Red Admiral Takes Hamilton Race.: Stanley Fay Colt Beats Togoland in Canadian Juvenile Plate--Budweisers Identity Questioned., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-29


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RED ADMIRAL TAKES HAMILTON RACE. Sti.nlcy Fay Colt Beats Togoland in Canadian Juvenile Plate — Bndv/ciscrs Identity Questioned. Hamilton. Out.. June lis. The races at Hamilton this afteraaoa were run aver a dryiag-oal brack. The going was slow and ill po1s a bit heavy, but better roatesta were in ardier ami the flalahca more spirited. The Canadian Juvenile Plate was the ranted feature. It was a dash of five-eighths tor Canadian bred two vi.n olds, to which ,004 was added. George S. Beardatore faraiabed tin winner in the Stauhy Kay colt Bed Admiral, which Id from tne -tan and beat Togoland out by a length in a driving finish. The stewards w r ■ -nine time iii giving their aaacthaji to the official pining. Wbea entering the h stretch. Cllin- toak Bed Admiral wide ami Togolaml went out with him. Parriagtoa lodged a complaint against the winner, bat the officials decided to permit the race to stand as the horses finished. They an re satisfied that there was no interference, but Col liaa was fined 1917.sh0 lor not keeping ids poaitioa on the stretch turn. Craaap, who had the mount on Flame in the same race, was ftocd 0 for aot guUnpiag Klanie .-1 ri ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 after the others, aftef flame hail wheeled and v.n the other way wbea tin- barrier was sprung. VY ill r Lady bet I a hand of sprinters in the Yal Ca-tier Handicap, a dash of this, qaartera. Khe came l iimi behind in the stretch and. wearing Tyrant passed liim in the last aixtecath ami ■voa going away. Steeplechase jockey M. Yon-ell left this awraiag for hi- home in LoaisviUe, Whera he will rest until the opening of th" meeting at Saratoga. c. .1. Pita Gerald, who is acting as one of the stewards here, will fill the aanae peaitioa at Port Brie, lb- will he lie- presiding judge at Wlaaser, at tne raactasiea of which meeting he will have for Saratoga. Arranging- for fShinnent to Grand Bapids. Several owners have announced their intention if shipping from here to Uraad Bapids at the con • lusioii of the pre seal meeting. Among those to have are J. . Keene. J. A. tiibson and Y. C. Weaat. .1. i. I.. Boss handicap horse. Basareaeh, arrived this morning from Montreal, and will be put in training again. Th" three year old Cadillac, which weal amiss at Toronto, and his been at Woodbine in.e the close of that melting, also got in. II. • . BcdweU, win. is now looking after the Bos. horses. Iims great hopes of aevelopiag Cadillac into a useful r.cer. Jack lhillips. who now has apprentice Kopple-BMBB under contract, thinks that the latter is as good u rider a- bis -hi Kelly was. Koppteaiaa is certainly showing Improved form since his arrival lioni New York and his services are much in |e-le i ad just now . Wash Norvell was a visitor at Hamilton this afteraoaa. lb brought the pleasant news to the i or emeu thai the program for the coining meeting i Kcnilworth would be made up of si M ..M,| .a s;.-im» parse. Tins ccrtaialy show, thai the new club w is.ies to cater to the best hor.-es in training and the meeting at KeailwOTth this siinauer should rank with the best on tic etrcait. Tiie horse Baal are bar was ordered wtihdrawn by the stewards aad his name aras not even printed on the official program. An iatercstiBg aaaaaaee- luent regardiag tin- identity of tin horse will probably be made within the next couple of days.

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Local Identifier: drf1917062901_1_10
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