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JAMAICA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Milo Milo3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 58070 112 3 02 02Ind Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtIIan 20034 Prairie 00 113 4 113X7 21040 Alhcna 58 114 3 107X7 20831 Etruscan 103 110 3 107 720 72021045s 21045s Grapeshot 112114 0123 715 21045 Ahara 110 114 3 112 715 10848 Beethoven 110 114 5 114 715 71520348s 20348s Mr Specs 113 112 7 110 710 71020517s 20517s Phew 107 115 5 112X705 20537 = Fuzzy Wnzzy MllO 115 4 1 21010 High Tide 110 117 3 luuUJv luuUJvSecond Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 74572 100 2 100 20770 Tea Caddy 105 725 21015 Prince of Como 112 100 110 720 21044 Lily Heavens 10 101 107 720 205 52 Kilmer M 107 101 100X715 20572 TingaLing 112102 115X710 115X71020S20 20S20 Favour M 07 705 705Third Third Raco 1 11C Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 45457 145 1 105 20533 SPEARHEAD 107 145 4 i 21012 OSullivan 100147 5 114 715 21010 Hermis Jr 100140 0102X710 21010 Pattery 110 147 5 107X705 20050 Ray o Light 07 145 4 105 705 705Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Newtown Selling Stakes Value 1000 10003vcarolds 3vcarolds and upward Track record 58070 112 3 02 20004 Pixy 114 110 3 100X725 21014 Spring Board 108 111 0 117X720 21014 Harry Shaw 102 113 4 113715 20753 Wanda Pitzer 100112 5 108x710 20233 True as Steel 00 112 4 113X705 113X705Fifth Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3vcarolds 3vcarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 20074 100 7 122 21015 Tinkle Bell 102 107 3 107X725 20011 El Mahdi 108 107 4 120 720 2078U Uncle J inutile 100 107 4 117 720 21013 Lily Orme 200UO Balgee 113105 5120X715 20782 Hill Stream 104107 4 ll Xr 21013 Plantageuet 1O7 107 3 105 20503 Sleuth 112107 5117 20002 Mamie K 108 107 3 107X 20014 Hoffman 108100 0117 705 705Sixth Sixth Raco 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3vearolds 3vearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 20074 100 7 122 20251 Gilt Edge 1081107 3 105 725 20500 Song of Valley 112107 4112X720 14155 Elkridgo 5 112 715 71517807s 17807s Carlaverock 108108 310571O 20875 Mack B Eubanksll2 105 0 112X710 10122 Col Ashmeade 103 107 S 112X7O5 21017 Miss McGivgle MIOO 108 3 1O500 21070 Gammon M 3 107 000 21010 Goodwood 100 108 3 107X085 21017 Peaceful M 00 100 4 115 OSO Mohonk gr e by Moharib Miss MissJa Ja jue 3 102