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Racing Daily 2:15 P. M. THE NEW, FINER WASHINGTON PARK HOMEWOOD, ILL. Admission to Grandstand rf» m Admission to Club House, «D j Box Seats Only I Tax Included «■ WEEK OF THRILLING SPORT For reservations Phone Homewood 820 !*INAL Mail Orders Promptly Filled HOW TO GET THERE By train — Illinois Central Service every 20 minutes — Round trip, 75 cents — 10- ride tickets, By automobile — Halsted Street direct to fate, or Western Avenue or any south through street to 159th Street, thence to Halsted Street. EISHT RKES-flRST AT £15 P.M. PRICEMAKER AVAILABLE I want to connect with a real outfit who will appreciate e- a real pricemaker that knows how to lay prices es rem "A" to "Z." CHAS. HERMAN 1044 MONTROSE Tel. KEYSTONE 0324 !* _