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4-fh lx?lf*«t* * M Furlongs. Fillies. Claiming. Track PMSVAl Mi s j*1"** m.c*v.v* Jay, May H, MM- «■% ■ IMJ I Index Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str.Fin. Jo key Started Order of Finish BUN. b. f. 2 103 By Smoke Screen — Cimru. by Bryn Mawr. Trainer. J. J. Tighe. Owner. B, H. Knebelkamn. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 12901 Hex 41 f :54 ft 8 5 1C8 4 1 U 1»» J Sr.ith .Tiger Flowers 110. Watson 1 10 Jo Call 108 12781 I-ex 41 f £?%■ 7-5 108 2 2 Ill1 J Smith 8 Trydor MB, KedKnIv ItH. Mssst MaiJ Ml 12617 Hex 1-2 :4Sft . 107 3 2 2 3 J Smith 9 Respond 1 lO.SeotlandCirl 10!» .gm. k. n 111 j 12267 J P 12 :48%ft 49 10 107 6 4 4=1 li Barnett 10 Kespoud 1 1 1 S. otlaniK.irl IllUin.keii 113 12225 J P 12 :4.s%ft B 10 114 2 6 ll IJ K Zc. -tiin M TigerFlo«ers U.VJeHkica 1 14. Aroma tie 1 10 I 12124 J P 1-2 :51 m 22 5 114 7 6 6 5!1 F Chiavt:. 12 Elevate 113.1 prCrust 114.TrFU.wers 115 I 12059 J P 12 :4S%ft 91 115 6 2 21 lJW Dellow 1 1 HestSpa.le 1 15 Allal.Allali 1 15.Tliel.ure 1 15 11668 J P 12 :49 ft 23 115 1 2 31 331 W milowll Brenna I.e.- 115. Jessica 115. Our Li., k 115 j 11534 FG 3 8 :3bVift 26f 109 5 4-1 41 V Kiniry 12 lersetti 114. Jessica 107. .oldens, I :o7 | GLORIA ASFIN. ch. f. 2 108 By Asplnwall— Glory of the Seas, by Trainer. W. Buford. Owner. Paradise Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. J. H. Rosseter. 12818 Hex 41 f :58 hy 13 10 115 2 3 SJ S" I, anf iel.l 1 1 Qui. ken 115.He*tS|uide 1 eiifle 112 12569 I cx 12 :48Vt 14 109 5 2 21 3i L Canfiel.l 8 Typhoon 115. t artago 112. Ju. k. n 111 11452 KG 1 ! :4Ssl 18-6 115 6 2 4» 5" L Canfield!2 Aleu.ler 115S|M.rt llnllahun 124. s. i-.e IS 10981 FG 3-S :-■•: ft 17*5 115 5 U U J Small 12 Aroma tie III, lop loud 110 Im. no I 10768 F.G 3-8 sMkll 35 115 5 4-1 i1! J Smith 12 Fair Ainu 115.1-al-tu 115,WUl*i»u. P. Xl% aUICKEN. ch.- f. I 11C Bt Peter Quince— Dnley. by Light Brigade. Trainer. A. Zimmer. Owner. Wild Hose Farm Stable. Breeder. J. N. Camden ft B. J. Clar. 13102 I 41 f :55 ft 47-10 111 1 1 4J 4* W Cru-r.p 7 Soiree 113. Portia 111. Mi«s Fire 110 12818 Las 4 f 58 hy :• Hi I 2 1 11 W Crump 11 ■ t Spade 115.I.nDent!e 112. Vendeuse 112 12617 lex 1 -2 :4SSft 12 -", 114 4 3 4 4 1 V Crump «.t Respond 110, Scotland Cirl 10!. Bun 107 13569 Lex 1-2 :t8Vt 20 111 7 3 3* 4* C Mealy 8 Typhoon 11. "i. Cartsgo 112, GloriaAspin 10.T 12306 J P l-.» .4H*if« 7 Ml 2 5 31 3. C He.ny 7 Aromatic 1 15. S teen Sixty 115. Watson 120 12267 J P 1-2 :4andVt 11-5 113 7 5 31 3J C lleaiv 10 Respond 11 1. Srot land iirl 1 11. Bun 107 SCOTLAND GIRL. Lr. f. 2 103 By Lucky Hour— Bit o* Glory, by Black Toney. Trainer. J. T Taylor. Owner. J. 8. Taylor. Breeder. J. S. Taylor. 12747 Lex 41 f :: n 7-3 113 4 2 21 1 G Johnson S Fernet h 1 16.Chas.P.ol "so:i 108.SpgRud IOC 12617 I.ex 1-2 :4S,ft 1! 109 1 4 3 P V Penrose 9 Respond 110. Bun 107. Quicken 114 . 22C7 J P 12 :4SV.ft 17 111 3 3 2" 2,,k W fHlwM Rt spond 111. Quicken ".13. I.un 107 12225 J P 1-2 .4-.*ift 10 11113 3 41 Cl ]•" Clti.t talO Ttcrl Flowers 115. Jessica 1 11. Aromatic 116 11729 J P 12 :4. %ft 8 110 12 11 11"11"J Smith 12 K. rs.tli 1 13. Aromatic 1 ll.McdseMnid 115 1KB KG 1-2 :1-J*i»l 13 112 1 5 761 S-" 1 1 FrogttelO Pen thorn 1 lS.RtlRcket II. I12.0MKM lift 11492 IVc; 5-* JK ft 1« 107 4 31 1 D Frog tt. 13 All Callflo IU Aromatic 114. Old Kid 113 1I35J Ft; 3-8 :.!6~gd 7 115 » 5 P| L C.tntiel.l 12 Quicken 1 15.Sdyljidy 115.Jack ol-ecn 115 11276 F.G 3-8 :3n-%sd 23 107 « 21 21 L CanfieU112 Prate 110. Aramatic 114. Star Glory 122 BANDY LADT. b. f. 2 M 112 By Uncle— Sandy Land, by Rock View. ,Trainer. W. W. Tavlor. Owner. H. P. H ?adleyL Breeder. H.- P. Headley. 12815 I.ex 41 f :57*ihy 6-5 112 3 1 11 1- W Lilley C Cuddle 114. Mm Emelie lll.JuelJean 105 12617 I.ex 1-* :tSl 47-10 110 « 6 b- 5 | W Lilley 9 Respond 110. Scotland Girl 10!. Bun 107 MM J.P 12 :48 ft 21.". Hi 9 5 6° J 3- W I ellowl2 Lenny il5. Sister Maggie 111. lndra 113 11008 J I* 1-2 :4S ft 9-3 115 10 S 5J 5U |i Conlly 11 llrenna 115. Jessica 115. Bun 115 11624 FG 12 :4:»«.ft 13-5 11110 19 5 1 4=1 J Ch Inters 12 l.Cru t 107.Ktky Babe 1 15,J.ol.ecn 109 11429 F.G 3-8 :37 m 14 113 7 3» 2» L Pichon 12 Fen thorn HS.DaVinci 112.RedR"ketH. 11? 11352 F.G 3-8 :3«H gd 12 115 4 3»5 *• L Pichon 12 Quicken 115. Jack SrXsM 115. Jessica IS 10X64 F.G 3-8 :3".%ft 7 115 • 6s 5*11. Canfteld 12 Emphatic 115. Elevate 1 19. Lady InF.lue 115 10192 F.G 3-8 :3hHft 9-5 115 1 31 41 L Canfield 10 CrossFlay 109;.Sis.Maggiell9. Jessica 114 SOUTHERN KISS. b. f. 2 187 By Pet-r Pan— Golden Lassie II.. by Jane Grey. Trainer. W. A. Crawford. Owner. Island Farm Stable. Breeder. T. C. Geary. ISIM O.D 41- f :55 ft ! 1K» 5 5 3J P W Garner 7 Soiree 113. Portia 113. Miss Fire 110 12525 H.JG 15 f SPMF II 108 6 2 1" 2"k It W kniai.10 AngryMood 116.FireFairy lOS.Reprove 110 12435 Hit; 41 f :54«r.ft 14 112 2 I 2 4= M Fishm M5 FireKairy 110 AngryMood 112. Outstep 110 11706 Mia 1-2 :4a ft 5 115 5 I 2* 1" V Garner 8 Ru:eB"tnia:il5.StgPolicy 115.MsFire 115 11563 Mia 1-2 :4*ft 2 115 4 2 luk 2J V Gamer 11 Skipaway 115. Eloise 115. Noise 115 11486 Mia 1-2 :4"i**n 27-10 115 • t 8T1 8" V Gainer 12 Partake 110. High Seas 10S Snowfall 105 1 1395. Ma 3-8 :3:-fesl 11 112 4 2» 3!i J McTsuc 10 HigliCame 115.MissFire 112,oralIioS8 115 CWENA. ch. f. 2 116 By The Porter— My My. by Colin. Traicar. J. F. Scho-r. Owner. E. B. McLean. Brer. E. B. McLean. 11634 Mia 1-2 :47-%ft 43 10 113 4 S S* 2« K Ambrse • Typhoon 116. Out Step 113. True Pal 116 10792 Mia 1-4 :2 : *f t 6-5 119 1 21 1"! K M*T*rf ft Ml — ll— ll.t.JIissKire 119.SwtI*Iy 119 10617 Mia 1-4 :23 ft 16-0 lis 1 2» 2 1 L, McAtee 14 I dy II n bl 119.Reprove HO.StrBFoly 119 10430 Mia 1-4 :22akft 18 11J 4 2» 2» N Hutf 14 Do ansAI y 122.BlkServt 122.CorIB a 122 KATHARINE W.. ch. f. 2 103 By Argosy— Rhoda OMaUey. by Charles 0 Malley. Trainer. J. McGee. Owner. J. McGee. Bred in England by Mrs. H. Beary. IMMC.D 41 f :H4Sft 27 0t 3 6 6s? 6H M Garner 12 Cartojro lllMolilServant ll."..Aleadrr 112 11634 Mia 1-2 :47%ft S 113 • I 9" 7" F Maguire 9 Typhoon 116. Owena 113. Out Step 113 11284 Mia 3-8 :34«*ft 6 112 4 4"! 37 W S I.atij 1 12.Hicln iaine HO.Reprove 112 11194 Mia 3-8 SWVift 3 108 3 1" li R Hait.ett 11 FlearStar 103.Support 115.StormM den 100 10899 Mia 1-4 :2» sy 16 119 1 1 2»» M Fa; i U Missllogan 119.SweetIolly 119. Tensas 119 FLAMING FLOWER, ch. f. 2 M 105 By Under Fire— Azeala, by Peep oDay. Trainer. D. B. Miller. 0*ner. J. J. Conghlin. Breeder. F. S. Tainter. ISMS CD 41 f :55 ft :-« UK 7 6 6*J 6 L Iichon 7 Soiree 113. Portia 113. Miss Fire 110 ROSEMARY LATCOCK. b. f.2M 109 By Eliminator— Physiatric. by Gcoree Smith. Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. Breeder, J. E. Madden. PRETTY GAL. ch. f. 2 M 105 Fv Harry Shaw— April Girl, by Greenwaya Best. Trainer. W. H. Bockner. Owner, Longridge Stable. Breeder, Mrs. G. C. Thraves. PEGGOTY. b. f. 2 M tOi By Th3 Vizier — Refugee III., by Roi Herode. Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner. Xalapa Farm Stable. Bred in England by W. Parrish.