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Jockey iR Gonzalez Files Suit Against A Graffagnini DINCOBN DOWNS Lincoln R J May 8 Jockey Roberto Gonzalez who was sus perided a ffew days here recently while thei stewards investigated the ownership o three horses yesterday liled a 10000 def amatiomof character suit against Anthony Gralf agnini prominent New Orleanshorse man Who has IlthoroughbredsTacinghere IlthoroughbredsTacinghereGraffagriini Graffagriini was taken irito custody byj deputy sheriffs at the track He was taken before Superior rcourt JudgeTHardld ASAn rdrews in Providence and released upon ei positing 2500 cash ball I IThe The declaration ssettihg rforth tbe tbasis lor Gonzalez suitwilltbefiledtnextmonth The aockey was reinstated April 2X taf ter the stewards investigation cleared him vof any connection with the ownership of horses oiamed Mavada Andrea Kay and iMasked Dorothy