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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 69 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor. P. H. Brunell Associate Editor. Clinton C. Riley. Secretary. Mrs. F. Hv .BrunelL Entered as ;second-class matter. April 2 1895 at the post-offlcc at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of. March , I8i9. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. TERMS: Per Month xl si "lf Year ..........7 9.00 One Year ., " 17 Jo letandSiSfmSFi- fr S,DSle VopVeS a8 Wa,ed 4eCslDaKS SffSW 0 86113 ,17?cal,inU!jscriptJ?nsroi,tsile tne down-town dls-be decllnel at other than first-class mall matter rates. Subscriptions must be paid In advance. TELEPHONE 2087 HARBISON. For business and circulation purposes only. . .iTl!.i?1phon.e lla! n0 connection with the news or muSSte iThthem1.3 ad Canot be nsed to com- nLiConslacrod and answered, all queries to 5?ilyJ?.KClnRi,lorm must ,bc 6cnt the full name S2?..S1-t",WirSSSt0 wrict!r- Tnc names and ad-test 6ulJect to a. local and foreign directory CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JULY 29. 1909.