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GREAT CROWD VIEWS JAMAICA RACES Tartar Defeats Sam McMeekin and Short Grass in the Valuable Long Beach Handicap Xovr York June 10 An enormous erovd was at Jamaica today and witnessed the decision of a highclass program featured by the Ixmg Ieach Handicap at a Mile and an eighth for threeyear old and over The Finn and Stromboli were with ¬ drawn leaving Sam McMookin Short Crass Flying Fnirv and Tartar to go The race resulted in a pretty contest with the lightlyweighted Tartar proving the winner Sam McMeekin was rushed into tiie lead by IJyrno and led up the backstretch bv a collide of lengths with Tartar in persistent pursuit Turning for home Tartar which had steadily moved up raced into the lead and won rather handily by less than a length Sam Mc ¬ Meekin was a wife margin in front of the fast coming Short Grass The latter was outrun early but made a fast finish the short stretches of the Jamaica course probably militating against him Tartar in winning reduced the track record to 152 The race was wortii 2225 net to the winner winnerFrederick Frederick Johnsons gigantic threeyearold Top it th Morning carrying the high impost of 140 ponndn just lasted long enough to beat Hanovia which only recently graduated from the maiden ranks The Peep o Day colt rushed into an early lend followed by Norse King but the latter ran wide on tlie stretch turn Hanovia then moved up and just failed to get the verdict Wellbacked lior es fared well throughout the afternoon afternoonAt At a micling of the stewards of hi Jockey Club Friday the ruling against J W Iledrick which caused ills entries to I refused was terminated terminatedJ J W Iaugh has purchased from Gilford A Coch run tlift twoyea rilds Prohihiton and Corn lirooin He will race them over the halfmile tracks in tanada tanadaHorsemen Horsemen were busy today making entries to the Empire City Stakes which close Monday MondayThe The stewards today lined Frank M Taylor This is the aftermath of a controversy Taylor nan with K W HofTiifr trainer for II C Hallen hock after Illrf Thistle from the Hallenbcck stable had made a pvr showing in the race won by Yankee Notions Heffner claimed that Taylor hud publicly made remarks tending to injure bio ttandlng as a trainer and the ruling followed followedliclmont liclmont Iark uorkoutN on a fast track were 1 Reeves Half mile in 51 51Coin Coin Mile in 147 147Distant Distant Slion Mile in 117 117Devil Devil Fish Half milt in 71 irbag Mile In 1 He Will Mile in 149 149Half Half liock Half mile in 51 51ManhflMKot ManhflMKot Half mile In 48 48Hpearhiid Hpearhiid Mile in 149 iralogn Mile in 111 111Spring Spring Motird Mile in 1 1Trial Trial by Jury Mile in Vlllkei Notion Mile and an eighth ill 159 159Workouts Workouts at Jamaica on a fast rank today Ufre UfreAchievement Achievement Quarter mile In 23yf 23yfPorax Porax ThroiolKhthH In S SClirr Clirr KIHd Half mlh In 52 52riiirhtoniMii riiirhtoniMii ThreeipinrtorH in lli lliDiihie Diihie Eagle ThrcoimarlerM in 118 118I I avcliiaflng Half mile In 4i 4iLa La Coin Threeiiiarter4 in 110 110lady lady Iiirhary ThroeipiarleM in 117 117Alnmlc Alnmlc 1C ThrieipiarliTK In 11 11Perthshire Perthshire Half mil In W j6 j6Iliwiy Iliwiy Willow Five olKlitiiM In 102 102Pnlrlck Pnlrlck S Mlii In IMS IMSStartling Startling Quarter mile In Kf Wntertowii KfWntertowii Sevenclghtlm In 1W