brown 52 h 54 Creole Babe 122 b 54 Hi Reward 40 b 427 Top Transit 51 h 55 CressonMiss l19h 55 Jeems 41 b 427 Treasure Key 53 h 424Daffydine l19ysh 56 King Alia 383sh 54 Veiled Threat 53 h 55 Green Haven l18h 52 Lostahat 39h 54 Vantime 53 h Good Rye 121 b 55 Lo Mar Jim 394sh 53 Waverly 54 h 430 Hired Man l2225b 430 Quart 42b 429 War Delegate 54ysh 54 Kepeng l22h 414 Rose Hairan 39h 55 Your Highness 50h 55 Marksman 122 b 429 Reportable 42 b 419Noahvale l20h 420 Segundo Sbra 3935h 3935hSUk 58 MILE 58 54 Petes Best l20h SUk Bound 40ysh 56 Bushel Basket 110 b 54 Token Rewrd l18h 428 Sunclad 4045h 56 Due Sport 108 b 54 The Drone 121 b 12 MILE 48 55 Firewarden l06h l06hFillibeg 56 Bengal Baby 54 h Fillibeg l07h 1 MILE 136 51 Bow On 52h 55 Gino Gold GoldHigh l04h 54 Land Light l50d 427 FB Eye 5035h High Est 108 b 53 Murex 147 h BELMONT PARK Track Sloppy 38 MILE 55 Fond Embrace 49hg 54 Pennon l18h l18h4925h 424 Advance 37 hg 55 Honeymoon 49h 54 Pinebloom l18h AdvanceBluff Bluff Heel 37 hg 55 Larinda 54 h 55 Shooters H H3635h Hill l16h l16h48h 55 Hyphome 3635h 55 My Country 48h 54 Sorisky Sorisky37h l17h 55 Bless Us 37h Moon Trick 55 b b37h 51 Short Rew Reward l18h l18h513sh 51 Bachot 37h 55 Mesmer 513sh 513sh36h 56 Up Beat 116 h h49hg 51 Bouleradier 36h 53 Oldtown 49h 49hg 55 WL Sickle 119 h h50h 55 Colosus 37 h 423 Reminiscing 50h 78 MILE 122 1224935h 55 Cheese Cloth 37 h 55 Rabies 4935h 4935h36h 56 Dusty Legs l3225h 51 Daiquari 36h 55 Trevatino 52 hi hg 226 King Rhymer 132 55 Khaki 37 h 55 Wine List 49y5h 49y5h37hg 54 Night Dress l33h l33hVs KhakiLady Lady Dorimar 37hg 58 MILE 5V3 Vs 51 Punchestown 131 h hl0235h 55 Orient 37 h 54 Brother Ed l0235h l0235h36h 55 Supply Line 131 h 51 Poster 36h 55 Brisket 102 h h3725hg 54 White Lady 131 h hl03h 55 Papa Noel TJ 3725hg 52 Cacique n l03h 1 MILE 134 427 Succession 38 b 51 Darnaway 105 h h363sh 55 Fair Crystal l473sh 55 Structure 363sh 54 Entrust 103 y5h 55 FrereMarqte 149 h 51 Thermic 37 h 54 Embattle 105 h h37hg 55 Gunboats 149 h ThermicTeddy Teddy Weeds 37hg 54 Hasten On 103 ysh ysh39h 52 Escondrijo 149 h hl0435h 411 Winged 39h 55 Olio l0435h 55 Halconer l40h l40hl0235h 12 MILE 424 Quite Alone 1 l0235h 0235h 0235h50h 57 Imprudence 145 h hHQWsh 55 Accountant 50h 55 Shortest l HQWsh S Ssh sh 53 Kilfane l e esh sh 57 Boom Day 49 h 55 SkyUghter 102 h h50h 55 Loser Weeper 146 y5h y5hl01h 55 Boots First FirstCopyist 50h 54 Whats New l01h Little Sammie l g gsh sh Copyist 54 b 34 MILE 110 11048h 10 55 Newsweekly 141 h 55 Caifero 48h 428 Helioptic 116 h h49hg 51 Poor Pebble 150 h hl16h 55 Fire Again 49hg 55 Leander l16h 54 Stunts 150 h LAUREL PARK Track Good Good323Halgas 38 MILE 323Halgas 52 h 56 Choclate Roll 126 bg bg37h 53 Cairness 37h 58 Rossie Derby 51h 55 Hard Reno 129 b 429 Good Fun 39 bg 58 MILE 59 54 Joes Favorite 121 b 312 Gold Fly 38 bg 422 Accoutre 108 b 430 La Vega 124 b b38y5hg 56 Sparklet 38y5hg 54 Blarney Rose 106 hg 78 MILE 126 430 Topfield 37 b 53 Irish Rogue 106 h 53 EnosK 135 bj bj37hg bg 53 Wenham 37hg 55 Maria Lacross 104 h 55 Fair Ann 134 h 12 MILE 54 TwinkShot l05hg 1 MILE 137 52 Cutty Steel 53 b 51 WlterRleigh 108 b 55 Chaff ee Dec 151 fc 55 Dog Trot 52 h 34 MDLE 111 51 Jeb Stuart 155 b 55 Enow 52 b 56 Counter 123 bf Kordofin 155 b AQUEDUCT Track Sloppy 34SJMILE 3r23Proposition 52 b b37h 542 Alstimu 51 GhestnutPapa 37h 51 Promotion 150 h h36hg 5sl Catana 116 h 429 Feudist 36hg 51 Shoes 50 h 427 Past Eight 118 b 37h 54 ThatsMyBoy 50 h 427Sirlette 122 b 54 TJadyTfakir 373 h ss MIEE 5sys 5sys36ljg5l Tiara V 119 tb MountainriLass 36ljg5l BeachBqy i03h 424 The Dervish 116 A 51 RomanBout 374 hg 4r27Deep Texas 104 h Stormy 41 b 51 Diablaza 106 b 427 Airfield 132 h 53 HighStand l03h 54 AllieSl al 51 b tsd Halcyon Air 105 b b51b 1 MILE iBlueGun 51b 4r29 Lenwell 106 b b4ah 229 Alert Son 152 b 5il JDartmouth 4ah 4lLMaize l03h 318 Chow 147 h ha48 56 Eelucca 51 b 52 Okectee l03h 54 TFoxyJack a48 h 4r29iFlyingShip 50 h 51 Syntet 104 h 5l Golden Light 151 b 422Odipous 50 h 34 Mil 4r25Seguin 149 ib BELMQNT PARK Trac TracCTRAINING CTRAINING TRACK 3r8 MILE MILE5L6 55 SandyPass 38 b 55 Roman Jobe 54 ib 5L6 AhOUi 40 b 54 StaiShot 39 b b38b 55 Swedak 54 b 54 Blue Thanks 38b 55 ThePoefc 39b 39b39b 51 Sand Run 50h Big Gravel 39b 413 Voltaire 40 b 56 Seaward 55 b b4r21 51 CheckTJp 40 li h 51 ValseBleue 38 b b36h 4r21 Tantamount 52 b 415 Danada Gift 36h S2 WariShip 40 b b37h 430 Townhouse 50h 51 Escador 37h 424 Zama 38 b 53 Undercut 52b 51 FoxyFondling 38b 1 2 1MILE 1MILE38h 56 Valor 49h 55 Five Days 382 38h h 52 Bluejacket 50h 54 Wide equest 50 h 55 Fugit 43 b 46 BlowxMe 50h 52 Whirlalong 53 tb tb5r8 57 FalseJront 39 b 430Bunchberry 50 h 5r8 MILE 55 Eight For It 38 h 5 1 BarefootBoy 5a 5ash sh 428 AtomBuster 111 b 57 Gallita 40 h 55 Chains 55 b b39b 53 rAlthird 104 b 4 28 His Grace 39b 39b323Inchcapella 430DryFly 50 h h37h 55 Bored Money l09b 323Inchcapella 37h 54 Dare All 52 b 55 Lady Ardmore 1 09 b 416 Jungle Feast 38 b 5 2 Donation 53 b 56 Lunch Quest l08b 54 Klamath 38 b b5r3 428 Easton Air 50h 52 Minneapolis 105 b bf55 5r3 Lex 40 b 430 Flaming Comet 52 h f55 SirBim l03h 430 Magic Mirror 39 b 51 ForJon 52V b 55 Tzaritsa 107 vb vbWestgeBlvd 51 MiltonBiere 39 b bOneMan 56 Hypeace 49h WestgeBlvd 105 Oj OneMan Show 43 b 55 Hippodrome 51b 51b37h 4 9 Pretentious 37h 54 Kibosh 502Sh 502Sh38b 34 MILE 54 PinkTights 38b 51 LoisF 52b 52b38b 55 Battle Theme 126 b 417 Prince Quest 38b 38bRayStar 51 LatestVogue 50h 50h38b 55 Compliance l17b RayStar 38b 54 LaChiqu61a 52 tb tb39b 57 Danada Hed 124 b 54 Readiness 39b 55 MissReauest 49 h h39b 5 5 GayGazel l18b 331 RegalHeward 3925b 53 Pipes 54 b 55 Liberty Road 126 b

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1948051001_38_1
Library of Congress Record: