Woodbine Park Results, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-10


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Woodbine Park Results Saturday May 8 1948 1948WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK MUDDY MUDDYFIRST FIRST DAYOF 7DAY MEETING MAY 8 TO MAY 15 15UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FIRST RACE 48277r34 Mile Purse 1350 Four yearolds and upward Claiming tBIockader 109 Domec 2115 54JO 310 310Hywest Hywest 115 Bavington 630 270 270Shootin Shootin Joe 110 Bailey 2 0 0Time Time 117 Off at 23BJ Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner Br g 10 by St James Pandowdy by Peter Ran RanAlso Also ran StormdrivenEIGolfo Cricket tTeds Way LilsonFive0 Eight tReal Cozy Glorious Bid Discern ¬ ing f Eye EyetMutuel tMutuel field fieldSECOND SECOND RACE 48278 34 Mile Purse 1350 Four yearolds and upward Claiming Double Eire 113 Stewart 1760 5900 500 500Mystic Mystic Miss 110 Phillip 9j30 660 660Flying Flying Pretty 111 Robinson 370 370Time Time 117 0ff at 313 Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner Ch g 9 by Donatello 1 1 Double Irish by Bachelors Double DoubleJAIso JAIso ran York River Storm Hood Miss Tint tMr Jeepers Her Answer Two Kick Erindale Pat tSemi Deck DecktMutuel tMutuel field fieldDailyDouble DailyDouble on the firsthand second races paid522700 THIRD RACE 4827912 Mile Purse 1 350 Two yearelds Maidens MaidensRamillion Ramillion 116Prater 1425 6535 395 395a a Royar Bomber 116Barber 370 Z55 Z55Bunty Bunty Line 116 McDonald 290 290Time Time 50 Off at 347 JEa tern Daylight JTifne JTifneWinner Winner Ch c by Ramilles filengarry by Stimulus StimulusAlso Also ran4bGwenedna brSovas Bunty Man o Gaunt aDancing Shoe Sun Daisy FOURTH iRACE 482tO3 4 Miles Purse 1350 F ur uryearrolds ClaimingGet yearrolds and upward Claiming Get Good1 15 Stanton 765 430 a05 a05fPtespat113 fPtespat113 Dougherty 515 345 345Darby Darby Doulton 112 Stcwart T J45 J45Time Time 117 Off sat 421 Eastern iDayHfht Time TimeWinner Winner Chh9ibyiGoodf Goods ForgeUby Trans mute Also an Pygarg JyUsk and Wjy I Barbaras Girl f Friendless Land Post tJoe War Round Clock Chicken Pie tLinwoodJack tLinwoodJacktMutuel tMutuel field fieldFIFTH FIFTH RACE 4828D34 Mile Purse1350 Three yearolds Allowances AllowancesJinrBoyH JinrBoyH 119 Remerscheid 8 90 450 360 NightHowl 112 Stanton 00 640 Babclie F 114 Bev 680 680Time Time 115 Off i U454 Eastern rDaylignl Time TimeWinnerrBr WinnerrBr g by vMi Vida Fleet Raven tby Roman RomanSoldier Soldier SoldierAlso Also ran Pet Shadow Warham Black Pigeon Gem OMiami Her Mark Eternal Lou SIXTH RACE 48282J34 Mile Purse 25500 Three yearojdsand upward Handicap Double Briar 112 Dougherty 770 4260 240 aGregalach 116 Stanton Z15 230 230a a Moldy 111 Stewart 2215 2i30 2i30Time Time 115 COff at 27 Eastern LDayHtht TTiwe 1 Winner B h 5tbyBunty LawlesstSilkjaitd Wool byfSynorix byfSynorixt t Alsorran Mri lnfinily sYGunPalermo VkeAdmiral BestlBook aCoupledGr gaJacha d Moldy

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948051001/drf1948051001_37_2
Local Identifier: drf1948051001_37_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800