5th Jam, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-10

past performance

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1 116 MILES Sting May 9 19251424106 Maud Muller Purse Purse 6000 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Nonwinners at one mile or over maiden races excepted Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners of a sweepstakes or three races since March 31 allowed 5 Ibs two races since then or a sweepstakes in 194748 10 Ibs Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 476884 Mazarine 110 47688 My Emma 110 110Nov47Jam152sy108 47182 La Chicuela Nov47Jam152sy108 115 47537 Miss Request 110 110Apr48 476882 Compliance Apr48 Jam 148 111 110 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 47537 Whats New 115 115May48Jam 48074 Alablue May48Jam i47Vis 110 110 47607 Vashti Apr48 Jam 148 109 110 475374 Scattered Nov47 Pirn 147 119 110 Coupled My Emma and Vashti lYiazarme Mnrnrirua 1 1 fl Ch f 3 by Sweepster Mandataria by Lcmbardo I I U Breeder H C Hatch 1948 8 3 fl 0 58700 Owner C Hatch Trainer C Howard HowardApr30484Jam Apr30484Jam 34 112ft 4 121 3 1 21 21 45 JamesBS Alw77SwtDream108Compliance115 SrDrift 8 Apr28485Jam 34113ft 17f 112 14i514i14i61383McCryC3 ScwS 71 Itsabet 116 PicnicLunch 116 Alablue 14 Apr 1484Jam 5Jf 106Vfcsy 6i 117 23 33J 44i 5J JamesB4 Alw 77 MrAce 122 Jimikin 122 MissRequest B Mar3487SA 78124ySft 3 117 533 32J 62 54 NevesR4 Alw 82 BoswellLady113 Pennon114 BrnMoat 8 Feb 3487SA 78124ft 4 110 431 32J 24 14 NevesR HcpO 87 Pigreeny117 Itsabet120 NurserySchocrg Jan17483SA 78124 ft 3 110 1J lh 1h 1st NevesR4 NevesR4tDead Alw89ReighJane113 LadyZev116 Henpecker 7 tDead heat heatJan Jan 9481SA 78 125ft 8i 115 21 2 2h 14 14 NevesRS NevesRSMay Mdn 82 Brilliancy115 AtomRay115 SeaCntess 12 May 6 Jam 1m sy 143h April 26 Jam 38 ft 36b April 22 Jam 34 ft 115h AXu IIImy cm Pmmn ma 1 1 ft B f 3 by Isolater Marigal by Sir Gallahad III my IU Breeder Belair Stud 1948 3000 Owner Belair Stud Trainer J Fitzsimmons 194713 2 0 1 4625 Apr30484Jam 4625Apr30484Jam 34112ft 22 113 5i 653 6i 6 1 CombW Alw 72 SwtDream108 Compliancel 15 SrDrift 8 Apr22484Jam 1 147ft 18e 111 1i 21 8M 822 CombtN AIw56 VulnsFge118 Smt die120 Complce 8 Apr10483Jam 34113ft 65eA113 77J 8J 8 J 783 McPheeR4 Alw70MissRequest117 Alablue113 PastEight 9 Nov26473Bow 34 113ft 15 117 8 54J 42j in CombstN7 Alw 85 Chalita117 BleHelse117 LEmWder 11 Nov21474Bow 170145ft 19e 115 7 77J 8 68J CombstN Alw 77 BrwnFoxllB FertileLands113 Splash 10 Nov 6475Jam 34 113 sy 45eA116 4 74i 62J Bio JasponTi Alw 72 Vashti116 WickiWickt116 SweetDream 9 Oct15473Jam 34112ft 4je 116 8 8 Sl 712 McPheeRS Alw 71 SIerSong109 PastEight 116 SwtDrm I May 7 Aqu 34 115h April 27 Aqu 58 ft 104h April 20 Aqw 1m ft 14 h In ia rhirtipln vnicueid 1 1 5 fc i b Btenneim IILa Chka y Sweep M 53500Owner 3 Breeder Leslfr Ctmfas Trustee 1948 5 1 2 1 53500 Owner J S Phipps Trainer J P Smith 1947 8001 600 Apr2248 600Apr2248 Jam 34113H ft 12 118 7 81 65i 6 ZufeltFf AIw70SweetDream115 Quibble 115 Beausy 8 Feb26483Hia 78 125 ft 41 107 33 45i 44 33 AtttonT Alw 80 Kanace 105 Attic 111 FlyingMeteor 7 Feb 748iHia 78126 ft 75 1 18 61 75J 54 1h SniderAS Mdn79 Rampagus118 FlawlssPrl 118 Maize 12 Jan20482Hia 78125ft 2 118 85 7 57 22 SniderAto Mdn 78 Beausy 113 Elated 113 MattieGirI12 Jan16482Hia 34112fcft 13 118 21 1 1 2 SniderA3 Mdn 83 HthFire113 ChterMaid113 Jerseylsle12 Nov 8472Jam 1 150sy Ei 108 5 6 1 581 5 KnappEd Mdn 53 Bluehaze 114 Musician 116 Racket 7 Oct17474Jam 34 113 ft 4 115 1 5i 43 35 ScurlkQZ Mdn 76 Vashti 115 No Fiddling 115 Varodi 8 May 8 Bel trt 12 m 52b May 4 Bel trt 12 ft 49h April 29 Bel trt 1m ft 148b 148bMiss Miss miSS Remiecf X 11 I H B f 3 by RequestedThrottle Wide by Flying Heels ftequesr U 5685Owner I Breeder B F Whitaker 1948 8 3 1 1 5685 Owner Mrs B F Whitaker Trainer J P Conway 1947 11 1 1 0 3775 Apr28485Jam 3775Apr28485Jam 34113ft 39 112 8 J 95 8 8 ScurlkQS ScwS74 Itsabet 116 PicnicLunch116 Alablue14 Apr10483Jam 34113ft 12 117 52 2h 1h ih LeBlancCS Alw79Alabue113 PastEight113 BlueHelen 9 Apr 1484Jam 5f106ssy 7i 117 33 24 1k 32 LeBlancCS Alw 84 Mr Ace 122 Jimikin 122 Succession 6 Mar 448 FG 34115hy 12 116 22 22 2 Hi LeBlancC Alw 68 Osculation113 RunSally106 RielFire 7 Feb20485FG 34111ft 7 114 5 57 59 6 MoonFi Alw 78 MontesAce116 BackTlk114 Riverlne 8 Feb14485FG 34116hy 5 115 5 34 24 22 GuerinE Alw 62 Shy Guy 122 Dad 119 Windswept 6 Jan2248 FG 34117hy 4 115 21 2 13 16 GuerinES Alw 60 QueenHairan118 Beaukiss108 RielFire 9 May 8 Bel trt 12 m 4Sh May 5 Bel 58 ft 1OSb April 25 Bel trt 58 ft 104b 104bTnmnlirtnrp Tnmnlirtnrp 1 1fi Br 3 by Requested Marsh Fire by Under Fire Vumpimnce 5875Owner J Breeder Miss Mary DeWitt Snyder 1948 8132 5875 Owner Lester Manor Stable Trainer G H Slrate 1947 8110 3600 Apr30484Jam 3600Apr30484Jam 34112ttft 3 115 6 3 55 4 24 ZufeltF4 Alw 79 SwtDrmlOS SilverDrift117 Mazarine 8 8Apr22484Jam Apr22484Jam 1ft147ft 31 111 8 63J 2 34 AtksnT3 Alw 76 VuIcnsFge118 SmtEddie120 VentTo 8 8Apr13484Jam Apr13484Jam 34114 si 4 112 78 1 63 m DodsonD Alw 77 Dynamo 114 Sweet Dream 112 Beausy 8 8Apr748 Apr748 Jam 341134sft 31 112 65 62J43i 321 AtksonT Alw 76 Scattered 112 Dynamo 113 Loriot 7 7Feb28485Hia Feb28485Hia 34l12Vfeft 2 115 3 2 1h 2 DodsonD2 Alw 84 Rampageous 118 Airy 112 Beausy 7 Feb17484Hia 34112gd 110966 63 5 553 WngartWS Alw 77 WickiWicki 114 Beausy 112 Airy 12 12Feb1048 Feb1048 Hia 34110ft 17 108 33 22 22 2 WgartWS Alw 91 SillyGyp 112 Shotsilk 113 Daybrook 8 8May May 8 Bel trt 34 m 117b May 5 Bel trt 12 ft 51b April 21 Bel trt 12 ft 51h 51hWhnfs Whnfs YYnars NPW INSW 11 1 S ch f 3J fay Blenheim II Small World by Halcyon 600Owner O Breeder Greentree Stud Inc 1948 2 001 600 Owner Greentree Stable Trainer J M Gaver 1947 12 4 1 2 27450 Apr28485Jam 27450Apr28485Jam 34113ft 27 116 13 M3712i 11151 AtksonT2 ScwS 74 Itsabet 116 PicnicLunch 115 Alablue14 Apr19484Jam 34112ft 7 108 32J 44 44 35J AtksonT2 Alw 78 Inheritance113 Scattd108 PastEight 5 Oct20474Jam 34112Kft 12 115 5 11931110 8 AtksnTioScwS 79 SIumberSg113 GreyFlight112 Wrmill 15 Oct10475Bel34vvc1095ft 10 119 2 21 33 34 AtksnTS Alw 92 Grey Flitl 13 Watermill 113 Mackinaw 7 Sep20474Aqu 34112ft 11 122 4 117111811083 AtksonT2 AlwS 75 Bellesor119 GreyFlight116 DustyLegs12 Aug30475GS 34111ft 2 122 6 1Qio 8it 713 Schmidt ScwS 76 PnicLunch122 BlueHlen115 DtyLegs 11 Jly1247 Suf 5f106sft 3 119 1 33 33 14 AtksW ScwS 85 PicnicLunch119 CrFlash110 AnnsLee 8 May 8 Bel 58 sy 101h May 4 Bel 78 ft 129Jh April 27 Bel trt 12 ft 48h 48hA MiaDIUe IIIMiaDIUe A In hi IIP 1 1 fi B f 3 by Blue Larkspur Double Time by Sir Gallahad III 2900Owner I I U Breeder Mereworth Farm 1948 5 0 1 1 2900 Owner A C Ernst Trainer J H Skirvin 1947 12 3 2 1 9825 May 9825May 648 Jam 1145ft 93 110 24 1 53 57 Scurlk03 HcpO 80 NleHero116 SafeArval 113 QterPole 6 Apr28485Jam 34 113ft 17f 113 108 63J 44 32J ClarkS4 ScwS 77 Itsabet116 PicnicLunch116 Scattered 14 Apr14485Jam 34113 sy 14e 108 44J 55J 55 68J LiCausiJ2 HcpS73 Royal Blood 114 Mr Ace 112 Jimikin 10 APr10483Jam 34113ft 4 113 1h 3 J 2h 2h KirklandAi Alw 79 MissRequest117 PastEt113 BlueHelen 9 Apr 3485Jam 34113qd 78 110 42J 45 32J 67 WhseHS HcpS72 MyRequest122 Riverlane106 RalBlood 8 Sep20474Aqu 341123Sft 58 116 710365154 ScurlkO AiwS 80 Bellesor119 GreyFlight116 DustyLegs12 Aug13476Was 5lf105Vfeft 2 119 1 2h 2 32 JemasNS Alw 90 JacksCrk117 BlueHlen116 RoyalChe 8 May 3 Bel trt 34 ft 116b April 25 Bel trt 58 ft 1025h April 22 Bel trt 58 ft 102h 102hVnshfJ VnshfJ ruiiin x X 1 TO ch fj 3 by Gallant Fox Vicaress by Flying Ebony I U Breeder Belair Stud 1948 2 000 Owner Belair Stud Trainer J Fitzsimmons 1947 10 3 4 0 13600 Apr29484Jam 13600Apr29484Jam 4147ft 5 109 5 1 54J 57 57 CombtN4 Alw 72 NobleHero 119 SmartEddie119 Lex 5 Apr10483Jam 34113ft 65eA113 84 git 97J 910 CombestN2 Alw 69 MissRequest117 Alablue113 PastEight 9 Nov2747 Bow 170 1444sft 3 112 2 6 45J 21 SchmidlAi HcpS 89 Heftyll FritzMaisel 114 FertileLds 7 Nov18474Bow 34113ft 35 4119 11 95J 623 11 CombstN Alw 83 Elite114 LetEmWder119 AnnaChrtie 12 Nov 8474Jam 34112sy 13e110 4 32J 2 J 23 JessopJi ScwS 82 GreyFIht114 ScatteredIO Maid ofOz 5 Nov 6475Jam 34113 sy 45e116 5 52 2 12J WdhseH4 Alw 82 WickiWicki116 StDream116 GnApple 9 Oct27474Jam 34 1125ft 34eM14 2 3422 2 McPheeRS Alw 85 PastEht114 WkiWicki 114 MissReqt 12 May 7 Aqu 34 gd 115h April 27 Aqu 34 ft 116h April 24 Aqu 1m ft 143h ScotferpH JCOrrerea A X 1 U 10 U Ch f 3 by Whirlaway Imperatrice by Caruso 4800Owner Breeder W H LaBoyteaux 1948 3 1 1 0 4800 Owner King Ranch Trainer M Hirsch 1947 8 1 2 2 7075 Apr28485Jam 7075Apr28485Jam 34113ft 9J 112121012 108 43 MtensW ScwS 77 Itsabet 116 PicnicLunch 116 Alablue 14 Apr19484Jam 34112ft 2J 108 43 33 2J 2 c MtensW4 Alw 83 Inheritance113 WhatsNew108 PtEt 5 Apr 748 Jam 34 113ft 65 4112 43J 31J 2h HJ MtensW3 Alw 78 Dynamo 114 Compliance 112 Loriot 7 Nov 8474Jam 34112sy 3 107 5 43J 33J 35 MrtnsWS ScwS 79 GreyFlight114 Vashti 110 MaidofOz 5 Nov 147 Pim lTV146ft 8ie 119 7 34 2i 32 ArcaroE2 ScwS 82 WhirlSome116 MissMomy116 Alfoxie 8 Oct23473Jam 341114ft 4 108 6 2422 23 MtensWS Alw 86 GreyFlight115 ViBid108 Elite 6 Oct20474Jam 34112ft 32 10813 67 65 53 MtensW4 ScwS 83 SlumberSg113 GreyFlight112 Wrmill 15 May 7 Bel 38 ft 39y5h May 4 Bel 34 ft 119b May 2 Bel 38 ft 38b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948051001/drf1948051001_20_2
Local Identifier: drf1948051001_20_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800