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FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds and upward Selling 20971 105 7 122 TINKLE BELL ch g 3 107 107il By Peter Pan Lady Gay J Butler il M3 Jamaica 31 ll4fast Gu 110 1 3 3 33 43 C Borel 7 Ahara Grnpcshot Andes JOS75 Jamaica 34 l13fast 41 102 1 11OfilS 4 3 3 3i J McTagrtlS DinsUi Do Outlook K Brysou 1OfilS Belmont 31 113 fast 3 112 G G20SOO 4 C C5 5Ji C Borel 7 Royal Martyr Broomleaf Holy 20SOO Belmont Gl f l20sgood 31 112 1 2 2 1 I1 J Loftus 5 DistShore SamSlick Fenmouse 20109 Belmont 34 l13 mud 10 109 2 21U137 2 3 3 31S C Borel t Moutresor Virile 1U137 Saratoga 51 f 109 slow 135 108 4 2 1 35 37 J Kederls 7 Charter Maid Rupica Stubborn 15020 Empire 51 f 107 good 41 102 1 1EL 222 25 J Kederls 4 Phosphor Miss Frances Vaza VazaBy EL MAHDI ch c 4 129 1292ttiOl By Voter Cassandra Marrone Stable 2ttiOl Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 20 120 3 320U91 2 2 2 31 G Corey i DHhorc Plantagenet SofVllcy 20U91 Ifchnbnt 31 l14sop 1X5 110 G 5 f C C iG Corey 0 Apple llermis Jr Lily Ornie 20000 Bowie 5J f lOSfast 41 lit 2 21HWJ7 2 3 3S 3J G Corey 7 Itrsindywinc MarCasca ILeaf 1HWJ7 Bowie Ci f lOSfast 0 112 2 4 3 Ar 2 G Corey n TKnight PGannon JBIlrell Dl f lOSJ6fast 4 MS C 1 1 15 44 A Schuterin Anavri Faithful Blue Jay 18112 IIdeGco 34 114 sood 23 7 S 9 C103H Troxler 20 Coy Grazelle Kliz llarwood 1S HclelVc f 107 fast 40 107 1 5 8 sn O1 Louder 13 Yorkville Useeit Prairie PrairieBy UNCLE JIMMIE h S 4 117 117207S2 By Uncle Catherine Carson T Smith 207S2 Belmont 34 st lllfist 133 112 4 4yaffl 1 4 41 4s K Dugan 10 Ainans Siipcrlinmau L Fortune yaffl Bclmont 34 l13fist 12 111 1 1is 1 1 2i 3 ° C5 Byrne r lie Will IluraUan Broomlear is fj Iimlico 34 l14fast 7i IflC 5 1 1 l 4 C Byrne 32 Joe Finn Dicks Pet Dohmcy Pimlico 34 l13fast li 10H 1 11S322 3 1 3i 5ci G Byrne 11 Bolala Joe Finn Undaunted 1S322 Iimlico 34 l12Vifast 13 NVIJ 9 9ISlfiG 7 0 Ci S13 G Byrne l Emerald Gem Irairle Crossbun ISlfiG laurel 31 l13fast 111 10S 1 1LILY 1 3 3l 718 f Davis 8 Belamour WWelles Loiiengriu LoiiengriuBy LILY ORME blk f 4 115 By Monsieur do LOrme Web of Fata H W WWarner Warner IOIS Jamaica KJ f 107 fast 12 313 3 3 3 4 i it3 t3 Jl Buxton 0 Palaminin Yadopecp Azyiado 2 iO 2 Jamaica 34 113 slow 7 115 1 1 3 C1 711JM Buxton S Alhena Suivrhunmn Minstrel 0873 Jamaica 31 l13fast S 110 S S3J 3 4 7i 111S M Buxton 35 Dinah Do Outlook Tinkle Bell 1 X7 Kelmont 3J 113 fast 7 10R 3 1 3 3i2nt7 Buxton 7 Forecast J J Llilis WaterLily 20731 Belmont 31 lMfast 8 10S 1 1 3 3 3s II Stmiter T Fenmouse Azylade 20C1S Belmont 21 113 fast 40 117 3 1 1 41 C511I Sumter 7 Koyal Martyr Broomleaf Holy 20339 Delmont Ci f 320 i fast 30 105 1 1 1 Ji 22 II Sumter 10 Ilurakan S of Valley Striker StrikerBy BALGEE ch h 5 120 By McGee Basilisk C W Gasser 20WO BlueBon 31 11C mud 10 llfi S 7 7 S3 G I Boland TO Goldenllume Gordon BlueWing IOtcrS BlueBon 31 314fast rid 113 11 11o S C r S S F Jackson in Itrisir Jath Dicks Pet Sleuth 2014 Borval o f l07 = ffast 7 113 S 7 fi Fell F Jackson 12 Sleuth Inquicta Laura 20312 Churchill t l12fast 22 113 13 13CJ S 5 C3 7IOD Boland 34 Undaunted Mex Grasmerc 337W Juarez CJ f lOCfast 5 110 5 7 fi fil 331 T Kice S linporsitor Seneca Mater MaterS 10C01 Juarez 34 lllfast 4 110 8 S 8 9 y14 M Garner 9 Manganese Seneca Lackroso LackrosoBy HILL STREAM h f 4 By Chuctanunda Burnt Hills F Feitner S2 Belmonl 21 st lllf fast 12 10 Left at the post II LafferlylO Aninns Siiprrliuman L Fortune rOC7 Belmont 31 st lHHffust 10 312 r rriy 0 5 72 7o II Lafferly 9 Striker Forecast Amans Amanst riy S3 HrloGcc CJ f 3OTfast 41 303 L t at the post H I ifferty 34 Tanto Silver Moon Stonchenge 39831 Havana 5i f I i Kood C5 309 2 23MG2 3 1 in H Lafferty S Springmass Belfast Sc Oaks 3MG2 Havana 5J f l17hvy 7 310 2 1 3 2t H Lafferty Sordello Peggy h Proctor 39271 Havana 5S lllhvy 4 303 7 7PLANTAGENET G 5 512 II LalTerty 7 Colle Shailracli Susan B BBy PLANTAGENET b 3 105 By Ofrdcn Mamie V7orth R T Wilson 1043 Jamaica 5J f 3 07 fast 4i 3f 7 C C2ffiOt 5 n r i I5U McCahey Paianipiin Ysulopecp Azyiade 2ffiOt Jamaica 5 f 107 fast 35 307 1 1IOSJ7 4 4 3s 2 = J McCahey fi DistShore KlMahdi SofValley IOSJ7 Belmont 34313 fast 20 US 4 4207S2 5 7 7 7IS C Watson 7 Forecast Lily Urine 7 7 Lillis 207S2 Belmont 34 st 3 31fast 25 7 0 G 7 C3 C7 C Watson 30 Amans Supbnman LostFortune 20 i7 Belmont 34 st l10fast 40 302 2 S 9 9 S12 O Watson 9 Striker Forecast Ainans 20390 Belmont 31 l13 fast 20 109 4 4SLEUTH 4 C G C J McCahey 7 He Will Chesterton Forecast ForecastBy SLEUTH ch g 5 117 117yutt By Woolsthorpe Espionage F Mannix yutt Bltielion 31 l155 mud 3J 111 1 12VC3 1 1 31 4i J Metcalf 10 Prandywine BifksPet AlCourt 2VC3 BlueBon 24 314fast 7310 313 1 1ltC13 1 3 3l 3 K Kennedyi Pviarlath Dicksiet MJohnson ltC13 Dorvil 51 f l07fast 3 312 2 2 2 l lj j I2 K Ambrosel2 In nieta Laura AI Court 20520 Wdbinc 34 l13fast 11 31133 31133W45S 11 11 11 3042 K AmhrosoM Yorkville L London York Lad W45S Wdbine 34 l14 fast 35 319 8 4 4201S7 91 912JR Ambrosel4 Patience Iay Streak Burwood 201S7 Pimlico 34 llC7smuil 11 117 1 4 4iXSl ri tl K Ambrose S Itrnndywinc TItasey DrChcot iXSl IIdeGco CJ f 107 fast Sj 107 S 4 4MAMIE 3s 33 E AmbroselO Ada Anne Colors Ortrx OrtrxBy MAMIE K b f 3 107 107y By Peep oDay Wantage H S Kearney y yj2 Jamaica 31 11G slow S inn 2 n niW34 S S131 McCahey S Alhena Superhuman Minstrel iW34 Jamaica r f 1S fast S in 4 2 5i fii 1 Mclahey 0 Prairie J J Mills Superhuman i2 5 Pimlico 78 120 slop Ci 103 4 4 4 4201S3 7 72 J McCahey 7 Corsican Boxer Faker 201S3 Pimlico 34110 mini 5120 99 2 3 320H4 rJ 7IJJ McCahey 7 FaUer Joe Deibolil Crossbun 20H4 PImlleo 31 l13fast 9 K 1 S 2i 2 J McCahey C Kewessa Volant Water Lady 2098 HcleGce 34 l13fast C 101 1 2 2HOFFMAN 2 3i J McCahey 7 JoeFinn FailHelen EllaBryson HOFFMAN b tr 9 H7 H7Lwll By Isidor Arrowgrass R H Gray Lwll Mlioro f f l01fast 5 112 11220STi7 1 = J Pauer DellaMack SMoon KMcDowell 20STi7 Mlioro i f I2rifant 1 10S 3i H Troxler 7 Cu Bon Inf Queen Peacock 20737 Mboro G f l2Ti Rood 32 115 115iCWW 42i W Manders 7 Regular Peacock Moncreif iCWW Prospect 7S 1SO fast 1 112 3l W Ward 7 LAiglon Racy Pied Piper 20174 Klectrlc 7S l31soo l 4 112 112202SI 35 W Ward 7 Madges Sister Oxer IledgeRose 202SI Pimlico 31 110 flow C 101 5 4 31 2 W Ward 5 Ihikota Ieau Pere Ilerrmana 13329 NOlTns 34 l13 = ffast 15 in9 5 5 42 4s M Mthews 12 York Lad Seronata O Tis True