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BANTAM, 8 5, WON Mar. 3. . . . SHENANDOAH 5-1 won Mar. 2. . . .NO SELECTION Mar. 1. . . .PRESERVATOR. . . .2-1 won Feb. 28. . . .COCK SURE 6-5 won Feb. 27 . . . .TAM OSHANTER. .9-5 2nd Feb. 26. . . .SYLVIA TALBOT. .6-5 2nd Feb. 24. . . .NEALON 6-1 won Feb. 23. . . .ABE MEYER scratched Feb. 22. . . .LORD NELSON . . . .5-2 won Feb. 21. . . .SYLVIA TALBOT..12-1 lost Feb. 20. . . .DIXIE LAD 10-1 won Feb. 19. . . .CHARLATAN 1-1 won Feb. 17 . . . .NEVA LEE 5-1 won Feb. 16. . . .ELMDALE scratched Feb. 15. . . .NO SELECTION Feb. 14. . . .BALESHED 9-5 won Feb. 13. . . .FREE BOOTER 8-5 won Feb. 12. . . .BERT OSRA 5-2 won Daily Specials: g.aand Dally special filed with this publication at 10:00 A.M. Today 10-1 Tomorrow 5-1 OTIS Suite 84, 119 LaSalle Street, Chicago Branch. Phone Main 3645 Send Communications to GEO. OTIS. fgvTHE Illinois: Boom 623, 225 Dearborn St., Tel. Har. 1876. LAST CHERRY, ffiffl 4-1. WON NINE Special 17-10 WON Saturdays Specials as follows: JOE LESSER, WON; PHIL FINCH, WON. Specified 0 Specials S1.00 L S1.00 One must win at C to 5, or free sheet to all. PLUNGE ON BOTH SPECIALS TODAY They will positively win, no chance to lose. 10 1 DARK ONE io-i A City Park wonder will romp from barrier to " "BUY ILLINOIS AND CASH. National Racing Reviews Special, No. 95 Room :i7, 71 Dearborn St., Chicago. .00 per month. 25c. per copy. INFORMATION. A New York lawyer has excellent racing connections at New Orleans. Receives occasional "good things." Chicago clients wanted. Good bettors send address. Lawyer, Itoom 89 World Building. Last Cherry, 4-1, won That was my advertised Special for yesterday. Today I have ONE AT HOT SPRINGS tliat will win,- barring accidents. I expect not less than 5 to 1 about this one. DONT MISS IT. per day. If I do not give you a winner you get next days card FREE. PAT GORMAN, 406 Boylston Building 263 Dearborn Street Telephone Harrison 6582 COME TODAY! Tl AWINNER. HAVE 11 g At Oakland yesterdsy JUDGE won, 2-1 Bantam won, 8-5 I H Tavora lost. I " .00 day. B 00 week. Main 4.".92. 119 LaSalle. Room 65. E JUDGED TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL. .00 Per Month. R. 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Phone Central 5S25. TUESDAYS SPECIAL: No. 653 Buffalo. Mondays Special was NONES. Withdrawn. Entry List: 2-6-9-600-632-634-63G-638-642-G43-G20-622-G25-62G-C28-653. "MY PEERLESS SYSTEM" Fully Explained FREE! Without an equal In the world! I have the greatest Winnlnjc Scheme ever discovered! If you have 34 to Ilay With, you want "In"! Flat Bets Any Hand-book. I- O. WMIIIIH. naton." Meinphlt. Tcnn. ENVOY 7-10 WON was my one best bet Monday. I again call your attention to" the fact that my one best bet is based strictly on Inside Information. I am at the track every morning when you are sound asleep and any dark secret that gets away from me must be so dark that charcoal would make a white mark on It, And, bear in mind, one horse a day is my specialty. Ielow is my record since February 17th, which will prove conclusively that a practical horseman and elocker alone can furnish such results: Feb. 17 PARNASSUS 20-1 WON Feb. 19 AUROCEIVER 4-1 WON Feb. 20 BON MOT 8-5 WON Feb. 21 DAZZLE Second Feb. 22 TARP 2-1 WON Feb. 23 TOM MORGAN 8-1 Second Feb. 24 ROBIN HOOD 7-1 WON Feb. 26 LA THORPE 18-5 WON Feb.. 27 KING LEOPOLD .3-l WON Feb. 28 ORLY G-5 WON Mar. 1 ANNA DAY 0-1 WON Mar. 2 TAMBEAU 3-1 WON Mar. 3 LENS 8-5 WON JOHN J. WARD, Trainer and Expert docker. Terms .00 6 - - - any days SUITE 41 GODCIIAVX BLDG., Canal and Chartres Sts New Orleans, La. ARTHUR and CO. lMSs2SBaf Bfc .00 per day. .00 per week. We publish a three-horse dally message. Information direct from Crescent City. Yesterday for our best bet we save to win LAST CHERRY, 4 to 1, WON. Our other horses. First Premium, 7-5, won; Nine, 17-10, won. A Bottled-up Sleeper Roes for the coin today. Mr. Arthur says there is nothing to It. Barring accidents,, lie will win in a-walk at a big fat price. Out-of-town clients wired early. IF IT LOSES, I OUIt MONEY BACK ! On next Saturday, Mar 10, we will havean Extra Occasional which will win from start to finish at a liberal price. Our fee for this trick will be and 00 In advance, and it it falls to win, will refund you your .00 A KT lid It A: CO. TOM REPORTERS DAILY FORM LETTER. Ategppl FIGURES COMBINED WITH INFORMATION FS 00 DAILY. S4.00 WEEKLY. V jF7 Room 3I2 59 Dearbortt s,reet CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. y Flione Central 5835. NuL MONDAY OUR LETTER GAVE: JACK SOLAN 5-1 WON RAMS HORN 2-5 WON MONET 2-5 WON MIMON 7-1 Lost ENVOY Special 7-10 WON BANTAM 8-5 WON ELECTRIC SPARK 8-1 Second nurHAWAN pi wnw PERFECT ,. 6-5 Second f S NINE 17-10 WON FRED BFNT BENT 8-5 WON FIRST PREMIUM Special 7-5 WON JUDGE 2-1 WON EXTRA SPECIAL TODAY, 5 to 10 to 1. ARTHUR PEABODY 6 SONS draw attention to the fact that this is the first time they announce the starting of a particular horse In over four months. This was due to the fact that the angle which the speculative field offered r.t both New Orleans and California during the past winter was sucli that, guided by our well-known conservatism, we awaited the time until we were able to sieak with confidence and knew the controlling powers mid sources through which the information arrived was absolutely authentic and reliable. We herewith advise our friends that either Friday, March 9th, or Saturday, March 10th, a horse starts whose performance will be stamped as a wonderful Improvement over previous starts. Same worked seven furlongs in 1:20 and Is especially pointed for tills one race. He will be dropped into a spot either Friday or Saturday where loss is impossible except through accident or bad racing luck, and will positively not start unless victory is assured. In ease the horse is withdrawn it will be done in the Interest of all concerned, as the controlling parties expect the price to be 8 or 10 to 1, and In case of a scratch the subscription is continued to the first time this particular horse starts, which will be two or three weeks later. We know the connections and know their methods. We attach the following GUARANTEE. Unless the horse In question strictly one horse advised finishes first or second, a copy of THE BALLANTINE METHOD will be forwarded to each subscriber absolutely free, without one cent additional charge, the day following the race. Tills offer is absolutely without parallel, especially when it is understood that the Ilallantine Method has not been sold for less than Ten Dollars, is a complete system In Itself, requiring no ones selections. We feel sure of success and know that to be successful In this venture, which costs a small fortune, is worth many thousands in advertising to us and that defeat means a large financial loss to us. Subscriptions should be in our hands no later than Thursday night and should leave Chicago no later than Wednesday afternoon, to avoid oversight In the rush of affairs the day of the race. UHTIPF I Arrangements should bo perfected to obtain opening prices so as to benefit before the Nil I II. I I flashes of the betting make themselves felt throughout the poolrooms of the United " States. The charts will show the following morning the opening and closing prices differ most materially. For that reascn we advise opening or average prices. TERMS: FIVE DOLLARS with the above guarantee attached. Remit by money order, certified check, telegraph or registered letter. Positively No Commissions Handled. Watch the result of this race and thus allow us to convince you of the value of Inside information. Arthur Peabody and, Sons 22 West 33d St., directly opposite the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 3625 MADISON STAKES FOR SPRING MEETING, 1906. TENNESSEE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION CUMBERLAND PARK TO CLOSE THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1906. J. IV. RUSSWURM, Secretary, NASHVILLE, TENN. CUMBERLAND DERBY, ,000 Added. A sweepstake for three-vear-olds foals of 1903. 5 to accompany the nomination and 00 additional to start. The Clul. to add ,000, of which 00 to second and 00 to third, fourth to save stake. Colts to carry 122 lbs, fillies and geldings 117. Winners of a race at any time of $:i,000 value when carrying weight for age. 5 lbs. extra. Allowances: Those not having won a race at any time of the value of ,.r.00, 5 lbs.; of ,000, 7 lbs.; of three races of any value selling purses excepted, 10 lbs.; maidens, IS lbs. One and One-Eighth Miles. CITIZENS HANDICAP, ,000 Added A handicap sweepstake for three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination and 0 additional to start, witli ,000 added, of which 00 to second and 00 to third. eights to apiiear three days before the race. The winner of a race of the value of ,000 after publication of weights are announced to carry .r His. penalty. Such penalty not to exceed scale of weight if handicapped at less. Those weighted at scale or more than scale weight l.v the handlcapper wilt not be subject to a penalty. OneMile and a Sixteenth. GERST BREWING CO. SELLING STAKE, ,000 Added A selling sweepstake for three-vear-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination and 0 additional to start. The Club to add ,000. of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Those entered not to be sold to earrv 5 lbs. extra. If entered to be sold for $.l,5l I to carry weight for age; If for less. 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000, then 1 lb. for each 00 to 400, then l lb for each 00 to 00. Starters and selling price to be named through the entry box the daj preceding the race and those so named are liable for the starting fee. One Mile. .! Aynim.11, 51c001 Ad,i?,ed,T7 iA sweepstake for two-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination and $..0 additional to start. The Club to a.Id ,000, of which 00 to second and 00 to third. sUiySJ r n??ISt:,ke-t0 Car7.:! 11,S- oxtra, selI,"K s,i,k0 Ited. Allowances: Xon-wlnners of a sweepstake, 5 lbs.; non-winners of two races, other than selling races, S lbs. Maidens.- 12 lbs. Four and One-Half Furlongs. ?,w,fiE,tSTCE,n?V0?0 A,d,d--I;or t"-.vear-old fillies. 0 to accompany the nomination. " W ?.SlaT- T,IS P1"" 1,?,W -??- ot "Ilidl 200-to st,C0Il 1 00 to third. Winners of a sweepstake, J lbs. extra; of two, 5 lbs. .Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Four Furlongs. Address all Communications to J. W. RUSSWURM, Secretary, Tennessee Breeders Association, Nashville, Tenn.