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Jamaita Entries and Past Performances for Monday June 2K 2KWEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST FASTFIRST FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Selling S079 112 92 Index Course Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St V4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish PRAIRIE b g 4 113 By Ogdcn Passan H T Wilson Wilson209t 209t Jamaica CJ f 1OS fast 73 110 3 11 15 I2 P Lowder JJLillis Scrlinman YEmbleni 2079G Belmont 7S l26fast 4J 107 3 1 1 1 2 2 P Lowder C Roly Dinah Do El Biod 2072G Belmont 31 lllfast 15 107 Left at the post W Ural 4 Housemaid KilBoy Astrology 1SGOS HdeGce 51 f l07fast 1S5 104 4 4 3 4i 2J J McCaliey 7 Usccit Isidora Coy 18470 HdeGce 34 l13fast 7 107 2 3 2 22 i W Ural C Emerald Gem Sherwood Ancon 1S451 HdeGce 31 l13fast 10 100 1 3 2 4 4T W Ural 4 Sherwood Crossbiin Striker 18420 HdeGce 34 115 hvy 7 100 4 1 2 Z 4DJ J McCahey Crossbiin Thornhill Undaunted 1S40G HdeGce 5J f 107 fast G 105 7 4 3 3 34 J McCaheylS Yorkville Useeit Azyiade ALHENA b g 3 107 By Star Shoot Bello of Glendalo J F Adams 21010 Jamaica 34 l14fast 1310 109 7 7 G 33 37J G Byrne fc Chesterton EtlianAllen Yodclcs 20092 Jamaica 34 115 slow 3J 107 4 420S75 3 2 I1 I3 C Fbtiicr fs Siiperiiuman Minstrel Coy 2 20S75 JS75 Jamaica 34 lI3fast 12 102 13 13 11 II2 8 J McCaheyl5 Dinah Do Outlook Tinkle Bell 20324 Pimlico 34 l15mud 4320 105 5 52C2S3 G 3 3s 31 C Turner Cornliroom Busliyllcad Mimico 2C2S3 Pimlico 34 l15slow 5 97 1 1 1 I1 1 J McCaliey Brandywine Isidora Nellie C 0234 Pimlico 34 l14fast 1110 105 03 9 S 2 21 3 = 3 C Turner 9 Ricliwood M Swood LTravers 20222 Iimlico 5S l0iysfast 2110 101 01 7 42 l t I1 C Turner 10 SWJohuson Rmarinc Deviltry ETRUSCAN ch g 3 107 10720S31 07 By Burgomaster Ficsole Grcentreo Stable 20S31 Belmont 1 l10fast 33 91 1 1 1 1 I3 I3 J Morys r Sam Slick Coin Vilir 20737 Belmont 1141 fast 7 109 09 1 1 1 1 li 2i G Garner 4 Saratoga Coin Gammon 20535 Belmont 31 l14fast 40 103 03 7 72C017 G 7 7i Gi J Morys 11 Dinah Do Sand Marsh Saratoga 2C017 HdeGce 5S 59fast 50 97 11 12 12 13 1323 C Hughes IS NorseKing Protectr NSImpiex GRAPESHOT ch h G 123 23 By Bearcatcher Coming Event W L Stahfield 21045 Jamaica 34 l14 fast 3 117 17 3 3204iO 22 2 J 23 II Cavanli 7 Ahara Andes Tinkle Bell 204iO Electric 5S 59slow 2 126 26 2J H McEwca 8 J B Ilarrell Faitliful SilMoon 20324 Pimlico 34 l15mud 4120 113 G 3 5 G Garr Rice 0 Corn Broom Busliyllead Aliieiia 19781 Juarez 58 58fast 2J 108 OS 2 1111 2 T Kice Imeiirator Roadmaster J Blair 19743 Juarez 5i f l05fast 4 107 07 1 11 33 45J J Howard 7 PZareta Kooienaj JIanganese 19720 Juarez 5i f 105 fast G5 105 05 3 11 I2i 2 J Howard C Little Will Cecil Manganese AHARA br c 3 112 12 By Voorhees Handsome Florry J Fitzsimmons 21015 Jamaica 31 l14fast 7 110 2 11 1 = I3 J McCaliey 7 Grapcsliot Ands Tinkle Bell 20906 Jamaica 31 114 fast 41 110 G G 5 42 4i J McCaliey 7 Xonrcddin D of Dunbar Vaza 20335 Belmont 31 l14fast 20 10G 06 9 9 S G1 7 ° J J McCaheyll Dinah Do Sand Marsh Saratoga 20439 Belmont 6i f 121 mud 20 95 4 4 G G 5M J McCaliey 5 Tliornhill Psumptlon Astrology 20010 HdeGce 34 111 fast 40 104 04 3 14 4i 5J J McCaliey 5 Elwah Eagle Videt 1S164 Laurel 34 115 fast 196 110 3 3 5 Gi 911 J McKverlS Meelicka UncBryn LightWing 1S092 Laurel 5J f l07fast 41 110 10 9 C 7 52 fl G Bgame 15 Dervish Carlonc Lconnine BEETHOVEN b g 5 114 By Broomstick Sans Pour Mrs R I Miller 20S4S Belmont 1 l40fast 12 110 1 3 4 5 Sii 4J J McTagrt C Guy Fisher Camellia Rnbinetta 20793 Belmont Ci f l20fast 15 106 06 S 77 C2 43 J McTagrt 8 Orotund DM Shore Ellaltryron 20730 Belmont 1 141 fast 4J 102 453 45320G5G 5 5 4 W Lilley 5 Chesterton Dr Duonr Jawboiu 20G5G Belmont 1 IMl fast 7 102 S S S 7 G1 GJ P Lowder S Rav oLight Orotund Robinetla 20566 Belmont 61 f l20good 30 111 1 4 43 3 = 33 V Lilley 5 DSliore Presumption Astrology 20309 Pimlico Im70y l4Gfast 24 100 7 G G GMR G C3 GJ W Obert S Locliiel Corsican Cliff Field Field1C MR SPECS ch ff 7 11C 1C By Woolsthorpe Jill Greenwood Mrs A C Blumc 203 IS BelTcr Ab5S fast 2J 15S 22 MrTWrt 10 Femnouse Otto Floto Culvert 20259 M Brook Ab 5S fast 1 163 G 5 2 23 Mr T Wht 7 Culvert Chopin Musknieloii MusknieloiiCG 20169 Kockwy 12 fast 73 ICG CG 2 22 = 1 T Wright 7 Culvert Exemplar Lokomis 17223 Belmont 31 l12fast 7 10G 06 5 4 44 41 40J K Karrick fi Water Lily Striker Conncmnra 17020 Belmont 34 113 fast 2J 107 G 4 41SS13 G 4l 32 G Fbtber 7 Connniara LTravers Perlhshlro 1SS13 Syracuse 31 112J fast S 104 2 2 21G7SS 3 2 2 W Ural 4 fine Flitaway Yeliow Eyes 1G7SS Syracuse 34 112 J fast 35 113 1 2 3 3J 3l C Bgame 4 Connemara Master Joe Frontier FrontierBy PHEW br m 5 112 By Bowling Brook Pagoda W C Daly 20517 Electric Ab5S l02slow G 110 110204SO 22 C Jackson 7 Anavrl Deduction Kinder Lou 204SO Electric 58 102 slop 3 110 3 ° C Gordon 9 Booth Madges Sister Woodsie 20175 Electric GS lCOgood 4 113 1132x1113 32 C Gordon 10 RoyalOnyx Remarkable Antrim 2x1113 Electric 5S 59 fast S 106 5 i Young 9 Monty Fox Faithful Pass On 20269 Pimlico 34 110 slop 2G3 105 S SFUZZY 7 G C7J II Hammer 9 Humiliatn LTravers Ykvillo YkvilloBy FUZZY WUZZY b g 4 120 By Ildrim Skirts Cleveland Stable 20937 Jamaica 34 l15fast S 112 2 21S3SG 1 23 2i M Buxton 7 Hanovja Yodehs Sand Marsh 1S3SG Pimlico 34 l13sfaHt 67 110 3 31S29G 5 71 7 ° iC Clement 10 TasSleel SliinibcrlL M Casca 1S29G Pimlico 34 113 fast 242 107 4 414G15 5 G 6i c Clement 0 DoubEagie SIiimberlL Azyde 14G15 BlucBon 31 l Gfslow 4i 102 7 4 41 45t J MoAtee 10 Amazomrnt Mockery Vnfldo 14434 Wdbine 34 l15fast 15 105 G GHIGH 5 55 3i O Ckmentl3 Loftus CobourgBelle Mirandciil MirandciilBy HIGH TIDE b c 3 106 By Sandringham La Primcra F E Rose 21010 Jamaica 34 lllfast 15 101 S 7 G 5iiW Lilley 8 Chesterton Ethan Allen Alhena AlhenaG 20 66 Pimlico 7S 129 slop 45 9C 3 3201SG 7 7 G 52 3i ° iP Lowder 7 Corsican Boxer Faker 201SG Pimlico 1 l43mud 9 107 4 7 G G10G 7 SchnappsG 710 710 A Scliufgr 9 Warlock Volant Schnapps 20133 HdeGce 5J f lOSslow 3 10G S 7 710S G 1J I4 A Schutsr 8 Danish Girl Vaza Muzanti 20030 ILdcGce 5S l00fast C 10S 5 4 49S 3 22 2 i T Rice 11 Applauder Gdwood EarlyRlser IS510 HdeGce 5J f l07fast 15 9S 7 7 5 5i 41 J Smyth S Egmont Sunset Capt Parr