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LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA KY SATURDAY JUNE 19 1915 Eleventh day Latonia Jockey Club Spring Meetin of 21 days Weather clear Q rlKST ACE 1 110 Miles 3220 143 f 3 110 Purse iOO 3yearolds and up ward Selling Net value to winner 450 second 100 third S50 Index Horses AWtPPSt K Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiiulv Odds Strt 20084 BIG DIPPER wr 5 lOu 3 1 2i 2 2 11 I M Garntr JI A Colton 575100 20 84 = HIGH PRIVATE w 9 112 2 2 4 4 3 Z 2 U Goose WH Baker 00100 2 1003 WRYNECK wit 5 103 4 3 3 3J 4U 3h 31 K LapailleS R Grieves 3815100 2100S 38151002100S ACIS w 4 103 G 5 li 1J 1J 4 = 4 C Ganz C J Brockmiller 310100 10020 SHORTHAND w 3 991 a 4 G 6 G 5l Dl P Murphy 1 J Miles 1045010K 20305 PRETTY DALE w C IOC 1 G 5J 5 = 5 = G G C Jones J F Ueatheringlon 1415100 heavyS2 Time 1415100Time 25 50 110 143 l Os Track heavy S2 mutncls paid Big Dipper 1350 straight 340 place 200 show High Irivate S2 00 place S 50 show Wryneck 450 show E piivaUiit booking odds Big Dipper 575 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Hich Prl vale 30 to 10 place 25 to 100 show Wrvneck 125 to 100 show Winner showWinner B in by Astronomer Helen OC trained bv E T Collon Went CollonWent to post at 230 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BIG DIPPER was promimnt from the start and came away in the last eighth to win canlerin HIGH PRIVATE was hard ridden and began gaining after going tlme piartcrs but could not sret uu WRVNECK ran well ACIS tired in the last nuarter The winner was entered fur SlOOt im lil Overweights rAcIs 4 pounds Shorthand 31 V Til till SECOND RACE 58 Mile 00207 50 2 10 000 Added 2yearolds Maidens 1 JJJ Special AVcIghts Net value to winner 400 second Si Horses AAVtPPSt A V Str Fin Jockeys Owne 20584 HOPS w 112 14 U2 Si 1i 1i AV AV TlorR L Raker 20811 = BLACK COFFEE wi 10D G 2 iu 2J 2J 2 C Ganz E R Bradley IlOO BIG IlOOBIG SMOKE w 112 37 4l 5h 4U 3 = F Kcogh T C Bradley 730100 SOLID 730100SOLID ROCK w 112 5 fi G2 G 5l 4 L Gentry P J Millett 71ll 20J2G3FLEUUO 71ll20J2G3FLEUUO w 112 75 21 in rn 5t R Goose J Livingston 415100 J 415100J J MUKDOCK w 112 4 3 7 7 G 6 J McCabc J C Milam 8050100 ETHEL 8050100ETHEL AVELLES w 103 2 1 Gi 4 7 7 F Murphy W II Crawford 1135100 Time 1135100Time 24 i 49 103 Track heavy 2 mntuels paid Hops 030 straight 350 place 270 show Black Coffee 3CO place S1 70 show Big Smoke 350 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hops 215 to 10O straight 75 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Black ColTee 50 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Big Smoke 75 to 100 show showAVinner BakerWent AVinner Cli c by Hastings Crimea trained by A Baker Went to post at 300 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVou driving second and third tin ¬ sMine HOPS was forced baclr soon after the start and taken wide in the stretch but finished amelv imS won going away BLACK COFFEE set the early pace but tired slightly in the last eighth BIG SMOKE linislwd fast and gamelv FLEURO quit after showing a good order of speed Dr Moore 112 Ol f THIRD RACE 34 Mile yearolds and upward y JL O JL Handicap Net value to winner 57O second 112 third 58 AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Slrt 20083 DR LARRICK w 3 52 3 4 25 I1 lli 1 M Garner E B Elkins offi 100 2 1002 CONVERSE w3 12 11 1J 2 i 2 2 ° K LapailleW G = rst 150100 2018 DAVID CRAIG wit 4 110 2 3 31 4 3 S = J Kecleris 1 AV Schorr 1S 100 200273BRAD 100200273BRAD CHOICE w 4 123 42 4 3i 4 4 C Gana E R Bradley 175100 Time 175100Time 23 4 47 l13 5 Track heavy 2 mtituels paid Dr Lairick 1210 straight 400 place Converse 400 place no show mutnels sold Equivalent booking odds Dr Larrick 505 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place Converse 145 to 100 place placeWinner Winner Ch c bv Marta Santa Went to post at 334 At post 1 the same DR LARRICK stole into a long lead In the lirst quarter but tired and just lasted long enough to win CONVKRSE probably best was taken wide and finished fastest DAVID CRAIG retired after going a half mile BRADLEYS CHOICE ran poorly in the rough going O 1 l SO lOURTII RACE 1 Mile 14835 137 1 114 Thirty seventh Running Merchants A JL J O Stakes 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 2240 second 350 third 150 Index Horses AAVtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eouiv Odds Strt 20048 STAIt JASMINE w G IOC 5 3 5h J j ji Xi Ji Garner T C McDowell 100100 20983 BOB HEXSL13Y WB 4 101 1 1 2 HJ 2J 21 2k F Murphy E B Elkins 730100 2 1002 EMBROIDERY wit 3 t 2 7 G S S G G S II Stearns A B Hancock 2155100 20983BI1S 215510020983BI1S AND STRSWB 3 101 2 2 41 3J 4 3l 4l L Gentry E R Bradley 580 100 20808 GOLDCREST BOYw 3 SS G 5 3 1 3i 4i 5 K LapaillcJ AV Schorr 40510U 200G8IR 40510U200G8IR GENTLEMAN wn 7 102i S 7 G G 7 J G1 C3 I Ott J II Mead 11115100 20048 RINGLING w a 102 3 S 7 7 S 7 73 D Stirling F I AAeir 377O100 20083 LITTLE FATHER w 7 102 4 4 in 4 G1 S S A Mott AV AV Darden 1WO100 Time 1WO100Time 24 48 114 140 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Star Jasmine 400 straight 3CO place 280 show Bob Ilensley 100 place 300 show Embroidery 570 show showEquivalent Equivalent Imokmg odds Star Jasmine 100 to ItlO straight 50 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Bob Hens ley 130 to KJO place 05 to 100 show Embroidery 185 to 100 show showAAiiiner AAiiiner Br m by Ogdcn Star Cat trainid by G Denny Wint DennyWint to post at4Co At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon hamlilv second and third driv ¬ ing STAR JASMINE moved into the lead when called on and held BOP HEXSLEY safe in the linal drive BOB HENSLEY ran a good race and hold on well in tin linal drive EMPROIDERY closed a big gap in the last quarter BARS AND STARS tired GOIDCREST BOY quit LITTLE FATHER ran well for a t half mile The winner entered for 1500 was bid up to 2505 and l onght in inOverweights Overweights Irish Gentleman 3 pounds Rlnzling 1 Little Father 1 OT f i tQ 1IFT1I RACE 34 Mile 15120 111 110 Substitute for regular race declared JL V OO off Purse 000 3yearolds and upward Selling Not value to winner 150 150second second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt yv ii 3 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 21004 GROSrENOR 5 10S S 2 45 5 lk in w AA TlorT M Ilrjiry 800100 20U25AMAXOX 3l Si 2i 2 M Garner AA II Baker 105100 20080 20080SCARRIE SCARRIE ORME wr 3 W G S 5 li 3 = 3i H Stearns E J OConnnll OConnnllG1 415100 20098 WILD BEAU W G 103 7 5 G1 GJ 4J 4 K LapailleJ X Mounce MounceS 2000100 20008 KXEELET w 3 101 X 1 G S S r n D Stirling AV R MIzcll MIzcll1J 1700100 20098 StREGET WK S 10S 3 3 1J 2 7 G1 F Martin J F Gaffuev 050 100 1001S05100 21000 FEATII DUSTER WB 7 IflS G 7 7 7l S 7 L Gentry J B Respcss 1S05100 298OAKLAXD Wit 6 108 4 1 2 41 Gh S AV J OBnW G Yanke 1S05100nsoioo nsoioo Time 23 47J 114 Track heavy 2 mutnels paid Grosvenor 10 0 straight 770 place 440 show Amazon 350 place 280 show Carrie Orme 320 show showEfjulvaleut Efjulvaleut bookips MS grojsveuor 5PO to W StruipUt 2S3 Jp m iJatT 9 Q W tw AW zon showWinner 71 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Carrie Ornic CO to 100 show Winner HenryWent 15 g by Voter Bclgravia trained by T M Henry Went to post at 4157 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same GKOSVENOR was hard ridden all the way and came fast through the stretch but just justed long enough to win AMAZON ran well and stood a hard drive through the last eighth CAR ¬ RIE OKME acted badly at the post and tired in the stretch WILD BEAU ran gamely SUREGET and OAKLAND tired The winner was entered for 100 no hid hidOverweights Overweights Kneelet U nouuds l t A SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 10207 oJ 2 101 Purse COO 2yearolds Allowances JL VOTC Net value to winner 450 second 100 third r 0 index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 10JSl MARGARET N vn 102 12 33 2i 11 1 M Garner J S Hawkins 4t100 4t1000J813BRNEYED 0J813BRNEYED KATE WB 112 3 3 1 2l 2s C Ganz E II Bradley 0100 872 JOHN JR w 110 21 I1 3 31 3 = A Mott 1 E Mulholland 245100 2014 CHARLIE McGEE vu 106 4 o 5 42 42 42 F Keogh M Young 5280100 5280100CAPT CAPT REES wit 106 5 4 4 5 5 5 R Goose J C Milani 12935100 12935100Time Time 24 49 102 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Margaret N 1110 straight 50 place 220 show Browneycd Kate 270 place 210 sliow John Jr 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Margaret N 415 to 100 straight 75 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Browncyed Kate T to 100 place to 100 sliow John Jr 10 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Stalwart Lady Hope trained by J S Hawkins HawkinsWent Went to post at 511 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MARGARET N was taken around into good going on the stretch turn and wearing KUOWNEYED KATE down won In a cantor The latter ran well but tired slightly in the last eighth JOHN JR set the early pare outpacedScratched and tired in tho streffh The others were always outpaced Scratched 20r 0llaokie Daw 110 20950 Frisky 102 20000 Jerry 110 110Overweights Overweights Charlie Mcce 1 pound apt Iteos 1 O 1 f ± P SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 99155 142 3 U GOO Added ayear l JL VrOO Ms and upward Selling Net value to winner 190 second 124 third Index Horses AAVtPPSt Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt Ci09C8FATIIER RILEY vn 4 107 2 1 2 = 1 I3 VI I1 W W TlorR L UaUer 37o100 n ix sn iiM w 4 107 6 Z 51 3h 43 2l 3 J McCabe J AY Callahan 410100 7 7 C1 53 3n A Mott J N Mounce 633100 2031 MISS THORPE w C 107 43 lh 22 2 = 31 42 P Murphy A P Lowe 410100 8 ia RROOM FLOWER w 3 90 1 2 3h 41 4 5 M Garner J II Stamper Jr 500100 2 1011 RAOUL wn 4 302 3 4 4 f1 7 7 G = J Ott G 1 Long 1015100 20931 UEULAH S w 5 107 7 0 G3 C = Oh C2 1 D Stirling F D Weir 1495100 1495100Time Time 24 48 48s s 114 141 146 Track heavy 2 mutuols paid Father Riley 950 straight 520 place 420 show Sosins 480 place 370 show Hard Rail 420 sliow sliowEquivalent Equivalent Itooking odds Father Riley n n7r 7r to 100 straight ICO to 100 place 110 to 100 show Sosius 340 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Hard Ball 110 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Stalwart Usury trained by A linker linkerWont Wont to post at r 4 At post t minutes Start good and slow Won handliy second and third driv In FATHER 11ILEY was sent into the lead at once and after disposing of MISS TIIOUPE in tho first half held SOSHS safe in the linal drive SOSITS came fast in the last quarter HARD BALL closed a 1jg gap after trailing distantly MISS THORPE tired badly BROOM FLOWER quit The winner was filtered for 1000 no old oldScratched Scratched 20ST03 First Degree 101 101Overweights Overweights Kosius pounds