Fourth Race [4th Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-08

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FOURTH RACE — About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap, 77024 -:: 54 | 5 14.".. , IDLE MICHAEL, ch. g, 7 147 By Potentate — Bonnie Lizzie EC. W. L. Maupin. 22548 Conght Ab 2 :.:".4 good 1 145 6 r. 4 1 1- 1 1 «j. •Ulams U Frog, Cynosure, The African 22482 Conght All 2 1:54 hvy 3 1-11 2 11 2 .""• ",•" N Brooks s Cynosure, Stucco. Paoc. 22 .,"9 FortErie Ab 2 l:12%slow 3 ,. 155 5 3 12 2»« 8 | F Wlllms :. Cynosure, F. A. Stone. Morpeth 21903 Ham ton Ab 2 4:08%hvy l 141 6 4 4 2 l- l1- N Brooks 8 Gray Planet, F. A. Stone, CuBon 20942 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:09 slow 37-20 139 3 12 3 3 S1 •.] Willims 3 Bryndown, Garter 20892 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:06%slow 3 r, 150 3 2 1 1 l4 1" F Willims i DorotbyWebb. Stalmore. Velsini 20489 Wdbine Ab 2 4:l0--,slow 23-10 115 3 11 2 2 : .1 Dupe.- 4 Garter, Dor, Webb, Mystic Light 18509 H.deGoe Ab 2 4:06 fast 13-5 142 4 2 11 l2 1»» F Johnson S DrowOC, Mys.Ligbt Senegambn 18449 H.deGce Ab 2 4:12 fast 8-5 151 7 3 2 1 *M V F Wilims 7 Syoaaet, Orowoc, Wooltex 1S425 11. d. C.ce Ab 2 4:15 slow 4i 14". 2 112 V* 2» X Brooks R, F. A. Stone. Devoter 18413 H.deGce Ab 2 4:19 mud 1 147 6 5 4 3 21 2:J F Johnson 7 Mys.Ligbt. Jesuit. Brownie Girl 18804 Pimlico 2 S:59%fas1 4 151 6 2 11 2" 24 F Johnson 8 Senegaml.ian. M. Light, Foxcraft CU BON. ch. g, 7 134 By Cunard— Bonibel W. Smith. 22675 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:16 fast 17-r. it: l 1 ! 2 1- 1 ll Crawfrd G Dr. Holsberg, C.Jack. tCali-Inla 22594 Conght Ab 2 3:58 mud 10 v.i 4 2 2 1 2i V 11 CrawTd 6 Btueco, Cynosure, Barly Light 22502 Conght Ab 2 3:57%slow 11-5 142 :: 2 2 1 Ban outHCrawf d I EarlyLight F.A.8tone, Un.Jack 22482 Conght Ab 2 8:54 hvy S6 182 r, 3 3 1 8 5»* H Crawfrd S Cynosure, Stucco, Idle Michael 22079 FortErie Ab 2 4:12iSlow 20 1.2 14 4 E 5*s H Crawfrd .; Cynosure, I.Michael, F.A.Stone 21921 Hamton Ab 2 4:M%hvy and 149 4 4 5 i S **• G Bowser C Joe Gaiety, Jim .. F. A. Stone 21903 Hamton Ab 2 4:"S--.hw 40 139 5 6 6 I 1 4-- G Bowser 8 I. Michael. G. Planet, F. A. Stone 21781 Hamton Ab 2 4:03%fast 40 138 6 5 s 7 7 7-" G Daastr 9 Stoeeo, The African. Joe Gaiety 20917 Mboro 1 1-16 1 :f 3 fast 4 114 3»i 1 Denuison S C. Hoiloway, P.Pip, r. C.Randell 6886 Mboro 7-8 l:." fast 3J 112 S*l J Dennison 7 Hedge Rose. In.Qoeen, Moncreif t 7 Mboro 61 f l:2C%fast 10 ins 2J H Hoffman 7 Hoffman, Inf. Queen, Peacock UNION JACK, b. g. 7 130 Bv Sorcerer — Discard G. P. Sherman. 22675 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:15 fast 19 141 5 I 5 4 1 . ■ ■ -I RusseU 0 Co Bon. Dr. Hohtberg, Kali-Inla 22621 Conght Ab 1 3:55%hvy 30 138 3 11 E 7 7T: .1 Basoell 7 T.Africn. D.Haberg, F.A.Stone Conght Ab 2 3:57%slow 10 142 5 3 3 4 1 ::-" J Boast II 5 Earlv Licln. I 1. Stone, CuBon 21S66 FortErie 3-4 1:21 hvy 23 los !5 6 6 6 6-= A Schugr 6 C.onDelivy, Kate K., L.Londou .«.7o Prospoct Ab6-8 1.-03 fast E 113 2J W Ward 8 Racing B-11. Woodsie, Malav 29279 Pimlico lm4«iyl:46 slow 375 109 3 2 7 8 8 S-- W Ward 8 Balfron. unto. Daingerlield 86 I Pimlico 2 :;:.".7-.-,fast 30 144 3 5 8 S 7 •; • 1 Goddy 9 Worstdale, Garter. Frog 20117 H.deGce Ab 2 4HlHslow 6 13S 4 1 6 7 7 7,n,.T Cottman 7 Raeeorook, Abdon, Humility 16961 Hamton 3-4 l:13%fast 300 102 6 10 10 10 10 • v Ward 10 If. Johnson. Nigadoo, R..piiram 13028 Jamesn Ab li 3:30 good 10 140 3 5 5 4 4 4-:C Koerner .". Bronte. Orderly Nat. Tom Cat EARLY LIGHT, b. g. 5 138 By Peep oDav— Wantage H. G. Bedwell. • ; Conght Ab ! 3:58 mud 4 129 5 5 E 1 1» Baddy H stm • i rue rev. Cu Bon nKhl Ab - • 74 , low 7 142 2 4 4 2 i» 1 li J.idily :. F. A- Stone, Colon Jack, Co Bon 22037 FortErii lm70yl:52%faal 48 99 6 1111 11 :• »«» T Hayes 11 Stanleys.. FirstStar, Fellouman _!" i Hamton 1 1 16 l:50Hslow 50 100 6 6 4 4 43 4:" s Wolatm 0 Martial!. Dicks Pet. FliUway 20451 l». lmirr 6 f 1:25 good 11 107 R»»1S WolblmlO Euterpe, Electric, Ben Gncas Howie lnuOvl :.2 slow 50 102 8 9 9 8 J** 5* « Wolstm 9 Cogs, Little Bngland, El r., I98i8 Bowie Mill1. last 60 107 10 12 13 KM M*| J McTag*U3 New Haven Chuckles. J. Knight 19349 N.Orlns lm20y l:4l1fctast SO 109 13 13 11 1 8" 7T E Haynes 13 Hermuda, Camellia. Cogs 12066 N.Orlna lm20y l:41%faot 80 163 10 10 11 12 11| 9* F Moore i:: June W., KUday, Wryneck MARCH COURT, ch. g. 4 132 Bv Oxford— Moon-daisy G. R. Tompkins. 22675 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:15 fas 29-10 142 2 2 3 Lost rider. E Koike B Cu Bon. Dr. Hohtberg . fnionJack 22474 Saratoga Ab 2 4:38 mud I M2 5 I E 4- t*1 E VFolke 11 Hibb-r. Mesbach, Welsh Kins 9 157 w.ii ine Ab ! I 06%Iaat 121 ISO 7 5 4 5 320 3" E Woike 7 c Krum. Bryndown, Decathlon 26892 Pimlico 2 3:57fast 47 127 4 12 4 4 4:5 W Borgan I EI Bart. Bryndor, Kings Lvnn 17444 Wdbine Ab 2 4 :"5 good73 20 1» 3 2-2 6 f* =.4« B Bryant, J. Gaiety, Laome.loc 17330 Wdbine Abll 3:12fast 24 132 3 2 2 2 2° 2 B Bryant 7 Collector, Caswino, Baltimore M604 BlueBon, AbH l:114hvy 80 132 5 5 5 3 3 3" B Bryant 7 Collector, F. A. Stotv. fa-wine IO404 Saratoga 3-4 l:13Ssfast 30 MB 19 9 11 11 11" Karrick 11 Contrary. HaIVnny. Ll Biod KALI-INLA. blk, g. 5 ISO By Lithos— Eugenia S. J. 0. Burttschelll. 2267s BlueBon. Ab 2 4:15 fast 11 1 17 ". 5 1 1 F.I!. .1 Garnetl S CaBoo, Dr. Holsberg. CnktnJack Conght Ah : " :.S mud 30 136 3 4 5 6 6 :.- .1 Garnet! C Stucco. Cynosnre, in Boa 22482 Conght Ab 2 3:".4 hvv 60 134 4 S S S ~ 7*» T-»::mie1 1 X tiyuysure.n. ■•■... Idle Michael 22340 Windsor 1 1-4 2:12%al0W ME 100 5 3 8 B B 8»» 3 Sierrett s first Star. FelT.wnfan. M. 22268 Windsor "1 f 1 : "»; ?06 99 5 7 10 10 lo:« j sterrett 10 Marlorie A.. Imperator. Csecil 21644 Windsor 5i f 1 :0a-.slop 80 103 8 9 9 10 10" II Shilling K IJ.Jlounle. Inflection. KharineG. ? *¥ BlueBon. 3-4 1:16%slow f Id 1:0 13 13 13 13 131*!.! Groth I" York Lad. Gold Cap. Ada Anne 86845 BlueBon. 7-8 1:2S%fast fid 111 11 13 13 13 13* 1S"|E McLwenlo Redlnnd. Impiieta. Bur wood 1928 Juarez 5| l:i7Vsfast 3J 111 2 2 4 32 43J J Murphy 8 Hazel .. John Spohn, CaroNome 1977s Juarez 6-8 l.-OOOcfaat 2-2 110 2 6 3 3"*?" J Murphy !» P.Antoinette. Ooma, Summer bill 10766 Juarez 54 f 1 :"7-sfast 8 115 5 8 8 SJ 31 J Murphy 13 Cal Cmn. Doll Boy Doc Allen 19698 Juarez. 3-4 ljJiftfast I 105 2 2 2 3!» 7 l H Sbilling y No guarttr, Tower, Petit Bleu

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