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SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 3512G 111 G 11G HAZNIK b g 3 100 By Mazapan Nikita S M Henderson 0771 Douglas 34 l12fast 94 103 3 1 1s I5 A Mott i High Private Colle Gabrio 20703 Douglas 31 114 goodl910 307 3 3 2l 21 L Gentry 11 Amazon Blackthorn 15 KditU 0532 Douglas 34 l14mud 8110 9S 3 2 42 4 1 M Garner 7 Bobllensley DCarmen BEdith 20353 Churchill 31 l14slow 213 101 6 62029S C Gl 4s B Ott 10 BusyEdith ThoNorman Deposit 2029S Churchill 34 l12fast 71 7 2 2 = 2s M Garner 10 Hawthorn TheNorman Chartier 20251 Churchill 34 l13fast 315 100 1 1 1 ° 1 ° W Lilley 11 Manioc Superhuman Sinai 20196 Lexgton 34 l13fast 175 100 1 1 Il 31 A Mott 11 Quartermaster Gibrio B First 20122 Lexgton 34 113 fast 11 99 9 8 71 7iA Mott 9 The Norman Sosius Undaunted UndauntedBy DROLL ch f 4 10G By Dick Welles Fleuron J H Wooilford 20711 Douglas 34 l12fast u4 ICG G 2 li I1 F Koogh 10 Gabrio Longfellow Birka 0153 Lexgton 34 114 fast 720 110 2 2 1i Il C Van Dn G Acis Wild Bear L Mexican 20114 Lexgton 3t l13fast 8320 310 9 5 3s 1s C Van Dn 0 Gabrio Oakland Acis 20061 Lexgton 34 115 slow 1910 110 G G1S334 2 21 21 C Van Dnl2 Billy Joe Salon Boh R 1S334 Latonia 34 113 fast 115 101 7 71S2S3 5 GH G4 C VanDunlO Oakland T M Green Lnria 1S2S3 Latonia 34 lllfast 13 1031 5 51S15S 7 7i 812 C VanDunlS Wiihite Bob Hensley Lackrose 1S15S Latonia 34 112 fast 5 303 1 1ROYAL 2 23 2 C VanDunl2 M Declare Charmeuse JLouI ROYAL TEA b h 6 107 By RiRht Royal TeeKyTce W H Baker 0993 Latonia 34 l13ffast 41 30S 5 3 31 I1 M Garner 11 Oakland Longfellow Sureget 26945 Latonia 34 l14hvy 2 110 4 420S33 4 2 25 W MoehiinlO Ladylanchita Felwman Orango 20S33 Latonia 34 114 fast 315 112 G 5 7l 51 R Goose 12 Bell Boy Rio Brazos Mallieur 20433 Douglas 34 l15hvy 14 111 7 4 fii GS1J McTagrt S DCarmen BillyJoe ConDliV4ry 20373 Churchill Gi f 1OS good 115 30S 7 7 G1 54 E Pool 7 Ratina Carrie Orme Oakland 20343 Cliurchill 34 114 fast 14 110 5 7 31 32i R Ilrquhrtll Cash on Delivery Ollagan Collo 0270 Churchill 51 f lOGslow 35 106 2 5 G Glj W Medianl4 Hawthorn Chartier BusyEdith 0199 Lexgton 34 l13fast 21 0 10G 5 2 22 25 E Median 13 Blackthorn Edith AV Bob R RBy MEX b g 3 102 By Mexican Eastern Shore F D Weir 209S3 Latonia 34 113 good 24 91 7 7 7 G o P Marco 7 BandStars ISIInsly Hwthorn 0325 Latonia 31 113 last 1G5 303 4 2 i 2J D Stirling C MarsCassidy Amazon DCarmen 20S13 Latonia 1 11 I2 D Stirling 8 CarrieOrme CaseyJones CKin 20557 Douglas 34 llG mud 101 111 4 2 11 I1 D Stirling 7 CarrieOrme Amazon Pennyrock 20492 Douglas 34 l16mud 95 107 3 2 21 lh D Stirling 10 Langhorne Pennyrock Bloiide 20374 Churchill 34 l33good 413 90 11 8 71 G83 R Urquhrtll The Norman Izzotbey Billy Joe 20312 Churchill 34 l12fast 10 93 2 2 2i 22 R Urquhrtl4 Undaunted Grasraere Colle ColleBy BILLY JOE ch s S 105 By Russell Ethel T W G Yanko 0532 Douglas 34 l14mud 4 94 G 7 7 71SJK Lapaillo 7 Bobllenrley DCarnien BKdith 0433 Douglas 31 l15hvy 32 107 4 2 22 22 W J OBn 8 DCarmen ConDelivery BDipr 20374 Churchill 31 l13tfgood 2 106 6 3 3s 3 AV J OBnll The Norman Izzetbey Intone 0255 Churchill 34 l13fast 7 105 5 2 1 Il W J OBnl2 Izzetbey Mex Grecian 0175 Lexgton 34 l15hvy 4G5 301 1 1 1 1U E Martin 10 Ollagan Ilocnir C on Dellvry 20061 Lexgton 34 115 slow 3710 1061 7 3 1S 11 J J OlJrn32 Droll Salon Bob R 19317 NOrlns El f lOGlast 31 107 5 5SUREGET 4 3 32 AV OBrien 7 LindaPayne FHeleu Estimable EstimableBy SUREGET ch e 8 109 By Woolsthorpe Luzelle J F Gaffney 1063 Latonia 31 l hvy 91 30S 3 2 75 G E Martin 8 Grosvetior Amazon Carrie Orme C99S Latonia 34 l13ysfast 4 110 2 220i67 2 li 4 A Pease 31 Royal Tea Oakland Longfellow 20i67 Latonia 34 l16hvy 121 IDS 2 1111 1 3l 2 A Neylou 3O Freeman Ratina Dr Dougherty 20813 Latonia 34 l13V fast Cl 110 2 220CJS 367 G 7 7 = 15 Ott 8 Mex Carrie Orme Casey Jons 20CJS Jons20CJS Douglas 34 l12 l12fast ifast 31 106 1 120c55 22 2 Gnt 65i B Ott i i LittleFather Ollagan Lackrose 20c55 Lackrose20c55 Douglas 34 116 mud 9 110 5 1 1 23 25 W Mechanic Clilllon Kins Ratina Manners 0529 Douglas 34 llGmud 10 10S 1 i 2 42 3 = A Neylon 8 DrDherty WBear Qtermastcr QtermastcrBIRKA QtermastcrBy BIRKA br f 4 105 By Solitaire II LUy Golding J Lovenstetn 0711 Douglas 34 l12lrast C3 111 5 88 4J 48 J Mc abe 30 Droll Gabrio Longfellow OG4S Douglas 34 l12fast 33 10711 11 11 11 3113 J McTagrll LinkFather Ollagau Larkroi 20358 Churchill 1 116 148 slow 14 112 4 C G G 6 G1P Ott 8 Reno Loveland Guide Poit 0304 Churchill 1 116 14S fast G910 110 122 1 I1 1 J McCabe 10 Marshon OSullivan AHt rndoii 0257 Churchill 1 116 l46 fast 3G 103 3 3 4 G Gl 551 E Iool U Threader BKoeiion IGennuill 0162 Lexgton 34 l16hvy 8920 1091 3 3 2l 31 AV AArarton 7 Aimee Lesli Rcipiirani Finaleo 20110 Lexgton G f l07fast 9 108 12 12 11 10 1017 T McTastl2 Amazon Gilt Edge BusvEdith MARTIN CASCA b s 4 107 By Martinet Cascabel F Brown 20336 Pimlico 34 l13 gool 16 10S 4 3 1 22 Turner ISriar Path Pharaoh Supreme 0297 Pimlico 34 l14fast 2C 106 3 2 2 ink o Turner 8 Monty Fox Patience WueMouse 0129 HdcGce 31115 slow S 107 G 2 1 2s C Turner Yodeling YorkLad LadyLoiidon 0025 HdcCco 34 llifast 115 114 1 1iOOOO 3 8JF Adams 11 Sleuth Silver Moon Free Trade iOOOO Bowie Cl f lOSfast 385311 1 11990S 1 3 21 E MeEweii 7 Brandywine El Mahdi P Leaf 1990S Covie 34 l14fast 13 309 2 2 2 321 J Metcalf S Vodeling Bnindywine Dakota 19913 Bowie Gl f 1OS fast S 109 G GWATERPROOF C S2 S = J Metcalf 10 Viley Richwood AI Bloch BlochBy WATERPROOF ch g 3 99 By Cunard Tinker C E Hamilton 21033 Latonia 34 ll5Jfmud 1110 KB 2 2 Ji I2 1 Stirling 10 Star McGce Dudf Sir William 0970 Latonia 34 l17hvy 325 107 1 1 I1 t U Goose 10 Kneelet Alkanet AI Lawrence 0895 Latonia 34 115 mud 3 103 2 3 42 4 = 1 1 Stirling 3 ° Talebearer Grumpy Freeman 2073S Douglas 1 139 fast 43 101 C S 8 31 11 30231 ylon 12 Greville IS Comber Freeman 15156 Latonia 51 f lOS fast 61 93 8 8 8 S A Mott il Sprudel Dundreary StCharlcote 3S122 Latonia fA f 307fast 312 300 9 11 11 9 8 S F Rohinsnll LPayhe BrhkMnrtnr Deugn 15079 Latonia Ci f l10 = tnud 10 99 7 G 4 3 32i A Mott S Langhorne Bus Agent McAdoo McAdooBy TALEBEARER ch c 3 103 By Marta Santa Cathay M G Thompson 0971 Latonia 34 llGhvy 175 102 2 220S95 2 2 11 l W Median 0 Blackthorn Oakland Wild Bear 20S95 I vtonia 34 115 mud 85 101 1 1111 I1 AV Mediault Grumpy Freeman Waterproof 17965 Churchl 34 lIGtmul 365 312 2 2 2 G 4 ° R Goose 12 McAdoo Foxy Griff Nobleman 17450 Douglas 51 f l07good 10 10 3 2 2 3i 3J A Neylon 32 Martinos Type McAdoo 17247 LexKton 51 f l07fast 125 112 2 2 2 2 2 F Keo h U Hank ODav Christie L Powers 14973 Latonia GJ f l07fast 27 3fi G 888 S R Waldron 8 Manioc StlieartSue ALwronee 11779 Latonia 5S l010fast 21 112 1 1COLLE 7 3 21 2 R Waldronll LMlcan Siirudel BKTnckcr BKTnckcrBy COLLE ch f 4 103 By Marta Santa Veracious AV Gerst 20915 Latonia 34 l14hvy 43G IOS 1 3 3 3 5 ° JK KobinsnlO LadyPanchlta RTea Followmnn OS33 Latonia 34 114 fast 115 105 2 G 4 4i 43 F Robinsnl2 Bell Boy Rio Brazos Mallirur 20771 Douglas 34 l12fast 17 101 R 4 4 2t 3s F Robinsn Maznik Iligli Private Gabrlo 0652 Douglas 34 l12fast 11 99 G G G 41 35 F Hobinsonl Casey Jones Edith AV Aeis 20555 Douglas 34116 mud 385103 6 4 G Gt G1F RobinsonlO Chilton King Sureget Ratina 0365 Churchill 31 lluinud 12 101J10 10 9 81 8141F Ronlnsnll Amazon ConDelivery CarOrme 0315 Churchill 34 114 fast 16 103 7 5 G 4i 4ci F Robins nil ConDelivery Ollagan ItoyTea