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Empire City Racing Association AssociationOFFICES OFFICES BROADWAY AND 70TH STREET NEW YORK YORKStakes Stakes to Be Run at the theSUMMER SUMMER MEETING 1915 1915JULY JULY 14 TO JULY 31 31TO TO CLOSE ON MONDAY JUNE 21 1915 1915EMPIRE EMPIRE CITY HANDICAP 2500 ADDED For threeyearolds and upward By suhFoription of 2i5 2i5each each Weightslo additional to start with 2r0 added of which SOO to the second and ti0 to tht third Weights lo 1 1e e announced live days hefore the race Winners after the announcement of wlfrlits to curry Ibs Ibsextra extra One Mile and a Furlong FurlongEy Ey Courtesy of Tlio Coney Island Jockey Club ClubTHE THE SUBURBAN VALUE 3000 A Handicap for threeyearolds and upward Cv subscription of each rO additional to start iiiaranteoil cash value jW of which 100 to the second ami 1200 to tlu tliird Weights to he announced live days lie fore tlio race Winners after the annoiineeimMit of weight to carry i His extra One Milo and a Quarter QuarterMT MT VERNOH HANDICAP 1500 ADDED For threeyearolds and upward Ity subscription of n oich 5T additional to start with 1500 added of wbicli 1 to the second and firiO to the third Weights to In announced live days before tho race Winners after the announcement of weights to carry Ibs extra One Mile MileFLEETWING FLEETWING HANDICAP 1000 ADDED For threeyearolds and upward Iy subscription of 10 each 27 additional to start with 1000 added of which 0 lo the second and 100 to the third Weights to lie announced live lays before the race Winners after the announcement of weights to carry ii Ihs extra Sis Furlongs FurlongsARROW ARROW STAKES SELLING VALUE 1000 For threeyearolds and upward I5y subscription of 10 each 1 additional to start Inaranteed cash value 1000 of which 200 to the second and 100 to the third The winner to lie sold at auction for 2C 0 If for less 1 ib allowed for each S100 down to ii0 Selling price lo be stated through the entry Ixix by the hour of closing entries on the ilsiy preceding Hie race The winner of a stake race at the meeting not to be entered for less than 20 M Six Furlongs FurlongsMELROSE MELROSE STAKES SELLING VALUE 1000 For threoyearolds and upward ly subscription of 10 each lii additional to start Cuaraiiteed cash value 1000 of which f OO to the second and 100 to the third The winner to be hold at auction for itOOO If for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 down to JfSOO Celling price to bo stated through the entry box by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the race The winner of a stake race at the meeting not to be entered for less than 200 200One One Mile and a Sixteenth SixteenthKNICKERBOCKER KNICKERBOCKER HANDICAP VALUE 25CO For threeyearolds By subscription of 25 each r 0 additional to start Ciianmteed cash value rJiOO of which to the second and SirO to the third Weights to be announced live days before the race Winners after the announcement of weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Sixteenth SixteenthTARRYTOWN TARRYTOWN STAKES SELLING VALUE 1OCO For threeyearolds Ity subscription of 10 each fir additional to start iunrantced cash value 1 K0 of which J200 to the second and 100 to the third Tin winner to be sold at auction for U If or less 1 b allowed for each 100 down to tOM Selling price to be stated through the entry hex by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the i sice The winner of a stake race at the meeting not lo be entered for less than 2700 One Mile MileWAKEFIELD WAKEFIELD HANDICAP VALUE S2GGO For twoyearolds Ity subscription of 21 each r0 addi ¬ tional to start Guaranteed cash value 2510 of which 0 to the second anil 150 to the third Weights to be announced five tliivs before the race Winners after tho announcement of weights to carry Ihs extra Five and OneHalf Furlongs FurlongsV7HIRL V7HIRL STAKES VALUE 2500 For twoyearolds By subscription of 2 each rO additional to start Guaranteed cash value 2500 of which 50 to the second and 150 to the third Weights 7 Ibs below tin scale Winners of two races of the value of 1400 each or one of 1750 to carrv Ibs extra of lvo of 1750 or one of 2500 5 Ibs extra or two of 2500 or one of 1000 S Ibs extra Nonwin ners of 1500 or two races of the vsileu of 1000 each allowed Ibs of one of 1000 i Ibs of one of 00 His maidens 11 Ibs Five and OneHalf Furlongs FurlongsDEMOISELLE DEMOISELLE STAKES VALUE 2000 For twoycarold fillies By subscript ion of O each 25 Additional to start Guaranteed cash value 2000 of which 00 to the second and 150 to the tliird Win ¬ ners of two races of 1000 each or a race of S15O to carry Ibs extra two races of 1500 each 7 Ihs extra Nonwinners of a race of 1000 allowed Ibs a race of 750 5 Ihs two races of 500 at anv time or four races of any value since May 1 ibs maidens allowed M Ibs Five and OneHalf Furlongs FurlongsFRIVOLITY FRIVOLITY STAKES SELLING VALUE 1000 For twoyearolds By subscription of 10 each 15 additional to start Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which OO to the second and HM to the third The winner to be sold at auction for 2500 If for less 1 Ib allowed for each 1110 down to 500 Selling price to be slated through the entry box by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the race The winner of a stake race at the meeting not to be entered for less than 2000 Five and OneHalf Furlongs STEEPLECHASE STAKES TO BE RUM AT THE SUMMER MEETING 1915 1915JULY JULY 14 TO JULY 31 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE AND HUNT ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONTO TO CLOSE ON MONDAY JUNE 21 1915 1915FLORAL FLORAL PARK STEEPLECHASE OF 1CCO For 4yearclds and upward Soiling About Two Miles MilesEASTVIEW EASTVIEW STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP 1000 Added For Cycarolds and up ward About Two Miles MIDSUMMER STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP 1000 Added For 3ycarolds and upward About Two Miles MilesADDRESS ADDRESS JILL COMMUNICATIONS TO TOSECRETARY SECRETARY Empire Cityitacing Association Broadway and 70th St New York