Third Race [3rd Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-31

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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upwaid. Selling. 8M51 — 1:12— 5— 120. OTHELLO, blk. c. 4 118 By Lithos— Flash of Night J. W. Goldblatt. Aqueduct 3 I l:13%fast fi bw» fi 5 E 9*21 W Liltoy B Pullnx, Grnmpv. Trnefas Steel i. .7 Belmont 3 t st 1:11 fast M 1 m fi •, I r r ■, v Lllley S Pomette Bleu. Man.. via. Gnat 21607 Vqueducl 3 11:13 fast 15 199 7 4 E "s 5", T BfcTagt 7 Thornbill. Bae. Cv Merriek 20S73 :: 1 i:i-_-fast 51-10 115 1 3 4 51 6"J A Mott 9 ToryMaM, D.Larrick, Korfbage 20S18 laitonia :i 4 l:12%fast fi 112 1 2 3 71 7° A Ne.vlon !i Hawthorn, Banquet, Dr. Larrick 20009 Douglas 3 4 1:12 fast 17-6 142 4 2 2 Ch S1- .1 McCabe 8 B.AStara, T.Norman, B.Hensley 20463 Douglas 3-4 l:14%mud 87-M MS 2 3 4 45 49 .T McCabe C P.Hennis, M.Cassidy. G.Haabea ] 20404 Douglas 3-t l:15%mnd 27 112 1 3 3 43 41J E Pool T R. Goose, H. Barbee, M. Cassidy 19497 Jnares 9-4 l:12%fast 2 11.". 5 4 3 2 ?.ri J McCabe 5 C. Tower. G. Hagbes, Rmastei i;.ifii la ,i / 3-4 i:M3r.iast 21 112 2 11 Is Is J McCabe B Lit. Will. Kiaar Worth. Blaraei AZYIADE, b. m. 6 112 Bv Cactus IL— Misa C. H. C. Hallenbeck. 21764 Bel nl :.. f st 1 :".v-.,fast 11-5 110 4 4 1 21 :- J Butwell 9 Beethoven, MeoloPark. CarltooG L1748 IVlmont 3 1 I:13%fast 5 Ml 3 12 3 4*1 3 Butwell 5 Fenmouse, Dinah Do. Lou Blue 21043 Jamaica 5| f 1 :o7 fast E 11.". 1 2 2 2-L 3s C. Byrne 9 Palanquin. Yadopeep, Tleearrier 20793 Belmont 61 f l:29%fast 13-5 107 2 2 3 7s 7S1 ! Byrne s Orotund, Diat. Shore, EllaBryson 29754 Belmont 3 4 l:14»ifast 1-2 108 2 2 2 2J 23 G Byrne :t Penmoase, Lily Orme | I84CO H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 15 104 4 8 6 65 fi".I Dreyer S Kewessa, Steel, Rial. Melon 1MOS H.deGce 5. f 1:07 fast 6-5 104 5 I f. 4= 443 R Shilling 13 Yorkville. 1seeit. Prairie | 96 Pimlico 3 4 1:13 fast 81-10 112 2 3 2 2J Si C Turner ; 1. Eagle. Slumber II.. Cap Ben 1X249 Laurel 3 4 l:l4f,fast 6-5 112 1 4 4 33 M ] Callahan B Scallywag. Slierwood. BriarPatli LADY PANCHITA. br. m. 8 120 By Ogden— Bremen W. J. Weber. V |ueduct 1 l:39*fcfast 8 108 2 11 1 l» ". W .I OBti 7 Lazuli. Lahore, Wanda Pltaer 1927 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 50 123 S 9 9 B»l 7*J C Dtohmoall Polarlua, riadlmtr, Penmouse illi::: l.ati.nia. 1 1-8 l:52*4fast 19 5 111 3 111 2 2] .Tones |] Transit, Fellowman, Disillusion 21433 i.aionia 1 1 lfi 1 : -.-.minl 16-5 110 2 2 3 3 2» s- C Jones -I Brylinmah. P.Riley. J. Lonise 21323 l.atonia 1 • lfi L:o_=..hvy :; 110 111 1 I3 1". C .Tones i Ken... Any Port. Consoler 21269 I.aionia 1 1-16 l:46%fast 17 110 2 11 1 11 V C Jones :i I.Gtleman, FTIowman, Wryneck 21123 l.atonia lm70y 1 : 1 IS 107 5 3 2 4 B* fi-; W W TTor 8 MIssThorpe, GdePost. S.Actresa 2M39 I.aionia liu7"y 1 : K% mud 31 20 110 111 I 1= 1 "• W W Tb.r 9 Alle.lo. Allen Cain. Stiek Iin J. 3. LILLIS, br. g. 4 122 By Bannockburn— Tootsy Mark Marrone Stable. Li«73 Jamaica 11 K 1:49 fast 8 mt 12 1 1 1» 11 G Corey :. Lady Teresa, Hedge. Patrick S. lamaica 5] f 1:98 fast 115 115 1 4 4 V 2- i Corey fi Prairie, Superhuman, Y.Etuhlein 20B2J Belmont :• 1 1:11 fast 4 Mil 2 4 4 21 ••] J M.Caliey 7 Porecast, Lily Orme Water Lllv 18416 H.deGce 11 lfi 1 :53 mud 9-T 94 2 2 3 3 2* 1 .i V Coleman 8 Bushy Mead. Orperth, Good Day 18403 H.deGce Im70yl:44%fast 16-5 M41 S 4 4 4 V* 4*1 A Schugr fi Orperth, BnahyHead, Hurakan 18391 Pimlico 11-16 1:49 fast fiJ 108 4 2 2 2 2*1 2» A Schugr 8 Holton, Lit. England, Afterglow R361 Pimlico 3-4 l:12*itaat 19-M M9 5 fi 5 4a 2-l A Schugr 9 Croasbun, True as Steel, Galaxy tS343 limii.o 3 1 l:13Hfaat 12J Ma 4 5 5 I :" A Schugr ". Kewessa. Briar Path, Baaett HIKER, b. f. 3 101 By Peep oDay— Nellie Bly R. Pending. M-w Vqueducl 5-8 1:91 fast 11-5 103 5 4 2 :". ■" .1 McCaheylO Elensinla. Grapeshot Devil Pish 21374 Aqueduct 5-43 19 good 18-9 97 4 I I 4*1 ■■ .1 McKver 7 V Jlmmie, Nonreddin Patricks 21447 Aqueducl 3-4 l:15%slow is 5 98 fi 3 I 2* 2= J McKver R TinkleBell, URtEdge, HiUStream 21324 Aqueduct 2-4 1:15 fast 8 M I 7 4 21 22 J McKver 14 Palanquin, San Vega, I. Fortune 21215 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fast 8 97 4 5 C 2. 9*11 McKver B S.W.Jolinson, Minstrel Gpesbot 21169 Jamaica 3 4 1:15 fast fi 1"7 3 3 4 4 :.-C Il.lher 8 Ethan Allen. Outlook. Dinah Do 29416 Electric 64 f 1:25 fast 5 1"8 4" V Mer hnt 8 Cannock. Thrill. Petelus MB. SPECS, ch. g. 7 116 By Weolsthorpe — Jil Greenwood Mrr,. A. C. Blume. 21882 Aqueduct 3 Il:13 12 115 1 4 5 3- 2* C Turner n Presmnotion. Pslanqnln T Bell IlTsfi Belmont 3 . l:14%fasl l". lis g :, r "_ A Nlckiaus i Dinah Do, Minstrel, Grompy I72S Belmont 1st l:12*4fasl 15 l"7 13 13 13 12 12* A Nickiaii-15 T. as Steel, Grnmpv. D.ofDunbar 21560 Aqueduct 3 1 l:16%slop 29 107 I ! 5 II 5 1A Nlckiaus 9 Isirose, Plantagenet, S.ofVallev •J1171 .lamaica 51 I 1 :"7 fast fi 112 7 fi fi 7 5" 11 Sumter 11 Fenmouae, Plantagenet Mlnstrei 11100 Jamaica 3 1 i:i::--fast 13 lit: fi fi 4 l1 :. " B*game s Btrcsean, Ahaia. Prairie .::is Bel.Ter. Air, s fast 25 158 2* Mr T WrtlO Fenmouse. ott Floto. Cnlverl • I M. Brook Al..", s fast 1 lfi:. fi 5 | -"■ Mr T Wrt 7 Culvert. Chopin. Mnskmelon 10169 Rock kj 1-2 fast 7 5 KM J 2 :- life T Wright 7 Culver:. Exemplar. Lokomis Belt it ", 1 l:12%fast 7 MC 5 4 4 1" 1*1 K Karrick 3 Water Lily. Striker. Conneaura BLACKTHORN, b. g. 3 104 Bv Broomstick— Margerique M. A. Colton. 21325 Aqueduct 1 1:11 fast 20 107 2 2 2 4 5 514U Turner •. DlstantShore. AHSmiles, Athens 21 :, Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fast 7 loj 3 4 r. 4- ~ W LIUey i; Talecarrier, True as Steel. Andes 20980 Latonia 3 1 Lit slow 28-J 93 1 11 1". 1- M iarner 7 C.Orme. L.lchita. C.onDllvery 20971 l.atonia 3-4 l:16%hvy si 10 95 3 4 5 3?. 29 M Garner 9 Talebearer, Oakland, Wild Bear 29925 lunnia 3 4 1:13 fast is :i3 | 5 5 6 fii 11 Stearna 8 Mars Casaldy. Mex. Amaaoa Latonla 3 4 l:12,fast 31 103*5 1 1 2h 4] II Stirlim? 9 Tory Maid. D.Larrick, Korfbage 20703 Douglas 3.4 1:14 good 41 5 lir 5 5 5 41 2*1 M RaTner 11 Amazon. M.-miil;. Busy Edith 39499 Douglas l«o79y l:48%mud 10 S7J 3 2 6 5 58 4* R Drqahrt 7 Boaanaa. .T.Hcardon. Thtreader ANDES, br. g, 4 117 By Contestor — Hide and Seek A. Pinkerton. : 171-1 Belmont 1 1:tDf,fast E 118 S 3 2 5 4 f.~ M Boston 17 Dryad. Napier. Tinkle Bell Aqueduct 1 1:46 Rood 40 IH 2 2 4 4 4 l"1.! McCnhey l Bine Thistle. Harrv Shaw. S Gift .217 Jamaica 3-4 1 :13%fast 7 1:3 1 3 1 1- :;-! .1 Butwell 8 Talecarrier. T.asSteel, Bekt horn 1136 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 9-19 112 2 1 1 l1 1- E Dugan 7 SirDenrah. PerthBock. Patricks. lamal a 3 I l:14ftfast 8 112 7 7 fi •". ¥ 1 Louder 7 Ahara. Grapeshot. Tinkle Bell "-"1 pip.Rk Al,:: 1 1 :13 .fast fi 103 1 7 7 7 7" C Weiae 7 Rhine Maiden. Pigiany. Holhlay Pip. Rk Al,:: 1 1 :i":-.last 2 153 5 E 4 :,ri V B Lewis 8 Culvert. Stonehenge, Ami. rose 16942 Belmont 61 f 1:M fast :: H9 B 5 5 Q 2" .1 McCahey 6 Striker, W.Welles. Fascinating GRAPESHOT, ch. h. G 119 By Bearcatcher— Coming Event W. L. Stanfteld. 218X1 queduct B - 1 :"i fast " US 3 7 5 B1 1*4 W -1 OBnlO Ekuslnia, Hiker, Devil Fish 21215 Jamaica 3 I 1 : 13% fast 13-5 112 5 2 2 4- 4", r Lowder 6 Sir W. Johnson, Minstrel. Hiker 21199 Jamaica 3 t l:i::4-,fast S 123 4 2 2 1" B»i R Trailer B Etruscan, Ahara. Mr. Specs 21945 Jamaica 3-4 l:14%fast 3 117 I 2 I 2i ::: M Cavanh 7 Aliara, Andes, Tinkle Bell 0420 Electric 5 s :,,v : 126 2] E McEwen 8 J. B. Harrell, Faithful, BiLMoon PimliCO 3 4 l:15%mud 41 20 113 fi 3 E fi •••IT Rice C Corn Broom. I.ii -hy j lead. Alliens 19781 Juarex r, s 5s--,tast i" 148 2 111 2" T Rice 5 Imperator, Roadmaster, J.Blair 19745 Juarex 51 t 1 :o",--,iast 4 L17 1 11 f 4:- .1 Howard 7 P. Zareta, Kooteaay, Maaganese RAI.L0P. b. c. 4 117 Bv Martinet — Common Sue Marrone Stable. 21RS« Aqueduct 3 I l:14%fast 4. 113 1 1 1 1] V l 8tewardl2 Goodwood. Northllglit. Chance r , .lamaica 3 1 1 : 1 :.--. l":is Lo no 4 7 7 7 V* 3 OBrien 7 Presnmptlon. Hurakan. Orotnnal lamaica 1 1 16 l:47%fast M 107 1 1 1 2 V :■ c, Corey 0 Orlln Kripp. B. Oninee, Camellia r9 Jamaica 11-16 1:48 fast 39 no j 2 3 S r, |»» G Corey 8 Spearhead. Orlln Kripp. Amain 16 99 Saratoga 7 S l:2S%slow 11 5 111 3 2 1 1 i!l .■ M Buxton 10 Armament, MaryWarren. Armor i.a.v Empire 1 1 lfi 1:49 mud 9 10 MS ill 1 T -- M Buxton 4 King Box, Afterglow, Rxeeotor I57«i Kmpire I I 1 ; l:|s--.iast 11 5 105 3 111 _ l1 M Buxton 7 Camellia. Lohgrln. S.amlStrines ;.:• Empire i i:40%fas1 9 1"l ! 5 5 5 E B,€ 3 Kederis B Pom.Blen. J J.Lillls. Undannted •i H.deGce lm70yl:45%fast 2 5 n7 5 11 1 l»k 1 J McTagrt 7 Sonny Boy, PaBy IL. Cogs SAND MARSH, b. r, 3 110 Bv Sandrin?ham— Mar.-hmallow F. E. Rose, i • iqueduct 5-8 l:0l*4slow 4-5 110 3 1 1 Ill* j Butwell 7 Evelyn C. Cy Merrick, Gammon 1994 Jamaica Bj t" 1 T slow M9 phi 4 4 4 4". r.4 w I.illey fi H.Noon, T.othMning. Phosplior Jamaica 3 1 1 :!"•- last •. 5 115 5 ! 2 ::■ 1 | G Byrne 7 Hanorta, Fuzzy Wuxxy, Todeles .. 1 Belmont 3 I -1 lfi 5 [12 4 2 1 ." V G Byrne 8 Glno, Saratoga, Uncle Bill Belmont 3 I l:14%fast 41 M9 5 1 1 2h 21 1 Byrne 11 Dinah Do. Baratoga, D.oiDunliar LORD MARSHALL, b. h, 5 117 By Oddfellow— Coraza J. Johnston. 2I72K Belmont 3 1 si i:ijDfast K 110 12 12 12 11 M-- ll Breach IS T. as steel. Grumpy, D.ofDimhar • I Belmont 1 1 lfi Lis f;lst io 115 fi 1 4 4 9- 9= J Loftus 11 P.-iti... Coin. Penalty Vquedct 11 16 1:49 fast 3. 115 12 3 2 ■"■ V .1 Butwell c ;. M.Miller. Supstitn, Camellia ; , in,, hit 11:11 fast 2 113 3 3 I I 4- 4- J Butwell 10 Volant. Minstrel. Dr. Duenner OOlfi H.deGce r,1 f l:07%fast 10 115 7 fi fi fi! fi4!! G Corey 7 Egroont Coy. Ida Claire I.vh; Howie :; 1 l:l7--.slov 30 103 5 B E 9" 5" H Bresch 7 Celto, .lim Baser, Br. Cunarder N.Orlns lm79y 1:43 fast 10 103 5 2 3 E fi 9"4F Murphy 0 J. Wright. Indolence. B. Candle 19166 N.Orlna :: 1 1:13 fast A 111 3 3 3 3 1*1 p Goldsfn 7 Kate K.. J.Basey, Kayderoseros 19143 N.Oflns 11 lfi 1 : 17 fast 1 IIS I 1 3 4 4 4,«1F Murphy .". M. Ann K.. Orperth. IL oT Savoy N.Orim ImTOy l:45%alow B M6 7 2 4 6 !• 8*1 W Lllley 9 Bob. Kay, I. Gardner, Vereaa NORTHLIGHT, eh. f. 4 112 By Northern Star— Torchlight E. F. Whitney. 18N0 Aqueducl 3 i l:ll-fi t fi 113 2 3 3 ::. ::-. D Hoffman12 Goodwood, Gallon. Chance 21786 Belmonl 3 I 1 : 1 1 20 111 7 12 r,1 5*3 T Hoffman 9 l»inah Do, Minstrel. Grumpy 21757 Belmonl [slow 15 111 i 1 i 2 -" 4"4D Hoffman 0 IronDuke. w. Metal. CyMerrick 21710 Belmont 1 20 113 ! 1 1 3 ::; I::-" 1 Hoffmanl7 Dryad. Kapler. Tinkle Bell 1009 i-!nioni 1 1 :l""-,last 40 :i 311 1 _ !"■ P Lowder • Blue Thistle. Commanretta. Bae • Vqueducl 3 I 1 l6 £slop 20 HO 7 7 fi S t** T McTagrt 9 Isirose, Plknragenet, 8. of Valley : i it Vqueducl 3 I 1 :l",,.w 20 113 3 fi 7 T* 7»1T Davies 8 Tinkle Bell, Hiker. ;ili Edge •!.• 1 A |ueduct 3 1 1:15 fast s |ia 1 ;, ].. |3 u -■■• .1 Butwell 14 Palanquin, Hiker, San »"egs 070 Jamaiea 3 I 1:13 fast 2 11" 2 I 1 1" 1" M Buxton 7 D.Madison, D.ofDnnbar, Gammon 11017 Jamaica 53 f l:08%jjood 6 112 fi 1 1 1*1 J Lit:. 10 Nephthys, CyMerrick, Woodfalr 7 Jamaiea 3 I l:14%fast 8 Ml 19 1" 8 9" "• .1 Moms 11 Valentine. D.ofDnnbar, Nephthys lamaica 3.1 1:11 fast I IN E E 7 7 7";.i Dreyer 7 Nonreddin, D. of Dunbar, Vans ACIS, b. p. 4 111 By Lauriun: — Cissanar C. J. Brockmiller. 21 SK2 Aqueducl 3 1 l:13«ifast 30 il" s 7 7 7 fi".l Pits 9 Presumption. M.Spees, PUnqnin ■ • i.aionia 11 l6 1:49S4fas1 ". 5 107 2 1 1 1 1- 1 R Griffin 9 Old Den. Ailedo. Hermoda 21059 i.aionia 1 1 lfi 1 :.",". ,h v 31 10 K»5 5 1 1 1 4 " C- C ilmiz 1, Big Dipper. H.Prlvate. Wryneck 21003 i.aionia 1 1 16 l:46%fast 31 101 9 fi 5 fi 4" PJW Meehan 9 BsnkBIII. Bxpectatlon. W.sLnst 24WG1 I.aionia 11-16 1 I94jsmud T 107 8 12 3 23 2 K Martin s. HigbPrivate, Mockery, HelenM. 20901 Latonla 1 1 MIJO mod 41 19 112 9 7 7 6 fi" c , A Met! 10 Plying Feet. La Mode. Hermnda 20C39 i.aionia 1 1-16 1 :46Vfcfast 31-10 102 2 11 1 I1 2" I Ma-tin 11 OlgaStar, IrlshGentleman. Raoul 20744 Douglas 11 16 l:4544fast 14 102 7 7 4 4 4 :•!■ a Motl s Mallard, Tarbiara, How.Howdy 2001 Douglas 3 4 l:12%fasl 24 5 104 11 7 6 fi- 4- E Pool 13 Casey .Tones. Edith W., Colle » Douglas 2 4i:ifi«imu.l 145 101 8 8 8 8 9»» E Drqahrt 8 Dr. Dougherty. W.Bear, Bareget STRIKER, br. g, 5 111 By Disguise— Contentious H. Rites. - ■ Vqueduel 3 ll:13%fast 7 115 2 5 4 1- 5| 1 Klitlier .• Presnmnthm. M. Specs. Planqnln 21786 Belmont 3 1 l:14%faat E 129 4 7 7 7 7" c Il.ther -i Dinah Do. Minstrel. Grumpy :I7.n Bel nl 3 1st l:l_" 7 5 112 5 4 2 ". 4 ; .1 LaUwell 15 T. -.and, S cl. Cnmitiv. D.ofDnnbar 20697 Bel nt :: t st LhHffast fi 5 114 1 2 2 I1 V- C Byrne i forecast. A tu.iiis. MTtilo -Park 20539 Belmonl 6 t l:204jfcfast U-19 107 2 fi 7 9*4*|G Byrne 10 Hurakan. Lily Orme, S.ofValley 19491 H.deGce 3-4 1:13%faal 2 108 2 2 3 4* 33 F Coleman 4 Sherw I, Croasbun, Prairie 18101 H.deGce 3-4 l:12!ifast 31 111 8 8 2 ll ls» It Shilling 14 ladopeep, Undaunted, Br. Path : - | l JOE DEIBOLD. b. p. 6 114 By Irish Lad— Custance fG. J. Day. 21605 Aqueducl 1 1:33 fast IS Ml 7 7 7 7 fi r.1 .c, Corey 7 Saratoga. Klla Bryaoa. .Mhena Vqueducl 11:41 last 8 iM fi fi S 1 1 *4 Q * f B Volant. Minstrel. Dr. Dnenner Vqueducl 1 1:46 hvy 8 111 7 7 fi ::■ :-i; Carey S Saratoga, MinstreL Nephthys ■ Vqueducl I 1 II last IS 1": 2 I I 1 C , Corey 11 Star ;itt. Dryad. Robinetta 119 lamaica I I 16 1:47 fast 15 M9 ■". :; :; 1 B •■*• R Waldron 3 Vmalfi, Doublet. Albena 21013 Jamaica 1 1 16 l:49%good 3-2 113 ! 3 i I l1 :i lc Wahlron ! Dinah Do, Patrick s.. Primary 11X79 Jamaica I 1 16 1:48 last 7 111 3 1 I 3 V .","« Corel 0 Spearhead. Orlln Kripp. Ahi.iIii 20296 Punlico lm70 l:46%fast 4 ll- B 113 I- l" l Gokiatn ■" P greaaive. B.Qutoce. Carlton G. HILL STREAM, b. f, 4 112 Bv Chuctaaunda— Burnt Hills F. Feitner. 21492 Vqueducl 5-8 l:01%good 12 105 12 11 11 11 11:« II LsJtertyl2 C.Merrick, WaterLlly. M-n.Iark 21447 Aqueduct 3 I 1 :I.",-5slow :" 1"8 S ] | 8 * 1 Allen fi Tickle Bell, Hiker. Gilt Edge 3iiot Jamaica El f 1:07 fast 8 110 5 2 3 5* s» II Lafferty 9 Uncle Jlmmie, Mamie K., Sleuth 20782 Belmont 1-4 at l:M%fast 12 105 Left at the post. 11 LaffertylO Ainans. Superhuman, L. Fortune 20997 Bt luiont 2 t st l:104jfctaat 10 112 C 0 5 72 720 II Lafferty it Striker. Forecast, Asanas 20085 H.deGce 51 f l:07%taat 4J M9 Left at the post. M Lafferty 14 Caato, Silver Mean, Stonehenge 19951 Havana 5J t l:o9-«f.goocl 6 5 lo9 z 1 1J 1" M Lafferty B Bartagasaas, Belfast, Be. Oaks CARLAVEROCK, br. f, 3 103 By Clifford— Sadaquada T. Smith. 1594 Aqueduct 3 I l:14%fast 50 119 n 7 fl 0 :i- R Flint ■ Hi via. HelenBarbee. S.Jai 21168 Jamaica 3 ll:14%fast :. 192 3 2 2 1] 1- .1 McTagrt •• Evelyn C, Gammon, D. Mad v 21105 Jamaica 51 f l:07%raal 6 195 B r. 7 s s-r-.1 McCahey S Rlkrldge, G. Edge, M.B.Kubaaks 17807 Laurel 51. f Irttt r:tst 27-10 los 3 ill1 2 M Shilling .» Corsican, Dr. Cann, Estimable I7i;v* Laurel 5 . r 1:07% fast 11 104 5 2 2 4t S* K Shilling 13 M.Mtgosoery. Millar, I. Gd 17 16 Empire 5-s 1 :ni Kfast fi5 112 2 ill1 P s Davis 0 M. Girl, Marvelous, Hectograph 17487 Empire E 8 l:01%fast 11 5 195 2 2 2 In l11 M Otoea *• Rosemarine, Cycle. Hectograph 17423 Empire 5 s l:oo!ifast 12 5 109 0 fi 4 41 I" S Davis 10 Rhine Maiden. He Will. Os.MaM W00DFAIR, ch. g, 3 103 By Fair Play— Woodvine D. Douglas. 21S80 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14%fast 50 99 3 11 12 11 IP* W McDott 12 Goodwood. Gallop. JJorthllgbt 21728 Belmont 3-4 st l:12%fast 60 9.S11 m 10 N* 19»»1F Hopkins 15 T. as Steel, Grumpy, D.ofDnnbar 31171 Jamaica r,. f 1:07 fast 30 192 10 8 8 S1 7MD Steward 1 1 Fenmouse, Plantagenet, Minstrel 21070 Jamaica 9-4 1:15 fast 13 5 104 7 6 4 41 B»l J McTagrt 7 Nthllght, D.MIsen, D.ofDunbar 21017 Jamaica 5 t l:98*4good 49 lo7 2 8 7 4= 3. .1 McTagrtlO Nephthys, C.Merrick, Northligbt 20957 Jamaica 3-4 1 :14--.last 23 M9 9 CO 51 6s D Steward 11 Valente. D.of Dunbar, Nephtiyi 2U3:»1 Belmont 3-4 l:14%slop 20 98 6 6 6 Gnl! 510,J McKver « Apple, llermis Jr.. Lily Onuu BORAX, ch. g, 3 111 Bv Goldpn Maxim — Housewife M. J. Leonard. 21753 Belmont 3 I l:14%slow 12 114 2, 3 I I 3" C F*hther :: Nonreddin, Belt tr 18769 Char len El f 1:19 slop 9-S M t; 0 7 7 7 ID Hoffman s Col. iom Green, Carlone. Eneoro 17013 BlueBon. .". r 1 KKVfcfast 13 100 5 0 5 V l4 R Neander 6 D. Cartes. Bettertoa, .LBMarndl M990 BlneBon. 5. f i:"!n-hw 13 5 106 4 5 I 4 2 .1 Metealf 8 Fiaaiee, Don Cortes, Cardhraa M792 Conght 51. f LliV.hvy 30 107 9 9 6 6s I1 R Neander 9 Iscbgabfbble, Kopje, Meeltoka 16065 Saratoga ri f 1 :mi%fast 40 ms s M 10 a1 t;1" C F*btherlO Luxury, Fan-Helen, B.aadMortar 14sl1 Belmont EllstlC fast 8 103 4 3 4 5 43iJ McCahey 5 Amazon. Jester. Type ANC0N, b. g, 5 114 By Mazaan— Sister Juliet J. M. Zimmer. 21492 Aqueduct 5-8 kOPfeoo.! 1 113 4 4 5 C Slu,.C Turner la C.Merrick, WstcrLily, Men. Park 20130 H.deGce 3 1 l:lf -.slov 30 114 4 6 6 0 9,g C Turner 0 Scallywag, Fair Helen. Ada Ann 20116 H.deGce 64 f LOSftslow 10 no 8 8 S S ,si:jc Turner 8 Mercuriam, SILMoon, Garl 20023 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 10 loo 10 10 10 H« ll"iC Ttarner 12 Scallawag. Progrslve, R. Meteor 20000 Bowie El f l:08%fast S3 lot 4 5 5 4" ifi K Cotoraan 7 Brandy wlae, M. Cssca. ki Mahdl 1S733 Charien SI f l:08%slow 2 112 1 3 4 54 4J .1 Smyth 7 CbartTer, Bndaunted, BriarPatli 19799 Cbarlen El t L"9 hvy 7-5 112 1 4 2 lak 9 J Smyth S Celesta, Water Lady, T.asSteel MARYLAND GIRL. ch. f. 3 105 By Peter Quince— Miss Simplicity Mrs. R. I.Miller. 21819 Aqueduct 9 f l:U%fast 50 112 2 S r. 9J :i •■ 1: Trailer 9 Volant. Noureildin, tiutl,,,k 21728 Belmont 3 I si Li-.iast 30 :«; Loft at the post. .1 McKver 15 T. as Sto.-i. Grumpy. D.ofDuahar 20266 Pimlico 7 s 1 ::3i slop ir,s 92 I 5 E E B ;,S1.I P Ryan 7 Corsican, Boxer, Faker M144 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 159 ■ ■ •. 5 5 I ;:,,.l 1 Ryan 1; Kewessa. Mamie K.. Volant 17689 Laurel 5?. f l:07%fast fid 109 G 5 5 r,1 5*1 .1 Kederis 13 M.Momerv. Mallard. CaveTOCk 17352 Laurel 5* f l:07%fast 17 104 1 2 2 4» 5,J J McTagrt »! Goat Stalwart Helen. Kaajle 17514 Empire .", s Loi-fast 2 112 I 4 2 B 3- C Turner 6 Caverock, Marvelous, Htograph 17491 Empire r..1. f l:ii7v5fast S5 lo7 2 11 P l»t J McTagrt S Change, s. Maid. Gainsborough 174r.G Empire E 8 l:01%fast Gi 107 1 1 1 I1 1= Petroff i Hectograph, Marvelous. VIGNOLA. ch. f, 3 101 By Solitaire II.— Carnation II. H. Watterson. 21S80 Aqueducl 2 I 1 :LD-,fast 15 K E 7 7 a1 9»*1F Hopkins IL i Iwoml. Gallop. North light 19447 H.deGce Bl f 1 :084tgood 90 199 E 9 io 11 12» S Davis IS Thrill. River Kimr, Volant 18434 H.deGce 51 f l:C8%good 40 put 7 4 I a 7-3,.S Davis IO Chaaee. Marvelous. Ilv BoaM 18411 M.deCce 5S LOOSjfast 150 98 4 0 7 S S11 .1 McTagrt 8 Saisonet. Between Is. Gaelic 18358 Pimlico 5i f 1:08 fast fid 102 10 8 10 10l 812?.J McTagrt 11 Mamie K.. Boxer, Fair Uelen

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