Palmetto Park Track Will be Fast: Decided Improvement Accomplished by Rolling of Course-Work of the Horses, Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-21

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1 . . ; _ f - I I 1 PALMETTO PARK TRACK WILL BE FAST. Decided Improvement Accomplished by Rolling ol Course — Work of the Horses. Charleston, S. c. January 20. The Palmetto Park track, which has been in a slow condition up " this time, j- now rapidly getting faster, as * result of constant rolling during the pasl few days and next Saturday, when the lift live days meeting of tin Charleston Fair and Racing Association Is to begin, it will undoubtedly be in faster condition II, an it was la -1 winter. In to Saturday last, the fastest move in preparation for the coming racing was to the rredil of II. :. BedwetPs Kingston mare Rose Queen, which worked Ore-eighths on Friday morning with lis pounds up, as follows: :23, :•.■" . :I7-.. l:n|„. She Is seemingly in fine fettle this winter Among the two-year-olds, Lawrence Cosnatocks Rapid Water filly. Dull] Waters, has dene the fast 1 -t work from the harrier. Krom a standing start, she worked an eighth in :1::.-,. with 1 1 weight up. 8h i- 1 Bneij turned tilly and undoubtedly will fclvi 1 good account of herself when it comes t" racing. Follow in;. were the principal work-outs that took place over the Palmetto Park course last week, and in weighing their merits, it should be taken Into con slderatlon that up to and including Thursday, the track was deep is sand, making 1 work-out of l:ltS for three-quarters of a mile equal to 1:13 over a fast track: Sunday. January 12. Abrasion -Mile in 23%, ol-.-.. I :1s--,. 1:47%, breezing. Good work. Accord Three-quarters in 1:21. breezing. An.oiet Half mile in 2:;4.-,. 48%, haudih. Ben Prior— Three-quarters in 24. It, 1 17r:-. . handily. Good work. Bei lis--Five eighths in 1:10, breezing. Busy Half mile in 55%, breezing. Chemulpo— Half mile in 24. 49%, hreealng. Bond work. Colonel Asbmeade Half mile in 52, breezing. Commoner- Touch -Three quarters in SO, 1:17. handily. Good work. Oatfe B. -Half mile in 53%, breezing. Donald M.ieil.itiald Mile in 1:18%, l:4!l. breez ing. Good work. Eaton-Mil,, in 1:18%, 1 :4!l. breezing. Good work. Eddie Granej Plve-ehjhths in I :*.. breezing. Ethel burg 1 1. —Five eighths in 1 :U7. breezing. Fasces Three-quarters in 1:28, breeslng. Kiel — Half mile in ".:: •-,. breezing. Prog—Mile in 25%, 51, 1:18%, 1:47. handily. Good work. Ganadore -Three-quarters in 50, 1:17. handily. Oo.xi work. Cold Cap -Half mile in 24. 48%, handily. Good work. Haldeman live-eighths in 24-.-.. 98%, 1:84, breez nig. Good work. Husky Iid — Half mile in 24%, 37%, 52, breezing. Good work. Lady MeGee Three -unarters in 1:21-.,. hreeslMj. Mattie L. — Five eighths in 1 :i 7. bre.-zinir. Miss Jonah Half mile In 24. 18%, breezing. Oood work. Mud Sill — Half mile in 24--,. .".7J-. 52%, breezbMt. ohmI work. New Birer— Three-quarters in 1:21. breeslng. New star live i-ihtiis in 1:10, breezing. Iremii i Half mile in " . breezinu. Prince Ahmed Three-quarters la 24-;.-,. 58, 1:18%, breezing. Klghteas.v — Five eighths in 24. 48%, 1*03%, briM-z bar. Sallle V;ird -Three ipi.u-ters in 1:20, hreealng. Shu wood Half mile in ." 2, breezing, iood work. Silas iriimp — Five eighths in 21, 48%, 1:0:;-.. Extra good work. spindle Three-quarters In 1:25, breeslng. T. 1. Green- Five eighths in 24;-.. ." . 1:04. breezing. Good work. Tiger Jim — .Seven eighths in 1 ::,."i. breezing. Tnrfcey in the- Straw —Five-eighths in 1:08", breez Ink. V. Powers Five-eighths in 1 :o." . breezing. Vilev Half mile in 2." . 51%, breeslng. Volthorpe — Five eighths in I : s. breezing. Winifred l . Five eighths in 24%, 56, 1 :04. brceS ing. Good work. Monday, January 13. A neon— Three quarters in 25%. 62. 1:20--,. handily. Aranout -Three-qnartera in 1:23, breealax. Azo Three-qnartera in 247-. 51, 1:18%. handily. iood work. Ben Loyal— Fire-eighths in 1:07. breezing. Berkeley -Half mile in ~ :,. breezing. Billy Vanderreer — Five eighths In i:o."i. handily. iood work. Carlton Club— Half mile in 52. breezing. Carlton G. — Half mile In 52%, breezing. Caugh Hill —Three quarters in 52. 1:20--. breezing. Cheer Cp — Three-quarters in 2.V1.-,. 51%, 1:20. breezing. Cherryola — Mile in 1:56. breezimr. Continental —Five-eighths In 24:-.t. 501.-.. 1:01"-. handily. Goad work. Coppertown — Three-quarters in 1:22. breezing. Dustpan Five eighths in 1:07. breezing. Early Ughl rire-eightaa in 1:88, breezing. BaTendl Three-quarters in 24:!-.. 51%, 1:18%. handily. QoOa Work. Elsaa— Three-quarters in 1:21"%. breezing. Ethel I.e Brume -Three-qnartera In 1:21%, breezing. Patherola— Three-quarters in 25, 51%, l:201-,. breezhag. Floral Daj — Mile in 1 :." !. breezing. 1iiit -Mile in 1:47. breezing. Prank Hudson — Three quarters in 25%, r.2. 1:20%. handily. Gagnaat Three-quarters in 2" . ."i2. l:2o-.. handily. Gardenia-— Three-qnartera in 25%, 52, 1:20%, handily. Grace Mac— -Three-qoarters in 1:21--,. handily. Grecian Bend— Three-qoarters In 24%. 51, 1:18. handily. Is extra good. Orover Hughes -Half mile in 52%, breezing. Hoffman -Flre-elghths in 1:67. breezing. Husky Lad— Three-qoarters in 25, "il 1:17 .. diiving. Jawbone Seren -eighths In 24%. 48%. 1:17%. 1:32. pulling up. CiNiii work. John Furlong — Five-eighths in 1:11, breezing. Showed soreness. .Tnaquin PiTe-eightha in 1:07. breezing. Judge Wright -Three-quarters in 2 ;. 52%, 1:20. hi 11 1 1 Inj; Good work. Lord Flam- Time quarters in 25%, 52, 1:26. handily. Mailman— Half mile in 52%. breezing. Malitim — Plre-eigbCha in 1 :OT . breezing. Merry Lad — Half mile in ." ::. breezing. Montagnie Mile in 27. 55, 1:22, 1:36, breezing. Mud Sill -Three quarters in 25, 51, 1:17%, driving. Pardner -Plte-elgbths in 1:67%, breezing. Baton -II. ill mile in " 2-.-,. breezing. link Lady- Five eighths in 1 :n7. breezing. Pliant — Mile in 1:47. breezing. Question Mark— Three quarters in 1:22. breezing Royal Tea — Five -eighths in 24"-. 51%, 1:05%. breezing. Samuel R. Mayer — Five-eight lis in 51, 1:05%, breezing. Semiquaver -Three quarter- in 1:18%. handily. Shackletou- Three-quarters in 1:2.;. breeslng. sir Blaise PIre-elghtha in 1 : n;. breezing. Spellbound— Half mile in 2ii. 55%. breezing. S|,ohn — Five-eighth- in 1:o7-,. breezing. starboard--Three quarters la 1:21%. handilv. Tom King Fiveeighths in 54%, 1:68, breezing. Towton Field Three eighths in 36%, handily. Good work. Volthorpe -Half mile in 24--.. 37%, 52. pulling up. iood work. Wan. hi- Three-quarters in 24%, " 1— ,. 1 :1S-- aandlly. Goad work. Tuesday. January 14. Alfred V. live-ei-hth- in 1 • 00 • -. . breezing. Bad News II. — Five-oighih- in 1 :Oii. breezing. Bern- Three-quarters in 23%, 52%, 1:26, brees :ii_. i mm. 1 work. Black Chief Half mile in .14. breezing. Blanch* Prances Fiveeighths in 1:64%. handilv. Camellia Three-quarter* In 21%. •".:;--.. 1:28, breezing. Good work. Catiioii lub Mile in 1:51 . hit fains Claque Five-eighths in 1:61 breeslng. Cliff Top Mile in 1:52%. breezing. clothe- Brush Plve-elghths in 24%, 56%. 1 :Ot. handily. Is good. Coeur dAbni Three-eighths in 24%. -:7. driving. ;.H.d work. Colonel Cook Seren-elghths in 25%, 51%. 1:18%, l ::;- pulling up. Is good. i ynosure Hall mlh i i 52. breezing. Biilth Inez lie eighths in 1 no. breezing. F la i.r.nie I- ive eighths iii 51%. I:flu%, handilv. Pairchihl Pi re-eighths in 1:08% breezing. Potscfa Three-quarters in 24%, 50%, 1:63%, 1:18. handily. Extra good. Garden of Roses Five-eighths in 1:67%, breezing Flre-elghths in 1:08, breeslng. Hearthstone Ih .-eighth- in 1:00%. breeslng. Here th Three-quarters in 1:21, breezing. Gind work. Incision Half mile in 23, 31. driving. Good work. Jack X ■ 1 1 1 t i ■■ 1 1 1 v Three-quarters in 1:24. breezing •■d Sybil Fiveeighths In 51%, I o7,;-. breezing. Little l|. Five-.ighths m 2Ti 51, 1:65. handilv. Gooil wi il. I o.hiei Three-quarters in 24%. 40-"-,. 1 : i s - handily |- extra good. Madeline I.. Flre-elghths in 24, 56, 1:63%. dn ing. I- extra good. Merrj I mi Mile In 27. 54. 1:22- . 1:38. hamUly Me nit Mile in I 52%. breezing. N,w Blver Three-quarters in 23, 51, l:UM . driving. Good work. New star Threc-quartera in 2" "-.. 58%, 1:26%. handilv. v- lareil Mil. in 1:31. breezing. old Hank -Mile in 1:21-.. 1:50%. handilv. Outian Mile in 20. 52%. 1:18%, 1:36, bamlily. i; i work. Iendaal Fin eighths in 51%. 1:65%. handily. Progressive Three eighth- in 24. ::7. handilv i; I work. Be] Half mile in 24%. 51%. handilv. Good work. Rose Queen Five-eighths in 24%. 56%. 1 :n4. Seemed tO sulk. Sam Barber Mile in 53. 1:52%. hill lint sheritr Grnenlnger- Three-quarters in 1:18, hand; Ij .. Sherwood— Seven eighths in 24%, 48%, 1:21. 1:38. pulling up. iood work. Si. Ion hire-eighths in 1:07. breezing. Single File Three-quarters in 1:21 handilv. Snow Flake Half mile In 25, 51%, handilv-. Good work. Stairs Fiveeighths in 1:08, breezing. Sw.irts Hill— Mile in 1:52%, breezing. Tart- -Five eighth- in 21--.. 58%. 1 o4. handilv. The Squire Mile in 1:18%, 1:48%, breezing. c I work. Theresa Jill Three-quarters in 24, 66%, 1:18* handily. Tiger .lim S. ven-eighths in 1 :4o. breezing. Tiny Tim Fiveeighths in 1:08, breezing. Teuton Field Three-quarters in 24-. .".o- 1 :18%, handily. Good work. Turkey in the straw Flre-elghths in 1:67%. sulked. Vottkorpe Three quartet- in 1:22. breezing. Wednesday, January 15. Accord Three-eighths in 38, breezing. Anioret Three-eighths in 2.",4-.. 36%, pulling up. Extra good work. Ancoa -Three-qnartera in 25%, 52%, 1 :2o -.. breez ing. Good work. BanoreUa Three-eighths in 24% 37%, handily Ben Prior Three-quarters in 24-,. 31%, 1:18 driving. Busy —Half utile in ." :!%. breezing. Cbemulpo— Three-quarters in 2".. ." 2. 1:18, breez ing. Clieii.vol.i -Five eighths in 25%. 51, 1 :0."». handilv Carlton G.— Half mile in 24%, 48%, driving. Extra good work. Con Cm-ran -Three-ebzhtba in 38. breezing. Colonel Ashmeade -Half mile m 52, breezing Donald Macdonak] -Three-quarters in 24%. SOm 1.01",, 1:15%, pulled up. Is extra good. Eaton Three-quarters in 24%, 50% 1 in- 1:15%, handily. Fatherola Three quarters in 25, 51, 1:18%, breez ing. Extra giMui. Floral Day Five-eighths in 25%. 51, 1 :0." . handilv. Fasces Half mile in 51%. driving. Fiel Three eighths in :* . breezing. Cold Cap— Three-quarters in 38%, 52, 1:38%. breezing. Guide Post — Three naiartexa in 24. ."0. i:u;i- Cond work. Cardeliia— Thre quarters in 25%, ." 2--,. 1:20%. hanirlly. Haldeman -Tin ve quarters in 1:21%. breezing. Irish Kid— Three-qnartera in 25, 51, 1:18% driving. Cood work. •lack Kellogg— Half utile in 24?-,. 50. driving. Good work. Judge Wright— Half mile in 24%, 37%. 51, pulling up. iood work. Joe Rose -Three-quarters in 1:2::. breezing. Kelly -Three quartets in 25%, 50%, 1:20%, hand ily. iood work. Ladj Hannah Half mile in 24%, 51. driviiig. Uainenee Half mile in ."»::. breezing. Montagnie Three-quarters in 1:21. breezing. Miss Jonah —Three quarters in u.""t r,2. 1:18, breez ing. Michael Angelo- Half mile in 53%, breeslng Nimbus Half mile In :i%. breezing. Progressive — Three-quarters in 53%, 1:21--. breez ing. Premier— Half mile in 52%, breezing. Republican — Half mile in 25%, 38, ." !--. breeslng. Righteasy- Fiveeighths in 2".% 51, 1:63%, handily. Spellbound -Half mile in 5:!. breezing. Shackletou — Five-eighths in 24%. 58%, 1:04. handily. Good work. Spindb — Three-quarters in 241:, 51. 1:18, driving. Kxtra good work. Skeets Fire-eighths in 1:07. breezing. Samuel R. Mayer — Three quarters in 24. 50. llt.i- driving. Bxtra good work. Sallie Ward — Three-quarters in 24"-.. 51%, 1:10. breezing. Sir Blaise— Half mile in 24%. 51. handilv. iood work. Silas Crump Fiveeighths in 1:05%. breezing. Tick Tack —Mile in 1 :53%, breezing. T. M. Green Three quarters in 25, 51%, 1:18, breezing, iood wotk. V. Power-— Three quarters in 1:21%. breezing. Wanda Pltaer — Five-eighths in 25. 56%, 1:64%, pulling up. Bead work. Winifred I. — Three-quarters in 25. 51%. 1:18. handily. Thursday. January 16. Abrasion — Quarter mile in 24. driving. Accord -Three quarters in 20. 52%. 1 :20. breezing. Armor Three quarters in 1:22%, breezing. Azo -Three quarters in 51. 1:18%, diiving. iood work. « Berkeley — Three quarters in 1:18%, driving. Billy andervevr- -Three quarters in 24%, 50%. 1:17%, handily. Ktra good work. Bodkin -Flre-elghths in 1 :OS, breezing. Caaset Mile in 25. 51%, 1:18%, 1:48%, handily. Carlton Club Half mile in 26%, 52, handilv. Chilton King Fiveeighths in 24%, 56%, 1:61 handily, l oiinouers Touch — Half mile in 24%. 56% handily. Con Curran — Three-quarters in 26, 52%. 1:20. breezing. Continental— Three-eighths in 24%, 38, pulled up. Coppertown — Half mile in 24%. 48%. driving. Early Light— Three-quarters in 1:18%. driving. Eddie Iraney— Three-quarters in 51. IMS:-., di iv ing. CoihI work. Fllendi— Mil- in 25%. 51. 1:10%. 1:47. handily. Lima -Five -eighth- in 24%, 58, 1:0.1%. driving. Extra good. Etbelburg II. — Half mile in 25. 51%. handilv. Flora 1-ina — Three-quarters in 1:04--.. 1:20-. handily. Fotseh Three-quarters in 1 :22. brtealna;. Frog Mile in 1:48%, handily. Good work. Gagnaal Three qusrters in 25%. 52. 1:18%. bastilly. Hoffman — Three quarters in 1:22. breezing. Husky Lad -Three eighths in 25. :;s. diiving. John Furlong -Three quartets In 1:18%, breezing. Judge Wright Three quarters in 1:21. breezing. Kinmiindy -Half mile in 24%, 56%, driving. Little Bp Three-quarters in 1:24. breezing. Lord Flam Three quarters in 24%, 50%, 1:17--.. driving. Good work. MaUtine— Half mile in 24. 40. driving. Bxtra good work. Mattie L.— Five eighths in 24%, 50. 1:04%, pulled up. Is extra good. Merry Lad— Mile in 25%. 51. 1:18-,. 1:40. breezing, iood work. New River Seven-eighths in 1:35. Sulked. Noble Grand — Three-quarters in 24- 50-- 1 1S- breealug. Bxtra good work. Oeoe Mile in 25. 51%. 1:18%, 1:48%. driving Paruner Three-quarters In 1:10, handily. link Lady Three-quarters in 1:22. breezing. Pliant Half mile in 25, 51%, handily. Pretend— Three-quarters in 1:21. breezing. Prince Chap Three-quarters in 1:16. breezing. Prince Fonso -Three eighths in 20 38%, breeslng. Question Mark- Half mile in 24%.48%, driving. itoseburg IV. Three-quarters in 24%. 51. 1:19 handily. Royal Tea -Quarter mile in 24%. driving. Si mi quaver- Three quarters in 24%, 56%, 1:17%, driving. Good vvoik. Swarfs Hill— Five eighths in 24%, 58%. 1:64. handily. The Squire -Half mile in 24%, B6%, handily. iood work. Tiger .Mm Mile in 54. 1:40. handily. Vllej Fire-eighths in 1:65%, breeaing. Volthorpe Mile in 25%, 51. 1:18%. 1:48, breez ing. Good work. Wander Mile in 25% 51. 1:19%. 1:47. handilv. Wroodrrafl Mile in 1:34%. Shewed soreness. Friday. Januaiy 17. Abrasion— Mile in i:;. 26, 51%. 1:18, 1:38%, l : 16%, handily. Good work. i Allied v. rhree quarters in 23, 51%, 1:19%. breezing. | Belfast Half mile in 21. 56%, handilv. GonJ i work. | Bertla Seres-eighths in 36, 52%, 1:26 I :;4 : areesiag. I Claque Fire-eighths in 24%, 56, 1:03%, handily, i Goad work. | Clin Top Three quarter- in 54. 1:21- breezing Clothe- Brush Three-quarter- in 2:;:i- :ii 40"- " " l:o4. 1:10%, breezing Good work i Colonel Cook MEe in 25. 51%. 1:17. 1:31 ■ 1:45%. handilv. Extra good work. I Continental Three-quarters in 23, 51, 1:01. 1:18. f breezing. i Coreopsis Three-quarters in 1:31, breezing. I Counterpart Fire-eighths in 23, 54, 1:68%, breez I ing. Editn Inez Three-quarters in 25. 51 its:,, t breezing. Cm d work. | Font Mile in 1:18%. 1:47- breezing, i 1 work i Coldy Three-quarters in 1:33%, breezing. v Heretic Three-quarters in 24. 19%. 1:02 -.. 1:16%, f handilv. Extra g -n] work. ■ Huskj Lad Three-quarters in 21-- 5o-- 1:01 I 1:17%, driving, iood work. Iiiei-ion Three-quarters in 24%, 50%, 1 "■- 1:17, handily. Extra good * is It. Jack KcHogg Quarter mile in 21. driving. Lady Sylul Half mile |u ».|, ••■;- . .,|. ,,,i led up Utile Fp live ■ ighili- in 24%, SO, 1 :0B%, handilv . CcM.d work. I.oiiiiel Three-quarters In 23%, 48%, 1:16%, driving. Good w.itk. Loretla Dwyer I iv. liglith- in 23%, 53, i :0S. breezing. Mack B. Bnhanks Three-quarters in 34%. 56% 1:17%. breezing. Good work. Merrj ch, i-,- Three-quarters in 21 48%, 1:17 handily. Good work. Montagnie Mile in 1:32%. breezing. Mud siii Three-quarters in 25. 51, 1:04%, 1:17* driving. Goad work. Nonpareil Tiirce-quarters in 27%.. 55. I22k» breezing. W Old Hank S. v , n . uhihs in 1 : 1 T "• , . 1:32%, driving, c I work. Folly Worth Three-quarters in 24. 40. 1:10%. handily. Extra good work. Premier Three-quarters in 27. 55. 1:22. breezing. Pretty Mollj Three-quarters in 25%. 51%, I lo. hurt lias Prince Ahmed Three-quarters in 21. 48%. 1:62%, 1 :17%. pulled np. iood work. Prince Fonso Fiveeighths in 24. 51. 1:03%. handily. Rev Tin o quarters in 23%, 18%, 1.02:-. 1 :!;"•-. handilv. Extra gi work. Reek Bat -Quarter mile in 21. driving. Bose Queen Five eighth- in 2.;. 35, 47"-. 1 ol"- drh ing. Extra good work. Royal T a Three quarter- in 24. 40. I : 17. driving Sain Barber Mil.- in 1 50. breezing. Samuel R. Mayer Three eighths in 38. breezing. Shackhton Three quarter- in 1:26, breezing Shunt I Three-quarters in 23%. 48%, I : •_-• . 1:16%. handily. Extra good work. Single File— Three-quarters in 34%, 50 : . 1 is- driving. Spellbound— Five eighths in 20. 54. 1:09 breel ing. Pulled up lame. Spindle Three-quarters In 1:23. breezing. Stairs Three-quarters in 1:22. breezing. Tarts Three-quarters in 23%, 38, 40"-. I KM 1:18%, breezing. Good work. Then Cook Five-eighths in 24%. 56% 1:831 . handily. Good work. Theresa GIB— Three-quarters in 23%, 40. riv. handily. Tick Tack— Three-quarters in 27--,. 55. i 22 ■ breezing. Towton Field — Three-quarters in 2.",-- is 1:82%. 1:16%. aamlllr. Extra good work. Turkey in the Straw -Three-quarters In 23* 5:: 1:21. breezing. The fell,, wing work-..uts ti~-k place this morning, the track being in good condition: Accord Mile in 1:40. handilv. iood work Caugh Hill Three-quarters in 1:18, handilv Clem Beaciiey Mil,- in 1:40. breeslng. Colonel Co..k Seven-eighths in 1:31%, diiving Broke from tin- barrier anil is extra good. Flora Fins Three-quarters in 1:16. Haldeman Three-quarters in 1:18, handilv Heretic- -Mile in 1:51. breezing. I.e.-im. nee Half mile in 56. Good work. Little Bp— Three-quarters in 1:18, handilv I.oehiel -Three-quarters In 1:16. Mon Ami— Three-quarters in 1:18, handilv . Co. i:. -Three quartets in 1:1s bamlily. Ireiniei Hall mile in 50. Good work. Prince Ahmed- Three-quarters in 1:18. Republican — Fire-eighths in 1:05, Inczing. Is extra giMid. Rose Queen— Three qua Iters in 1:10. diiving. I-: Samuel R. Mayer Half mile in 50. 1; 1 work. Shackletou Fire-eighths in 1:03. Bxtra good Sherwood -Three-quarters in 1:18, handilv Single lib-- Mile in 1:17. driving. Sir Bis ise— Three-quarters in 1:18, handilv. Theo Cook- Five 1 ighth- in 1:03. Extra giHhl Tow ion field— Mile in 1:40. handilv. Turkey in the Straw Five eighth- in 1 05 hind ily. Volthorpe -Mile in 1:51. breezii.g

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