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SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 4ycarolds and upward Selling BICHWOOD b g 5 By Marathon Europa J Hanlon 2100S ConBlit 31 117 slow 2X 108 3 7 G G2 3U F Cooper 8 Gold Cap York Lad Egmont 20940 HlueHun 34 llG sloW 12G 113 10 10209rj 10 S 92 421 I McEwcn 11 York Lad Gold Cap Ada Anne 209rj RlutIion 31 lll fast 12 115 12 122037G 13 10 9tioH L McEwoni Briar Path Dicks Pet Sleuth 2037G AVdbine 34 114 fast 3C5 11G 11 112039S G SleuthG 9 S 8s I Goldstni TBusybody OicksPet Bwine 2039S AVdbino 31 114 goodll20 11G 3 3 2 3 It 1 Goldstn 14 Dicks Pet Patience T Spirit 20231 Pimlico 31 11 leftist 315 115 5 4 3 3s n i McEwcn M Sherwood Alhena LTravers 2020S Iimlico Im70yl47good 316 114 4 2 2 3 S3 331 D McEwen 9 Cockspur El Oro Abbotsford AbbotsfordBy LADY LONDON br m 5 106 By Hermis Lida B W Smith 21030 Conght 5i f 109 good 3 109 7 5 S f i 2 1 Haynes 8 Colors Rosemary Rbilcctlon 2CMO Blue Hon 34 116 mud 4 10S 7 5 G 71 SH i Haynes 10 Goldeiillume Gordon BliuWing 20790 Dorval 1 143 fast 3 110 1 3 3 4 31 22 I Haynes S The Rump Baifron Gerrard 20611 Dorval 5i f 1OS fast 2 110 7 G GerrardG 4 32 I2 I Hayncs 12 MCaucer Rbieonll VStrome 2CG20 Wdbine 31 l13fast fid 109 12 7 S 71 2ii T Rico 14 YorKville York Lad Bcndel 20138 Wdbine 21 l14fast 53 112 11 13 11 13i 12 T Hayes 14 Patience Pay Streak Burwood 20129 HdcGce 31 115 slow 15 100 4 4 4 41 4i P Louder 9 Yodeling MnrtinCuscn Y Lad LadBy JABOT b g 7 100 By Ornament Tartlet J U Strode 21032 Conght 1 1S l5CV good G5 108 232 2 23 2i F Coleman 8 Fenrock Mud Sill Shepherdess 20911 HluelJon 1 11 209slow 3110 107 323 3 3i 22 R McDott Cuttyluinl 0921 Itluelion 1 l10fast 26 103 2 4 G 7 5 = S3 F Cooper 11 Cuttyhunl MftWmiBMgffiBSifl 20S2G HlueUon 1 1S l355fast 3i 103 1 1 1 1 1 I1 J lh M McDott li Mud Sill Font Beau Pere 20751 Dorval 1 11C l49fast 3 110 5 3 3 2 22 1 F Cooper S Valas Asa Herudon Ben Uncas 20091 Dorval 1 1S 157 fast 4 104 3 4 3 3THE 2 23 li E Ambrose 8 Sheprdess Electric LVXaudt LVXaudtBy THE RUMP ch g C 106 By Armeath II Renovah W Martin 21011 ConKht 1 11G 152 slow 10 u 2 2 220S91 3i 33 F Cooper 8 Raincoat Lucky George Kilday 20S91 IlueBon 1 1S l5Gslow 5 106 5 3 3 3L0790 2 22 2s F Cooper Purwood Raincoat Baby Sister L0790 Dorval 1 143 fast 2 107 2 4 4 2 lt 1 = F Cooper 8 Lady London Balfron Gerrard 2072 Dorval Im70y l47fast G5 104 4 4 3 320G17 4 3s 23 F Cooper 7 Ciittyhunk JHHton Balfron 20G17 Dorval Im70y l47fast 25 108 4 2 2 2 I1 I1 F Cooper 12 Autumn Louise Travers Zodiac 0403 Wdbine 31 lllVsfast GS 111 2 9 9SUPREME G ZodiacG G1 43i F Cooper 14 Patience Pay Streak Burwood BurwoodBy SUPREME ch e 104 1042102S By Star Shoot High Degree W Tamsen 2102S ConKht 34 l13good 4 Wi 1 2 22H 2 2i 1 J Groth 8 Mercurium Celebrity Schnapps 2H G1 BlucIJon 1 1S 15S mud 10J 103 232 2 32 4J L Hartwell 8 DMdonald JSlein Scpherdess 20921 HluelJon 1 l40fast 29 92 5 7 C 5 GI 5 A Collins 11 Ciittyhunk Bushv Head JalxU 20SG3 UliieBon 34 l14fast 19 104 9 13 10 101 103 J Connors 1 Broomsedw TiieSpirit K Worth 20482 Elnctrlc 1 1lfi lr7slop 4 10G y l Harrison U Petelus HHhisoti LoKealdy y33G Pimlico 34 l13good 25 lJ5 20291 Iimlico 34 l14 fast 100 103 DUQUESNE br h 8 106 21057 Conght 1 11G 153 mud o 110 3 1 1LMi990 LMi990 Conght 1 11G 153 slow 15 107 32 32207SO 207SO Dorval 1111 fast 10 110 3 3 3L074S L074S Dorval 1 l43fast 25 107 1 2 20615 Dorval 5J I l07fast 30 115 1 20574 Delmier Gi f l28hvy 4 113 G 20452 Dclmier Gi f l2Ggood S 119 19951 Bowie 31 l15fast 4 115 4 19331 liowie 7S l2S ifast 100 115 G 7 G 19S9S Bowie Im70yl52 slow 20 110 6 7 7 ZODIAC ch g 4 98 By Star Shoot Lady Vincent L W Garth U31 GarthU31 Coiight Im20y l4Ggood 21 100 9 S 10 9 103 10 E Forehd II Liberty Hall Ford Mai Galaxy 20731 Dorval 1 11G l49fast 4 107 G 4 4 4 43 G E Forehnd 8 Jabot Valas Asa Herndon y Herndony 17 Dorval Im70y l47fast 2 103 7 7 10 G C1 43 E Forehd 12 ThcRmup Autumn LouTravers 0617 Dorval 1 11G l49i5fast 4 106 G 7 7 G 31 E Forchd 7 Ciittyhunk Gerrard Beau Belle BelleUVG Fenrockr UVG Wdbine 1 116 l4SVifast 1710 103 2 4 G 3 G2 4 = 1 A Schugr 7 BlackBroom BoauIYre Fenrock r 015 Wdbine 1 11G 149 fast 11 103 4 4 5 5 2t 23 L McAtee 7 B Around Celebrity Abbotsford 09S Abbotsford09S Wdbine 34 114 good fid 109 C 4 6 72 68X A Schugrl4 Ricliwood Dicks Pet Patience 20005 Bowie Im20y l4Gfast 3 98 7 3 3 4 C2 6 = W Ural S RoilStone TIIaneock Blncas BlncasFORD FORD MAI br g 5 100 Bv Clifford Mai F Musantel 1031 Conglit Im20y l46good 8 10S 1 2 2 1 lk 2i F Coleman 11 LibHall Galaxy Lndyliiuocence 0790 Dorval 1 143 fast 7 107 7 7 5 G 5s 5 A Collins 8 ThcRiiinp LadyLondon ralfnm ralfnm1V746 1V746 Dorval 34 llG fast 15 109 5 33 4 3J W Hinphy 12 Kayroseros BWing Rnblconll 0643 Dorval 5i f lOSfast 20 112 5 44 Si S21 F Coleman 1 1 Brcomscdgc InDlck Sof Rocks 19991 Bowie 1 116 152 fast 20 102 4 4 3 4 Gi Ssi F llf Atee 10 Delegate TIIaneock LoKdly 19917 Bowie 1 116 l52good 8 108 C 5 5 4 42 410 F Coleman S RLnngdon Peacock TIIaneock TIIaneock19S39 19S39 Howie Im30yl46ifcrast 5 109 G G 5 4 53 5 ° 2 T McTagt 9 Shepherdess L Day T Hancock HancockBULA BULA WELSH ch m 5 98 By Albula Welsh Girl W Carr 21010 ConKht 34 l17 sow 40 99 10 10 10 91 51 E Forelid 10 Gordon King Radford J Karate Karate2UV3 2UV3 BlueBoii 1 l41fast 310 111 9 S 11 10 91 SiJF Jackson 11 Penalty J H Iloughton Elwah 20766 Dorval 1 l43fast 4 112 C 5 5 G 7 75 M MthcwslO Irishlleart Bogart LuckyGeorge C 17 Dorval ln 70y l17fast 20 110 3 1 1 1 4l 53J M Mthewsl2 TheRiimp Autumn LouTravers 20V6 LouTravers20V6 Wdbino 1 1IG l4SVSfast 27 103 4 2 4 fi 7 7 W Obert V rlackBroom HeauPero Fenrock 20as Fenrock20as AVdbino 31 111 good fid 10 n 12 11 12 1012 W Obert 14 Ricliwood Dicks Pet Patience 1W71 Patience1W71 Bowie Im20yl46fast 30 103 534 C 71 914iW Lilley 9 Petelus Col Cook Peacock PeacockBKAUMONT BKAUMONT Stellev BELLE ch f 4 SO By Ornament Pauline Deringer R B Stelle v 7 Conght 1 116 133 mud S 103 S 7 4 S 63 G15 J Acton 11 Beau Pore Cogs Durin DurinWO WO Conght 1 116 133 slow 8 98 S 7 6 S 91 11J5U Acton 14 Redland LSpirituelle Durpicsne JfS33 DurpicsneJfS33 IJlueBon 1 l43slow 11 Iffi 10 S G 3 2i 3s J Clancy 12 Louise Travers Bogart Font 20S16 Font20S16 IJlueBon 1 1S l31fast 15 97 5 3 2 5 6 G13JM McDott 0 C Haven Orpertli Cuttyhiink W CuttyhiinkW C8S Dorval 1 1S l5G44fast 8 94 3 3 3 3 3 2U L McAtee S VoiadayJr BSlster F Johnson 20017 Dorval 1 116 l49sfast 7 104 4 4 3 3 42 4 1 L McAtee 7 Cutyhunk Gerrard Zodiac 20r9 Zodiac20r9 Wdbine 1116149 fast 73 lor r 7 7 3 41 5 l M MeDott 7 Buzz Around Xodinr Celebrity 2fC79 Celebrity2fC79 Pimlico Im40yl46 Flow 413 105 744 4 C G53 J McCaliey 8 Baifron Canto Daingerileld DaingerileldWATER WATER LAD b c 4 103 By Watorhoy Blush Rose J J Lindsay 2 3 Conglit 1 1S l5IHfgood 43 10 8 S S S S S1 A Collins S Fenroek Jabol Mud SII 3jo SII3jo Conght 1 116 153 slow 30 110 13 13 12 12 11 O131 Smyth 11 Redland LSpIrituello Dnquesne 207S6 Dnquesne207S6 Dorval 31 lHofast 40 10210 10 10 10 S91 M McDottlO Mrs Me The Governor RPrass 217CG RPrass217CG Dorval 1 l43fast 20 111 91010 10 9 913JG Burns 10 Irishlleart Bogart LuckyGeorge 20717 Dorval 1141 fast 13 112101010 10 10 1022 G Burns 10 Love Day Bogart Mercurium 20120 HdcGce Im70yl IS good GO 115 71111 12 13 13 ° C Turner lS LoKirkcaldy Mycenae Claribl W HaeG lm 0yl4ttjfast 49 m U 8 9 0 12 j Metc Jf 2 BUKZ 4r9una 41 Plot Cog SORDELLO br K 4 103 By Ildrim Scrvilia Mrs J L Bryan 21057 Conglit 1 116 15G mild 30 110 637 9 9 10U Smyth 11 Beau Pere COKS Durin 20910 HluelJon 31 l16slow 133 110 7 S 11 M1 10 iW Obert IS York Lad Gold Cap Ada Anne 207SG Dor ul 31 l14fast 30 102 2 4 5 5l 4i J Smyth 10 Mrs Me The Governor RBrass 20747 Dor al 1 141 fast 25 10G G 4 4 G G1 9t = JA Claver 10 Love Day Bosart Mercurium 20637 Del nicr Gi f 124 fast 15 110 4k W Young 11 Lcialoha Eye White Leamcuco 20002 Del uicr 78 l31fast 15 115 5 4 G 7s W GarganlO Spohn Durin Swede Sam 20513 Del nier fi f l24good 12 110 2 35 Si H5 Knight GRussell Tankard CMcDugal 20451 Del nier Gi f 125 good 8 110 1017 C Knight 10 Euterpe Electric Hen Uncas SHERLOCK HOLMES br h G 108 By Indexible Orsina W Walker 21031 Con ght Ini20y llGgood 10 111 G 3 3 3 4 G3 A Schugur 11 Liberty Hall Ford Mai Galaxy 20990 Coiight 1 1lii 153 slow 12 103 11 12 13 13 12 121iSA Collins 11 Redland LSpirituelle Diiquesne 2CSG7 Plueion 1 1S l5G2ifast 4S 106 131 3 S3 9 L Hartwell 9 I Regan DMcdonald Shrrdcss 20SI5 BlueBon 7S l2Sfsist IS 106 12 9 11 11 10 = 853 W Stevsnir Redland Impiieta Burwood 2074S Dorval 1 l43fast 7 101 2114 CiJ 5E Forehd 0 MndSill VoiadayJr BabySister 20647 Dorval Im70y l47fast 13 111 12 S 3 4 7 ll F Coleman 12 TheRump Autiimu IxiiTrnvcrs