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ST. FRUSQUINS SUCCESS AS A SIRE. St. Frusquin lias been a notably successful English sire and at the end of the racing season of 1907, the eighth at which his children has appeared, they had won ?G05,3SO. This total is the aggregate of 21C prizes won in the course of the eight reasons since 1900. St. Frusquin was a notable race horse himself when at his best, but rather unfortunate as to legs and the contention lie was forced to face. He won the Two Thousand Guineas of 1S9G, but Persimmon beat him for the Derby and lie failed to stand the preparation-for the St. Leger, which Persimmon also won. Still he was a great horse for Mr. Leopold de Rothschild. The brown son of St. Simon and Isabel is now fourteen -years old and Lesbia, the sister to Flair; and Rhodora, Mr. Orokers fine filly out of Rhoda B., were the best of his produce to race in 1007. I Before them came a notable list of English performers which includes: Fortunatus, Andrea Fer-rara, Ruskiu, Lpvelike, Flotsam, Quintessence, St. Amanr, Fiancee, Frugality, Dusty Miller, Flair, Doryanthes and St. Ollalia. Here is a table of the winnings of St. Frusquins sons and daughters since 1900: Year. Amount. Year. Amount. 1900 $ 3,005 1904 t$ 80,705 1901 57,335 1905 10S.CG5 1902 53,840 1900 40.435 1903 132,030 1007 ., 110,705 Totals ,,3S0